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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XI: Where 90% correct equals 100% wrong

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Nintendo put up a 2 minute recap of the SDCC tournament.

Edit: There's some footage of Larry Lurr (the champion) and Dennis Medina (runner up) in there as well.

I spy with my little eye... a gaffer named anth0ny.

Also, until the game comes out, I personally just think of 'leaks' as 'neat ideas' or 'fan speculation' as to who is in the roster. Once it's all said and done, we can combine all the right leakers, the ones who had no incorrect information, and see who was telling the truth. It'll be neat to look back.


Because 1. Chrom was deconfirmed

2. Pokemon from X/Y, I mean really this one is so vague it covers Mega Lucario/Charizard

3. Palutena was already leaked(?) and later that day we had the Palutenas temple statue Pic

4. The only info he missed is non e3 info (Rosalina, Robin, Lucina)
1 Chrom is still above ATs and alike, he has a high quality model, unlike the ATs and other models

2 Sakurai said in E3 roundtable that "pokemon from x/y" was greninja name during early development.

3 Graphical leaks like that one are nearly impossible to check, even with Palutena anounced, its impossible to say for sure if that leak is legit or not

4 Just because he didnt leak every single character in the game it doesnt mean everything he said is fake
ive been out of the loop.

1. What was the last thing Famitsu reveal/explained? Last thing I remember is the WFT healing mechanic.

2. Has Anthony finished writing his Nobel Prize worthy Smash Thesis Visual Novel?

EDIT And omg Afonis back.
So here's a question: if you had to cut four characters from the original 12 and they could never be in another Smash game again, who would you choose? Any reasoning is fine, but state your reasoning.

First choice is the easiest.

1 Yoshi. I'm stretching your rule and assuming they can never be playable again. Yoshi can be cut while still serving a role based around his original use as a mount. Yoshi can be an item that any character can ride.

2. Jigglypuff. Out of 12 characters far more iconic and important in their franchises, Jigglypuff is the most deserving to get the boot.

3. Ness. Gah i hate to say that. Mother isnt a major franchise, so it doesnt need two reps. We can loose Ness and have Lucas so this niche franchise can still be represented.

4. Luigi. Unfortunately he's the only one left that can go without being a travesty. Each other character is more important to their franchise than Luigi is.


ive been out of the loop.

1. What was the last thing Famitsu reveal/explained? Last thing I remember is the WFT healing mechanic.

2. Has Anthony finished writing his Nobel Prize worthy Smash Thesis Visual Novel?

EDIT And omg Afonis back.

1 Something about Rosalina, I think

2 Yes, but just part 1
So here's a question: if you had to cut four characters from the original 12 and they could never be in another Smash game again, who would you choose?

- Jigglypuff, because we already have Pikachu, which is the most essential Pokemon character.

- Yoshi, because he should be a rideable character item/powerup that anybody can ride.

- Luigi, because Mario is more important than him.

I can't decide on a 4th, they're too essential.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
I like to post this whenever someone says that Wii Fit Trainer is obvious.
Hindsight bias, also known as the knew-it-all-along effect or creeping determinism, is the inclination, after an event has occurred, to see the event as having been predictable, despite there having been little or no objective basis for predicting it, prior to its occurrence. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that can affect different stages of designs, processes, contexts, and situations. Hindsight bias may cause memory distortion, where the recollection and reconstruction of content can lead to false theoretical outcomes. It has been suggested that the effect can cause extreme methodological problems while trying to analyze, understand, and interpret results in experimental studies. A basic example of the hindsight bias is when, after viewing the outcome of a potentially unforeseeable event, a person believes he or she "knew it all along". Such examples are present in the writings of historians describing outcomes of battles, physicians recalling clinical trials, and in judicial systems trying to attribute responsibility and predictability of accidents.


That explanation for the wrong trailer is hilariously bad considering how far in advance it had to be planned.

Again, Gematsu leaker has bits and pieces and it's clear his recent info isn't as reliable as his first leak. Leakers often tell people what they want to hear (Shulk) or expect to hear (Chrom). I'm inclined to believe Chorus Men is legit just because it's neither, but for all I know that could be wrong.

Stop taking his word as the gospel is all I'm asking.


3. Ness. Gah i hate to say that. Mother isnt a major franchise, so it doesnt need two reps. We can loose Ness and have Lucas so this niche franchise can still be represented.

While I'm upset that you said it, staring into Uncle Jesse's eyes makes the blow easier to take.


That explanation for the wrong trailer is hilariously bad considering how far in advance it had to be planned.

Again, Gematsu leaker has bits and pieces and it's clear his recent info isn't as reliable as his first leak. Stop taking his word as the gospel is all I'm asking.

Why would it have to be far in advance. They can literally have all the trailers for characters done and ready to go. It would literally take 5 mins to post a trailer that was already made. What am I missing?




So here's a question: if you had to cut four characters from the original 12 and they could never be in another Smash game again, who would you choose? Any reasoning is fine, but state your reasoning.

Maaaan.... I thought hard about this but I couldn't think of anyone. It'd be hard to exclude any of the original 12 because everyone outside of Jigglypuff and Luigi represent their own series. I'd axe Jigglypuff because it was originally added when it was a recurring character in the anime, and not so relevant nowadays, but as far as Luigi goes, he has a gigantic fanbase and is also one of Nintendo's most important mascots.


Why would it have to be far in advance. They can literally have all the trailers for characters done and ready to go. It would literally take 5 mins to post a trailer that was already made. What am I missing?
Because the trailer isn't the only part, there is also stuff like the website changes and how PR deals with it. You don't switch this sort of thing a few days in advance unless something seriously fucked up happened.

Edit: Forgot about the Famitsu article. So the leaker was blatantly lying to excuse his mistake.

Monkey Blue

Neo Member
Why would it have to be far in advance. They can literally have all the trailers for characters done and ready to go. It would literally take 5 mins to post a trailer that was already made. What am I missing?

You're missing the fact that there was a Famitsu article about Robin and Lucina that week.
So if/when Shulk and any RH rep are confirmed will the people saying gematsu = fake still say that despite getting 10/12 correct with the wrong picks being the correct franchise for a newcomer to be from?

Also if I had to cut 4 of the original vets

1. Yoshi

Never been a good character or added much to the game as a fighter.

2. Luigi

Inferior clone brother, more fun to look at then play with

3. Ness

I love Ness, but Earthbound is as niche as you can get and you could always use Lucas as the series solo Mother rep. I'd rather that solo rep be Ness over Lucas as I'm a Ness main, but I can't really cut anyone else

4. Jigglypuff

I main and love Jigglypuff, and I really can't justify in my mind cutting any of the following

Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu,
Captain Falcon

If I was gonna be personal and say "I don't like playing as these characters so I'd cut them" my 4 would be Luigi/Yoshi/Mario/Link but obviously that would NEVER happen :p


When did the initial leak of WFT, Villager and Mii come out anyway? Was it days before E3?

Also I'm pretty sure someone in this thread mentioned it but speculating Little Mac was obvious when they had a boxing ring stage, and Pacman was being speculated when they made the initial announcement that Namco was on-board to develop the game several years ago.


When did the initial leak of WFT, Villager and Mii come out anyway? Was it days before E3?
Yes, a few days before the game reveal


also, the boxing ring was obviously from punch out, even the color patterns were the same.. but many still said that it was not because it didn't have the correct emblem painted in the ground..


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
So here's a question: if you had to cut four characters from the original 12 and they could never be in another Smash game again, who would you choose? Any reasoning is fine, but state your reasoning.
1. Ness, because he isn't fun to play as and his yo-yo attacks are awful.

2. Yoshi, because he isn't fun to play as and his special attacks are awful.

3. Jiggilypuff, because I have only ever used her to kill Giga Bowser or spam Rollout.

4. I don't want to pick a 4th one, but it would probably have to be Mario, because no one plays as Mario.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
So if/when Shulk and any RH rep are confirmed will the people saying gematsu = fake still say that despite getting 10/12 correct with the wrong picks being the correct franchise for a newcomer to be from?

Also if I had to cut 4 of the original vets

1. Yoshi

Never been a good character or added much to the game as a fighter.

2. Luigi

Inferior clone brother, more fun to look at then play with

3. Ness

I love Ness, but Earthbound is as niche as you can get and you could always use Lucas as the series solo Mother rep. I'd rather that solo rep be Ness over Lucas as I'm a Ness main, but I can't really cut anyone else

4. Jigglypuff

I main and love Jigglypuff, and I really can't justify in my mind cutting any of the following

Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu,
Captain Falcon

If I was gonna be personal and say "I don't like playing as these characters so I'd cut them" my 4 would be Luigi/Yoshi/Mario/Link but obviously that would NEVER happen :p



It was a tough call, but here are my picks.

Mario - We got Luigi
Fox - We got Falco
Jigglypuff - Similar to Kirby
Yoshi - Not so fun for me to play

So if/when Shulk and any RH rep are confirmed will the people saying gematsu = fake still say that despite getting 10/12 correct with the wrong picks being the correct franchise for a newcomer to be from?

Of course. They'll say that Shulk and RH rep were obvious choices because they're from popular and relevant franchises, so the Gematsu leaker just made good guesses.

That said, he was totally BSing when he called the Shulk reveal, and if he resurfaces again with a new leak, I wouldn't believe it. But his original roster leaks are still sound.

It was a tough call, but here are my picks.

Mario - We got Luigi
Fox - We got Falco
Jigglypuff - Similar to Kirby
Yoshi - Not so fun for me to play

my man


Again, just because someone has some info does not mean they have all the info, and when they act like they have all the info even when proven otherwise, they're probably letting their popularity get to their head and are taking advantage of their previous record. See NeoGAF insiders.

Shulk and Chorus Men might be in. However, they're part of a leak that was just nuked from orbit, so we can't act as if they were guaranteed.

Of course. They'll say that Shulk and RH rep were obvious choices because they're from popular and relevant franchises, so the Gematsu leaker just made good guesses.

That said, he was totally BSing when he called the Shulk reveal, and if he resurfaces again with a new leak, I wouldn't believe it. But his original roster leaks are still sound.
He didn't leak everything at the same time. Shulk, Chrom, and Chorus Men were a later one made after the confirmation of his previous leaks.

Mista Koo

I'd love to see Bowser Jr in. Aside from DK or Metroid characters he's one of the few characters that I want that have a shot.
But yeah the koopalings rumor sounds like fan dreams, I can see it being just Bowser Jr though. He has enough moves in his appearances to make an entire moveset with or without the clown car.

So here's a question: if you had to cut four characters from the original 12 and they could never be in another Smash game again, who would you choose? Any reasoning is fine, but state your reasoning. For me, it's a really tough choice because they're all so iconic to Smash and to Nintendo (mostly), but I'd have to go with
Mario: Luigi is the better Mario.
Yoshi: One Mario series animal is enough.
Fox: One gun user is enough.
Ness: Who?

Jigglypuff probably deserves to be cut the most, but I ain't gonna cut the best Pokemon ever <3


The first Gematsu leak is obviously credible and had a perfect 6/6 record. However, the second leak is a bit shaky. It had fan favorite characters (Palutena, Shulk), expected characters (Chrom, Pokémon XY), mixed in with one WTF choice (Chorus Men). To me, that second leak was just the leaker trying to stir the pot.
I'd love to see Bowser Jr in. Aside from DK or Metroid characters he's one of the few characters that I want that have a shot.
But yeah the koopalings rumor sounds like fan dreams, I can see it being just Bowser Jr though. He has enough moves in his appearances to make an entire moveset with or without the clown car.

Mario: Luigi is the better Mario.
Yoshi: One Mario series animal is enough.
Fox: One gun user is enough.
Ness: Who?

Jigglypuff probably deserves to be cut the most, but I ain't gonna cut the best Pokemon ever <3

Greninja wasn't in Smash64.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
The first Gematsu leak is obviously credible and had a perfect 6/6 record. However, the second leak is a bit shaky. It had fan favorite characters (Palutena, Shulk), expected characters (Chrom, Pokémon XY), mixed in with one WTF choice (Chorus Men). To me, that second leak was just the leaker trying to stir the pot.
and we're still stewing


Naming something like that just as a guess (also mii fighters) is more improbable than getting head on a coin 2^32 times in a row
That's not what I said. I assumed you were talking about the Chrom model being higher poly since that's what the post you quoted said was bullshit reasoning.

Also, you pulled that particular statistic out your ass and that's not how statistics work. Kinda annoying to see this from someone with advanced knowledge of statistics.

Monkey Blue

Neo Member
Naming something like that just as a guess (also mii fighters) is more improbable than getting head on a coin 2^32 times in a row

I'm guessing he just got the name a day before e3 it's not impossible or improbable and makes more sense than "He had a 2 year old list and recent info and misinformation and he only sees models"

Honestly which one of these scenarios is more likely?
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