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Street Fighter V |OT40002| it's been a Guile, but Urien for a wait

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Who's everyone's favorite top player? Besides, yourselves anyway, I know some of you are way up there.
I mostly watch Damdai as his playstyle is the closest (in spirit).

His footsies has to be top because he gets away with so much stuff. I still don't know how it works and how to start.
Haitani's Necalli was really fun to watch during FR19. I like watching Yipes but he's not exactly elite.

But I'm most excited that God Nuki has returned after his hiatus from SF4. The guy's got the old-school style and his exclamations are hilarious (he's like the Japanese Yipes on commentary).

You're right. He's got some damn cool dash tech I'm now gonna steal lol.

I think I may have asked wrong with this question tho. I meant more, who do you look to to improve your main.

Edit: Just for emphasis; Damn thats some hype Necalli play! I need to watch more tournaments


Who's everyone's favorite top player? Besides, yourselves anyway, I know some of you are way up there.

I default to Yuhi Hikali as the top necalli player, tho I don't know who he is in the scene. He keeps popping in and out of top ten, I can't help rooting for him, and studying his replays for advice.
His fondness for the 2hp hk stomp combo is interesting.
Alucard was my old fave, and god did he make necalli look badass, but he's a birdie man now. Still, I wish I had the balls to try those ex grab mixups of his. My word(Sweat drops).
Anyways, who do you guys like?

Mike Ross and Floe are pretty amusing. PR Balrog is probably my all-timer.
You're right. He's got some damn cool dash tech I'm now gonna steal lol.

I think I may have asked wrong with this question tho. I meant more, who do you look to to improve your main.

Nobody, I don't like to emulate others, I just keep playing till I figure it out myself.


Well my fast food is eaten. Dammit.

I can't stop thinking about possibilities with Guile man...

Since you can charge Flash Kick while throwing v-trigger booms still, flash kick traps. Or not charging so moving freely, yet activating v-trigger on reaction to a jump which the freeze frames should give you enough time to charge a flash kick for an AA. Man THE POSSIBILITIES.

Also RIP Flash Kick. Still mad about that. Somersau is only cool in Japanese.
You're right. He's got some damn cool dash tech I'm now gonna steal lol.

I think I may have asked wrong with this question tho. I meant more, who do you look to to improve your main.

Edit: Just for emphasis; Damn thats some hype Necalli play! I need to watch more tournaments
When I was playing Karin, Mago was really fun to watch.

I'm gonna throw my eggs in Necalli's basket though. It's gonna take me a little to get used to his shorter button range, and it's going to take a long time for me to learn to charge Berserker Barrage
Disc's Guidance
without telegraphing it.

Mike Ross and Floe are pretty amusing. PR Balrog is probably my all-timer.
Rog is great but he's like a soulless shell ever since he went away from Boxer. He seems lost in SFV, I can't wait for him to hop back on when Boxer drops.


When I was playing Karin, Mago was really fun to watch.

I'm gonna throw my eggs in Necalli's basket though. It's gonna take me a little to get used to his shorter button range, and it's going to take a long time for me to learn to charge Berserker Barrage
Disc's Guidance
without telegraphing it.

Rog is great but he's like a soulless shell ever since he went away from Boxer. He seems lost in SFV, I can't wait for him to hop back on when Boxer drops.

Yeah, eager to see what he does with 'rog. That said, he had some outstanding matches at WCW as Necalli.
When I was playing Karin, Mago was really fun to watch.

I'm gonna throw my eggs in Necalli's basket though. It's gonna take me a little to get used to his shorter button range, and it's going to take a long time for me to learn to charge Berserker Barrage
Disc's Guidance
without telegraphing it.

Disc g isn't as usefull as it seems. Overuse of it has been my Achilles heel since launch. So, I'd say you don't have to focus on it too much. You can always stomp a fireball instead.
Short normals are a big problem, but you get used to it. You learn to absolutely love being in close, lol. Except for grapplers, then you're zoning.
And be scared of mika's.
He is definitely shaping up to be one of my favorite mains ever, and the decent to high tier rankings are assuring.
How do you think your playstyle will be affected by an all charge character? From what I've seen you have a pretty rush down nash

I've mellowed out recently lol. I can play amazingly lame, just sitting back and throwing booms. Plus Guile can probably be played rush down too, I just need to learn how to always keep and manage my charge.


Looking forward to Guile, gonna be fun zoning impatient players with the same two moves. Here's hoping he has a great premium costume.
Man I feel like I'm no match for any decent Ryu/Laura and especially Karin out there. I use Alex and one tiny slip up gets them into a combo that takes half my health.
I've mellowed out recently lol. I can play amazingly lame, just sitting back and throwing booms. Plus Guile can probably be played rush down too, I just need to learn how to always keep and manage my charge.

Yeah guile can be played pretty aggressive you just have to learn how to maintain charges and hide then in other moves.


Looking forward to Guile, gonna be fun zoning impatient players with the same two moves. Here's hoping he has a great premium costume.

Isn't the premium costume... the pilot outfit? Or is the pilot outfit... his story mode outfit? Or is his classic outfit... the premium costume?


Isn't the premium costume... the pilot outfit? Or is the pilot outfit... his story mode outfit? Or is his classic outfit... the premium costume?

They weren't going to unveil him in his premium outfit. The pilot one is obviously going to be his default one.
Alucard vs Sanford on TeamSp00ky. Lmao Sanford's reactions are so hilarious when he gets his ass whipped. He just looks at the camera with this look like "you've gotta be shitting me"

Disc g isn't as usefull as it seems. Overuse of it has been my Achilles heel since launch. So, I'd say you don't have to focus on it too much. You can always stomp a fireball instead.
Short normals are a big problem, but you get used to it. You learn to absolutely love being in close, lol. Except for grapplers, then you're zoning.
And be scared of mika's.
He is definitely shaping up to be one of my favorite mains ever, and the decent to high tier rankings are assuring.
Guidance looks sexy as hell in V-Trigger though. It isn't a charge when you're combining normals before it, right?

I'm guessing normal DG is only good in the x/MK combo?
Lmao just had a Ryu player RQ part way through the match when he realized he couldn't beat me with this constant attempts at tick throwing.
Oh man..I recall watching this live. It was really something special. Thought he was dead and buried, but he somehow made a comeback. The look on his face when he won it was priceless.

I watched it live too. Man, EVO 2015 had some amazing moments. Duff City, Poongko and that one guy shirt off match, Uncle Valle vs. Bonchan, and the last 3 sets too.


Isn't the premium costume... the pilot outfit? Or is the pilot outfit... his story mode outfit? Or is his classic outfit... the premium costume?

Pilot outfit - default
Classic - story
Premium - ?


We know nothing about the premium costume. It could be anything.

They weren't going to unveil him in his premium outfit. The pilot one is obviously going to be his default one.

If Nash looks like a solider with his premium costume... I wonder how Guile will look with his premium costume.....

Any ideas?


Best Guile to watch in USF4 was Tsuyoshiyuga, aka Upside-down Kick. Incredible how many times he caught his opponents with that shit, lol.


GG's man! Your Mika is scary, lol.

GGs! Man, that was incredibly overwhelming, you are FAR above my level. Forced me to play in a way I never have before; I guess that obscenely deliberate pace is how real matches are fought. Was pretty hard to adapt, though I got into the flow of it a bit... ended up spamming the cr.HP and drop kick a bit more than I would have liked, though for once I did hold back.

I have a whole lot more left to learn. I couldn't even really tell in the moment just what I had to do more of or less of, you were just outplaying me. Nice Karin!
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