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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT| It's out in Japan

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I don't see the problem either. Why is trying to make it big bad? Why is playing a video game for a living a problem? Who does that hurt?

Sports players do it all the time. They don't have day jobs.

They both want to play games for a living, either because they like the game or they want the money/fame associated with it, or all of the above.

Not many will play smash 4 if they can't make some money for doing so. And they won't make money if nobody watches them play.

I think it's fine if that's what you decide to do. That said, I think it's stupid to do currently just because there are a shit ton of risks associated with it for not that much money. But if someone is ok with that, then no need to hold it against them

Although I don't mind people quitting their jobs to play video games for a living (even if I think that's a though life given the risks associated with it), I do certainly think there's a problem when people drop their studies to do it, much like I would with people who drop their studies for sports, but I'm hopeful that's not the case for some of the competitive smash playerbase.
Although I don't mind people quitting their jobs to play video games for a living (even if I think that's a though life given the risks associated with it), I do certainly think there's a problem when people drop their studies to do it, much like I would with people who drop their studies for sports, but I'm hopeful that's not the case for some of the competitive smash playerbase.

It's a personal decision so I can't hold it against them. It's really stupid IMO, but a lot of decisions are and people have a right to choose stuff like this.


I think it's fine if that's what you decide to do. That said, I think it's stupid to do currently just because there are a shit ton of risks associated with it for not that much money. But if someone is ok with that, then no need to hold it against them

I wouldn't do it, but I'm not risky. It's no different than trying to become a famous musician or artist. Only the cream of the crop (and ones with some luck) will make it to a point where you can be profitable. If it's what they want to do, though, who's to stop them? Why should anyone stop them? It's just one of those professions where only the most talented will succeed and be able to make a living. If they want to do it, fine! Let them.

That said, I'd never encourage my kid to pursue a profession in something that they have a HUGE chance at failing at. I wouldn't DISCOURAGE it, but i'd likely suggest and encourage more stable/profitable professions. You should always have a backup plan if your dreams fall through.

Azure J

Catching up on this page. Steve Youngblood's post is great, we got robbed by not having a Skyward Sword Zelda alt (inb4 MrSaturn), Moonlight is best Smash-GAF bro for articulating why for as much as I respect Melee I still wildly prefer Project M and potentially Smash 4, and competitive play should NEVER be determined by a viewership over the people actually playing the game.

With the latter in place, you'd never get to see things like F. Champ vs Chris G in Marvel 3 reach the same level of competitive edge and the story/competition there would be killed because a casual audience would see the match and cry over the game play not being as high octane "fist to face" at all times as "MAHVEL" is "supposed" to be. Or to keep this in a more Smash oriented example, you'd never get Wobbles' performance at EVO 2013 because "wobbling is a scrubby instant win button." Wobbles' technicality and situational awareness as well as Mango's complete dominance over all that both prove such a statement wrong.

64 plays way better.

Someone post the Siglemic gifs, I'm on my phone.

My opinion has always been that Mario's raw athleticism and the way 64's engine lent itself to that was the best thing about 64 while Galaxy's set pieces, level gimmicks and art direction top anything about the equivalent Mario 64 aspects. I'd also mention that Galaxy's point A-B design was a very well realized thing, but that's immensely subjective as numerous GAF threads about "linear Mario vs 'open' Mario" in the past would confirm.

In a lot of ways, 64 vs. Galaxy is like the new age Super Mario Bros. 1 vs Super Mario Bros. 3.


thou TP Zelda wasn't much of an archtype, I mean, she barely appears or does something in the game,

I was expecting a SS alt for smash thou :c

That's my main issue with TP Zelda. I sympathize with her problems, but she's not interesting at all and just feels dull and almost unnecessary except to start the plot in the first place. Probably my least liked Zelda with SS and Musou being my tops
Cash prizes help motivate people to play and play better. Especially since a lot of tournaments require players to spend a lot of time driving and spend quite a bit on gas

If someone needs money on the line to even be bothered to try their hardest then the issue lies with them, and people need to get their priorities in order, if you can't afford to make it to a tournament, you don't go to a tournament. Event organizers run events, they aren't here to care about your circumstances.


Almost.. one more week...



Can't wait. See you online
(still can't find that stupid link figure!)


That probably was the worst thing about Brawl random online lol.
Wait, it was a common thing? Loooool

I always thought it was just one random guy that ran into it and wrote a letter.
I agreed even I won most of time when they decided to ganging on me because I don't taunt and attack them. :lol
That's how I always look at it too. If they're gonna do dumb stuff... ok, I'll just win. Though I guess it would be frustrating if they don't fight back at all. They pretty much wasted your time.
I haven't played multiplayer yet, but I did see some connections lag in some streams. Not to the point of stopping and putting up the loading sign, but still lag in local play.
Was hoping that was just the stream lagging...
Vs real people? Wireless latency. Make sure your 3DSes are pointed at each other and that you're not too far away. Other wireless interference can cause issues! Don't play near microwaves!
We were within arms distance to each other! I could look in their eyes as Link bombed them from afar!
When you say "Local" do you mean you versus 2 computer opponents, or you versus two human players in Group mode? Because if it's the former, my suspicion -- based on nothing substantive -- would be that maybe something is wrong with your SD card. If it's the latter, then I don't know. Haven't tried anything but CPU opponents. Never had a problem myself, though.
Local meaning we were playing in my friends living room, 3 person brawl. I could have kicked either one had I extended my leg out. Gaaah it's awful.
QUOTE=TheBera;131487035]Happened to me as well, 1 on 1 against a friend. Local of course! Sorry but I still couldn't figure out the reason, hopefully it won't happen in the full version![/QUOTE]
Maaan, how is this getting burshed under the rug so bad? If ANY game had 1-3 seconds of loading, mid match, in ANY multiplayer game it would get roasted with the hottest hellfires available. But this was local. This is totally unacceptable, how can Nin think that it is ok to have your fighting game have to resync several times mid match??
It is lag. It just occurs randomly sometimes.
Lag...on adhoc..? In all my years of playing portables, and playing MP (infrastructure & ad-hoc) on said portables, I've never seen anything like this. I'm chalking it up to it being a demo with terrible optimization.

Thanks all for the replies.


Oh yeah, I guess that'd be an important piece of info. Haha, oops!

It would most likely be around 7:00-7:30 PM PST, but still let me know what times work best for you so that we can change it if necessary.
That time's fine with me! Hopefully a good amount can join in. Will Mario Kart just be done through a tournament?
That time's fine with me! Hopefully a good amount can join in. Will Mario Kart just be done through a tournament?
Yeah, I'll just make a temporary tournament. Or, depending on the amount of people, I'll just have everyone friend me and have them join my room. And yes, would love to have more people!

No texts during random battles since you only able to use it for friend only battles.
Ah, that makes sense.


Lag...on adhoc..? In all my years of playing portables, and playing MP (infrastructure & ad-hoc) on said portables, I've never seen anything like this. I'm chalking it up to it being a demo with terrible optimization.

Thanks all for the replies.
I've never seen it before either.

It seems like this game struggles to run as well as it does though. Assist trophies at 30 fps, no Ice Climbers, no Miiverse while in game, etc. Local wireless is a separate issue though, and one I'm really surprised to see running into this sort of issue.
I just love the music in this entry so much. Props to them for creating such an utterly hummable theme.

I am very mixed because it ranges from "eh" to "awesome". Bath Time (Vocal Mix) is probably my favorite song and most Mario/Zelda remixes are really good.

Then again we know we got more music coming since there is a Pac-Man song in the 3DS version not used in the stage, so there is going to be 4 music tracks per stage like Brawl. So while the 3DS version may be mixed, I bet the Wii U version is going to be boss.


Unconfirmed Member
I'd love to see a grip that had some sort of thing to convert the circle pad to an analog stick. That would make it a lot more playable on 3DS for me.

Unfortunately, while that's possible, I'd guess it might be kind of fragile. And you wouldn't be able to close the 3DS of course, which hurts portability. Non-issue for me but most people probably take advantage of a portable system's portability.


Although I don't mind people quitting their jobs to play video games for a living (even if I think that's a though life given the risks associated with it), I do certainly think there's a problem when people drop their studies to do it, much like I would with people who drop their studies for sports, but I'm hopeful that's not the case for some of the competitive smash playerbase.

FWIW, most of the older competitive players that have been around playing since Melee have most definitely finished their college studies or are close to finishing. Mew2king, for example, did finish whatever he went to school for -- but I can't remember how many years he went and everything. Hungrybox is currently still doing his studies as well as PPMD (who I believe is in his last year?) which is why you never really see PPMD attend many tournaments in a single year.

Not sure on the situation with people like ChuDat and Axe but Ken was doing work in his family business before he got sponsored by Team Liquid -- he may even still be doing that business on the side.

The only person you can probably question their priorities on out of all these is M2K and it's particularly because he actually doesn't have anything else to support him secondarily if Smash falls through. He's been living off of Smash, barely, for the last... 6 years? He's tried to start getting into game development via indie game development but it seems nothing's come of that. He's now trying to become a Twitch streamer (which to be honest is probably the thing he could truly excel at as a secondary source of income).

I think most competitive players aren't like M2K at all. They have other avenues or ideas for secondary options to support themselves and to get out to tournaments. They know and understand Smash can't be a lifetime source of income.
Heading to work, but I'll quote this once for a new page. Also, it's worth noting that if you want to play this Friday, you'll need to download TeamSpeak 3; it's the program we're using to connect to the server. It's free, incredibly easy to set up, and provides an crazy smooth connection for voice chat.


Hey guys! Voice Chat for Smash is still something I'm super excited to get going.

So, Devo and I would love to do a test run beforehand just to make sure the server and all of the setting we have are up to snuff. We were thinking of getting as many GAFers as we can to test it out this Friday (though the date may change) by jumping on Mario Kart 8 and seeing how everything holds up. If you're available to to do this, please let me know! In addition to helping get things ready, playing Mario Kart with SmashGAF should prove to be quite fun. It would most likely be around 7:00-7:30 PM PST, but still let me know what times work best for you so that we can change it if necessary.

As I mentioned before, servers for voice chat won't be available until a week after launch the US launch. "But Oric," you cry with worrisome tones, "what if I want quick communication options before then?" Well lucky for you, there's a great text based IRC chat already in place for this thread. I encourage people to use this if they have no interest in using voice chat or when playing with people who can't/don't want to speak online. We won't have text features on our TeamSpeak server, so this'll be the place to go for that. Here's the info for that:

Server: irc.rizon.net
Channel: #SmashGAF
Mibbit Link to Chat

Anyway, let me know if you can help this Friday. Looking forward to when we have everything rolling!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
9 more days!

I've always been against cash prizes in the first place. The money would be better spent by organizers to ensure future events anyway.
It's a problem because without all the bloat there wouldn't be such a need to take the audience into account.

Why would anyone compete in a serious tournament if there is no monetary incentive? Organizers wouldn't be able to ensure future events if no one wants to participate because they only get a pat on the back for winning.


as well as PPMD (who I believe is in his last year?) which is why you never really see PPMD attend many tournaments in a single year.
Pretty sure he graduated. Or if he's still doing anything, it's grad school.
I went to the same university as him for a couple years. :p
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