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just played a rashid that did this unpunishable air kick and jumped all over the map. I beat him the first game, but the second game he got even more determined. I have never been so frustrated as I was right there. I lost the second game to his fuckery, and almost the 3rd.

How do you punish the air kick that he does off of a dash? is it just free?

sorry idk the names of his moves lol

I am Laura
just played a rashid that did this unpunishable air kick and jumped all over the map. I beat him the first game, but the second game he got even more determined. I have never been so frustrated as I was right there. I lost the second game to his fuckery, and almost the 3rd.

How do you punish the air kick that he does off of a dash? is it just free?

sorry idk the names of his moves lol

The eagle spike/kick? It's definitely punishable but some characters have an easier time of it than others. Some characters can only punish with a long range normal, others can only do it by walking forward slightly before doing anything.

EDIT: Ok, as laura, you can do a st.hk confirm into v-trigger, walk forward slightly and do a cr.hp into whatever, or if you just don't want to take any risks, just do a medium qcf+punch into the stuff that she does. You might also be able to forward v-skill dash into a command grab, but you'll have to go into training mode and check.
just played a rashid that did this unpunishable air kick and jumped all over the map. I beat him the first game, but the second game he got even more determined. I have never been so frustrated as I was right there. I lost the second game to his fuckery, and almost the 3rd.

How do you punish the air kick that he does off of a dash? is it just free?

sorry idk the names of his moves lol

The one where he flies horizontally across the screen from the ground or diagonally from the air? Those are all highly punishable.
Birdie beats Ryu character-wise.

Personally I don't think Birdie is bad at all for Ryu, I think it's even. I'd even go as far as saying slight edge to Ryu rather than Birdie. Now if you were going to bring up how Crusher annihilated Daigo in those early SFV matches near the beginning of the release. Daigo has since then said that Birdie isn't a problem for Ryu. He didn't specify who won it or anything though.

I think Nash is Ryu's toughest matchup. A bunch of others he may not lose, but I find very annoying like vs Chun, Rashid, Bison, and Guile. I don't know how I feel about Rog and Ibuki yet.


Personally I don't think Birdie is bad at all for Ryu, I think it's even. I'd even go as far as saying slight edge to Ryu rather than Birdie. Now if you were going to bring up how Crusher annihilated Daigo in those early SFV matches near the beginning of the release. Daigo has since then said that Birdie isn't a problem for Ryu. He didn't specify who won it or anything though.

I think Nash is Ryu's toughest matchup. A bunch of others he may not lose, but I find very annoying like vs Chun, Rashid, Bison, and Guile. I don't know how I feel about Rog and Ibuki yet.
I think Nash is Birdie's worst matchup as well :p

At lower levels, at least, the risk/reward heavily skews in Birdie's favor.
I think Nash is Birdie's worst matchup as well :p

At lower levels, at least, the risk/reward heavily skews in Birdie's favor.

Nash is most definitely Birdie's worst matchup, but as long as you're playing patient and do your best to keep him in the corner, then it's certainly doable. That command grab helps immensely in this matchup.

I agree with Rice-Eater though, that the Ryu/Birdie matchup is 5/5.


Nash is most definitely Birdie's worst matchup, but as long as you're playing patient and do your best to keep him in the corner, then it's certainly doable. That command grab helps immensely in this matchup.

I agree with Rice-Eater though, that the Ryu/Birdie matchup is 5/5.
It's a low level thing. I can see it getting more even at higher levels, but at lower levels, the Ryu players aren't going to be able to put enough damage out to compete with a semi-competent Birdie.
It's a low level thing. I can see it getting more even at higher levels, but at lower levels, the Ryu players aren't going to be able to put enough damage out to compete with a semi-competent Birdie.

True. Ryu's will get frazzled by a Birdie just bullhorning or armoring through their fireballs, AAing their j.lks which usually works on everybody and being outranged in terms of normals. Not to mention the psychological impact of having your opponent eat a donut in front of you.

Smarter Ryus won't keep falling for these traps and will find a way to get through that defense.


The minute I hit the sack and start browsing on my Surface, someone asks for Bison.

Add me I always want to play.

I was asking for Bison, Birdie and Necalli these days and no one answered D=

What is your CFN ID ? It`s late here so I will add you tomorrow.


The one where he flies horizontally across the screen from the ground or diagonally from the air? Those are all highly punishable.
The one where he sprints then does the kick. He lands so far away after the block. I didn't mess with it in training mode, that's first on the menu, but is it just sitting duck type of punishment? I know it has to be punishable, but do I just do a shoulder charge or what? He was also jumping constantly even after a game where I sat still and killed him all by anti airs. So frustrating lol, haven't played anywhere near enough rashid. Just don't got the knowledge.
The one where he sprints then does the kick. He lands so far away after the block. I didn't mess with it in training mode, that's first on the menu, but is it just sitting duck type of punishment? I know it has to be punishable, but do I just do a shoulder charge or what? He was also jumping constantly even after a game where I sat still and killed him all by anti airs. So frustrating lol, haven't played anywhere near enough rashid. Just don't got the knowledge.

As laura, you can do a st.hk confirm into v-trigger, walk forward slightly and do a cr.hp into whatever, or if you just don't want to take any risks, just do a medium qcf+punch into the stuff that she does. You might also be able to forward v-skill dash into a command grab, but you'll have to go into training mode and check for all of this.
Watching EVO matches all day is turning me into a little beast on the stick. I've definitely leveled up since I started watching over the week. More aggressive and smarter. The biggest thing I've taken away from EVO is the importance of meaty setups and keeping on the pressure once you have the momentum.


Standing HK didn't seem to work. I think MP shoulder charge (bolt charge) could maybe do it. I am in bed now and will check tomorrow. I think I just got frustrated by his constant jumping backwards, eleven after punishing him for it he would still do it.

Man I'm still salty af.
Watching EVO matches all day is turning me into a little beast on the stick. I've definitely leveled up since I started watching over the week. More aggressive and smarter. The biggest thing I've taken away from EVO is the importance of meaty setups and keeping on the pressure once you have the momentum.

That's gotta be rough with that low tier character you play. Kappa.

I need to work on meaty setups as well. Not that that is holding me down where I am trying to rank up, but everything helps.
Standing HK didn't seem to work. I think MP shoulder charge (bolt charge) could maybe do it. I am in bed now and will check tomorrow. I think I just got frustrated by his constant jumping backwards, eleven after punishing him for it he would still do it.

Man I'm still salty af.
I know how you feel bro, Rashid is an annoying matchup when you don't have experience against him.

Once faced a Rashid who just kept spamming cr.hp. Even when I checked the frame data, realized it was -3 on block and started punishing him for it, he STILL kept doing it.

Rashid players are just annoying. (Sorry Mr. Valle)
Normal survival is hell. Those last 2 or 3 matches are almost impossible.
Are there specific characters that can screw with the computer and make those fights easier?
I've done Ryu, Ken and Cammy. Can't do it with anyone else.

Just use Dhalsim and spam HP and HK from a distant. the AI are stupid and yes it work with Necali and Bison. I did yesterday, first try too


I know how you feel bro, Rashid is an annoying matchup when you don't have experience against him.

Once faced a Rashid who just kept spamming cr.hp. Even when I checked the frame data, realized it was -3 on block and started punishing him for it, he STILL kept doing it.

Rashid players are just annoying. (Sorry Mr. Valle)
They are. He's next on my list of characters to learn.
That's gotta be rough with that low tier character you play. Kappa.

I need to work on meaty setups as well. Not that that is holding me down where I am trying to rank up, but everything helps.
True. Ryu's will get frazzled by a Birdie just bullhorning or armoring through their fireballs, AAing their j.lks which usually works on everybody and being outranged in terms of normals. Not to mention the psychological impact of having your opponent eat a donut in front of you.

Smarter Ryus won't keep falling for these traps and will find a way to get through that defense.

I play the match up by staying outside of Birdie's superior range and peppering him with fireballs and react to the dolphin dive and chain with parry. Ryu can punish both that charge attack and the belly dive move. Another cool thing is that Birdie can't do jab strings against Ryu. He can parry it and punish with st. LK > EX fireball/tatsu. It's kind of hard to do and it's also something I wouldn't want to show off until I need it though.

I'm not saying Ryu bodies Birdie. But discovering all these little things have changed my mind about the match up. Before I was like everybody else and just said 6-4 Birdie because I saw Daigo get annihilated by Crusher.
I play the match up by staying outside of Birdie's superior range and peppering him with fireballs and react to the dolphin dive and chain with parry. Ryu can punish both that charge attack and the belly dive move. Another cool thing is that Birdie can't do jab strings against Ryu. He can parry it and punish with st. LK > EX fireball/tatsu. Obviously that's not a trick I want to show off until I need it though.

I'm not saying Ryu bodies Birdie. But discovering all these little things have changed my mind about the match up. Before I was like everybody else and just said 6-4 Birdie because I saw Daigo get annihilated by Crusher.
Personally I keep walking the Ryu to the corner, using my bullhorn or ex chain or ex dolphin dive depending on the range to get through the fireball. Once they're in the corner, their options become severely limited, an issue that Nash doesn't necessarily have which is why I think he's one of Birdie's toughest matchups.

Of course if a Ryu has proven that he can parry my strings, then I stop being predictable with my normals. Still though, imo the matchup is 5/5. Maybe 6/4 in favor of Birdie at BEST.

EDIT: One thing that playing against Ryu has taught me is that you really need to play very patiently as Birdie if you want to win in a lot of matchups. Playing yolo style or taking unnecessary risks might win you a match, but it won't win you a 2/3 or 3/5.
Standing HK didn't seem to work. I think MP shoulder charge (bolt charge) could maybe do it. I am in bed now and will check tomorrow. I think I just got frustrated by his constant jumping backwards, eleven after punishing him for it he would still do it.

Man I'm still salty af.

That's gotta be rough with that low tier character you play. Kappa.

I need to work on meaty setups as well. Not that that is holding me down where I am trying to rank up, but everything helps.

MP shoulder should work for sure.

Also try fwd HP. It works frame wise but won't reach at max spacing. It seems to me like Rashid can't really get that max spacing if you don't walk backwards during his run though, but I'm not sure.


Nash is most definitely Birdie's worst matchup, but as long as you're playing patient and do your best to keep him in the corner, then it's certainly doable. That command grab helps immensely in this matchup.

I agree with Rice-Eater though, that the Ryu/Birdie matchup is 5/5.
I dunno. I think Guile/Birdie is like 8-2 (EDIT: Not literally 8-2; more like 7-3). That shit is NOT fun. I did get smoked by LI Joe's Nash at CEO, but I've never played a Nash with spacing as good as his. It was insane the little things that he would do that other Nashes don't do. I had no chance against him, whereas I feel like I could've beat Chris T (the only other guy I lost to).
I play the match up by staying outside of Birdie's superior range and peppering him with fireballs and react to the dolphin dive and chain with parry. Ryu can punish both that charge attack and the belly dive move. Another cool thing is that Birdie can't do jab strings against Ryu. He can parry it and punish with st. LK > EX fireball/tatsu. It's kind of hard to do and it's also something I wouldn't want to show off until I need it though.

I'm not saying Ryu bodies Birdie. But discovering all these little things have changed my mind about the match up. Before I was like everybody else and just said 6-4 Birdie because I saw Daigo get annihilated by Crusher.
I agree that Ryu/Birdie is like 6-4 Ryu or at least 5.5/4.5. I think we were supposed to play a while back, but I've been so busy with school. Hope we can get some games in soon (although I have tests coming up on Monday and Tuesday lol). I haven't played a thinking Ryu in a while, so I'd have to come up with some new ideas with the matchup, but I'm curious to see how you play it.


Birdie's in a position to get a lot better in higher level play even if he's not changed much, simply because Ryu/Nash/Chun are all likely going to get shaved down some.

Given how annoying the Nash matchup is, the Guile matchup being a pain as well makes sense.
I agree that Ryu/Birdie is like 6-4 Ryu or at least 5.5/4.5. I think we were supposed to play a while back, but I've been so busy with school. Hope we can get some games in soon (although I have tests coming up on Monday and Tuesday lol). I haven't played a thinking Ryu in a while, so I'd have to come up with some new ideas with the matchup, but I'm curious to see how you play it.

I think we just have never been on at the same time or didn't notice each other were on at the same time. As for me, I'll be honest I'm kind of crazy myself. I like to play gimmicky and make more some risky reads.
I dunno. I think Guile/Birdie is like 8-2 (EDIT: Not literally 8-2; more like 7-3). That shit is NOT fun. I did get smoked by LI Joe's Nash at CEO, but I've never played a Nash with spacing as good as his. It was insane the little things that he would do that other Nashes don't do. I had no chance against him, whereas I feel like I could've beat Chris T (the only other guy I lost to).
The thing about Nash as compared to Guile is that you can get through Guile's stuff with good reads and solid blocks. Once you manage to walk him to the corner, life becomes a lot easier.

Nash's hit and run style combined with his mobility makes it extremely difficult to punish him and the corner carry which is usually effective isn't so good against him.

Just basing this off of my own experience though.


I think we just have never been on at the same time or didn't notice each other were on at the same time. As for me, I'll be honest I'm kind of crazy myself. I like to play gimmicky and make more some risky reads.
Haha I think my mind was blown when I last played you. Couldn't figure out what was going on. As a Birdie player, I have my share of gimmicks too though lol. Anyway, mind PMing me your PSN? I don't think I got a chance to add you last time I asked. Or I can PM you mine if that would be better.
The thing about Nash as compared to Guile is that you can get through Guile's stuff with good reads and solid blocks. Once you manage to walk him to the corner, life becomes a lot easier.

Nash's hit and run style combined with his mobility makes it extremely difficult to punish him and the corner carry which is usually effective isn't so good against him.

Just basing this off of my own experience though.
Fair enough. They're definitely different. I find it a lot harder to get through Guile though. He has better tools to keep a character like Birdie out and he can just follow his booms to get better spacing. I have a fairly high win rate against most Nashes that I play even though I acknowledge the matchup is bad. I think a lot of my wins are due to the Nash player's bad habits though.


I think Im going to give up Ibuki. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle with her in every single situation. Just trying to get a single hit confirm into a combo is difficult to me.

*goes back to winning online with R-Mika and Cammy*
I think Im going to give up Ibuki. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle with her in every single situation. Just trying to get a single hit confirm into a combo is difficult to me.

*goes back to winning online with R-Mika and Cammy*

You should try fighting Rapid Cancel before you call it a quits. He's got me believing the character's high tier lol.
I think Im going to give up Ibuki. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle with her in every single situation. Just trying to get a single hit confirm into a combo is difficult to me.

*goes back to winning online with R-Mika and Cammy*

That's such a weird combo.
You should try fighting Rapid Cancel before you call it a quits. He's got me believing the character's high tier lol.

He put that good ship lollipop on you didn't he? I've been there.

Before I caught on to him and evened things out a little, I had to remind myself that he is just a man.
He put that good ship lollipop on you didn't he? I've been there.

Before I caught on to him and evened things out a little, I had to remind myself that he is just a man.

I think I was getting the slight hang of it there, but boy. Also, I've always felt ambigous Cross ups were going to be a major facter in the high tiers of this game.
I think Ibuki's got a lot of potential.


I think Im going to give up Ibuki. I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle with her in every single situation. Just trying to get a single hit confirm into a combo is difficult to me.

Thats how I feel, Ibuki is a nightmare for me, I'm not a fast enough for her ;(
I think I was getting the slight hang of it there, but boy. Also, I've always felt ambigous Cross ups were going to be a major facter in the high tiers of this game.
I think Ibuki's got a lot of potential.

I think she does. As of right now though, I'm blowing Ibukis up left and right but having a 50/50 experience with Balrog. I thought it would be the opposite or worse. When I saw Ibuki's trailer, I was kind of dreading her release. She looked insane but for me at least anyway, so far she is very manageable and easy to contain.


I have thought about getting a HitBox sometime, maybe this christmas or something. I think I would be a lot more effective. I have a hard time dashing with a stick to do combos that require it. I do fine for normal stage movement and getting in someones face, but being precise for combos that require a dash between hits I mess it up a lot. Being able to just hit the forward button twice would be so sweet.

Yeah I've never tried inputting motions with buttons (or keys as it were) until last night. The game was done downloading, so I wanted to fire it up, get my settings locked in, and register my CFN ID. I completely forgot that you're put into that tutorial on first boot so I didn't think to plug in a stick/controller. Decided to just fly through it with the keyboard to get it out of the way and was taken aback by how natural and precise everything felt. I ended up going into training for a couple minutes just to screw around with it some more.

Thank you kindly.


So I was having a nice casual match against a Boxer, we were going 1-1. It was pretty balanced and tense, you know, the kind of thing that makes a SF match interesting and fun. The guy disconnects the second I take the first round of the last match.
I will never ever for the life of me understand this kind of mindset.

Hyun Sai

So I was having a nice casual match against a Boxer, we were going 1-1. It was pretty balanced and tense, you know, the kind of thing that makes a SF match interesting and fun. The guy disconnects the second I take the first round of the last match.
I will never ever for the life of me understand this kind of mindset.

If it was the first round, that may be an accidental disconnect.
Just when he takes the final blow ? I don't believe that for a second, unfortunately.
Shit happens sometimes. I remember my internet once crapped out the second I won a ranked match. Guy probably thought I was sparing him the points loss or sending some kind of message.


Yeah I'm going with Occam's razor on this one. It doesn't matter as it was casuals, but it makes it all the more ridiculous.
So now that it's been a few months since Guile was released, I think we should talk about this.

What was the point of that crouch walk of his? Like, what good does it do except for looking funny?
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