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Sunset Overdrive in next months EDGE

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I'd buy a white/orange-stained Xbox One. Like splashes/streaks of orange on that thing with the SO logo replacing the Xbone start button. Shit'd be so cash
Don't forget Quantum Break.

Quantum Break, SO, Forza Horizon 2 and Halo Anniversary 2 all this fall supposedly. That's a lineup that's almost unseen before in quality based on potential.

Yes. Quantum Break's release this year is the rumor I most want to be true.


I'd be in the dick
He also said quantum break

Given Remedy's history with delays and the fact that they have to produce the live action show part as well, there's a lot of factors that could lead to a delay for QB. I don't think it'll get stuck in hell or anything, just that it may wind up being an early 2015 title or something like that. Would be awesome if it made it this fall though.

Also if I was MS I would want to give my new IPs some time in the spotlight without having one overshadow another.


I like the idea of regularly planned updates, even if they're small.

I always thought it was stupid LBP had all this user created stuff, but no really great way to play it. You should have booted up that game, and had MM curated daily/weekly top 5/10 level playlists as a default menu option.

Even if it's not major content, if it's a reason to come back, say once a week, it'll do a good job of retaining users I think.
Looks like shit, would be one the ugliest box arts in a long time




They should have called the drink OverStrike as an in-joke :p Love the art.


Given Remedy's history with delays and the fact that they have to produce the live action show part as well, there's a lot of factors that could lead to a delay for QB. I don't think it'll get stuck in hell or anything, just that it may wind up being an early 2015 title or something like that. Would be awesome if it made it this fall though.

Also if I was MS I would want to give my new IPs some time in the spotlight without having one overshadow another.

Id think the show would've been finished for a while now. It doesn't make sense for them to shoot it last

As for the franchises. I don't think there's much overlap within ms, not speaking for the third party games. The only game if worry about is Sunset and that's mainly because ntkrnl rumored October and that's in proximity to destiny arkham night etc. If ms could somehow manage a July/ august release date for it it'd thrive.


I like that they are giving it some time before E3. It's not like I'm on the fence about this game or anything, but Insomniac must be happy getting it out there before the shit hits the fan in June.
Given Remedy's history with delays and the fact that they have to produce the live action show part as well, there's a lot of factors that could lead to a delay for QB. I don't think it'll get stuck in hell or anything, just that it may wind up being an early 2015 title or something like that. Would be awesome if it made it this fall though.

Also if I was MS I would want to give my new IPs some time in the spotlight without having one overshadow another.

I'm realistic like you in this case. I'd love love love to see QB be released this year, but I'd hate to see it release out of the spotlight like in Alan Wake's case. If QB is delayed, that could also mean MS has a ton of confidence in SO. Couple that with the possible white console release and maybe this is lined up as the big holiday title for all we know.


Another very specific confirmation of what ntkrnl said.

If that was really the bulk of MS plans Sony is in a better position than what I had anticipated.


You can make out the OVER CHARGE in the trailer but not the XT part, plus the image bellow.

It implies the drink has something to do with the monsters from the teaser which is something we didn't know before afaik and the leaker already pointed out.

I feel like I remember noticing the XT, but the last part is a good point. Actually from the teaser I got the impression that the drink was a good thing. Ntkrnl was the guy who said it was bad, soooo

yay for ntkrnl!

Another very specific confirmation of what ntkrnl said.

If that was really the bulk of MS plans Sony is in a better position than what I had anticipated.

Well according to ntkrnl no it is not the bulk of what MS plans.

Though personally I think that is a fantastic lineup.
Like to see how the game lives up to the trailer. The problem with those types of trailers is that they set a really high bar for not only visuals, but animation and even gameplay scenarios that may not be possible in game.


well not really...yet
Those Q&A answers sound amazing. This game alone will hopefully justify my xbox one purchase.


Oh man, too bad I don't own a Xbox One. And I'm sure not gonna buy it because of this game. Hopefully there's a PS4 port soon....
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