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Street Fighter 5 for PS4 & PC teaser trailer

...and this is why I have both consoles. Though it is also coming to PC. Probably will get it for PS4 though. I wonder if its simultaneous with PC. DR3 saw a PC release around 9 months later.
Worried about Capcom now.
Not much into fighting games but interesting that it's PS4/PC exclusive. Well probably until Super Street Fighter V comes out a few months later... ;)


Oh, really? You posted a picture of Adam Boyes as Santa. If that game is only exclusive in Japan, that's a pretty strange picture to post. But sure, I could have misread that, we'll see I guess.

Yup. Don't assume anything or misread anything. This Adam Boyes Santa pic is and old pic from last night,.


At least things are getting interesting again. Dragon's Dogma 2 exclusively on XBO would be amazing.


PC version doesn't necessarily mean moneyhat, Titanfall+Ryse+DR3 were fully or partially funded by MS and yet all had PC version.

However SF is big and popular franchise, so another sequel would certainly have existed without Sony involvement. So yeah, it's most likely a moneyhat.

Titanfall is moneyhat for me. Original deal was for time exclusive, later Microsoft put more money to block Playstation version.

Dead Rising 3 and Ryse are launched on PC later, not at the same time like SF V. (At least is announced for both PS4 and PC at the same time).



all i have to do now is wait till it comes out...

cant wait!!!


I seriously doubt Xbox owners care. They've already got Killer Instinct as a full exclusive.

And even if they do care, they can just grab it on PC, just like PS fans grabbed Titanfall on PC.

KI has nothing on SF. SF is the king of fighters (no pun intended).

If this never comes to X1, this is insanely sad. :(


...and this is why I have both consoles. Though it is also coming to PC. Probably will get it for PS4 though. I wonder if its simultaneous with PC. DR3 saw a PC release around 9 months later.
Worried about Capcom now.

DR3 was also confirmed to never come to PC, day one announcement is nice.


Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.


Weren't they looking for funding?

Sony probably decided to foot the bill. And being on PC also probably made it feasible.


Exclusives are good, it's so boring to see everygame come out in every console. As a multi console owner i like this.

Megaton if the exclusivity includes the west.
Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.
Where console wars are concerned, PC versions don't count.
If I was a betting man I'd say that Sony paid to get the development of the console version out quicker. So instead of seeing SFV in the arcades a year before the console release we get a roughly same day release.


Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.

It's great if console people don't view PC as a platform in their exclusivity shenanigans. That allows for stuff like this to happen. Don't fight it!


Saint Titanfall
Ono said otherwise

No he didn't. All he implied was that it would be difficult to make. Street fighter is far too much big franchise for Capcom that they couldn't make it in some form (your naïve if you believe otherwise).

At most they saved us from f2p street fighter or a much later release,
Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.

Seriously. Knowing it's on PC has given me one less reason to buy a new console, LOL.


That does seem to be about how this works. People are fine with it if it doesn't affect them.

I'm pretty much a PC only gamer now, and I don't really like anyone being left out.

That said, it's Capcom so they're almost certain to port some version of it eventually, otherwise something, something cutting my head off with a chainsaw.

Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.

Console war arguments tend to ignore PC as bringing it up only makes it harder to push your console as being the best.
Why are people saying this is exclusive? Is the PC some mythical platform that only exists in legends?! Discuss the console exclusivity all you want but it's getting ridiculous that people don't view PC as a platform.

Because it is still console exclusive to the PS4. And that's a big deal.
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