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Sunset Overdrive in next months EDGE

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Aside from ME1 do we have any big games that released for PS3 eventually? I think a PC port is likely, but showing up on PS4 is not.
That's the big one, NG2's MS publishing was limited to a year, then they just handled some distribution, and Vampire Rain was similar, but neither of them MS fully funded, unlike ME.
Bioshock. But Mass Effect and Bioshock did have PC versions from the start.

Mass Effect didnt, was announced after EA had bought Bioware and thus were owner of the PC version.

I always see ME come up, I consider it the exception, and by exception I mean exceptional circumstances. EA bought Bioware, when EAs CEO was a founder in Elevation partners who owned them and Pandemic, their investment was always to sell high too, its what they do. Of course, MS not owning the IP it was always a pitfall that could have happened, but with developers desires to remain independent these days I dont see that it really presents itself as a good comparison for MS published going multiplatform especially with the sorts of developers they're working with on these titles.
Bioshock. But Mass Effect and Bioshock did have PC versions from the start.

Bioshock wasn't published by Microsoft. Mass Effect's PC version came out a few months later.

The thing with the Mass Effect example is, people never pay attention to the fact that it came out 5 Years later. Why would EA wait until after 2 & 3 were released to release it on another platform? It's pretty obvious that Microsoft still had the rights to it even after EA bought BioWare.


They also said they didn't want to make exclusives anymore...

So? They probably still don't, but MS was the company that got behind their vision and excitedly funded it, according to them, so they kind of had to.

They didn't want to make exclusives, so they went to EA. From what we know EA screwed them over.

They didn't want to make exclusives, but it didn't work out that way.


Yes, I didn't know. Lot more interested than I originally was now.

There was a thread that had a whole lot of information about it. I feel like it was Miles Quadrich that posted it, but I'm unsure. Maybe it was just a single post. Idk.

Anybody know what I'm talking about?
There was a thread that had a whole lot of information about it. I feel like it was Miles Quadrich that posted it, but I'm unsure. Maybe it was just a single post. Idk.

Anybody know what I'm talking about?

It was TheOddOne...


Sunset Overdrive Q & A with Ted Price (CEO) and Drew Murray (Co-Creative Director)

Elevator pitch: Sunset Overdrive takes place in the future, it is an open world game and is third person. It has got a lot of combat and traversal elements. It’s going to be very stylized game, so a lot of color and pop. An open world game with a lot of combat and agile traversal, in a nutshell.

Updating and player feedback:

  • Insomniac want to take the game further by constantly updating the game after release. They want to do this by involving the players in a two way conversation between developer and the player. That will help them understand what excites the player, so they can respond with stuff that fits well in the game and satisfies the players needs for change.
  • They are focused on keeping the game updated and of course fixing what needs to be fixed. They want to keep it fresh so people keep coming back and hanging out in Sunset City [where the game takes place]. So a persistent living world.
  • They want to take the persistent living world aspect a little further. This upcoming next generation gives an indication that people are more and more connected with each other, and want to have more communication with developers making the game. They looked at the new tech coming down the road and see that it gives them that chance to take those steps.
  • This generation has practically restrained them from making frequent updates to their games and having a direct conversation with the player. This is because when releasing content on a console you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get it out there. It is very difficult and impossible to respond immediately to what going on in the game.
  • Microsoft has been supportive in pulling out their restrictions and hurdles to make it more streamlined for Insomniac to update the game. Insomniac have been doing a lot of infrastructure work so they can keep changing the game after release without having to do massive horrible patches.
  • Insomniac had to rethink their position as traditional console developer and had to build systems that can make them more agile, in terms of what they deliver and make.
  • They plan on having a aggressive updating schedule and looking at what players are and are not doing in the game. If players like a certain thing, they will of course start making more of it.
  • There are mechanisms in the game which give the developers feedback. They are still figuring out the technology hurdles. They might look how Kinect can help give feedback, like giving direct audio feedback. They are still experimenting, so nothing is final. The core game will be played with the controller.
  • Too early to say if there might be a beta.
On the game itself:

  • The point of the Sunset Overdrive world is to be irreverent and fun, so breaking the fourth wall is totally fine by Insomniac. They say that it’s the DNA of the studio and with this game it’s a good chance to let loose with style and tone.
  • The game reflects a lot of Drew Murray (Co- Creative Director) and Marcus Smith ( Co-Creative Director) style. Drew was told by somebody describing Sunset Overdrive as ‘a grown up version of a traditional Insomniac game ’. Marcus came to work for the company because he loved Spyro and Drew came because he loved Rachet. They have been working on the Resistance series for 7- 8 years, which they found awesome to work on, but they are excited to explore the grownup version of Metropolis. Drew feels like it’s reflected in the reveal trailer.
  • Overdrive is an adult game, it’s going to have violence and action, but the world will be colorful and fun to move around in. Seeing as they have been working 7 to 8 years of Resistance, they were done with the grey look and their first rule for this new game was ‘no rubble’.
  • The city, Sunset City, shown in the trailer is pitched as modern, a little futuristic and a little bit exaggerated. They are pushing the idea of a hyper consumer culture.
  • They are planning on letting the player do a certain amount of customization. There will be the option to chose between male and female characters. They are thinking of a couple of archetypes which you can pick from body wise. They are still trying to figure out how customizable the outfits will be, but they hope they are very customizable.
  • They looked at what worked traversal wise in their older games. For Overdrive they want a free roaming city where you can go anywhere and traverse. The player will get all kind of powers and abilities that will allow them to move around well. They want to keep the mechanics very skill based and feels more in line like something like Rachet. It is not something like Assassins Creed and Uncharted, which look really great but tend to be ‘push a button and push into that direction’. For Overdrive you have use timing to use the traversal moves. There will be some momentum based gameplay, where the better you do the more powerful you get.
  • The reveal trailer has inspired some new ideas for the game. Before they had separated shooting and traversal, but now have a couple of prototypes going where they combining those two elements. There are other elements too, but they could not talk about it for now.
  • Cover is not something they want the player to hinge on, they want they player to use the traversal as a defense and also use it offensively to get to a better position. Getting those elements to mesh was difficult, but they are getting at a point where it feels awesome.
  • Drew sees Overdrive as a throwback to fun arcade-y action games. They have narrative and a fiction, but they are not so concerned about it. One of their internal pillars for the game is ‘fun triumphs realism’. This means that everything goes and so they can surprise players.
  • They will be depending less on the cloud compared to other games coming out. Most of Overdrive cloud capabilities will focus on updating the game and interacting with the player.
  • Sunset Overdrive is not a launch game and there will be singleplayer.
  • There will different types of mutant enemies. The trailer only shows one type.
  • The art of the game is inspired by urban art, vinyl figures, flyer art and anime (Tekkonkinkreet!).
  • The headshot and Scott Pilgrim-esq text effects show in the trailer will show up in the game. They really like it and say it’s a fun way to give the player feedback on what’s going on in the game.
  • ‘Iggy’ was the internal name for the game.
  • They have no name yet for the Vinyl gun seen in the trailer, it shoots 12inch LP’s. Drew points out that Insomniac is known for their wild and exotic weapon designs, and that will be a big feature of Overdrive.
  • Marcus came up with the name ‘Sunset Overdrive’.
Working with Microsoft:
  • The DRM changes posted by Microsoft yesterday will not have a dramatic effect on what they are doing with the game. Speaks for itself, but you need to be connected to get the updates. Drew does feel that they responded well to the Xbox fans regarding the DRM issue.
  • Working with Microsoft has influenced their game design and how they will interact the with the player. They are an independent company, work with multiple publishers and release their game on different platforms. Microsoft was the right partner for Overdrive. They are excited about XboxOne in terms of the tech that it is offering. Microsoft has been getting Overdrive out there, it was a great way to have their first exposure at E3. Microsoft is engaged as partner and believes in the vision that Insomniac has for the game.
  • Upfront they hit a lot of concerns like the stylization in particular. They really wanted to make a stylizated game and saw that a lot of publishers get cold with that kind of thing. Insomniac stayed with that vision and Microsoft gave a big thumbs up. Insomniac owns the IP and is glad that Microsoft supports that.

Pew, that was more than I though it would be.


It was TheOddOne...

This part of the interview is what really gets me excited about the game:

They looked at what worked traversal wise in their older games. For Overdrive they want a free roaming city where you can go anywhere and traverse. The player will get all kind of powers and abilities that will allow them to move around well. They want to keep the mechanics very skill based and feels more in line like something like Rachet. It is not something like Assassins Creed and Uncharted, which look really great but tend to be ‘push a button and push into that direction’. For Overdrive you have use timing to use the traversal moves. There will be some momentum based gameplay, where the better you do the more powerful you get.

AC and Uncharted platforming killed the genre for me.


I'm hyped because of Resistance 3, R&C: A Crack in Time and Into the Nexus. Fuse was a blip in an otherwise fantastic back catalogue.

i'd add all the R&C downloadble games, and all 4 one, and resistance 2, and potentially even resistance 1 to the "blips" too tbh. hence why i'm not sure how anyone could be convinced this would be good. they miss more often then they "hit", especially last gen... i want this to be one of those times they hit, be nice to have another must have xbone exclusive. but i'm not confident it will be.
Can't wait for this game.
I hope it has a solid solo player experience, as so far this generation I've felt let down with games being multiplayer online only.

Ps box art is amazing and I hope they have a cool limited edition.


This game is shaping up pretty good. Still don't know what the fuck happened with FUSE. That was like bizarro Insomniac.
They looked at what worked traversal wise in their older games. For Overdrive they want a free roaming city where you can go anywhere and traverse. The player will get all kind of powers and abilities that will allow them to move around well. They want to keep the mechanics very skill based and feels more in line like something like Ratchet. It is not something like Assassins Creed and Uncharted, which look really great but tend to be ‘push a button and push into that direction’. For Overdrive you have use timing to use the traversal moves. There will be some momentum based gameplay, where the better you do the more powerful you get.


Drew sees Overdrive as a throwback to fun arcade-y action games. They have narrative and a fiction, but they are not so concerned about it. One of their internal pillars for the game is ‘fun triumphs realism’. This means that everything goes and so they can surprise players.

I like the Uncharteds, etc as much as anyone, but it's great to hear AAA Western devs say this.

SCEWWS in particular need this sort of mindset. Hearing Evolution and Ready at Dawn talk about their games it's so clear that most of their focus is on the technical and the visual. That doesn't end well often.

Really can't wait for Insomniac to put out some footage.


Gold Member
i cant wait to see the weapons they are coming up with.

i've always gotten an old school arcadey vibe from their games. It's refreshing as hell when they do it right.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Out of all the games showcased at last year's E3, this was the most interesting-looking one for the XB1. Love the parkour style, the colour palette... and hearing that it's arcade-y/anime influenced gets me even more hyped.
Easy to be a little butt hurt over this, but I hope gameplay focused games get more attention and spotlight and less folks try to emulate uncharted. I love uncharted but the latest tomb raider just felt too similar and more importantly too easy on a gameplay level. I like stuff like titanfall and infamous where the game engine is the star again. Bummed I won't be playing SO, but I hope insomniac comes back with a force...
I'm pretty sure I know the answer already, but I look forward to seeing if the gameplay is even remotely as fun and crazy as that E3 trailer. I get the feeling it was the typical look how awesome our game will never be under any circumstances ever trailer though.
I like the Uncharteds, etc as much as anyone, but it's great to hear AAA Western devs say this.

SCEWWS in particular need this sort of mindset. Hearing Evolution and Ready at Dawn talk about their games it's so clear that most of their focus is on the technical and the visual. That doesn't end well often.

Really can't wait for Insomniac to put out some footage.

Ready At Dawn is not apart of SCEWWS, they are an independent 2nd party studio just like Insomniac were

Yup, he got this one for sure. That means the white SO bundle is probably at least in planning.

I don't think they'll go through with a white XB1 until they start selling more of their stock


I'm pretty sure I know the answer already, but I look forward to seeing if the gameplay is even remotely as fun and crazy as that E3 trailer. I get the feeling it was the typical look how awesome our game will never be under any circumstances ever trailer though.

I think that was what everybody was worried about. But scroll up to that huge quoted post above you. This gives me some piece of mind:

Upfront they hit a lot of concerns like the stylization in particular. They really wanted to make a stylizated game and saw that a lot of publishers get cold with that kind of thing. Insomniac stayed with that vision and Microsoft gave a big thumbs up. Insomniac owns the IP and is glad that Microsoft supports that.

In other words, guys, this is why they went with Microsoft. My guess is EA, just being EA, forced them to change Overstrike to FUSE because they thought it was too risky. Thus, Insomniac is going with Microsoft because Microsoft got behind their vision and let them go all wacky.

So the very fact that they are with Microsoft is so that what you're worried about doesn't happen.
I don't think they'll go through with a white XB1 until they start selling more of their stock

That's why I said "in planning." I imagine it'll be like the Titanfall bundle's case. One would hope most of the stock would be moved by the time SO comes out, though. It's pretty far into the future and MS has been aggressive with pricing (unofficially of course).


That's why I said "in planning." I imagine it'll be like the Titanfall bundle's case. One would hope most of the stock would be moved by the time SO comes out, though. It's pretty far into the future and MS has been aggressive with pricing (unofficially of course).

:( I hope not. I really want one.


So . . . Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 and Halo 2 Anniversary semi confirmed? Because if so best fall ever

Don't forget Quantum Break.

Quantum Break, SO, Forza Horizon 2 and Halo Anniversary 2 all this fall supposedly. That's a lineup that's almost unseen before in quality based on potential.
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