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Street Fighter 5 for PS4 & PC teaser trailer


Un Rama
HOLY SHIT. I just woke up and didn't expect this megaton at all.

I do feel bad for Xbox Owners (xboners) though as these console exclusivity deals are lame. It sucked when Microsoft done it with Tomb Raider and it sucks with this.


King of Fighters XIV exclusive

Microsoft wins Mexico and South America!



Not sure it's hypocrisy. Since the start of this gen, more people have a PS4 than an Xbox One, therefore more people are affected when it's a X1-exclusive than when it's a PS4-exclusive. Not to mention SFV is also PC, which wasn't the case with Tomb Raider.


If it is exclusive to the PS4 for consoles, then I think Capcom's management problems are far deeper than any of us envisioned. They seem to have almost no confidence to go in alone on any big release this generation. They would have canned Dead Rising 3 without Microsoft's support, and if they can't even be bothered to take a risk on Street Fighter V of all things without Sony being a partner, then the company really has a dismal future.

Dismal future? Really?

Well, even if it is 'dismal', it's far better than no future, which seems like an entirely possible outcome if just one of those risks turned into a flop without any insulation.
We actually don't know if Sony moneyhatted or co-financed this game. Can't speak for anybody else, but for me that makes a huge difference. So it's to early to get your pitchforks out.
in that case it would be a more Titanfall like situation without the lawsuit and viability of the project being involved (I doubt capcom to had touble financing or developing the game). Maybe the game is using the is using the Capcom/Sony engine (which mane's I scapes my memory) and this deal is an extent of that agreement.
Because you can play it on PC even if you don't have PS4/XB1?

Remember that one game that was "just Call of Duty with mechs"? You know, the one that was also a dick move since MS moneyhatted it, even though it came to PC as well.

I don't recall threads about this particular game going too well at the time.
A forum that has a lot of PC games isn't making a big of a deal as the bigger franchise being announced as an XB1 exclusive? I wish people actually thought about the 2 situations before saying this.

I mean, Tomb Raider isn't a genre standard that will see play continually for five or six more years. This game being exclusive should have a lot more impact than with TR. Except it's coming to this forum's favorite console so reactions are so juxtaposed it's absolutely nuts


I feel bad for people who bought that KI Fightstick. There's like almost no other fighting games on XOne for it.
multiplat fighting game exclusivity is probably the stupidest thing i've ever seen

unless capcom is that bad in shape which i doubt
Video is set to private?

Screenshots don't look very exciting, but I'm more interested in the character roster. No doubt there will be new facing, returning favourites but also who will we be losing from SF4 - and how many of them will be held back for DLC? This is Capcom after all.


So that's a Japanese teaser meant for Japan? No way it's PS4 only in the EU/US. Cmon people, Capcom likes money.
Shocking and a shame if it is exclusive. SF is a franchise everyone deserves.

I hope they make it upgradable from the beginning. There should not be four different SFV versions; let SFV exoand for years to come with dlc.


I bet you the Super Hyper Kawaii version will be on all platforms. I will personally wait a year to buy that one.

The worst thing about this thread isn't even the hypocritical "meltdowns" over exclusives, it's this post being recycled on every page by people who don't know what they're talking about.
The hypocrisy in this thread is awesome. The bias has become crystal clear.

I'll admit to being a hypocrite in this regard... if the game is indeed (console) exclusive to PS4. Tomb Raider's (timed) exclusivity was disappointing to me because I don't have an Xbox One, but I wouldn't care, if I had the platform.


I think is moneyhat because of PC version.

PC version doesn't necessarily mean moneyhat, Titanfall+Ryse+DR3 were fully or partially funded by MS and yet all had PC version.

However SF is big and popular franchise, so another sequel would certainly have existed without Sony involvement. So yeah, it's most likely a moneyhat.


I wonder if people are more angry that it's not coming on Xbox or happy that they finally have "confirmation" for all their assumed Neogaf "bias" .


for capcom, if you need a console publisher to help make a franchise like SF's next installment, you entire management needs firing

Not that I don't partially agree, but it's hardly just Capcom. Ubi EA and Acti have all shown themselves to love them console company fundings and Squeenix recently flat out stated external funding sources were going to be a big part of western (edios) properties
Yes, x360 was the defacto console. Afaik the PS3 version had a few frames lag compared to the 360 version. I think the playstation version will be fine this time around.

x360 was only the defacto console last year since MS supported it. SFIV was on PS3 every other year.


Yeah, small changes. Look at how Street Fighter 2 looked and played compared to 1 - completely different game. SFA to 2, completely different. SF3 to SFA, completely different. SF4 to SF3, completely different. SF5 to SF4...looks a whole lot like 4.

Now look at how they look during actual gameplay, not in cut scenes zoomed in really close. Can you tell me if you showed those gameplay clips to someone on the street, they could tell they were from different games? Now could you say the same when showing clips from SF3 and SF4?

I completely agree with this.
I want a proper sequel to look different from it's predecessor like all the previous mainline SF's did, this looks like it could easily have been another upgrade of sf IV.
Yours is a misguided argument to gauge SF popularity.

The best selling iteration of SF4 talled 3.3M

SFIV sold 3.3M on PS3 and 360.
SSFIV sold 1.9M on PS3 and 360.
SSFIV3D sold 1.2M on 3DS.
SSFIV AE sold 1.1M on PS3 and 360.

sf its not niche...sorry but no..


Sure, but it's pretty clear which way most posters lean at this moment.

Also, it is apparently ok to "fight fire with fire" *quote from earlier in the thread. Two wrongs do make a right.

When MS moneyhats their next game I can't wait to see a truce on this subject since it is apparently acceptable now.
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