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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XIII: Leak Dynasty

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Maturity, bitches.
I don't know if that's why Sakurai would do it, but he tweaks the finer details of many other character from game to game, so at some point, he might do the same to Ness. I don't think that stripe breaks the leak.
But this is a case of changing part of his trademark look. It's been pointed out they were careful to keep this aspect across three games with three different models and now suddenly they say sod it? He tweaks designs, but he doesn't remove core parts of the design. It's like removing the M from Mario's hat.

It's a detail a Ness fan would notice, but a general Smash fan may not (I admit I did not know this detail until today), which is why it's being put forward as a hurdle the leaker tripped over.
Where is the image that was circulating yesterday, the one with Ridley, Mewtwo and the others marked with a red X? I want to know what was that about...


OK, shifting slightly away from the leak. If we do have DLC, do you see them making it so you can share a DLC purchase across both games?
In an ideal world, the DLC is included on disc with the Wii U version for free.

Mr. G&W's appearance in this trailer doesn't mean it's how he's gonna look in-game, just like Palutena and Little Mac don't use their respective art styles from their trailers in the game. Not to mention his outlines are an extremely important part of his design, since it gives him contrast against all background colors.
I'm really just enjoying the shitstorm of teamreal versus teamfake, but an argument can be made that G&W bare minimum would require a white outline because, from a graphic design / visual identification standpoint, it's a bad idea to make him a single flat color. Any color. As soon as he's up against a dark background without an outline, he's invisible - likewise with brights and whites, blues against skyboxes, etc.


Honestly, regarding Ness' shirt, Sakurai could've tweaked that so he reads better onscreen, I.E. fewer stripes makes each stripe bolder. I don't think he's above taking liberties every now and then, hence the ever-changing looks of many characters.
That doesn't make any sense, honestly. Ness "read" just fine in the first three games, and removing the curved partial stripe at the bottom of his shirt doesn't make him any easier to see. There are far more intricate character models in the 3DS version, like the Fire Emblem cast. Ness is one of the more inherently simplistic characters in the series — he doesn’t need to be dumbed down.



Mr. G&W's appearance in this trailer doesn't mean it's how he's gonna look in-game, just like Palutena and Little Mac don't use their respective art styles from their trailers in the game. Not to mention his outlines are an extremely important part of his design, since it gives him contrast against all background colors.

The problem with that is the whole outline aspect of the 3DS game. Is G&W going to have outlines on outlines?


Uh, so

Looking at that image of Shulk and Lucina winning as part of the Red Team. Is it just me or does it misspell "Disabled" as "Disablad" on the bottom screen?

Tried running it through smart sharpen.

I dunno, maybe I'm just pixel hunting here.

Why not just show Shulk and applauding Ganondorf at the same time?



Mr. G&W's appearance in this trailer doesn't mean it's how he's gonna look in-game, just like Palutena and Little Mac don't use their respective art styles from their trailers in the game. Not to mention his outlines are an extremely important part of his design, since it gives him contrast against all background colors.
Exactly. I got the impression that was supposed to look more like an actual G&W character.


Did you not like Melee's roster?

Doc is a vet. Why aren't we rejoicing a veteran of the series, a fallen friend, has joined us again? This is the best thing ever, like finding a lost friend after so many years.

I didn't like Melee's roster. I'm sooooo against redundant characters like Toon Link and Dr. Mario.


A famitsu scan showed Bowser's castle from sticker star is part of the paper mario stage

edit: sorry I didn't know that link was banned :x
OK, shifting slightly away from the leak. If we do have DLC, do you see them making it so you can share a DLC purchase across both games?

No. This is a newer, more internet-aware Nintendo, but it's still Nintendo.

Self Quoting to clarify - If there is paid DLC I don't think Nintendo will do any sort of "buy one get one" where it comes free on 3DS if you buy it on Wii U or vice versa. I mean, they're making you buy the 3DS Smash and the Wii U Smash separately (which is good, they're different games, you should have to pay for both) and the DLC, if paid, should be sold separately on each system as well.

HOWEVER! I think that if there is any DLC at all for Smash, it will be handled like the free MK8 DLC coming later this month, which is to say, free.


The leak has another visual angle on a room we have not seen until today in the Tomodachi Life stage. (from Smashboards)


This room has not shown up in any previous screenshots of the stage.

Potential proof it's real. I would want to see something more substantial first though.

I want to blame it on the blur but there is no way a stairway with such thick steps would go amiss even in a blurry screenshot, and the one underneath that floor can be seen. Unless the Tomodachi stage shifts room positions each playthrough (which would in and of itself not confirm anything) the leak and staircase positioning implies that it's on the top floor when all the promotional screenshots has shown that it's typically on the second.
Well, it's easier to make cloned comparing to full fledged character.
I know, it just sucks imo.
Did you not like Melee's roster?

Doc is a vet. Why aren't we rejoicing a veteran of the series, a fallen friend, has joined us again? This is the best thing ever, like finding a lost friend after so many years.
I just don't like the thought of clones..:/

Hey, if Dr.Mario gets a unique moveset then by all means, welcome back.
Only clone i've ever liked using was Toon Link, and thats because TP Link is garbage.


I want to blame it on the blur but there is no way a stairway with such thick steps would go amiss even in a blurry screenshot, and the one underneath that floor can be seen. Unless the Tomodachi stage shifts room positions each playthrough (which would in and of itself not confirm anything) the leak and staircase positioning implies that it's on the top floor when all the promotional screenshots has shown that it's typically on the second.

The room positions are randomised every time you pick the stage, it said so in the first picture of it if I remember rightly.


I'm still firmly in fake territory but I wouldn't be surprised at all if the final stage lineup for the 3DS Smash is mostly old stages like this. No matter how you shake it it was always sort of an "appetizer" for the Wii U version.
Does anyone else think they'll revisit the Toon Zelda idea they had for Brawl, now that Zelda and Shiek are different characters and it'd be easier to pull off without having to also make some new Toon Shiek?


With everything that has come to light I'm still on team fake until the end. Also, Ness' eyes look a lot more round than in brawl.


I'm still firmly in fake territory but I wouldn't be surprised at all if the final stage lineup for the 3DS Smash is mostly old stages like this. No matter how you shake it it was always sort of an "appetizer" for the Wii U version.

Hahaha, what?! The 3DS is going to be as much of a full-fledged version of SSB as the Wii U version will, veteran stages or not. Smash run, the 1P mode, well thought out online mode, full roster... no idea how it could suddenly be demoted to "appetizer" because some people don't like the stage selection.
Mr. G&W's appearance in this trailer doesn't mean it's how he's gonna look in-game, just like Palutena and Little Mac don't use their respective art styles from their trailers in the game. Not to mention his outlines are an extremely important part of his design, since it gives him contrast against all background colors.

Same reason his cyan color was banned on some stages in Brawl.

The problem with that is the whole outline aspect of the 3DS game. Is G&W going to have outlines on outlines?

Not really a problem - change the outline according to the team color.
I suppose I'll post my thoughts on these supposed new characters then.

Duck Hunt- I'm actually going to be disappointed if he isn't a character in the real thing now. This new model is so cool and one of the strongest aspects of this 'leak'. I really like the idea. And whoever came up with the Final Smash idea towards the end of the last thread (You play as the hunter and target your foes with the light gun and if you miss the dog laughs at you) is brilliant.

Cuts- I hate seeing cuts. Es no bueno. Don't see how DLC plans are already known since I'd imagine Sakurai would be busy trying to cram as much into the package as possible, and then worry about DLC-type stuff when it's on the market.

I agree with these two. I guess I'm on #TeamNeutral for now. I'd LOVE to see Duck Hunt dog playable, but I can't deny that some of this does seem a little fishy.

Apologies if I couldn't find all original posts/sources on my summary. I have limited time!

Things that make it seem believable:
  1. Clone Corner - if a leaker wanted their leak to be believable, they'd have put lucina next to marth/robin, Dr mario near mario/luigi, and dark pit next to pit/palutena
  2. The thicker black bar for kirby - actual behaviour from the game that pretty much nobody noticed. It'd be incredibly impressive for a leaker to add that knowing it was in the game.
  3. Removal of names - E3 build had names under each character. A leaker would have probably left those in to make their leak believable.
  4. Tomodachi stage - living room is nearly identical to the one in the famitsu scan
  5. Highlighted stage actually increases in size, therefore overlaps w/ UI - known behavior of stage select.
  6. The CSS isn't 100% full. Every other leak fills out the entire screen.
Things that cast doubt onto the leak:
  1. Ness's shirt is not up to other smash standards! (maybe sakurai and team took some creative liberties?)
  2. Falco's render is similar to other smash poses (Maybe it is! Why not? - also, his scanner is in a different position)
  3. Dr Mario/Bowser Jr/Jiggly is similar to existing promo art (So are palutena, pac man, and lucina!)
  4. Duck Hunt is a ridiculous name, it should be duck hunt dog, etc (It's ridiculous indeed... why would a leaker try to make his leak LESS believable though?)
  5. Game and watch didnt have an outline in the pac man trailer (Game and watch was not confirmed or updated in that trailer, either)

Things that are 100% proof that it's Fake:
  1. ... someone could have photoshopped it all, i guess?
  2. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=126205046&postcount=16800

You forgot the Duck Hunt Dog render as being for TeamReal. I mean yeah this faker could just have really good 3D artistry skills, but you definitely don't see fakes like this very often. You could say Shulk too, but there's some room where I can see with Photoshop someone constructing Skulk using his ripped Xenoblade model and maybe using Robin's hair (colored yellow) on top of it.
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