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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U POTD Thread 17: Smash 3DS Discussion @ OT PLS

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I don't remember - was it possible to change controls in previous Smash games? Having jump on X/Y has always thrown me off on these games for some reason, lol.
So is it possible to take (non-miiverse) screenshots on the pause screen during battles? That camera control you get just needs a screenshot option. It's not in the demo, is it? Is it in the full game??
I'm most likely going to skip the 3DS version. From what I understand it's basically the same game as the Wii U version with the exception of stages and a few modes.

Is that right?

I don't want to get burnt out on the game before the Wii U version releases and I don't fancy the idea of playing Smash on a 3DS.

I wish they would hurry up and announce the release date for Smash U.


Maturity, bitches.
I'm most likely going to skip the 3DS version. From what I understand it's basically the same game as the Wii U version with the exception of stages and a few modes.

Is that right?

I don't want to get burnt out on the game before the Wii U version releases and I don't fancy the idea of playing Smash on a 3DS.

I wish they would hurry up and announce the release date for Smash U.
Smash Run is the main 3DS exclusive. Other modes are unknown, but I don't see them taking out the traditional modes like Classic, All-Star and the stadium events from the Wii U version.

There is some rumbling about customisation parts being 3D exclusive but I've heard no official word on that matter so take that with a grain of salt for now.

If you are only going to play Smash at home you're probably best going with the Wii U version. 3DS' biggest strength is that it is Smash on the go.

I'm guessing Fierce Diety and Star Spangled Mario are only in the full game? Or Japan only?!?
Full version. The demo is missing 50% of character colours for all of the available fighters.


Honestly if we assume that certain characters were set for the game but weren't finished in due time I don't think it's unreasonable to think that Sakurai could step around his notion of "no DLC considered until after release". That's just the words of one creator's expectation in early development phases and has no bearing on the publisher's will or even the unpredictability of development. If characters exist that we don't know of, there's a good chance they weren't finished in time for the 3DS version, so there's ample time for Wii U's release to possibly fix that for the sake of free DLC.

But that's just my two cents really.


Loving the demo so far, everything is smooth and snappy and crisp except fit one thing. I tried to play three player local multi last night and it was laggy as fuck. Only tried once, so I'll let you know it it persists. Anyone else have issues with more than two players on local?


Ghirahim, Dark Samus and anyone else who's fighter size isn't that bad, but Nintendog taking up the screen at 30 FPS is really, really noticeable.

Ghirahim is the most noticed on the 30fps for me, and some of the bigger pokemon. Nintendog is bad, yeah...but it's really odd watching someone your size move so jittery


Serious question: Why do we think the 3DS is the "main" version of the game? Who told us that? What does that even mean?


Serious question: Why do we think the 3DS is the "main" version of the game? Who told us that? What does that even mean?
There isn't a "main" version. People who only own a 3DS are looking for ways to downplay the Wii U version and vice versa. It's all BS. Both were developed simultaneously by the same core team, and Sakurai said there isn't a lead platform. They're meant to complement each other.


Maturity, bitches.
Serious question: Why do we think the 3DS is the "main" version of the game? Who told us that? What does that even mean?
I believe this thought comes from the fact that Sakurai originally intended to just make a handheld Smash until Iwata convinced him to also make a Wii U version.

Of course this was pre planning so once the games entered the planning stage they were likely seen as equals.


I wouldn't have known the Nintendog ran at 30FPS is no one told me. The fact that it's taking up a huge portion of the screen is enough of an annoyance, I think I'm more focused on that. I pretty much just give up and jump around the screen when it appears.
Wait, seriosuly?
I don't know if you're being facetious or genuinely incredulous but there were random trophies in Brawl called "Fox (Assault)," "Falco (Assault)," and "Falco (Command)." It's not out of the question. I'm not saying it's likely, but it's possible.

Serious question: Why do we think the 3DS is the "main" version of the game? Who told us that? What does that even mean?
There is a contingent of Smash fans that seem to be convinced that the 3DS version is the main version and that the Wii U version was made later, or something. They're both the "main" version of the game, they began development together.
Reposting some unanswered questions I posted last night.

-How the heck do you do Mega Man's Mega Upper?
-I remember reading an early comment about how the coins you earned in the Japanese demo carry over into the retail game. Did this turn out to be true? Any word on if the same will happen here?
-In terms of Victory Themes: Did the final release turn out to be like the E3 Demo where the Brawl themes are reused but some characters like Rosalina and Bowser have new versions?


Serious question: Why do we think the 3DS is the "main" version of the game? Who told us that? What does that even mean?

Eh main version ??
I don't think anyone calls it that beside whose who are getting only the 3ds version since they don't have a Wii u.
Okay-here are my impressions(as if they matter)

I've played a lot of the demo. I love Pikachu and Mario. So fresh. So fast. Megaman is great too, but his neutral A(?) is soooo weak and annoying. Link is very slow moving. I feel like he used to be much faster. I'm playing on the 2ds, so the ergonomics work perfectly with the game. I never cramp. I never struggle to hit buttons. The bigger shoulders are perfect. My only issue is when there are four fighters on the screen, things get kind of small. It's not serious. It's a small annoyance. But other than that, I'm loving it.


Reposting some unanswered questions I posted last night.

-How the heck do you do Mega Man's Mega Upper?
-I remember reading an early comment about how the coins you earned in the Japanese demo carry over into the retail game. Did this turn out to be true? Any word on if the same will happen here?
-In terms of Victory Themes: Did the final release turn out to be like the E3 Demo where the Brawl themes are reused but some characters like Rosalina and Bowser have new versions?

I can't answer the last two, but Mega Upper is his Up Tilt.


-I remember reading an early comment about how the coins you earned in the Japanese demo carry over into the retail game. Did this turn out to be true? Any word on if the same will happen here?

Apparently yes but the JP version had a 500 coins cap. It remains to be seen if that's the case with this demo too but it will probably be the same.
My only issue is when there are four fighters on the screen, things get kind of small. It's not serious. It's a small annoyance. But other than that, I'm loving it.

Yeah this is my initial gripe as well. Undoubtedly something that simply needs to be gotten used to but it is a bit annoying when you start to play.

That said after messing around with it for a bit the game is seriously fun, though I'd rather get a WiiU version... if I had one that is. Definitely a console experience. Runs very well on handheld though I fully admit. Can see it eating away at my battery for hours on end easy.
Reposting some unanswered questions I posted last night.

-How the heck do you do Mega Man's Mega Upper?
-I remember reading an early comment about how the coins you earned in the Japanese demo carry over into the retail game. Did this turn out to be true? Any word on if the same will happen here?
-In terms of Victory Themes: Did the final release turn out to be like the E3 Demo where the Brawl themes are reused but some characters like Rosalina and Bowser have new versions?

2. Apparently they do!
3. They are indeed the Brawl themes, unfortunately.


Apparently yes but the JP version had a 500 coins cap. It remains to be seen if that's the case with this demo too but it will probably be the same.

Hopefully, they'll increase it a little, since the time between the demo and retail release is greater for the international version compared to the Japanese one. They did remove the usage limit, after all.
I can't answer the last two, but Mega Upper is his Up Tilt.

Okay, maybe I'm worse at Smash than I thought but what exactly is an Up tilt? I presume it's different than Up Smash which is his Spark Shock.

Thanks to everyone else for answering my questions :)


Okay, maybe I'm worse at Smash than I thought but what exactly is an Up tilt? I presume it's different than Up Smash which is his Spark Shock.

Thanks to everyone else for answering my questions :)
Tilts can be tricky on 3DS, but you need to slightly push up on the Circle Pad (without jumping) and then press A.
Serious question: Why do we think the 3DS is the "main" version of the game? Who told us that? What does that even mean?
These people are broke..in order to make it feel like they dont like the Wii U version they will downplay it. It may sound like im cracking a joke but im forreal. How else can you downplay playing HD beautiful smash in 1080p WITH a gamecube controller?? I dont think you can unless there was another version.


Okay, maybe I'm worse at Smash than I thought but what exactly is an Up tilt? I presume it's different than Up Smash which is his Spark Shock.

Thanks to everyone else for answering my questions :)

You just hold up instead of moving the stick quickly up (which would do a smash or jump). It's easiest to tell the difference between tilts and smashes with down because down doesn't make you move: if you do a smash, Megaman does an eruption, and if you tilt, he does a slide.


Lol this trophy deconfirmation is funny. I hope we get news about DLC somewhat soon but I guess they'll wait until western launch of the 3DS version...

i don't know who came up with the idea that a trophy deconfirms DLC.
I think it's just taking precedent and trying to apply it to something that's unprecedented. We really don't know how Sakurai would handle potential DLC. I don't think a trophy indicates either way what to expect from a DLC character.
You just hold up instead of moving the stick quickly up (which would do a smash or jump). It's easiest to tell the difference between tilts and smashes with down because down doesn't make you move: if you do a smash, Megaman does an eruption, and if you tilt, he does a slide.

Oh okay, thanks, I had no trouble pulling off slides and eruptions. I guess it's just a little trickier doing Up. Now I can see why people don't like Up=Jump.


Tilts can be tricky on 3DS, but you need to slightly push up on the Circle Pad (without jumping) and then press A.
This is my only major complaint with Smash 3DS from my time with the demo. Up tilts are so difficult to reliably use. It's probably something that takes a little finesse.


Guys what do you think about this?

This seems... important...


When Mii Fighters are turned on, there are four spots left for character icons. I think it'd be cool if they brought back Lucas, Wolf, Mewtwo and Ice Climbers at some point.

They'd have to significantly change Ice Climbers to get them to work within the RAM restrictions; probably simplify Nana's AI to something like Luma or an AT, or perhaps make Popo a single "Ice Climber" with new moves like the Condor, and make Nana an alt.

If Lucas were to come back, it'd be awesome fan service if they included a Kumatora alt. Maybe while they're at it, downloading Lucas adds a Paula alt for Ness.

As others have noted, the existing trophies for them can simply be amended to be "Wolf (Assault)" and so on and so forth, like in Brawl.
I´m absolutely in love with the demo and blown away by how good it looks.

Every 3DS game from now on should give Miiverse and the Webbrowser the middlefinger.

Pikachu is my favourite.
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