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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XI: Where 90% correct equals 100% wrong

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I am right, it's just people make really bad choices.

I mean think about it... There's a very real possibility that we get a veteran in the next week, and we'll be stuck with a already dated Takamaru reference. This is the worst title since the time we used a Xenoblade reference to celebrate Robin's reveal. At least even with that one we still have a Shulk reveal to look forward to (possibly) at some point, so it's not completely terrible and misguided like this one is.

The assist trophy thing isn't so narrowly Takamaru related though. It's a quote from that picture, yeah. But there's still the broader phenomenon of characters people would like to play as appearing as (assist) trophies. It encompasses all of the disappointment.
best one would obviously be:

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XII: Congratulations, you managed to spam 200 pages worth of absolute nonsense in 10 days when nothing happened


As in "Heathcliff"
This is 100x better then every other option in that joke of a poll

oh god why can't we just pick this one

Agreed. Nonsense is way better than those options.

That subtitle don't even make sense for Smash Bros theme. When I see chance, I think of Mario Party.

See! people are going to complaining about so trivial things like subtitle. Seriously? I'm going to decide which subtitle for our next thread because people love to complains over little things.

best one would obviously be:

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XII: Congratulations, you managed to spam 200 pages worth of absolute nonsense in 10 days when nothing happened

I would do that but it's too long anyway.


We (by which I mean everyone else minus moi) used to do it every thread hence the poll was introduced. Threads were 10% smash content 90% thread title talk.

Hahaha we really need Sakurai to start dropping Megatons as soon as possible.

Speaking of polls, I don't know if it was talked about yet, but which character owns the best taunt? The one that always sticks to me is Captain Falcon's "Showmeyomoves!"
Hahaha we really need Sakurai to start dropping Megatons as soon as possible.

Speaking of polls, I don't know if it was talked about yet, but which character owns the best taunt? The one that always sticks to me is Captain Falcon's "Showmeyomoves!"

Show me your moves and Luigi's poses are the two best taunts.
The assist trophy thing isn't so narrowly Takamaru related though. It's a quote from that picture, yeah. But there's still the broader phenomenon of characters people would like to play as appearing as (assist) trophies. It encompasses all of the disappointment.
Oh yeah, it's definitely the better one out of the two. Everyone vote for it!

If the other one wins, however, we might as well make every thread a random reference to a low-profile Nintendo series

"Golden Sakurai"
"The Legendary Sakurai"
"Custom SakuRobo"
"Sakurai and Punishment"

What great titles lol


As in "Heathcliff"
The Takamaru one will be dated faster though.

Both are Takamaru's reference anyway.

Mysterious Masahiro Castle is more of Sakurai and his team being mysterious.
FYI I'm Assist Trophy would make sense as well since we are getting assist trophy update weekly.
That subtitle don't even make sense for Smash Bros theme. When I see chance, I think of Mario Party.

I am right, it's just people make really bad choices.

I mean think about it... There's a very real possibility that we get a veteran in the next week, and we'll be stuck with a already dated Takamaru reference. This is the worst title since the time we used a Xenoblade reference to celebrate Robin's reveal. At least even with that one we still have a Shulk reveal to look forward to (possibly) at some point, so it's not completely terrible and misguided like this one is.

Relevance is always going to be a big issue with the thread title no matter the method used to decide it. If something REALLY big goes down, then the mods can change it if they want (just like they did after the Smash Direct & E3). The point of the poll is to get a title that pleases the most users possible and avoid another fuckup Heath's infamous "A Song of Palutena and Ridley" title that caused the first 5 pages of the thread with title bitching. The plurality of users decided that they wanted the two titles in the runoff, so those are the final options, and if Heath doesn't think they're appropriate, he can ignore them if he wants.
Hahaha we really need Sakurai to start dropping Megatons as soon as possible.

Speaking of polls, I don't know if it was talked about yet, but which character owns the best taunt? The one that always sticks to me is Captain Falcon's "Showmeyomoves!"
I've always been partial to Kirby's "HIIIIII".


Any words on Wario joining the roster? I really miss him in the new game.
He's almost definitely there (Ashley and Waluigi are classified as "Wario" assist trophies), but we haven't seen him yet. Maybe tomorrow?

He might also be saved for the Chorus Kids reveal trailer.


Maturity, bitches.
You do realise my "suggestions" were jokes relating to the current topic at hand. I don't really care what the subtitle is. Besides, as already pointed out, it's too long.
It was actually two options with slight variations, but people voted between the two, keeping either from winning. It really was the best title.

Even if you did combine the two, it would only be 15 votes, still be behind the 18 of "FYI, I'm an Assist Trophy." It would have had enough to make the runoff, though, but, if we were going to combine those two, then we might as well added the 6 votes from "FYI, This is an Assist Trophy," ensuring that there would be no runoff to begin with.


Maturity, bitches.
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XII: lets give these threads a negative reputation so no one new posts in them
Pit's Famitsu page got translated.

Neutral Special Attack
Palutena's Holy Bow: After firing, the direction of the light arrow can be changed. While drawing the bow, he can also aim upward.
Penetrating Bow: Fires a giant arrow that flies in a straight line. It cannot be directed, but pierces through the opponent.
Free Bow: He has complete control over the mysterious arrows that are fired. While the speed and power is lower, the charm is in being able to hit your target.

Side Special Attack
Strong Arm Upper-Dash: A special move that uses a divine weapon-- "Strong Arm." (known as Upperdash Arm) He rushes toward the opponent and unleashes a powerful upward attack that can send them flying.

Down Special Attack
Guardian Orbitars: Two giant shields appear on both sides and defend against attacks. Also, it reflects projectiles and nullifies attacks coming from above or below as well.
(That's not OP.)

Upward Special Attack
Miracle of Flight: The wings on the back glow and Pit takes off, flying high up. The move allows you to fly high as well as change your angle of flight if you decide not to attack.

Final Smash
Three Sacred Treasures
By using the Bow of Light, Pegasus Wing, and Mirror Shield freely, Pit can attack his opponents with almighty strength!
Powers up with the Three Sacred Treasures equipped! He fires massive bullets and lasers constantly, and ends with a massive attack at full strength. Call on the Three Sacred Treasures to help!!
Oooo good info!
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