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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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The designs are so good especially left. Easily in the runing for one of the best anime this year.
Blood Lad Rest of Episode 1

That was funny and entertaining despite the crappy subs viz gives me (none of the options made it any better). Will watch more of this tomorrow

Only issue I have with their hulu subs is that split second delay in timing.


Paranoia Agent 03
I am beginning to seriously wonder if Shounen Bat is actually real now. I kinda think the last episode was better but this was pretty good too. Whatever she is suffering from is some serious shit.


Kinmoza! 9


literally something straight outta sos

Ayayayayayayayaya needs more screentime but not as much as Karen (aka the best character) does. Having the ED run as early as it did with about 5 minutes of extra footage afterwards was weird as hell though.



I really hope (s)he was making a tasteless joke. The alternative is criminal and simply wrong on multiple levels.

On that note, I've finished the second season of To Loveru and going through Darkness. The harem project kind of fits with the series, but the darkness project stuff feels out of place. It is one of those things were I figure they would simply leave Yami's past buried. I guess that explains why Hulu has the previous series' thumbnail as love while Darkness has Momo looking serious.


Paranoia Agent 04
shounen bat was caught? By that corrupt cop no less? There is still 9 episodes to go though.
Let's see where this goes.
Been watching some old stuff:

Highschool of the dead 1-12 Stupid. Poor ending. Fun. Sort of enjoyed it, sort of didn't.

Btooom! 1-12 Was actually really enjoying it up until the last episode where
pretty much nothing happened.
I gather from looking around that there is no hope of more anytime soon.

What is the similar but "so much better" anime that I should be watching now instead?


Aoi Bungaku - No Longer Human 2

Jexhius wasn't kidding. This is pretty relentlessly dour.

This episode leads with the live-action show host reminding us that Dazai Osamu, the author of the original book, killed himself shortly after it was published, leaving a suicide note that said, "I can't write anymore." He then noted the similarities between Osamu and Oba Yozo, the lead in this story. So we know what we're in for.

As Yozo's situation continues to deteriorate, he fixates on the idea (with some flashback basis) that he's an inhuman "monster". This is illustrated through the show's depiction of that monster, but it also comes across a little through the visual motif of masks. I wonder if that visual theme will come back again.


All the flashbacks have an overbearing yellow tone. It also sort of matches the room he winds up confined in for a while.

The way women are handled in this book, it's kind of hard to believe that it's Japan's second-best-selling novel. The character's feelings about them definitely seem tied up with his sense of himself as a monster.

If this story doesn't end with him killing himself at the end, I'll be shocked.


Steins;Gate 1 - 25 FINAL

Having finished the series later than everyone else, I have to say that I don’t know whether it was good idea to have missed the excitement around this series with everyone or not. Maybe I would have loved it more when it was an on-going show, because I really can’t say is it is as close to a perfect series, but I did end up liking it in the end, which is the important thing.

For one thing, I do think the plot of this show and the story is rather good, well-oiled and was told in greatly fashion. The show just knows itself, the producers and the director have planned it appropriately and the plot moves without any hick up and it doesn’t have fillers. The characters all have a great chemistry between them and more often than not, bring out a well-placed individualism out of them; be it banter, cry for help, support and so on. Which brings me to a certain point; this show might be one of the best, I recall that is, merging several styles and genres quite comfortably. It starts off mysteriously, and then suddenly trudges through the mono-styled Slice-of-Life element frequently sprayed with dialogues of comedic banters and situations. Then it becomes a full fleshed adventurous Science Fiction until it wraps its mystery up. Add to the fact that it develops a major Romantic sub-plots as well psychological tension, and then you have a series that uses several styles without convoluting its original purpose. The fact that it is a well organised Anime with all of those elements adds to my overall enjoyment of the show.

However, this comes at the expense of the depth of said elements. While I think the Comedic parts are done wonderfully (Such as the banters between Okabe and Kirisu), it’s hard to ignore those half-devolved elements of Drama that comes very suddenly without any hint of progression towards it. You could argue the fact that the time travel elements does indeed develop those feeling, but the way those romantic situations and the dialogue constructed in it are severely lacking. The psychological elements, while strengthened by the notion of experiencing painful situations repeatedly, are also weak retrospectively compared to its promised ambitions. The mystery portion is answered in a more riddled way and the Slice of Life sections were forgotten halfway due to its Science Fiction evolution. While I applaud this series to include those entire elements, I would rather have it focused on one or two style and strengthen those styles within their plot they are trying to tell.

The Crux of this Anime is Time Travel. It doesn’t hide that fact, although it’s first 2 Episode told in a more confused manner only to be explained during the ending of this show. The story revolves around Okabe (Or Hyohin as he refers to himself) and his imaginary fight against organisations and conspiracies. He has a hobby of making things up and creates scientific theories around it. He then precedes get into the CERN database and discovers stories about hidden Time Travel accidence which sets him to create a machine for it. The Story develops into maintaining an order for the time travel paradoxes, fighting off Organisations that discovers his motives while he collaborates with newly acquired lab members. Suffice to say, there is a lot going on, and develops into a more practical involvements which sets of bunch of sub-plots which expands on the basic premise. As I said, the overall story is introduced and resolved in a satisfactory manner and the subplots, while some of them are better than others, have their quirks to be fulfilling. This is done with great scrip and characterisation. The plot moved forward with each episode and hardly had any hiccups in terms of fillers and red-herrings.

Now to my originals one of the main reasons on why I think The Psychological and the Mystery elements were severely lacking is because of the issue of time travel and it’s paradoxical. I don’t have a degree in Quantum Physics nor do I have a great knowledge on various intricacies of Time-Space Continuum or General Relativity (however, I do have a hobby on reading up some of those hypothesis and try to understand the basic gist of it), but I do generally get annoyed by various stories about Time travel as they tend to ignore the basic Paradox reality it creates or create confusing, nonsensical substitute to Justify its authority on the subjects, and generally, it annoys me. Steins;Gate falls in the middle, whilst it does better job at using the Time Theory mechanics than many stories out there, there is still loopholes that deters me from completely accepting it at face value. Also, the fact that Paradox has been introduced later on, when it was completely broken by the several Time travels before it is just puzzling. Also the introduction of the theoretical several time-space threads which doesn’t cross with each is a bit contradictory to the fact that characters do remember what happened. Not to say, I didn’t enjoy it. When someone have recommended me not to nit-pick those flaws, I have enjoyed it considerable, and keep in mind those annoyance aren’t that explicit in the Anime and it is possible enjoyable even if those issues were raised.

While I have established the actual show is nothing less of a great one, it is important to mention the main weakness of the show and that is its production value and the presentational style. I really have to say; I really do abhor the art style. The character design appears to be unproportionally elongated with no extra weight added to them. They appear to be very flat and the colour composition lacks depth and texture. The environments, while detailed to a certain degree, look very sterile and clean. The background art is minimal and have this disconnection between it and the character with its word angular shots and obscure camera angles. Speaking of the camera work, its design decisions are atrocious; some of those shots are ridiculous to a comical effect, while others that are trying to show a more emotive emphasis are just unwatchable due to poor cuttings and uses of angular movements. The uses of distortion blur and colour desaturations are equally tacky and unprofessional. However, I have to say that some of the animations are drawn well; especially those face expressions and comedic elaborations. The Japanese voice acting does its job, although I have to say Okabe’s line of nonsensical drivels and scientific explanations are well delivered. However, the dub is one of the worse I have heard and was very grating and abrasive experience to sit through I some of the episode, they also changed some of the personality which doesn’t make sense at all.


Overall, it’s a great series that is well told and grabs from the start to the end, bar its confusing moments and its melodramatic sections. It knows what it is and delivers a planned experience that is fulfilling. Some of its scientific introduction is actually quite fun to learn and while the time travel aspect of it might have its flaws, is extremely well research and delivered in an extraordinary confidence. It also benefits from having great character interaction that is backed by well scripted dialogue. Both laugh out funny moments and chuckling situations are included in spades and the back and forth banter might be some of the best. Weak Production values, strange design elements, obtuse Romantic sections, Horrendous Dub and Jack-of-all-trade kind of Genre mesh up should not deter anyone from this well realised adventure.



For better or worse, Apple has never been one to keep ports around if it doesn't have to. For example, USB never seriously got off the ground until the first iMac made it the ONLY port, completely ditching things like ADB, PS/2, serial, and parallel.

This is the sort of stuff I never liked about apple. I like having customizable stuff in a PC and access to a bunch of ports and options.

cajun, I like you, I really do, but this post makes me want to denounce you and everything you stand for. This is even worse than when you were saying bad things about Kirino. Italian food is the greatest food on this Earth, and tomato the greatest ingredient.

Sorry but tomato and cheese tears up my stomach. I can eat them but only so much. as a result I tend to avoid foods with an excess of either, hence a lot of Italian food.

I agree. Italian is first, Indian is a close second and Chinese is third.

Now Indian food I can totally go for. Chinese food is first, Greek/Lebanese second, Indian third.

Paranoia Agent 03
I am beginning to seriously wonder if Shounen Bat is actually real now. I kinda think the last episode was better but this was pretty good too. Whatever she is suffering from is some serious shit.



Steins;Gate 1 - 25 FINAL

Having finished the series later than everyone else, I have to say that I don’t know whether it was good idea to have missed the excitement around this series with everyone or not. Maybe I would have loved it more when it was an on-going show, because I really can’t say is it is as close to a perfect series, but I did end up liking it in the end, which is the important thing.

For one thing, I do think the plot of this show and the story is rather good, well-oiled and was told in greatly fashion. The show just knows itself, the producers and the director have planned it appropriately and the plot moves without any hick up and it doesn’t have fillers. The characters all have a great chemistry between them and more often than not, bring out a well-placed individualism out of them; be it banter, cry for help, support and so on. Which brings me to a certain point; this show might be one of the best, I recall that is, merging several styles and genres quite comfortably. It starts off mysteriously, and then suddenly trudges through the mono-styled Slice-of-Life element frequently sprayed with dialogues of comedic banters and situations. Then it becomes a full fleshed adventurous Science Fiction until it wraps its mystery up. Add to the fact that it develops a major Romantic sub-plots as well psychological tension, and then you have a series that uses several styles without convoluting its original purpose. The fact that it is a well organised Anime with all of those elements adds to my overall enjoyment of the show.

However, this comes at the expense of the depth of said elements. While I think the Comedic parts are done wonderfully (Such as the banters between Okabe and Kirisu), it’s hard to ignore those half-devolved elements of Drama that comes very suddenly without any hint of progression towards it. You could argue the fact that the time travel elements does indeed develop those feeling, but the way those romantic situations and the dialogue constructed in it are severely lacking. The psychological elements, while strengthened by the notion of experiencing painful situations repeatedly, are also weak retrospectively compared to its promised ambitions. The mystery portion is answered in a more riddled way and the Slice of Life sections were forgotten halfway due to its Science Fiction evolution. While I applaud this series to include those entire elements, I would rather have it focused on one or two style and strengthen those styles within their plot they are trying to tell.

The Crux of this Anime is Time Travel. It doesn’t hide that fact, although it’s first 2 Episode told in a more confused manner only to be explained during the ending of this show. The story revolves around Okabe (Or Hyohin as he refers to himself) and his imaginary fight against organisations and conspiracies. He has a hobby of making things up and creates scientific theories around it. He then precedes get into the CERN database and discovers stories about hidden Time Travel accidence which sets him to create a machine for it. The Story develops into maintaining an order for the time travel paradoxes, fighting off Organisations that discovers his motives while he collaborates with newly acquired lab members. Suffice to say, there is a lot going on, and develops into a more practical involvements which sets of bunch of sub-plots which expands on the basic premise. As I said, the overall story is introduced and resolved in a satisfactory manner and the subplots, while some of them are better than others, have their quirks to be fulfilling. This is done with great scrip and characterisation. The plot moved forward with each episode and hardly had any hiccups in terms of fillers and red-herrings.

Now to my originals one of the main reasons on why I think The Psychological and the Mystery elements were severely lacking is because of the issue of time travel and it’s paradoxical. I don’t have a degree in Quantum Physics nor do I have a great knowledge on various intricacies of Time-Space Continuum or General Relativity (however, I do have a hobby on reading up some of those hypothesis and try to understand the basic gist of it), but I do generally get annoyed by various stories about Time travel as they tend to ignore the basic Paradox reality it creates or create confusing, nonsensical substitute to Justify its authority on the subjects, and generally, it annoys me. Steins;Gate falls in the middle, whilst it does better job at using the Time Theory mechanics than many stories out there, there is still loopholes that deters me from completely accepting it at face value. Also, the fact that Paradox has been introduced later on, when it was completely broken by the several Time travels before it is just puzzling. Also the introduction of the theoretical several time-space threads which doesn’t cross with each is a bit contradictory to the fact that characters do remember what happened. Not to say, I didn’t enjoy it. When someone have recommended me not to nit-pick those flaws, I have enjoyed it considerable, and keep in mind those annoyance aren’t that explicit in the Anime and it is possible enjoyable even if those issues were raised.

While I have established the actual show is nothing less of a great one, it is important to mention the main weakness of the show and that is its production value and the presentational style. I really have to say; I really do abhor the art style. The character design appears to be unproportionally elongated with no extra weight added to them. They appear to be very flat and the colour composition lacks depth and texture. The environments, while detailed to a certain degree, look very sterile and clean. The background art is minimal and have this disconnection between it and the character with its word angular shots and obscure camera angles. Speaking of the camera work, its design decisions are atrocious; some of those shots are ridiculous to a comical effect, while others that are trying to show a more emotive emphasis are just unwatchable due to poor cuttings and uses of angular movements. The uses of distortion blur and colour desaturations are equally tacky and unprofessional. However, I have to say that some of the animations are drawn well; especially those face expressions and comedic elaborations. The Japanese voice acting does its job, although I have to say Okabe’s line of nonsensical drivels and scientific explanations are well delivered. However, the dub is one of the worse I have heard and was very grating and abrasive experience to sit through I some of the episode, they also changed some of the personality which doesn’t make sense at all.


Overall, it’s a great series that is well told and grabs from the start to the end, bar its confusing moments and its melodramatic sections. It knows what it is and delivers a planned experience that is fulfilling. Some of its scientific introduction is actually quite fun to learn and while the time travel aspect of it might have its flaws, is extremely well research and delivered in an extraordinary confidence. It also benefits from having great character interaction that is backed by well scripted dialogue. Both laugh out funny moments and chuckling situations are included in spades and the back and forth banter might be some of the best. Weak Production values, strange design elements, obtuse Romantic sections, Horrendous Dub and Jack-of-all-trade kind of Genre mesh up should not deter anyone from this well realised adventure.


This is a fair assessment of it. While Im more lenient towards certain elements in favor of just being entertained by a good story, Steins;Gate does seem to be trying to do too much sometimes at the expense of being a bit shallow. But it does such a great job overall and really turns on the charm, so I bought into it quite heavily. I hadnt enjoyed watching a series this much since probably Madoka (I watched it after Madoka but I dont remember the original airing dates)


Paranoia Agent 06
It's interesting to see how it all comes together and actually everything is related though.
I kinda saw the policeman being the girl's dad coming who the hell hit her though.


Whoa. Does it have giant caped robots and an Escaflowne worthy soundtrack?
I'll say this: It's better than Escaflowne in my opinion. I actually enjoyed Tweeny Witches, Escaflowne on the otherhand I thought was stupid and was just making shit up as it went along. Which may sound stupid as shit to say considering Tweeny Witches' plot isn't that great either but not having a trite love triangle going on means that Tweeny Witches doesn't try and split up the heroes by the dumbest means possible, less lame angst between the characters and everything more or less flowed better. I find it telling that in Escaflowne to manipulate the heroine they use
magic to try and get her to kiss another dude
where as in Tweeny Witches, despite the heroine being younger, they straight up use a better, more mature, timeless method of a
. Anyways, all the characters in Tweeny Witches are better than the ones in Escaflowne.

Also, I don't think Escaflowne's soundtrack is all that, so, sure, Tweeny Witches is right up there with it

No giant caped robots but there's lots of mecha dragons and shit, they never really tear shit up though!
Now that you describe it that way I guess it does make sense, however Studio 4 C did an excellent job of making Tweeny Witches quirky enough to hide it unless you are really analyzing it heavily. I just saw it as another character out of their element story. A typical idea in itself but explored in a very fun way here.
Ah, well, it's a little of both. I think both shows have a very similar overall theme being that technology and reason aren't the end all be all of things and that ultimately it's friends and family that's important. That's a sorta rare theme, but that's just a theme the shows share. Also, I think this is primarily done not so much out of any statement but because how else do you get your guys on the underdog's team? Can't exactly be up against a tough enemy if your side's the superior one can you? So the bad guys always gotta be more advanced or you end up throwing shit at the screen wondering why the good guys side doesn't just hurry and wipe the floor with them. It's simpler to do than making them both on equal terms and then having to come up with intelligent reasons as to how things can devolve to their darkest hour.

The main theme is pretty much a fish out of water theme mixed with a coming of age theme and in anime those are a dime a dozen. Since both are Asian productions you know that
the hero goes home in the end
because you gotta have that melodrama though Escaflowne tries too hard and has the heroine
give up her crystal thingy so she can't even go back making it more or less permanent for no damn reason
. But, between characters that love and lost I think Atelia from Tweeny Witches gets it the worst,
her man tries to take her kid to the human realm, and then immediately after arriving in the human real remarries and has another kid or, since the exact timeline isn't stated, was already married in the human realm, maybe had the heroine maybe not, before being transported to the magic realm, married Atelia and then left back for the human realm. And though he does come back to the magic realm later he leaves again, lol.

But ultimately I think the general point is that neither Escaflowne or Tweeny Witches is really unique or original.


This is a fair assessment of it. While Im more lenient towards certain elements in favor of just being entertained by a good story, Steins;Gate does seem to be trying to do too much sometimes at the expense of being a bit shallow. But it does such a great job overall and really turns on the charm, so I bought into it quite heavily. I hadnt enjoyed watching a series this much since probably Madoka (I watched it after Madoka but I dont remember the original airing dates)

Yeah. It is an enjoyment one with a lots of charm and charisma. Maybe I would have thought it better if I had watched it when it came out, or maybe my expectation was very high due to the impressions I have read around, but nevertheless its a great one that just do a little more than what it actually ought to do.

But I am happy that I have watched it. I should thank you for the recommendation I suppose :p


Yeah. It is an enjoyment one with a lots of charm and charisma. Maybe I would have thought it better if I had watched it when it came out, or maybe my expectation was very high due to the impressions I have read around, but nevertheless its a great one that just do a little more than what it actually ought to do.

But I am happy that I have watched it. I should thank you for the recommendation I suppose :p

Did you watch the Omake episode at the end too?


Maturity, bitches.
Quick poll unrelated to another thread currently in the OT, but who here lives in Kentucky or Virginia?


Legend of the Galactic Heroes Episode 1: So this show seems to be a bit favored around here and all I can surmise is this thing has to get better down the line because this was one of the flat out dullest anime episodes I can remember watching in a long while. I get it, there is a lot to set up, then is a galaxy for us to be introduced to and like a hundred thousand shades of blandness to introduce. Seriously like 30 characters get introduced and I think about four actually matter right at this moment, and damned if I can remember any names. Never thought I would say this, but I really think this show needed a shonen touch because there is no emotion here, there is no passion, there is only the rote mechanics compounded by some of the most lifeless and stiff animation and character designs I have seen make for an experience that almost put asleep a few times. I am seriously considering watching something that does not double as the cure for insomnia, but this is a first episode out one hundred ten, it could get better.


Subete no aware
Apple has been cutting out IO options with each subsequent revision of the Pro. The excuse is that Thunderbolt should allow you to have whatever dongle you need to bring it back, which is true but personally I think carrying a half-dozen dongles kinda defeats the purpose of buying a laptop.
Yeah, not to mention that they're usually 30 bucks a piece anyway. Minimalist design. :(

Yeah. Really liked that. And that OVA just made me remember how much I missed the show. Maybe I ought to read the manga.
I should get back to the manga just to check up on it. But now that everyone has paired off, there really isn't much to do. It's why the KnT manga is still dragging out the inevitable hooking up of the other characters until high school graduation (which, I assume, is when they'll be forced to end it, unless they have the balls to do a college series!).

The champagne. You can get that for a fraction of the price elsewhere whereas the doujin at least is unique to the convention.
The point of a host(ess) club isn't the food though. You pay for the food to get the "pleasure" of having someone spend time with you because you a) want to go out on a date but b) can't ask out a normal person to do so. lol

I never actually watched Say I Love You, but the existence of Natsume alone makes your claim laughable.
When the minor supporting character in your shoujo is better than your lead, you've got a problem.

Chihayafuru S1 & S2


Arata is lame.

Solid show. To bad Season 3 wont be out for days.

Going to start Uchouten Kazoku. Bye.
Years, not days. lol

And about the "teams", having read the latest manga chapter, all I can say is "lol". I was thrown a curveball and I think I love it. To the point where I hope that's the canon "team" that they end up going with just to piss EVERYONE off.


Eden of the East (the definitive version which includes the Tv Series and the 2 movies along with the Recap Movie) is £18. hnnnng

Manag UK is awesome.


Subete no aware
BroCon 10

Sexy monks! Why not. lol
There's a joke about priests here, but I'm not going to make it.

Also, only in shoujo would
be considered romantic. Then again, Fifty Shades of Grey exists and so forth.


Sunday with God ep 9
Jebus, what a clusterfuck this episode is. I don't even know what or why it happen.

A piss poor episode.
Sunday with God ep 9
Jebus, what a clusterfuck this episode is. I don't even know what or why it happen.

A piss poor episode.

I haven't read the light novels but my guess is it's setting up the characters and emotions for the next arc. The relationship between Alis and Ai and the jealous Dee feels, Scar's struggles between being a gravekeeper and becoming more human, and Julie's desire not to lose his family again in the form of Scar and her baby.

Edit: I guess I should state what happened in the final moment of the episode in case you missed it
God granted Scar's wish and made her human, which is why she was able to cry
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