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Sunset Overdrive in next months EDGE

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Can you find a PS3 example where the developer kept the new IP?

Why does it matter? The point is if they wanted to keep the IP and have Sony fund it, Sony isn't opposed to the idea of just that. Them wanting to go third parties was to explore ideas and have freedom to work with others. Not only because they want to keep their IPs. However this is getting off topic.
Can you find a PS3 example where the developer kept the new IP?

I mentioned some smaller titles but during the PS3 era Sony had far less weight (and cash) to throw around. You would think with how strong the PS4 is going (and all the positive things Developers are saying about working with Sony) that they would work with one of their longest running relationships.
I'd like this to happen, but I can't think of many examples where it has.

To be fair, the whole point of going with MS was being able to own the IP. I doubt they (insomniac) want to keep it on just Xbox. They want a big IP that they own and control completely. At least, that's what I understood.


Ok, How about these...

Tekken, Soul Calibur 3, Ace Combat, Time Crisis, Kingdom Hearts and Ridge Racer.

All have been published or co-published by Sony during the PS2 era when Sony had the most weight to throw around.

EDIT: Lets not forget that Sony published Final Fantasy VII for Square...

Kingdom Hearts was never published by SCE, it was always Disney Interactive/Buena Vista.

Tekken, Ace Combat, and Ridge Racer and SC were never published by SCE, either. In fact SC3 being PS2 only was a really bad hit to it's sales considering SC2 did really well multiplat. Then they merged with Bandai

Namco and it's FG divisions/ridge racer really preferred Sony. Kind of like Team Ninja preferred Xbox when they were good.


Excited to hear details on this one.

2014 is shaping up to be a pretty good year for New AAA IPs, between this, Quantum Break (if it makes it this year), and The Order: 1886.


I mentioned some smaller titles but during the PS3 era Sony had far less weight (and cash) to throw around. You would think with how strong the PS4 is going (and all the positive things Developers are saying about working with Sony) that they would work with one of their longest running relationships.
Do you think MS signed this yesterday?


The one game that could make me even think about getting an Xbone in the next 3 years. Here's to hoping it isn't just a generic TPS with vibrant visuals. I want some unique and fun mechanics to go along with the great visuals.


Ok, How about these...

Tekken, Soul Calibur 3, Ace Combat, Time Crisis, Kingdom Hearts and Ridge Racer.

All have been published or co-published by Sony during the PS2 era when Sony had the most weight to throw around.

EDIT: Lets not forget that Sony published Final Fantasy VII for Square...
I'm really not sure about this(honest) but are you sure those games weren't just co-published in certain regions by Sony? Big difference between fully funding a game(the 30 million thing) vs helping put a game out in a certain region after the game was developed.
I'm hyped because of Resistance 3, R&C: A Crack in Time and Into the Nexus. Fuse was a blip in an otherwise fantastic back catalogue.
Resistance 3 sucked monkey balls.

It was a copy cat game through and through. A bit of metro 2033 here, a dash of crysis there and a lot from half life 2. Bland and unoriginal
Maybe. There are elements of that trailer that would be literally impossible, most notably the fluidity of animation and dynamism of camera movement, so even when comparing Phil can't really consider things like that, it's always going to be a muddy comparison.

Well, not to apply too much pressure or expectation on the game, but GTA 5 had very impressive dynamic camera movement during gameplay, and there's more than a few games I would classify as having quite good and very fluid animations. There's some challenges that obviously are near impossible to solve 100%, but games have made use of a variety of tricks to get around the barriers that exist.

Now, I have many examples in mind that I think proves this to an extent, but to avoid having you guys pull a Joe McCarthy on me (SHILL!!!), I'll be safe and use some crowd favorites. :)

Infamous Second Son.


God of War 3


And let's not forget that Infamous Second Son also has some solid environment traversal capabilities that I feel are very good demonstrations of both very fluid animation, as well as nice dynamic camera movement. Developers have all sorts of ways to make something look nicer than you would expect. All it takes is a little bit of creativity, and finding the best way to implement that in game in a fashion that makes the player feel like they have some input.


I'd be in the dick
To be fair, the whole point of going with MS was being able to own the IP. I doubt they (insomniac) want to keep it on just Xbox. They want a big IP that they own and control completely. At least, that's what I understood.
That's how I saw it too. Sony always holds onto the IPs when they publish. It's probably a deal where MS funds the first game then has right of refusal on a sequel. If they choose not to fund it, Insomniac can move to another publisher.
Kingdom Hearts was never published by SCE, it was always Disney Interactive/Buena Vista.

Tekken, Ace Combat, and Ridge Racer and SC were never published by SCE, either. In fact SC3 being PS2 only was a really bad hit to it's sales considering SC2 did really well multiplat.

The Namco games were co-published, Sony helped them get it to more territories then the main 3. Also on the PSN according to IGN.

As for Kingdom Hearts, I Believe it was in Europe and other territories published by SCE since the "Published by SquareSoft" is missing on the PAL Cover.
Didn't think people were still angry about the Sony Insomniac thing, who knew.

I didn't think people were. If Insomniac hadn't made Fuse and Resistance 2, I feel everyone would have more faith. But they are team that creates such strange output. Ratchet was brilliant, but it got run into the ground.

Hopefully Sunset turns it around for them. They can have a valuable IP to survive on, and I feel an exclusive title, with marketing from MS, might just help them accomplish that.
Everything I've seen/heard of this game is pretty rad. It has potential to be really fun and unique. I also think it could look really great graphically thanks to the neat art style.

I look forward to an information blowout soon so we can get a much better sense of how the game will play.

Let's get it


Didn't think people were still angry about the Sony Insomniac thing, who knew.

Remember all of the PC gamers getting mad about Rapture? Sony guys justified it by saying that Sony was helping with publishing and development? I'm sure there are plenty of people bitter about Transistor and The Witness. Those were bastions (pun intended) of XBLA that sold incredibly well on the platform. Things change which is why I just go where the games are. I'll buy this game day one on xbox one and will grab transistor on ps4.


What makes you think there's going to be a PS4 port?

I've come to the realization that some gamers, like the one you quoted, think that if Micro has an exclusive not named Halo or Forza then it HAS to come to another console eventually.

The main reasons I've noticed is Micro doesn't care for exclusives other than those two so it has to come to the other console, Xbox owners only play certain types of games so those games need to come to the Sony system and really flourish, there are more PS4's out there so why waist your time with something else.

The #1 sentiment.......Drumrolllllllllll......1080p. Why develop exclusively for the less powerful system even though that's never been a defining sentiment among devs in the industry.

So even though Microsoft made this game happen for Insomniac...when's it coming to the PS4 anyway. -_-


The #1 sentiment.......Drumrolllllllllll......1080p. Why develop exclusively for the less powerful system even though that's never been a defining sentiment among devs in the industry.

So even though Microsoft made this game happen for Insomniac...when's it coming to the PS4 anyway. -_-



I've come to the realization that some gamers, like the one you quoted, think that if Micro has an exclusive not named Halo or Forza then it HAS to come to another console eventually.

The main reasons I've noticed is Micro doesn't care for exclusives other than those two so it has to come to the other console, Xbox owners only play certain types of games so those games need to come to the Sony system and really flourish, there are more PS4's out there so why waist your time with something else.

The #1 sentiment.......Drumrolllllllllll......1080p. Why develop exclusively for the less powerful system even though that's never been a defining sentiment among devs in the industry.

So even though Microsoft made this game happen for Insomniac...when's it coming to the PS4 anyway. -_-

I don't expect Ryse or Titanfall or Quantum Break or any other XBox exclusive to come to Playstation. I'm just holding out a small bit of hope for Sunset Overdrive because, well, Insomniac made games for Playstation for like, 15 years and they're one of my favorite developers.
I've come to the realization that some gamers, like the one you quoted, think that if Micro has an exclusive not named Halo or Forza then it HAS to come to another console eventually.

The main reasons I've noticed is Micro doesn't care for exclusives other than those two so it has to come to the other console, Xbox owners only play certain types of games so those games need to come to the Sony system and really flourish, there are more PS4's out there so why waist your time with something else.

The #1 sentiment.......Drumrolllllllllll......1080p. Why develop exclusively for the less powerful system even though that's never been a defining sentiment among devs in the industry.

So even though Microsoft made this game happen for Insomniac...when's it coming to the PS4 anyway. -_-



I don't expect Ryse or Titanfall or Quantum Break or any other XBox exclusive to come to Playstation. I'm just holding out a small bit of hope for Sunset Overdrive because, well, Insomniac made games for Playstation for like, 15 years and they're one of my favorite developers.

It just isn't realistic, dude. Seriously, nobody realistically expects that.

I'm pretty sure he's being ironic on purpose.


I don't expect Ryse or Titanfall or Quantum Break or any other XBox exclusive to come to Playstation. I'm just holding out a small bit of hope for Sunset Overdrive because, well, Insomniac made games for Playstation for like, 15 years and they're one of my favorite developers.
I thought you were joking.

This is basically how it works, it doesn't matter who owns the IP of a game, it matters who owns the publishing rights, and that is MS. The contract could have allowed for the reverting of publishing rights after a certain period, but we can't know without the contract, but it's extremely unlikely. If you want to play the game, buy an XBO, or become good friends with someone who has or will.


I don't expect Ryse or Titanfall or Quantum Break or any other XBox exclusive to come to Playstation. I'm just holding out a small bit of hope for Sunset Overdrive because, well, Insomniac made games for Playstation for like, 15 years and they're one of my favorite developers.

Insomniac said SO is xbone exclusive and it won't come to PS platforms.
I don't expect Ryse or Titanfall or Quantum Break or any other XBox exclusive to come to Playstation. I'm just holding out a small bit of hope for Sunset Overdrive because, well, Insomniac made games for Playstation for like, 15 years and they're one of my favorite developers.

What better way to support one of your favourite developers than to buy a whole new console for them!
They may still intend to go multi-platform with the franchise since they own IP. Who knows?

This getting ahead of ourselves, but I'd imagine that Microsoft has rights of first refusal for any potential sequel. If Insomniac really wanted a multiplatform game they probably wouldn't have signed with MS in the first place. When a company wants to own their IP, it isn't just because they want it to be multiplatform.

I tend to think people on here are just really ignorant of how business works. It's like, do you understand contracts? PR? I guess a lot of people here don't.

I imagine it's pretty disheartening to be a developer and come on here and have all these people on the internet spreading all this ignorance. In fact, I think something to that effect was said in that NeoGAF documentary.

It seems like a lot of people have no idea what a publisher does.


I thought you were joking.

This is basically how it works, it doesn't matter who owns the IP of a game, it matters who owns the publishing rights, and that is MS. The contract could have allowed for the reverting of publishing rights after a certain period, but we can't know without the contract, but it's extremely unlikely. If you want to play the game, buy an XBO, or become good friends with someone who has or will.

I tend to think people on here are just really ignorant of how business works. It's like, do you understand contracts? PR? I guess a lot of people here don't.

I imagine it's pretty disheartening to be a developer and come on here and have all these people on the internet spreading all this ignorance. In fact, I think something to that effect was said in that NeoGAF documentary.


Aside from ME1 do we have any big games that released for PS3 eventually? I think a PC port is likely, but showing up on PS4 is not.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
I've come to the realization that some gamers, like the one you quoted, think that if Micro has an exclusive not named Halo or Forza then it HAS to come to another console eventually.

The main reasons I've noticed is Micro doesn't care for exclusives other than those two so it has to come to the other console, Xbox owners only play certain types of games so those games need to come to the Sony system and really flourish, there are more PS4's out there so why waist your time with something else.

The #1 sentiment.......Drumrolllllllllll......1080p. Why develop exclusively for the less powerful system even though that's never been a defining sentiment among devs in the industry.

So even though Microsoft made this game happen for Insomniac...when's it coming to the PS4 anyway. -_-

No worries dude... I recognize this is a joke post. People have lost their ability to appreciate ridiculous humor lately because of all the rampant trolling in XB1 threads over the past 14 months. We'll be able to joke with freedom again one day but it always helps to add to the real conversation somewhere in your post to... you know... keep your post relevant.
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