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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XIII: Leak Dynasty

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Assuming the leak is true, will Bowser Jr. be a "new" character with a novel moveset?

Or would he most likely be a clone of Bowser (a la Link/Toon Link)?

If the leak is valid, it may mean only two truly "new" characters with Shulk and the Duck Hunt Dog, as Dr. Mario, Bowser Jr., and Dark Pit would all be clones.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Duck Hunt Dog sounds amazing and I really hope he's on the roster... Smash lately I feel has been catering too much to more-recent Nintendo, let's get some oldskool surprises up in here.

Plus, he's very iconic to Americans who grew up in the 80's.


why would a leaker try to make his leak LESS believable though?

I feel like there's a certain undercurrent to making certain leaks speak in a slightly more dubious matter either for purposes of making it a prime talking point (probably because imperfect leaks create for funnier discussions which is probably the real goal of releasing things like this) or because it's a case of trying to maintain some of Sakurai's unpredictable spirit since no one really knows how the guy operates.

So really, making a "leak" less believable personally means nothing to me anymore. It's all a part of the mechanism surrounding the nature of leaks and how open-ended something like Smash Bros. truly is when you have a director like Sakurai on the helm. Something being purposefully less believable doesn't make the leak any more real.


Honestly, regarding Ness' shirt, Sakurai could've tweaked that so he reads better onscreen, I.E. fewer stripes makes each stripe bolder. I don't think he's above taking liberties every now and then, hence the ever-changing looks of many characters.


Oh and this has probably already been mentioned, but the Dr. Mario model looks like an edited version of this. Same exact pose.



With the liquify tool and some additional painting, you can match Mario's face with that Dr. Mario portrait 1:1.


I feel like there's a certain undercurrent to making certain leaks speak in a slightly more dubious matter either for purposes of making it a prime talking point (probably because imperfect leaks create for funnier discussions which is probably the real goal of releasing things like this) or because it's a case of trying to maintain some of Sakurai's unpredictable spirit since no one really knows how the guy operates.

So really, making a "leak" less believable personally means nothing to me anymore. It's all a part of the mechanism surrounding the nature of leaks and how open-ended something like Smash Bros. truly is when you have a director like Sakurai on the helm.

That's like an extra level of reverse psychology going on there that not many people will attempt because they don't want to be immediately discredited. Sure, 1-2 slightly 'off' things might help, but doing a bunch all at once is a huge gamble.
Oh and this has probably already been mentioned, but the Dr. Mario model looks like an edited version of this. Same exact pose.

Ooo! That looks like another point for #TeamFake, but it's also possible that Nintendo was just lazy and altered that model like they recycled the hand images for the Mario Maker stuff.


It would be possible to do in Photoshop, but probably more difficult than it would be worth.

I'm still thinking that some elements of the "leaks" may be original, but the revelations they reveal as a whole are indeed faked.

I'm on this stance too.


Maturity, bitches.

what is #TeamFake's stance on this
I hate to use the word, but coincidence, and it's so blurry its hard to even say if it is the same room.

Tomodachi Life has been out in the West for ages so anyone can easily see the designs of rooms not show yet, which is a lot considering we have only had three Tomodachi Life level screenshots.

So yeah, the leaker chose a simple room design for their fake and by coincidence what appears to be the same room appears in Famitsu.

Basically the scan adds nothing to the debate. The room is still unique compared to previously released materials, but it's not hard to get reference images directly from the game.

Heck, it's so small and blurry you could even argue some of it is drawn with the brush tool.
Don't those two sort of match up, though, just on a basis of saving face? They could be mixing them together to mask the fact that so many are just straight rips from older games - that's the sort of thing that might look bad.

If Sakurai's really that desperate, sure. But even if Smash 3DS really is short on stages, I have difficulty believing that franchises like DK and Metroid wouldn't even get one new stage. Frankly, I think this is all trading on the unfounded fears that the 3DS version is the gimped version. I'm expecting a full complement of new stages; I have faith enough in Sakurai for that.

I've been away for awhile but did the "leak" have sticker star bowsers castle as a stage? Because that's in the latest famitsu as well.

And if it does it should be a different image to the one in famitsu because the one in famitsu has players whereas the leak will be a stage icon.

Nope. The only thing the leak has in relation to the Paper Mario stage is the stage icon, which is taken from the windmill section.


Every single room in the Tomodachi Life stage is lifted from the original game. The only thing that's going to definitively make or break this "leak" is a character reveal.




With the liquify tool and some additional painting, you can match Mario's face with that Dr. Mario portrait 1:1.

I don't see this as for or against, the "fake" mario looks like Mario but in the doctor mario pose, it could be shopped or that could just be what a render of him would look like.


Honestly, regarding Ness' shirt, Sakurai could've tweaked that so he reads better onscreen, I.E. fewer stripes makes each stripe bolder. I don't think he's above taking liberties every now and then, hence the ever-changing looks of many characters.

There is really no good "readability" excuse for changing the stripe that Ness' shirt ends in. It has always been part of his design. It makes no sense what-so-ever to change that, and if you tuck out the shirt then the color should still maintain the same.


Every single room in the Tomodachi Life stage is lifted from the original game. The only thing that's going to definitively make or break this "leak" is a character reveal.
Yeah, as soon as we get another character render, we should know

...unless Sakurai is, like, a super-troll and uploads a different render to throw us off the trail, but I really doubt he'd do that


Nope. The only thing the leak has in relation to the Paper Mario stage is the stage icon, which is taken from the windmill section.

It doesn't matter anyway actually, I read the famitsu scan wrong, the bowser castle is just one of the locations in the paper mario stage.

Ignore my previous post.


The idea of Game & Watch getting redesigned makes a lot of sense, considering characters have the popping outlines on the 3DS and they'd want to maintain that for him. The guy who faked this probably didn't pick up on it.

For reference:



Yeah, Game & Watch wouldn't really need the outlines in HD. However he might retain them for darker stages or backgrounds.


Maturity, bitches.
Honestly, regarding Ness' shirt, Sakurai could've tweaked that so he reads better onscreen, I.E. fewer stripes makes each stripe bolder. I don't think he's above taking liberties every now and then, hence the ever-changing looks of many characters.
Removing a thin yellow sliver doesn't suddenly make Ness more readable.

Like, seriously, what?
So, do we all think the DLC characters will come out with the Wii U version?

Yep. Either the day of, or around the time of. To hype the series up and boost sales for the holidays.

Those characters would ship day 1 on the WiiU (in the game, on the disc, normal characters) and would be patched into the 3DS version as if nothing happened and they always were there.

Think of Alex Kidd in Sonic All Star Racing Transformed.




With the liquify tool and some additional painting, you can match Mario's face with that Dr. Mario portrait 1:1.
The proportions on the face are all different, though. All you have is him putting his arms in a similar pose, and the posing of his arms isn't even the focus of the portrait (the arms being half outside the box).
I find it an interesting coincidence that a leak appears with a Tomodachi stage icon, and the very next day Famitsu prints what appears to be the exact same picture. This reminds me of the leak on Smashboards that seemed to correctly identify new palette swaps just days before those swaps were shown in the E3 demo. Is it possible that the leaker got ahold of this issue of Famitsu a day or two ahead of time?


If they remove outlines from G&W's base design, how is he going to be easily visible on dark stages if you have outlines turned off?


Removing a thin yellow sliver doesn't suddenly make Ness more readable.

Like, seriously, what?
I don't know if that's why Sakurai would do it, but he tweaks the finer details of many other character from game to game, so at some point, he might do the same to Ness. I don't think that stripe breaks the leak.


Maturity, bitches.
OK, shifting slightly away from the leak. If we do have DLC, do you see them making it so you can share a DLC purchase across both games?


The proportions on the face are all different, though. All you have is him putting his arms in a similar pose, and the posing of his arms isn't even the focus of the portrait (the arms being half outside the box).

Myn mentioned the liquify tool, which can easily explain the different proportions. As far as I can tell, the Mario image is unmodified next to the Dr. Mario one.


If they remove outlines from G&W's base design, how is he going to be easily visible on dark stages if you have outlines turned off?

"Pic of the day! Whenever Game & Watch is in a dark area, Alfonso will take over so other players can see him clearly. Alfonso: Leave it to me!"


Apologies if I couldn't find all original posts/sources on my summary. I have limited time!

Things that make it seem believable:
  1. Clone Corner - if a leaker wanted their leak to be believable, they'd have put lucina next to marth/robin, Dr mario near mario/luigi, and dark pit next to pit/palutena
  2. The thicker black bar for kirby - actual behaviour from the game that pretty much nobody noticed. It'd be incredibly impressive for a leaker to add that knowing it was in the game.
  3. Removal of names - E3 build had names under each character. A leaker would have probably left those in to make their leak believable.
  4. Tomodachi stage - living room is nearly identical to the one in the famitsu scan
  5. Highlighted stage actually increases in size, therefore overlaps w/ UI - known behavior of stage select.
  6. The CSS isn't 100% full. Every other leak fills out the entire screen.
Things that cast doubt onto the leak:
  1. Ness's shirt is not up to other smash standards! (maybe sakurai and team took some creative liberties?)
  2. Falco's render is similar to other smash poses (Maybe it is! Why not? - also, his scanner is in a different position)
  3. Dr Mario/Bowser Jr/Jiggly is similar to existing promo art (So are palutena, pac man, and lucina!)
  4. Duck Hunt is a ridiculous name, it should be duck hunt dog, etc (It's ridiculous indeed... why would a leaker try to make his leak LESS believable though?)
  5. Game and watch didnt have an outline in the pac man trailer (Game and watch was not confirmed or updated in that trailer, either)

Things that are 100% proof that it's Fake:
  1. ... someone could have photoshopped it all, i guess?
  2. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=126205046&postcount=16800
Good summary of things!

Some more quick links: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=126302954&postcount=93
If anything, isn't this the image we should be comparing the good Doctor to?


This image has already been thoroughly compared to the Mario art in the leak and it doesn't match it at all. The pose is similar but the hair, doctor equipment, clothes render style, and angle of his head are all different.


As in "Heathcliff"
OK, shifting slightly away from the leak. If we do have DLC, do you see them making it so you can share a DLC purchase across both games?

Yeah I could see that. Maybe when you purchase it on specific eshop, and it would give out version codes.


OK, shifting slightly away from the leak. If we do have DLC, do you see them making it so you can share a DLC purchase across both games?

Not sharing exactly but just let you download it on one of the platforms for free, basically the same thing. If not, I think there will be some kind of discount or bonus regarding DLC if you own both versions of the game.
OK, shifting slightly away from the leak. If we do have DLC, do you see them making it so you can share a DLC purchase across both games?

I think so. I trust Nintendo isn't quite sleazy enough to make you purchase the same thing twice. We already know there will be connectivity between versions; if there's DLC, that seems like a natural thing to make transferrable.


Unconfirmed Member
OK, shifting slightly away from the leak. If we do have DLC, do you see them making it so you can share a DLC purchase across both games?

I'd hope it would end up one of two ways:

1) Free DLC released with WiiU version launch.

2) Priced DLC, but becomes free if linked to WiiU version.

any other way and I'd be upset.
but I'd still buy it ;(


This image has already been thoroughly compared to the Mario art in the leak and it doesn't match it at all. The pose is similar but the hair, doctor equipment, clothes render style, and angle of his head are all different.

Whoops, forgot to mention that in my post. Yeah, the hair's different, the stethoscope is in the wrong spot, lab coat's different. Not to mention in the leak he's frowning. I was mainly drawing attention to the pose.
I have no idea how Photoshop works.
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