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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XI: Where 90% correct equals 100% wrong

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Back to talking about leaks huh. We have two plumbers but never use them :/
where's that smash cycle chart?
I think WFT being leaked was legit. I do honestly think that Sakurai knew about the Shulk leak as well and changed up the reveal schedule to throw us off.
I don't think so - it's very expensive to spite leakers.

Monkey Blue

Neo Member
Back to talking about leaks huh. We have two plumbers but never use them :/
where's that smash cycle chart?
I think WFT being leaked was legit. I do honestly think that Sakurai knew about the Shulk leak as well and changed up the reveal schedule to throw us off.

He couldn't have possibly switched Shulk for a Robin reveal. Why does everyone forget the Famitsu article? It was the same week.
Gematsu leaker clearly had some valid information, but also filled in blanks himself with what he thought were shoo-ins and ended up with egg on his face because of it. That's what credibility is, it gets damaged when you're wrong.

Not sure why people have a problem with that.

Because 90% correct = 100% wrong. Really, it seems like people either want to believe that the Gematsu leak is totally right, or they want to deny it entirely. As for why it's so difficult to believe that it's partially legit and partially made up - your guess is as good as mine.


Time for another flood of fanart pics.


why even bother drawing this if you're not gonna include the boots amirite
Because 90% correct = 100% wrong. Really, it seems like people either want to believe that the Gematsu leak is totally right, or they want to deny it entirely. As for why it's so difficult to believe that it's partially legit and partially made up - your guess is as good as mine.

People want to believe we still have tons of newcomers left to be revealed/unlocked, if the gematsu leaker is 90% correct and only got chrom wrong, that would mean we may only have 2 newcomers left and that we may already know who they are or at least what series they come from.


Back to talking about leaks huh. We have two plumbers but never use them :/
where's that smash cycle chart?
I think WFT being leaked was legit. I do honestly think that Sakurai knew about the Shulk leak as well and changed up the reveal schedule to throw us off.

What about all the media in japan (such as magazines) that had information about Robin and Lucina that came directly afterward Robin's reveal?

That and the fact that the 14th and 15th of July were a F-Zero and Fire Emblem games anniversary just pretty much proves that Robin/Lucina being revealed that day was planned from way in advance.


People didn't think those leaks were legit, that's the point of his post... I think/hope

I mean we had people denying Rob was in the game after the game was out when some of the early impressions from the Japanese version said they unlocked him
There was also that thread on Smashboards where someone leaked most (or all?) of the roster, but the community mocked it for ridiculous characters.
Gematsu leaker clearly had some valid information, but also filled in blanks himself with what he thought were shoo-ins and ended up with egg on his face because of it. That's what credibility is, it gets damaged when you're wrong.

Not sure why people have a problem with that.

This is what I think.

I still think we're getting a Rhythm Heaven rep, though. Shulk's a bit more up in the air, but I'm sure he's still coming.
How is ROB an obvious choice? He's not even a shoo-in for Smash 4.
Rob seemed fairly likely to me. I had seen tons of people including myself suggest Toon Link replacing Young Link and ROB joining the roster. However calling WFT, Villager, Little Mac, Megaman, Pacman and, Mii in the first leak was no luck especially when three of them had been written off by Sakurai in the past. I was always a bit more skeptical of the second leak. However its still up in the air and it could go either way.


Neo Member
Because 90% correct = 100% wrong. Really, it seems like people either want to believe that the Gematsu leak is totally right, or they want to deny it entirely. As for why it's so difficult to believe that it's partially legit and partially made up - your guess is as good as mine.

Well, besides the fact that I have a hard time believing the narrative that the guy had a source but chose to make up stuff anyway -- because really, if you're in the extremely enviable position of relaying information about Smash to the Internet, are you really going to just start undermining it for no gain? -- I think part of the problem in these discussions is that people conflate two different things: the chances of the leak being factually correct as to what characters are in the game, whether or not it stems from insider information, and the chances that the leak actually comes from insider information. For example, it's possible for a leak to be 100% correct but also 100% wrong in that it doesn't actually come from an inside source (sure, that'd be get-struck-by-lightning-while-using-Pikachu's-thunder-in-the-basement-of-a-WWII-bunker levels of ridiculous, but just to make a point). When people cite the 10% of the leak that's been shown to be factually incorrect, they're not using it against the other 90%, they're using it against the notion that the leak is informed by insider info.
How is ROB an obvious choice? He's not even a shoo-in for Smash 4.
He was already in Brawl (in Subspace) and he's probably the single most important part of Nintendo's history as far as peripherals go. All of the people on Smash forums were just too focused on Ridley to see that ROB was basically a shoo in. Well, everyone except those "leakers" who guessed the roster, which anybody could have easily done. I'm being totally serious, just like the people who say WFT was an obvious inclusion.


ROB was in Mario Kart DS, so I could see people guessing him. The #1 "yeah right" pick was Wolf. When I saw the real leaked roster, ROB and Wolf were the two that made me think "huh?"


I don't think so - it's very expensive to spite leakers.
It's not like those trailers were made the same week.
Sakurai's troll levels are immeasurable.

He couldn't have possibly switched Shulk for a Robin reveal. Why does everyone forget the Famitsu article? It was the same week.
He could've have very well cut out Shulk at the end of the CG trailer and any scene of his game play then.
And having editors make last second changes to articles like that doesn't seem that difficult.
*tinfoil hat*
Rob seemed fairly likely to me. I had seen tons of people including myself suggest Toon Link replacing Young Link and ROB joining the roster. However calling WFT, Villager, Little Mac, Megaman, Pacman and, Mii in the first leak was no luck especially when three of them had been written off by Sakurai in the past.

I was one of the few people who argued for Rob early in Brawl's dev on the grounds he had been in Mario Kart DS and they already had rob models/moves in the game thanks to subspace. I remember being mocked for it

I did think Wolf being in the game was bogus... Ate taste space crow for that one

Edit: I would never say Rob was a shoe in though, the only shoe ins I felt about during Brawl's development before revealed were Meta Knight, King Dedede, Wario, and Olimar.
Gematsu leaker clearly had some valid information, but also filled in blanks himself with what he thought were shoo-ins and ended up with egg on his face because of it. That's what credibility is, it gets damaged when you're wrong.

Not sure why people have a problem with that.
But why?

It doesn't make sense to take wild guesses in his position.


Time for another Miiverse drawings round up.























BTW, I feel really sorry for the Admins on miiverse, these pics are all drawn within the last 40 minutes. These are the goods ones. Imagine the rest of the posts with about 90% being shitty posts attacking the administration staff for not allowing them to post shitty off topic stuff. It's probably a 1:100 ratio of good to shitty posts.


Characters I would cut from the original 12:

Mario, Luigi and Yoshi: Get rid of them to make room for better Mario reps like Paper Mario, Fawful and Rawk Hawk.
Jigglypuff: Nothing against Jiggs, but she's not really that important.


He was already in Brawl (in Subspace) and he's probably the single most important part of Nintendo's history as far as peripherals go. All of the people on Smash forums were just too focused on Ridley to see that ROB was basically a shoo in. Well, everyone except those "leakers" who guessed the roster, which anybody could have easily done. I'm being totally serious, just like the people who say WFT was an obvious inclusion.
Primid joins the Brawl!

ROB was in Mario Kart DS, so I could see people guessing him. The #1 "yeah right" pick was Wolf. When I saw the real leaked roster, ROB and Wolf were the two that made me think "huh?"
Wolf was even easier to guess than ROB. He was originally planned for Melee, Star Fox was in it's prime, people loved Fox and Falco in Melee, and Wolf is probably the third most important Star Fox character that isn't an assist trophy. Seriously, that in no way proves it was a legit leak. Seriously.

Also, the Primid thing is stupid. Primids aren't important Nintendo characters, so they're not obvious choices like ROB (and WFT) are.
On a semi-related note, is it weird that I thought Villager was the most likely newcomer despite Sakurai's previous dismissal of him?

If anything, I think it's the prime example of how Sakurai can change his mind over time, which is all Ridley fans have to hold onto.
I was one of the few people who argued for Rob early in Brawl's dev on the grounds he had been in Mario Kart DS and they already had rob models/moves in the game thanks to subspace. I remember being mocked for it

I did think Wolf being in the game was bogus... Ate taste space crow for that one
Yeah even before the subspace stuff, I felt Rob was a good pick for a Mr. G&W type of character. Wolf through me off as well and I was young and delusional thinking that there were a lot more newcomers.


I don't mean to be RACIST but I think Japanese Miiverse > US Miiverse. I'm playing Yokai Watch 2 right now and everytime I post a question I get so many replies, and many of them are very detailed or have cool pictures.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Not going to lie I would like to see Tabuu playable in a special mode just because playing as the overpowered Boss character is always cool in a fighting game.

Just make him human-size, and give him a move-set based on a mix of abilities the other human-fighters have.
Sakurai said the first priority of Smash 4 was drafting the roster.
The roster was initially drafted in February 2012, following the completion of KIU

Now the leak listed XY Pokemon and Chrom. This part of the leak was from the same snapshot in time, meaning Chrom was on the list at the same time a reserved XY Pokemon rep was. We already know Sakurai confirmed that XY reserved a rep for a period of time, and when Greninja was chosen, he didnt even have a name, and was based off of concept art.

The next major part is Chrom. Sakurai said he initially considered Chrom, but chose Robin AFTER he played FEA. Well, FEA came out in April 2012. 2 months after the roster was drafted.

The pieces fit far too well.
Sakurai said the first priority of Smash 4 was drafting the roster.
The roster was initially drafted in February 2012, following the completion of KIU

Now the leak listed XY Pokemon and Chrom. This part of the leak was from the same snapshot in time, meaning Chrom was on the list at the same time XY Pokemon was. We already know Sakurai confirmed that XY reserved a rep for a period of time, and when Greninja was chosen, he didnt even have a name, and was based off of concept art.

The next major part is Chrom. Sakurai said he initially considered Chrom, but chose Robin AFTER he played FEA. Well, FEA came out in April 2012. 2 months after the roster was drafted.

The pieces fit far too well.

That's actually a good point I never thought of before


Sakurai said the first priority of Smash 4 was drafting the roster.
The roster was initially drafted in February 2012, following the completion of KIU

Now the leak listed XY Pokemon and Chrom. This part of the leak was from the same snapshot in time, meaning Chrom was on the list at the same time XY Pokemon was. We already know Sakurai confirmed that XY reserved a rep for a period of time, and when Greninja was chosen, he didnt even have a name, and was based off of concept art.

The next major part is Chrom. Sakurai said he initially considered Chrom, but chose Robin AFTER he played FEA. Well, FEA came out in April 2012. 2 months after the roster was drafted.

The pieces fit far too well.
So wouldn't the obvious conclusion be that the roster was subject to much change after the initial draft and Chorus Men and Shulk aren't 100% things? That's one character dropped and three (Rosalina, Lucina, and Robin) picked up at least.
I don't understand the value of leaks when their merit can only be determined retroactively, at which point you've received the confirmed information at the same time as anyone else.
Not going to lie I would like to see Tabuu playable in a special mode just because playing as the overpowered Boss character is always cool in a fighting game.

Just make him human-size, and give him a move-set based on a mix of abilities the other human-fighters have.

I never want to see Tabuu again for the rest of my life. Seeing him controlling Master Hand like a puppet killed any chance of me liking his presence in the series. Master Hand is supposed to be the all-mighty God of these characters. That's what Classic Mode is: Nintendo characters on a vendetta against their God, who they destroy, and are then rewarded with lifelessness in the form of a statue with no omnipotent being to wake them.

"Congratulations! God is dead and you killed him, Yoshi."
*roll credits*
Gematsu leaker clearly had some valid information, but also filled in blanks himself with what he thought were shoo-ins and ended up with egg on his face because of it. That's what credibility is, it gets damaged when you're wrong.

Not sure why people have a problem with that.
Every time someone says that the leaker "filled in the blanks himself" or "guessed the others" I facepalm. For one thing, the last thing we've heard from him is that despite not being revealed on Monday, he's still 100% sure that Shulk is coming... 100%. That doesn't sound like a guess to me. There are tons of reasonable explanations as to why he missed on Chrom and "filling in the blanks with shoo-ins" is at the very bottom of that list. In what world did anyone ever consider the Chorus Kids shoo-ins before the Gematsu leak?

Sal's leaker has valid information, and all of the characters in his leaks are in the same boat.
Sakurai said the first priority of Smash 4 was drafting the roster.
The roster was initially drafted in February 2012, following the completion of KIU

Now the leak listed XY Pokemon and Chrom. This part of the leak was from the same snapshot in time, meaning Chrom was on the list at the same time a reserved XY Pokemon rep was. We already know Sakurai confirmed that XY reserved a rep for a period of time, and when Greninja was chosen, he didnt even have a name, and was based off of concept art.

The next major part is Chrom. Sakurai said he initially considered Chrom, but chose Robin AFTER he played FEA. Well, FEA came out in April 2012. 2 months after the roster was drafted.

The pieces fit far too well.
Did he actually say that about Chrom and Awakening? Because that's a perfect reason for Chrom being on that list if he was seriously considered.

Just reminds me of how I dislike those enemy designs.
I remember when SSE was first revealed, and everyone starting saying that they weren't original enemies. Like someone swore the ram was in a Kirby game, and that the glyres were from kid Icarus lol
Wolf was even easier to guess than ROB. He was originally planned for Melee, Star Fox was in it's prime, people loved Fox and Falco in Melee, and Wolf is probably the third most important Star Fox character that isn't an assist trophy. Seriously, that in no way proves it was a legit leak. Seriously.

Also, the Primid thing is stupid. Primids aren't important Nintendo characters, so they're not obvious choices like ROB (and WFT) are.
I wouldnt say Wolf was the third most important character in the series. He appeared a few select times as a hired bounty hunter from Andross.
On a semi-related note, is it weird that I thought Villager was the most likely newcomer despite Sakurai's previous dismissal of him?

If anything, I think it's the prime example of how Sakurai can change his mind over time, which is all Ridley fans have to hold onto.
Thats true as well. I didnt think Villager but I did feel an A.C. representative would have to happen. It wouldn't be like Sakurai to blatantly disregard such a massive series that has been around for a long time now. I never really thought about Villager because he was just a customizable avatar.


Andross, Slippy, and Peppy all are more important than Wolf.
Every time someone says that the leaker "filled in the blanks himself" or "guessed the others" I facepalm. For one thing, the last thing we've heard from him is that despite not being revealed on Monday, he's still 100% sure that Shulk is coming... 100%. That doesn't sound like a guess to me. There are tons of reasonable explanations as to why he missed on Chrom and "filling in the blanks with shoo-ins" is at the very bottom of that list. In what world did anyone ever consider the Chorus Kids shoo-ins before the Gematsu leak?

Sal's leaker has valid information, and all of the characters in his leaks are in the same boat.
Chrom just dropped out of that boat.
Just read Anthony's impressions. Great stuff.

I hope the "Tap to jump" toggle switch is back....I think that would be annoying on 3DS.

I remember when SSE was first revealed, and everyone starting saying that they weren't original enemies. Like someone swore the ram was in a Kirby game, and that the glyres were from kid Icarus lol

I remember that too. Because it didn't make any sense for a game like Smash Bros to be making up its own generic baddies when they had franchise after franchise of minions to draw from. I don't think anybody expected, or wanted, and Adventure Mode where you journey through "jungle" and "spacey laboratory" and fight cyclopic fish and tiny stick figures instead of popular and iconic Nintendo locales where you fight popular and iconic Nintendo enemies.

BTW, you're finally a member, congrats.

Oh wow, awesome! I'm definitely not three months old, so I'm surprised and pleased.


Wolf was even easier to guess than ROB. He was originally planned for Melee, Star Fox was in it's prime, people loved Fox and Falco in Melee, and Wolf is probably the third most important Star Fox character that isn't an assist trophy. Seriously, that in no way proves it was a legit leak. Seriously.

Also, the Primid thing is stupid. Primids aren't important Nintendo characters, so they're not obvious choices like ROB (and WFT) are.

Star Fox was in its prime in 2008? It was just coming off of Assault and Command, games that got mediocre reviews and probably didn't sell too hot either.

I would argue that WFT is definitely not an obvious choice. I didn't see anyone picking her at all. The crossover between Wii Fit and Smash fans is fairly minimal. WFT is barely even a character in her own game.

The old Brawl roster leaks that turned out to be right... we will never really know if they are leaks or just lucky guesses. The point is the real roster was right there in front of our eyes, yet we didn't know.


I don't understand the value of leaks when their merit can only be determined retroactively, at which point you've received the confirmed information at the same time as anyone else.

The point is discussion. It gives people material to talk about and to get excited about. It's really all there is to it. It reminds me of this one time I told my Brother that I wanted to wait until the previews for next week's episodes came on before changing the channel. He had a puzzled look on his face as he said "what's the point? I mean you are just going to watch the episode next week anyway, why do you need to know only parts of what happens, right now?"

It was hard to come up with an answer but I realized it's simply because it gets me excited about the next week and also gives me something to talk about with my friends.
Well, besides the fact that I have a hard time believing the narrative that the guy had a source but chose to make up stuff anyway -- because really, if you're in the extremely enviable position of relaying information about Smash to the Internet, are you really going to just start undermining it for no gain?

But why?

It doesn't make sense to take wild guesses in his position.

Well, if he only had partial information, or information that wasn't earth-shattering (i.e., what would be called "safe guesses,") he might have made stuff up in order to have a more impressive leak and create a bigger splash. Call it desire for fame, call it vanity - it's not a very smart or rational thing to do, but it is human, all-too-human. He pretty clearly made some stuff up: calling the Shulk reveal, for example. That was obviously BS (and, as others have pointed out, the "Sakurai changed his mind at the last minute!" defense doesn't work because the Famitsu article on Robin was ready to go.) He thought he could get away with it, and he got burned.

-- I think part of the problem in these discussions is that people conflate two different things: the chances of the leak being factually correct as to what characters are in the game, whether or not it stems from insider information, and the chances that the leak actually comes from insider information. For example, it's possible for a leak to be 100% correct but also 100% wrong in that it doesn't actually come from an inside source (sure, that'd be get-struck-by-lightning-while-using-Pikachu's-thunder-in-the-basement-of-a-WWII-bunker levels of ridiculous, but just to make a point). When people cite the 10% of the leak that's been shown to be factually incorrect, they're not using it against the other 90%, they're using it against the notion that the leak is informed by insider info.

Yes, but at that point, we're arguing about something that's impossible to prove one way or the other, so what's the point? It's like the Palutena pic: it may have been fake, or it may have been a real-but-old pic, and model was just slightly altered after the fact. There's no way for us to know, so we call it a draw. It's the same thing with the Gematsu leak. If it turns out to be mostly right, then we likely won't be able to finally determine whether it was a true leak or a guess.
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