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Deleted member 77995

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Another PC SFV question: can you use PS4 sticks without a third party app?

Madcatz has drivers on their website for the TE2+ fightstick as well as other sticks in their lineup.

I personally plan on purchasing the TE2+ after my next paycheck to start using for PC/PS4 so I've since stopped playing to keep as much of a blank slate as possible (I are noob).


I mean, one would think Capcom would try to block that considering someone could just rip the premium costumes they sell and mod into their games.

Flash as Rashid and Deadpool as Ken is just too good to resist.

Yeah but others wouldn't see your costume that way which I feel like is half the fun of having a different costume, styling on your opponent with a classy or whatever outfit.
I've been bumping into a ton of Alexs lately. Definitely throws a wrench in my Necalli, though that could be due to not playing too many.

That CA hurts Necalli's normals tho, XD


I love how easy and how many ways you can convert Juri's combos to her Critical Art. It is kind of boring as far as spectacle goes but I like how many applications it has. It will be nice to have a CA that is easier to hit confirm with unlike what I'm used to with R. Mika's where it can be a little awkward to confirm with.
They still haven't address the problems with SFV's netcode.

That's a tall order. Remember MvC3 where they were supposed to add spectator mode and then didn't until they made UMvC3 and put it in there?

Or when NRS put in GGPO, but only put it in MKXL on consoles?

Yeah, not expecting any major fixes.

ibuki is kinda annoying as guile. if i don't lame it out she will stuff my shit close up and show me her teeth. feels like i'm constantly moving backwards.

that's a good point. too bad this stuff is so expensive. i checked the eu store and people gave the cpt pack 5 stars :eek: what will dissappear after the sales period. just the colors or the stage as well? or was it just the whole pack bonus?

I'm pretty sure it's just going to disappear. All of it. The $10 stage, the $6 chun/cammy costumes, and the $25 PS4 only bundle that has the extra titles and EX2 colors.

Holy crap Kanzuki Beach needs a change in the lighting. I cannot see Chun-Li's legs when wearing all white with her pre order costume

I think there's a mod for that.
I love how easy and how many ways you can convert Juri's combos to her Critical Art. It is kind of boring as far as spectacle goes but I like how many applications it has. It will be nice to have a CA that is easier to hit confirm with unlike what I'm used to with R. Mika's where it can be a little awkward to confirm with.

No matter how bombastic her CA could've been, you still would have been bored of seeing it after a month.

Might as well cut out the middleman at this point.
I still like seeing Ibuki's. :(
I don't like Naruto Ibuki.

Also, just to add to complaints: Balrog's V-Trigger aura should have been black & white (for his love of money) instead of Juri's, and Juri's should have been purple.

Guile's should have been red, white and blue.
Holy crap Kanzuki Beach needs a change in the lighting. I cannot see Chun-Li's legs when wearing all white with her pre order costume

Are you serious?
Are you saying you can't see a difference between her legs and her outfit here?

Cause that would mean your screen is just horribly calibrated
The lightest part of her outfit is #fffef5 or RGB 255,254,245 which is nearly white.
The lighest part of her skin is near her ankles which is #fcedc2 or RGB 252,237,194, which is cream/bone.

If you can't see the distinct edges, your brightness is far too high and your colours/gamma are all out of wack.


Ds4windows is pretty amazing though, don't let it deter you.

I know. I've used it plenty. My OCD just prefers streamlined processes. :)

Madcatz has drivers on their website for the TE2+ fightstick as well as other sticks in their lineup.

I personally plan on purchasing the TE2+ after my next paycheck to start using for PC/PS4 so I've since stopped playing to keep as much of a blank slate as possible (I are noob).

Oh cool... thanks!
I don't like Naruto Ibuki.

Also, just to add to complaints: Balrog's V-Trigger aura should have been black & white (for his love of money) instead of Juri's, and Juri's should have been purple.

Guile's should have been red, white and blue.
Black and white is the color of money?

Xeteh, what are you doing right now?


Woah... I can totally see why some play on a keyboard or Hitbox.

I have thought about getting a HitBox sometime, maybe this christmas or something. I think I would be a lot more effective. I have a hard time dashing with a stick to do combos that require it. I do fine for normal stage movement and getting in someones face, but being precise for combos that require a dash between hits I mess it up a lot. Being able to just hit the forward button twice would be so sweet.


thanks for giving me limited edition angst.

If they let those art assets go off the store forever, I will be stupefied. No way they will let that rot forever for a long term project like this. They'll be back.

You should buy them though, we gotta keep Infiltration fed after all.
I swear to fucking god, Ryu needs to be nerfed.


It doesn't matter what fucking character I use, I cannot defeat this character. Laura, Necalli, Karin, Birdie, it doesn't matter. I lose to fucking 0-ranked beginners piloting this fucking Gundam. Dishonest Mikas? No problem. Kamikaze Kens? I can survive them.

Ryu? He can answer every fucking option, and no matter how much I practice against CPU Ryu in the lab, nothing fucking matters. Holy shit this guy pisses me off like no other.


Birdie beats Ryu character-wise.

If you're not breaking even in that matchup, something's wrong with the approach you're taking.
If they let those art assets go off the store forever, I will be stupefied. No way they will let that rot forever for a long term project like this. They'll be back.

Payday 2 had donation DLC, people keep ranting about it needing to come back, but it never has and never will.

If they do bring back the cpt stuff after november, I'm guessing it will be under similar circumstances, maybe even have a "cpt2" bundle as well.
When the creator of said character is spitting out the equivalent of hot fire in art form, you just make a 3D mesh of said work & put it up for sale. People love their Chun alts.
Not everyone plays Chun. Shoot, most of the females get more play than her and the males are sorely lacking in the outfit department.
I still think that Oro, Viper will be among the season 2 characters. Probably Sodom as well seeing as he almost made it to the initial roster. Plus, I really wanna see him again.
Oro feels pretty certain. I don't care about Sodom at all. I won't have another word to say about the roster if Cody, Ingrid and Makoto make it into the game.
S1 (including the base game) isn't really that balanced. It's a good first attempt, but without the experience of actually having the game in the wild, it's just too hard to get it right on the first pass.
Doesn't need to be right. They just don't have to be ass.
I know we complain about Ken not looking too great, but we have it lucky:
"kill me"
Sad that all the DLC characters are mid to low tier.
There are mid tier DLC characters? No way that can be anyone but Ibuki right now.
I swear to fucking god, Ryu needs to be nerfed.


It doesn't matter what fucking character I use, I cannot defeat this character. Laura, Necalli, Karin, Birdie, it doesn't matter. I lose to fucking 0-ranked beginners piloting this fucking Gundam. Dishonest Mikas? No problem. Kamikaze Kens? I can survive them.

Ryu? He can answer every fucking option, and no matter how much I practice against CPU Ryu in the lab, nothing fucking matters. Holy shit this guy pisses me off like no other.
SFV Ryu is the Tallgeese. Approach with extreme caution. Learn how to time your jumps just right at mid range for jumping heavy kick/punch punishes into full damage. Tick throws and walk up throws are your friends, but you won't get away with more than two in a row online. After a couple of throws he is ripe for DP punishes and a couple of lows into your hardest hitting non metered special and CA finish. Don't even try to press a button if you beat him in the air because he is gonna DP the moment he hits the ground.

good luck


I stopped playing ranked for a while and came back today, went from 7500 lp to 8100 lp.

I swear watching a lot helps so damn much. Just getting my vega better and better.
I do know this. It's still shameful for a wealthy corporation to crowd-source their funding for a tournament that caters to a tiny fraction of elite players.

"Shameful"? People in the community were actually ASKING Capcom to do something like this for months. Especially after KI and MKX did the exact same thing.

Now Capcom does it, and it's "shameful"? Why?

Sony/Capcom already pumped $500,000 into the CPT, so it's not like they're freeloading off of these donations. This is simply an additional option for players to contribute to the CPT if they want to.


I do know this. It's still shameful for a wealthy corporation to crowd-source their funding for a tournament that caters to a tiny fraction of elite players. They're taking advantage of fans desire to "grow the scene," whatever nebulous thing that entails. But even so, I don't give much of a shit what they do because I'm not forced to buy any of it. When new characters start to cost 10 bucks or 500,000 fight money or whatever, I'll re-evalute my position.

They should save prizepool funding to smaller, less wealthy companies like Valve.
Normal survival is hell. Those last 2 or 3 matches are almost impossible.
Are there specific characters that can screw with the computer and make those fights easier?
I've done Ryu, Ken and Cammy. Can't do it with anyone else.
Normal survival is hell. Those last 2 or 3 matches are almost impossible.
Are there specific characters that can screw with the computer and make those fights easier?
I've done Ryu, Ken and Cammy. Can't do it with anyone else.

Bison can use the headstomp, move forward while in the air, force the opponent to anti air in the wrong direction and then move back to the original side and then do the follow up. Got me through Normal and Hard survival.

FANG can just spam the d+u poison balls to lame it out.

And normal survival is not hell, hell survival is hell.
Normal survival is hell. Those last 2 or 3 matches are almost impossible.
Are there specific characters that can screw with the computer and make those fights easier?
I've done Ryu, Ken and Cammy. Can't do it with anyone else.
Sweep Zangief at body length distance, use overheads/grabs on Necalli and block Bison's sweeps/scissor kicks until he does a version that is punishable. Take your time with him.

All of them except maybe Sim have ways of dealing with the CPU. Necalli just requires patience and some tick/walk up grabs. Bison is not hard so long as you have full health and know how to punish his sweep/scissor kick with grabs, command grabs or full combos into CA. If you take one thing away from survival mode it is definitely the lesson of patience. Nash easily combos into his CA/specials, Gief has a command grab with the fastest startup on top of great damage, Alex can st.MP right into CA/V-Trigger combos+stun gun headbutt, Vega has wonderful normals, etc. Chun, Necalli and others all also possess ways of easily cancelling normals into specials and critical arts. My personal fastest times are with Karin since she is my main, her crouching medium kick leads into all of her specials and all of her specials can be followed up with her CA. It's all about blocking until an opportunity arrives with Bison.
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