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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon 13

Oh shit things are ramping up. MAL being down makes me feel like I'm going full Kurita.

But Kunzite awakens in a dude with amnesia

Dat Usagi and Mamoru bonding.

Hair fetishes everywhere, and now we're getting some Moon Healing Escalation up in here.

Kunzite then uses hair on sailor moon to begin the process of her becoming a Youma.

Where's my popcorn dammit.
Hayate no Gotoku!! 15


Nagi gets lost in the forest and is never heard from again. Instead now the show will just rotate between potential and better girls for Hayate!


Turn A Gundam 34

Lolol, Cpt. Harry is too damn cool for school. Dude kissed Poe back to health and now his SUMO is caressing hers as he tells her she needs to find a new man to become a better woman. NTR Harry is best Harry. Gundam Hammer is the most underrated weapon in the Gundam's arsenal (except perhaps the vulcans, which only ever impressed like, one person). Loran just completely abuses Poe's crew with that badass ball and chain. Meanwhile, Guin Rhineford is getting pretty pissed that Loran is turning saintlier as he increases in awesome.

Colonel Michael is so damn good looking now that he's grown his beard and removed his jacket to display his incredible muscles. If I were Guin Rhineford and I had a subordinate that manly I would definitely put him in charge of my military, too.

Dianna and Kihel are going to have to stop switching Loran out, because it's going to lead to one very kinky marriage I don't think his poor head can take much more of that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
3d > 2d!

I suppose it's a question of what's worse, spending hundreds of dollars on champagne at a host club or spending hundreds of dollars at comiket on doujin?
Champagne is ephemeral. Doujins last forever.


Surprise! It did.

You also get some seriously odd live action shoujo shows. Like Blood Hound being adapted into Vampire Host, for instance.

I posted that already /takesballandgoeshome

The adaptation also disregarded pretty much everything about the story and only left it with the general premise.

As for that other thing, it is useful to check what channel and timeslot a drama is on since thats a good indication if its worth your time. Drama on Fuji or NTV in primetime? Great, go watch it. Drama on TV Tokyo at 1AM? Don't bother.
OT has its weekly moments of inanity too, though.

Oh no, that has never changed. Well it has once, when Google got all mad at the lewd, but we went "Bitch Please" later down the road. And now we're back to where we started

That has never changed.

Oh no, it definitely has changed. I can tell based on my current mindset in a very basic way.

Previous: Oh I could post here and here, get involved.

Now: I wonder if I got banned for posting there?


I posted that already /takesballandgoeshome

The adaptation also disregarded pretty much everything about the story and only left it with the general premise.

As for that other thing, it is useful to check what channel and timeslot a drama is on since thats a good indication if its worth your time. Drama on Fuji or NTV in primetime? Great, go watch it. Drama on TV Tokyo at 1AM? Don't bother.

Hey! Yuusha Yoshihiko was a midnight drama on TV Tokyo and it was awesome!


Hey! Yuusha Yoshihiko was a midnight drama on TV Tokyo and it was awesome!

But that's because you'll watch anything as long as its humans moving on screen!

I've basically filtered down my drama watching to checking out the Fuji shows and the occasional NTV or TBS show.


Wait, even the Retina doesn't do line in?!
Apple has been cutting out IO options with each subsequent revision of the Pro. The excuse is that Thunderbolt should allow you to have whatever dongle you need to bring it back, which is true but personally I think carrying a half-dozen dongles kinda defeats the purpose of buying a laptop.


Apple has been cutting out IO options with each subsequent revision of the Pro. The excuse is that Thunderbolt should allow you to have whatever dongle you need to bring it back, which is true but personally I think carrying a half-dozen dongles kinda defeats the purpose of buying a laptop.

Sounds positively draconian.


Maturity, bitches.
3d > 2d!

I suppose it's a question of what's worse, spending hundreds of dollars on champagne at a host club or spending hundreds of dollars at comiket on doujin?
The champagne. You can get that for a fraction of the price elsewhere whereas the doujin at least is unique to the convention.


Setec Astronomer
Sounds positively draconian.
For better or worse, Apple has never been one to keep ports around if it doesn't have to. For example, USB never seriously got off the ground until the first iMac made it the ONLY port, completely ditching things like ADB, PS/2, serial, and parallel.


Edit: I guess this Madoka thing everyone goes on about is just as bad or even worse :|

Why in the hell are you watching the uninspired knockoff of Madoka when you could be watching the real Madoka?

Monogatari series second season
So far I'm enjoying it more than nisemono but less than the first season. I miss everybody's old hair. WHY HANEKAWA, WHY?!?!? And they destroyed Senjougahara's perfect hair too... ;-;

I'm reading through the Nisemonogatari novels at the moment and I actually did a slight double-take when Hanekawa showed up and the narration described her new short-hair, no-glasses look. I'd been under the impression that her new look was introduced in Nekomonogatari White, but looking back at Nise episode 4, it's true, she already had it there.

Not that I'm complaining, because I think she actually looks better like that.

By the way, who the hell is that girl at the beginning of episode seven?

Oshino Ougi? A new character, it would appear. Though that surname certainly seems...meaningful.

And I just can't decide if Hachikuji or Shinobu is the hottest character. Episode 8 might be the best one so far.

Hachikuji is the correct answer. (Though Shinobu is great also.)

We talked about this. Say I Love You is infinitely better than Tonari no Kaibutsu!

I never actually watched Say I Love You, but the existence of Natsume alone makes your claim laughable.

Nekomonogatari 4

Okay for what it was, but I think it's time for me to take a break from this franchise for a while. I'll probably wait until Monogatari S2 concludes before I start that one up.

Aww, but watching it along with people is fuuuuuun.

macbook trackpad is the best mouse i've ever used

wonzo speaking truths.

Italian food sucks though. Too much tomato.

cajun, I like you, I really do, but this post makes me want to denounce you and everything you stand for. This is even worse than when you were saying bad things about Kirino. Italian food is the greatest food on this Earth, and tomato the greatest ingredient.

Can someone give me some background on Bleach? I looked it up but there was nothing.

I can't tell whether this is an honest question or a subtle satire.

the joke is that Kubo never draws backgrounds
Can someone give me some background on Bleach? I looked it up but there was nothing.

Bleach refers to a number of chemicals which remove color, whiten or disinfect, often via oxidation.

The bleaching process has been known for thousands of years, but the chemicals currently used for bleaching resulted from the work of several 18th century scientists. Chlorine is the basic for the most commonly used bleaches, for example, the solution of sodium hypochlorite, which is so ubiquitous that many people just call it "bleach", and calcium hypochlorite, the major compound in "bleaching powder". Oxidizing bleaching agents that do not contain chlorine most often are based on peroxides, such as hydrogen peroxide, sodium percarbonate and sodium perborate. While most bleaches are oxidizing agents, a fewer number are reducing agents such as sodium dithionite and sodium borohydride.

Bleaches are used as household chemicals to whiten clothes and remove stains and as disinfectants, primarily in the bathroom and kitchen. Many bleaches have strong bactericidal properties, and are used for disinfecting and sterilizing and thus are used in swimming pool sanitation to control bacteria, viruses and algae and in any institution where sterile conditions are needed. They are also used in many industrial processes, notably in the bleaching of wood pulp. Bleach is also used for removing mildew, killing weeds and increasing the longevity of flowers.

Pretty useful stuff.

cajun, I like you, I really do, but this post makes me want to denounce you and everything you stand for. This is even worse than when you were saying bad things about Kirino. Italian food is the greatest food on this Earth, and tomato the greatest ingredient.

I agree. Italian is first, Indian is a close second and Chinese is third.
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