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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread XIII: Leak Dynasty

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So, assuming this leak is true, what does or doesn't it say about the Gematsu leak?

It clearly was in the know about some things, but also has some odd omissions and complete misfires.
So, assuming this leak is true, what does or doesn't it say about the Gematsu leak?

It clearly was in the know about some things, but also has some odd omissions and complete misfires.
I would say it means that the Gematsu leaker had information from very early on in the character making process, and after that got less and less info.


Unconfirmed Member
So let's say Wario gets shown this week

And let's say he's in the same pose as the leak's screen in his official art.

What's the reaction going to be?
"Lucky Guess"
"Maybe he got the render for Wario early and made everything else up"
"A few pixels on his chin don't line up, obviously fake"

But what if it doesn't line up?
Bragging? "Told ya so" and so on?

Will be an interesting day when that happens, which should be in a week or two, considering he's probably a starter

It won't because the Wario render is from the E3 2006 reveal :p


Unconfirmed Member
So, assuming this leak is true, what does or doesn't it say about the Gematsu leak?

It clearly was in the know about some things, but also has some odd omissions and complete misfires.

Well, the last couple of characters in the Gematsu leak were Shulk and Chorus Kids I believe, and this new leak mentions that they(Chorus Kids) are still in as DLC. Also an interesting note is that Gematsu claimed that Lucas was cut with the possibility of being DLC, so that is another tied detail. I believe the Gematsu leaker probably got his information in an earlier stage, and as time progressed, characters like Chrom were substituted for Lucina etc.
Are there only a certain number of preset rooms in Tomodachi life? So like the furniture layout looks exactly the same in Tomodochi life as it does in Smash?

Yes, but there are like a hundred room types, picking one out of them and getting lucky would be... an extreme coincidence.

I have 31 Miis in my game, all with different houses and only one of the rooms shown I have used in my game (the boxing ring for my Little Mac Mii).


So, assuming this leak is true, what does or doesn't it say about the Gematsu leak?

It clearly was in the know about some things, but also has some odd omissions and complete misfires.

I think the leaker had some legitimate info he got very early on in the development of the game. All of his picks except for Chrom would've been right.


Also yeah, considering how they've been cautious against including any realistic guns in Smash Bros. I don't think we'd ever see a character using the classic NES Zapper in either of its forms, even the US version was pretty much a pistol colored vibrant orange.

I always wondered why the Super Scope was in the series but not the NES Zapper instead of the generic Ray Gun. That does make sense.


I was hype about Duck Hunt dog being an idea, but the more I think about it, it doesn't make sense to me that Duck Hunt would be featured in Smash gameplay-wise. It's basically a game revolving around waterfowl hunting. We're in a time where something like this featured in a Nintendo game is unheard of and would be sure to spark controversy if anything of actual animal killing was referenced. I thought about Duck Hunt being an assist trophy at one point where the ducks follow you and a crosshair follows and shoots them down, hitting you in the process if you're in the line of fire. But even if the ducks are shot and comically fall to their doom, it's still a depiction of hunting/harming animals, which can be extremely sensitive to certain groups. How would they implement Duck Hunt as a character if they're unable to reference the single thing about their series due to possible controversy?


Uh, so

Looking at that image of Shulk and Lucina winning as part of the Red Team. Is it just me or does it misspell "Disabled" as "Disablad" on the bottom screen?

Tried running it through smart sharpen.


I dunno, maybe I'm just pixel hunting here.


the difference is that Lucina is an actual character that got requested, who the fuck requested Dr.Mario, his only purpose was to extend Melee roster just like the other clones, and bringing him back over all the other Melee veterans like Mewtwo and Ice climbers doesn't worth the shitstorm he'll create.
It's not about whether there will be a shitstorm or not. It's the simple reality that making a Doc alt character based off of Mario is likely a lot less work than remodeling Mewtwo and Ice Climbers and setting up all their moves and custom specials.


The leak has another visual angle on a room we have not seen until today in the Tomodachi Life stage. (from Smashboards)


This room has not shown up in any previous screenshots of the stage.

Potential proof it's real. I would want to see something more substantial first though.

This seems fairly significant. There are subtle differences, but that could simply be due to the fact that the pictures are from different stages in the developmental cycle.


Sakurai spends many many years working on the new Smash, just to have information on a number of DLC characters prior to the game coming out already known.
Uh, so

Looking at that image of Shulk and Lucina winning as part of the Red Team. Is it just me or does it misspell "Disabled" as "Disablad" on the bottom screen?

Tried running it through smart sharpen.

I dunno, maybe I'm just pixel hunting here.

I see the word Disabled.


Unconfirmed Member
Uh, so

Looking at that image of Shulk and Lucina winning as part of the Red Team. Is it just me or does it misspell "Disabled" as "Disablad" on the bottom screen?

Tried running it through smart sharpen.

I dunno, maybe I'm just pixel hunting here.

Yeah, the 3rd leaker's pictures are easily the most questionable of the bunch.
Uh, so

Looking at that image of Shulk and Lucina winning as part of the Red Team. Is it just me or does it misspell "Disabled" as "Disablad" on the bottom screen?

Tried running it through smart sharpen.

I dunno, maybe I'm just pixel hunting here.

Good catch!


Duck Hunt's really obscure in Japan. It's popular in America because it was bundled with the NES here, but that wasn't the case in Japan.

Huh. Interesting that Sakurai is shifting a bit more Western with the character choices here. Both Little Mac and the Dog are obscure in Japan but pretty iconic in the West.


Apologies if I couldn't find all original posts/sources on my summary. I have limited time!

Things that make it seem believable:
  1. Clone Corner - if a leaker wanted their leak to be believable, they'd have put lucina next to marth/robin, Dr mario near mario/luigi, and dark pit next to pit/palutena
  2. The thicker black bar for kirby - actual behaviour from the game that pretty much nobody noticed. It'd be incredibly impressive for a leaker to add that knowing it was in the game.
  3. Removal of names - E3 build had names under each character. A leaker would have probably left those in to make their leak believable.
  4. Tomodachi stage - living room is nearly identical to the one in the famitsu scan
  5. Highlighted stage actually increases in size, therefore overlaps w/ UI - known behavior of stage select.
  6. The CSS isn't 100% full. Every other leak fills out the entire screen.
  7. Duck hunt dog's render is entirely new/unique
  8. Fox now has a blue background, like the box
Things that cast doubt onto the leak:
  1. Ness's shirt is not up to other smash standards! (maybe sakurai and team took some creative liberties?)
  2. Falco's render is similar to other smash poses (Maybe it is! Why not? - also, his scanner is in a different position)
  3. Dr Mario/Bowser Jr/Jiggly is similar to existing promo art (So are palutena, pac man, and lucina!)
  4. Duck Hunt is a ridiculous name, it should be duck hunt dog, etc (It's ridiculous indeed... why would a leaker try to make his leak LESS believable though?)
  5. Game and watch didnt have an outline in the pac man trailer (Game and watch was not confirmed or updated in that trailer, either)
  6. I guess shulk has a similar pose to one of little mac's in-game poses?

Things that are 100% proof that it's Fake:
  1. ... someone could have photoshopped it all, i guess?
  2. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=126205046&postcount=16800
Posted in the ld thread before I realized the next thread was up. My thoughts:

Duck Hunt Dog was my most wanted newcomer besides Lucina and Villager, this is basically my dream roster if its real, which I'm sure it is.

If its real, I predict Shulk will be the only newcomer character revealled before launch, all other characters will be hidden unlockables except for kaybe one or two more veterans perhaps.
This bit about the Tomodachi stage ain't nothing, that's for sure. Still, the rest of the stage select screen is such a mess that I remain skeptical. The retro stages are jumbled in with the new stages; the sheer number of retro stages (and the correspondingly small number of new stages) is strange; major series like DK and Metroid (and perhaps Kirby, depending on how that Gameboy stage works) having no new stages; all that counts against the leak in my eyes. We'll definitely have to look at the Tomodachi icon more closely, though.
Huh. Interesting that Sakurai is shifting a bit more Western with the character choices here. Both Little Mac and the Dog are obscure in Japan but pretty iconic in the West.
See I thought little Mac was the western bone he give us. I be very surprised if he gave us the dog


I'm hoping it isn't real. I have absolutely no interest in Duck Hunt Dog, Dr. Mario, Bowser Jr. or Dark Pit, and would be disappointed in the lack of Mewtwo, Dixie, King K Rool, and of course Ridley.
Isaac too, but I know that's not gonna happen.

Oh and this has probably already been mentioned, but the Dr. Mario model looks like an edited version of this. Same exact pose.

I hope you can spare a 1TB USB drive for the DLC data, though.

I'd really like Duck Hunt dog as an assist trophy, but it sounds kind of iffy as a playable fighter, IMO.

It doesn't matter what kind of miracles Sakurai does, people will still believe he's not capable of making an awesome moveset for certain characters.
Oh well.


So, assuming this leak is true, what does or doesn't it say about the Gematsu leak?

It clearly was in the know about some things, but also has some odd omissions and complete misfires.
If this leak is true:

- It would suggest Gematsu's source (assuming it was one person, and the same person each time) never saw the entire roster all at once, hence neglecting to mention Robin, Bowser Jr., Duck Hunt and Dark Pit

- As for Lucina/Chrom, I think it's possible Gematsu's source either misidentified the character, or was privy to a phase of development where Chrom was actually considered to be playable

I'll always be inclined to believe the Gematsu source had real access to development or someone who did, because of simple statistics re: Wii Fit Trainer, in combination with Villager and Mega Man, not to mention the track record through E3 (Little Mac, Pac-Man, Palutena, Mii Fighters right down to the name, etc).


I was hype about Duck Hunt dog being an idea, but the more I think about it, it doesn't make sense to me that Duck Hunt would be featured in Smash gameplay-wise. It's basically a game revolving around waterfowl hunting. We're in a time where something like this featured in a Nintendo game is unheard of and would be sure to spark controversy if anything of actual animal killing was referenced. I thought about Duck Hunt being an assist trophy at one point where the ducks follow you and a crosshair follows and shoots them down, hitting you in the process if you're in the line of fire. But even if the ducks are shot and comically fall to their doom, it's still a depiction of hunting/harming animals, which can be extremely sensitive to certain groups. How would they implement Duck Hunt as a character if they're unable to reference the single thing about their series due to possible controversy?

The dog is clearly on friendly terms with those ducks now. Look at them! They're so happy! I think they ducks and the dog have overcome their differences and they're working together now.

I don't believe the leak but like I said, with the series historically going out of its way in not featuring realistic guns, even redesigning the Ray Gun weapon to look...really weird, in Smash 4, it's unlikely the Duck Hunt character would really even revolve around the NES Zapper.

The dog could also just, hunt the ducks predatorially...as weird as it sounds to put it like that...


I've been away for awhile but did the "leak" have sticker star bowsers castle as a stage? Because that's in the latest famitsu as well.

And if it does it should be a different image to the one in famitsu because the one in famitsu has players whereas the leak will be a stage icon.

what is #TeamFake's stance on this

It would be possible to do in Photoshop, but probably more difficult than it would be worth.

I'm still thinking that some elements of the "leaks" may be original, but the revelations they reveal as a whole are indeed faked.


The retro stages are jumbled in with the new stages; the sheer number of retro stages (and the correspondingly small number of new stages) is strange;

Don't those two sort of match up, though, just on a basis of saving face? They could be mixing them together to mask the fact that so many are just straight rips from older games - that's the sort of thing that might look bad.


I'm slowly warming up to this roster. Add in Paper Mario, Ridley and Mewtwo and it'd be near perfect for me. The stage selection not so much. Ah well. Gotta save something for the next Smash I guess...though I still find it really odd this leak still leaves Mewtwo completely up in the air.
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