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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Tragic victim of fan death
for history:




Oh, man. You're in for something really special.

I've been meaning to rewatch Paranoia Agent for years now. Been holding out for some sort of rerelease, but is it one of the titles Funimation got the rights to went Geneon went under? I bet it's not, and I'll never actually be able to own it unless I want to pay through the nose.

Yeah its Geneon. I got the original set. Its one of my treasures.
Pricewise though it isnt that dear on Ebay. You can find it for 40-50 bucks.


Armored Trooper Votoms: The Last Red Shoulder

Basically this is a 50 minute OVA bridging the first and second arcs of the original series and also a much needed background look at the Red Shoulders which I had found was an aspect that the original series didn't focus enough on.
It basically felt like you took the best parts of the original series, wrapped them in higher than the series production values and put them in an OVA. The AT battles in this were pretty damn awesome and the OVA benefits from being an OVA in a variety of ways, especially in terms of the art and more detailed mechanical animation.
If you are a fan of the original VOTOMS series this is a must watch IMO.

Well I'm sold. You can never have too much classic VOTOMS (apart from that one arc that went on and on...you know the one I meant).
I've told myself I'm not going to watch Aoi Bungaku until I at least finish No Longer Human. I've started it like three times before, but have never actually finished it.

It's easily a contender for the most overwhelmingly depressing novel I've ever tried to read.

Feel free to skip it to get to the other material. It's good, but as they're all self contained stories (obviously, as that's the whole point of the series) there's no need to view them in the order in which they were released.
Yeah its Geneon. I got the original set. Its one of my treasures.
Pricewise though it isnt that dear on Ebay. You can find it for 40-50 bucks.

Really? That's nice to know. Because my other all-time favorite anime, Lain, used to fetch ridiculous prices for its original box set (no idea if it still does; I saw one this year at a con for a lot less, though, so probably not). I was so happy when Funi finally decided to put the Blu-rays out.
What the fuck, MAL's down. I kinda need my list.

Right now is a great time to sign up for Hummingbird.

Granted, you'll have to put in your list by hand, but I did it last night, before I realized you could auto-import your list. It took a while.
Oh, wait, since you can't access your list, you can't even put it in by hand. Whoops. Sorry about that.

Their Netflix-style recommendation system really seems to want me to watch LotGH. But then I also remember this one site that gives you recs based on your MAL account, and LotGH was at the very top. I suppose I should take this as a sign.

I mean, sci-fi is probably my favorite anime genre, and I know pretty much everyone who's ever watched it thinks it's the greatest anime series ever, but I'm not too fond of space operas.

EDIT: Oh, wait, since you can't access your list, you can't even put it in by hand. Whoops. Sorry about that. I sound like an asshole now.


Really? That's nice to know. Because my other all-time favorite anime, Lain, used to fetch ridiculous prices for its original box set (no idea if it still does; I saw one this year at a con for a lot less, though, so probably not). I was so happy when Funi finally decided to put the Blu-rays out.

Lain got a VERY nice rerelease on bluray recently. Paranoia Agent was not given such niceties :(


What the fuck, MAL's down. I kinda need my list.

This has been irritating me all evening. I still have my Hummingbird account to satisfy my need to press buttons and make numbers increase, but it's frustrating to think that my MAL list is becoming more and more out-of-date while I can't access it >.<

Yes! Precure 5 - 46

Oh, Kawarino, you're even more of an ass than Gohyarn was back in Splash Star. I won't be in the least bit surprised if you
turn out to be the real Big Bad
just like he did.

So yeah, Kawarino's assery is at an all-time high this episode. First of all demoted-bee-dude takes my advice from Episode 44 to heart and decides it's high time he got out of this twisted organisation...so Kawarino helps him do just that. By
blasting him off the top of a skyscraper into oblivion
. I don't believe for one moment that demoted-bee-dude is actually gone for good, but I do believe Kawarino thinks he is, so the assery quotient remains.

Then Bloody, upon witnessing the Cures obtain the last Pinky, makes a pretty decent attempt at taking both it and the Collet from them. I'll give him credit for one thing - he does at least up the scale of his "turn the whole room into a disembodied-hand-covered Kowaina" trick every time he uses it. The first time it really was just a room that he transformed, the second time it was an auditorium, the third time a whole house, and this fourth and final time he transformed an entire park into a twisted web of roving hands. He gets in on the battle action himself, too, of course, and it's a pretty nice fight, with lots of dynamic aerial action. (Not to mention an absolutely priceless moment where Urara knocks the hat off Bloody's head...and puts it on herself!)

But alas, the one thing Bloody wasn't counting on was the Cures breaking their own unwritten rule - for the first time, they used their ultimate DIVEBOMB DESTRUCTION attack on a mere Kowaina. Perhaps their actual rule isn't to only use the attack on major villains, but to only use the attack in fights where a Black Mask makes its appearance - because much to Bloody's surprise, one of those actually materialised out of his own hand mid-battle and seemed to be urging him to put it on. He's a stronger man than that, though, and he took it back to headquarters with him and threw it aside, instead confronting Kawarino on how he's been nothing but a curse on their whole organisation.

To which Kawarino's response was to both
expel Bloody through a portal to some kind of void from which he's ostensibly never coming back
place the Black Mask onto his face at the same time for good measure
. Um, yeah. Did I mention the part where Kawarino's an ass?

Not convinced yet? Don't worry, there's still more Kawarino assery in this episode to come. Back in the Nuts House, the Cures and mascots were all gathered around to put the last Pinky into the Dream Collet and finally make their wish come true, when
there was a mysterious sound at the door downstairs. After briefly going down to see who was there, Coco came back acting...not quite himself. But he managed to keep everyone fooled juuuuuuust long enough for them to place the final Pinky in the Dream Collet...and to have the ever-eager Milk hand the completed Collet straight to him.

At which point of course
he revealed himself to be Kawarino all along, and promptly took off with everything the Cures had achieved over the whole series.

The look of guilt and horror on Milk's face was heartbreaking.

Kawarino, I think you're going to have to pay for that one.


Watamote - 9

That first day at the factory was quite similar to my experience.

And those little cute moments Tomoko has are very deadly.


Paranoia Agent 02
This mostly kept the vibe of the first episode, except out focus this time is not of a girl accused of seeking attention but of a boy accused to be something he's not.
It's clear now that for whatever reason Shounen Batto is targetting popular people trying to make their lives difficult. But to what end?

Still stunned this aired on Adult Swim back in the day.


Nekomonogatari 1

Prequel to the other Monogatari series'. Which means no Senjougahara. Shame, but it's only four episodes long, so I'll manage. Pretty weird seeing Araragi actually asking his little sister about love advice. Still sad to see how Hanekawa blames herself for her father abusing her (this part felt familiar, was this in a flashback or something in Bake? I forget).



The third Evangelion Rebuild movie swings away from well-trodden paths into dangerously foreign territory as the remake series approaches its climax, introducing a host of changes major and minor to this relatively familiar universe. After the solid 1.11 and interesting 2.22, 3.33 is difficult to place entirely in context, feeling at times much like a set-up for whatever nonsense creator Hideki Anno has up his sleeves for the fourth movie. In the meantime, the plot (largely driven by an unbelievably contrived failure to communicate) does very little to aid a movie that, while visually spectacular, often descends into difficult-to-follow action sequences and largely esoteric pseudo-religious mumblings that are utter gibberish unless you’re well-versed in every single aspect of the Evangelion universe.


15-year-old Takao dreams of being a shoemaker, skipping morning classes when it drizzles to sketch designs in the park. One morning, he meets a well-dressed young woman, drinking alone under a rain shelter… Makoto Shinkai riffs on familiar themes of love, support, reliance and loneliness – as well as ideas of maturity, youth and the mysteries of growing up - to deliver a short, concise film very much in the vein of his previous works 5cm per Second and Voices of a Distant Star. An incredibly beautiful movie, understated and elegant, directed with precision and artistic flair; the backgrounds alone are to die for, but of equal importance is the non-verbal communication and visual expressiveness of its primary characters. Somewhat melodramatic, but still quite touching.


A series of worldwide terrorist attacks means that the notably multiethnic Cyborg 00 team must reunite once more. A remake of the classic franchise (two prior movies, three previous anime series), this production delves into a post-9/11 world complete with philosophical musings on the nature of fighting terror and metaphysical ramblings on religion. Visually a mixed bag; though CG makes for some cool-looking fight scenes and mechanical animation, much of the show’s quieter, more delicate moments lack a sense of weight and realism – the curse of the uncanny valley. Though the redesigned, edgier cast is interesting, and the show’s slow, deliberate direction is largely impressive, its plot meanders from exposition to theology to philosophy and back without saying very much at all and wraps up – somewhat fittingly – with a good ol’ deus ex machine.


Maturity, bitches.
Should have switched to Hummingbird when you had the chance.
I accessed my account for the first time in a long time. I really should make a note of which episode I am on more for shows I'm slowly watching, like Hidamari Sketch. Also find myself rewatching episodes and not making any progress. Was I on 7 or 8? I can't remember.


Watamote 09

delicious cake.

Yuu is a total cutie. Oh my god. But so is Tomoko in her own special hateful little way.
The closing scenes were pretty sweet too. Nice ending.
This show is so enjoyable.


Nekomonogatari 2

Watching how Shinobu used to be after watcing Nise can be pretty jarring. But I barely remembered she was even there during Bake. Anyway, didn't remember that the cat had literally bitten off Araragi's arm. Also strange to see a time when Oshino is actually going out and handling these cases instead of always just hanging out waiting for Araragi to come to him. Hell, he actually felt guilty about Araragi's injury, saying he should have confronted Hanekawa himself.


I've been watching Attack on Titan and Silver Spoon on crunchyroll, and if I have to watch one more Project Diva ad i'm going to scream.


I've been watching Attack on Titan and Silver Spoon on crunchyroll, and if I have to watch one more Project Diva ad i'm going to scream.

I ended up subbing back when I was watching Attack on Mountain (I, uh, mean Encouragement of Climb) because it would show 3-minute ads for this 5-minute show. Christ.
Day Break Illusion 6

Maybe the power of friendship can overcome obstacles and secure a happy ending

Day Break Illusion 7

LOL Nope hopefully that was just a one off occurrence

Day Break Illusion 8

Depression ending confirmed

Edit: I guess this Madoka thing everyone goes on about is just as bad or even worse :|


So after about a 4 week break I've finally started catching up on my anime. Here are some of my impressions so far:

Futari Wa Milky Holmes
Every girl in this show is cute but sort of generic looking except for maybe a few characters. That said, the two new girls are really hot but I'm still hoping for more of the original cast. Also, I love how
everyone in Alice's family is or was a phantom thief.
And the short haired one is seriously useless by herself.

Ro-Ryu-Bu! SS
I can't wait for the blu-ray to come out. So many precious lolis... If the first season was like, this then I really missed out. It would be much better if they took out the boring basketball stuff though. That dude is living the dream.

Monogatari series second season
So far I'm enjoying it more than nisemono but less than the first season. I miss everybody's old hair. WHY HANEKAWA, WHY?!?!? And they destroyed Senjougahara's perfect hair too... ;-; By the way, who the hell is that girl at the beginning of episode seven? And I just can't decide if Hachikuji or Shinobu is the hottest character. Episode 8 might be the best one so far.

I'll finish up with the rest of the shows later this week. I am watching way too many things this season.
So I'm almost caught up on all the shows I'm watching, only have Silver Spoon and Devils And Realist left not sure which to catch up on next (4 episodes into each). Current list for the season is

Day Break Illusion
Gatchaman Crowds
Sunday Without God
Fantasista Doll
Majestic Prince
Attack on Titan

There are ads on CR?

You can set up a free account and watch anything on CR with ads. The only exceptions are the first week of release only premium members get access to those, it's a double incentive to subscribe.
Senyu 23

Forgot to post about this lol

Hilarious comedy in this episode, seems like Soldier-kun is back into his rhythm with Alba back around
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