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So now that it's been a few months since Guile was released, I think we should talk about this.

What was the point of that crouch walk of his? Like, what good does it do except for looking funny?

It's slightly useful for cheesing the AI in survival?


So it's mainly about the psychological impact of having your opponent slowly crouch walk towards you when they could be walking. Like a scary taunt.

Yea. Once it's true potential is realized top 8 will be all guiles crouch walking on each other.
W/ diago meditating between rounds

Some next level shit going on.
Yea. Once it's true potential is realized top 8 will be all guiles crouch walking on each other.
W/ diago meditating between rounds

Some next level shit going on.

Footsies would be replaced with a game of chicken. Both Guile players would be crouch walking towards each other and whoever presses a button or flash kicks first loses.


So now that it's been a few months since Guile was released, I think we should talk about this.

What was the point of that crouch walk of his? Like, what good does it do except for looking funny?

Sometimes I use it when I feel my CC HP -> dfb HK -> Flash kick might whiff, to get a little closer while charging down. And like a glorified taunt from time to time, yeah. That's about it I think.
So I was having a nice casual match against a Boxer, we were going 1-1. It was pretty balanced and tense, you know, the kind of thing that makes a SF match interesting and fun. The guy disconnects the second I take the first round of the last match.
I will never ever for the life of me understand this kind of mindset.

happened to me 2 days ago. game froze into 40002 at round 1->2 transition.

So now that it's been a few months since Guile was released, I think we should talk about this.

What was the point of that crouch walk of his? Like, what good does it do except for looking funny?

maybe good to troll when you get a stun.


Anybody have advice on what to do after landing Balrog's super? People quick stand really fast and I can't find the right button to meaty. Lights are too quick.


Anybody have advice on what to do after landing Balrog's super? People quick stand really fast and I can't find the right button to meaty. Lights are too quick.

isn't his LP a 3 frame? idk how close you are to them though. It has a tiny hitbox right?


just played a rashid that did this unpunishable air kick and jumped all over the map. I beat him the first game, but the second game he got even more determined. I have never been so frustrated as I was right there. I lost the second game to his fuckery, and almost the 3rd.

How do you punish the air kick that he does off of a dash? is it just free?

sorry idk the names of his moves lol

I am Laura
Laura can punish Rashid kick easily with her front jump grab and any idea what's that Rashid name :p?


Laura can punish Rashid kick easily with her front jump grab and any idea what's that Rashid name :p?
Yeah I tried doing that, no dice. Nah I don't remember the name. I just need more Rashid experience, I rarely fight him lol. I think the MP bolt charge is the answer I was just being dumb.


benevolent sexism
Fought Alex Jebailey. Even living in the same state the match felt awful.

Have you ever had a match that felt good? What percentage of your matches feel awful?


I just noticed that there is a splash of purple in between the black and white swirls during Juri's EX moves. I think that looks nice and I think those black and white effects wouldn't look so drab if they weren't on every one of Juri's special moves.

Maybe the standard should have been purple/pink and the EX effects should have been black, white, and purple.


I just noticed that there is a splash of purple in between the black and white swirls during Juri's EX moves. I think that looks nice and I think those black and white effects wouldn't look so drab if they weren't on every one of Juri's special moves.

Maybe the standard should have been purple/pink and the EX effects should have been black, white, and purple.

Yeah, someone pointed it out when she became playable with the story mode. Her ultimate has a bit of purple to it.


What are some good crush counter combos for Balrog? My go-to dp punish right now is
CC cr.hp > hk flash kick > mp/ex dash straight

I feel like I should have a good combo for st.hk (considering the damn thing is +3 on block), but the crush counter spin animation ends up pushing the person our of ranges lot of the time.


Junior Member
What are some good crush counter combos for Balrog? My go-to dp punish right now is
CC cr.hp > hk flash kick > mp/ex dash straight

I feel like I should have a good combo for st.hk (considering the damn thing is +3 on block), but the crush counter spin animation ends up pushing the person our of ranges lot of the time.

For HK do dash in MK MP target combo v skill with kick.


Junior Member
The optimal version would be:

CC st.HK > micro walk > st. HK > cr.MP > some dash punch.

Yeah but the micro walk really needs to be precise. I've seen PR Rog use the combo I listed so I thought it was the more practical to use or at least the easier to start off with.

Damn, that's way too sexy for ESPN.

Thinking about it, besides Blue Mary in Real Bout, there probably have been more dick slips in sprites than nip slips (indie pron game scene excluded of course). Power Instinct series had a kid only dressed in a bib and Metal Slug had the monkey accidentally pulling out a "banana". It does seem something easy to hid in a single frame of the sprite. I know there are some more. It is probably something more okay culturally in Japan, because in a lot of older anime and stuff like Dragonball and Shin Chan they crudely draw the protagonists baby dick. Beezlebub is also another case since the titular character never has clothes on.

Do you have any issues running the game at a solid 60? I heard there are syncing issues if one side has a problem running the game at 60fps at all times (doesn't help that some stages have different performance issues on ps4, so it probably effects people on pc who can't handle those too). There is no benchmark test for the game before going online, like SF4 does, so there might be some players who don't have a consistent 60 and don't know it.


I think Im going to give up Ibuki. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle with her in every single situation. Just trying to get a single hit confirm into a combo is difficult to me.

*goes back to winning online with R-Mika and Cammy*

What has your success been like with her VTrigger? Once I started implementing some good VTrigger sequences that repeatedly put people in 50/50 reset situations, I started doing much better.

For example, look at this one:


There are two resets in there where they need to guess which side to block the bomb. You can end up on either side in both of them. Maybe people know to look for this stuff at higher levels, but at low gold people get hit by this the first time almost 100%. I agree she is really weak outside of VTrigger, but it's almost a guaranteed win if you get a good VTrigger sequence like that.
Hey guys, how does a necalli deal with a jumpy Bison ? I've been playing a lot with a friend, and he's discovered a jump game I can't really deal with, particularly when he's V triggered. Devil's reverse or whatever? Even if I guess right on the cross up, he's plus and i'm still at a disadvantage. Hp DP always seems to whiff, and lp dp seems to trade and whiff. And the cross up more than once has had a c grab come out instead.
I feel like I'm missing something here


isn't his LP a 3 frame? idk how close you are to them though. It has a tiny hitbox right?
Lights are too quick, and will whiff on their wake up, but when I go for standing roundhouse, they'll hit me if they're spamming buttons.

Hit box doesn't matter, you end up right next to them.


Do you have any issues running the game at a solid 60? I heard there are syncing issues if one side has a problem running the game at 60fps at all times (doesn't help that some stages have different performance issues on ps4, so it probably effects people on pc who can't handle those too). There is no benchmark test for the game before going online, like SF4 does, so there might be some players who don't have a consistent 60 and don't know it.

Actually thats a good point

if your machine itself can't run sf5 smoothly, you will never get a smooth online match
Lights are too quick, and will whiff on their wake up, but when I go for standing roundhouse, they'll hit me if they're spamming buttons.

Hit box doesn't matter, you end up right next to them.

If only there were an attack strength between light and roundhouse... j/k.

I don't know jack about Boxer and what would work, but with the way you phrased that, I just had to be a smartass. ;)

I'm 99.9% sure I never get any slow down, but without a frame rate indicator I can't know for a fact.

If you're on PC, steam has a built in one you can use.
If you're on PS4, I don't know about the issues mentioned above, but it certainly sounds like some stages cause performance issues.

All that aside, there's no guarantee your opponent won't be doing something to cause issues unintentionally. Running the game at less than solid 60, bad internet, connected over wifi, etc.


Apparently there's a new 1 round survival mod on PC that works after the latest update. I don't want to risk any Capcop shenanigans this time with FM, but I still want the colors for Juri and Urien, so am I right in assuming its completely safe to unlock colors offline?


Do you have any issues running the game at a solid 60? I heard there are syncing issues if one side has a problem running the game at 60fps at all times (doesn't help that some stages have different performance issues on ps4, so it probably effects people on pc who can't handle those too). There is no benchmark test for the game before going online, like SF4 does, so there might be some players who don't have a consistent 60 and don't know it.

I have a problem with having solid 60 fps on PC, my rig is:
CPU: 4790k
GPU: MSI 970
This is more than enough for SFV, but I've couldn't get solid 60 fps, it lies in between 58.2 and 60.1, even on medium settings
Still searching for solution
PC only..
if you want to know you FPS on Steam, click settings, then IN Game tab, in that menu you will see in game FPS counter, use the pull down menu to choose what side you wish to display the FPS..


Apparently there's a new 1 round survival mod on PC that works after the latest update. I don't want to risk any Capcop shenanigans this time with FM, but I still want the colors for Juri and Urien, so am I right in assuming its completely safe to unlock colors offline?

I think the colors are locked server side so I don't know if that's even possible.
Came back from a couple of weeks without playing, and I thought I'd suck so much and get demoted to Super Gold or something. Instead, I'm ripping holes in Ultra Gold people ad Platinum people, and I'm playing better than ever.
I have a problem with having solid 60 fps on PC, my rig is:
CPU: 4790k
GPU: MSI 970
This is more than enough for SFV, but I've couldn't get solid 60 fps, it lies in between 58.2 and 60.1, even on medium settings
Still searching for solution

4670k, 290 tri-x, 16gb ram; sf5 maxed out 1440p 60fps, only dropping with close ups of mika's premium costume, because of the shadow resolution on the feathers.


Apparently there's a new 1 round survival mod on PC that works after the latest update. I don't want to risk any Capcop shenanigans this time with FM, but I still want the colors for Juri and Urien, so am I right in assuming its completely safe to unlock colors offline?

I just ran through it to get the colors on CPT outfits.

Figured I was safe since I've already got fight money.

You can definitely do it offline. I did it for a lot of outfits with the old mod.
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