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Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS: Info Collection - Dojo, Mega Man and Trailer! 2014!



I really like this picture in terms of the models, but is it just me or does something seem off about DK's fur? For some reason it looks worse than say, the fur on the queen bee in SMG:


Wii-U weaker than Wii confirmed?

The bee queen fur looks really bad up close, I think DK's looks alright.


random but Mario totally has his foot up DKs ass in that pic. serious butt kicking.

People fight in taunt parties...when someone decides to be different and attack then gets ganged on by everyone lol.

that's exactly what is happening lol so ridiculous yet funny


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Brawl doesn't have online. What are you people talking about?

Fine. I will turn off my E-meter and go back to blaming Sakurai's politeness for the terrible Snake mistake.
Every great once in a while I've been able to use taunt parties to get good 1 on 1 matches while the other 2 stay out of the way. Also 3 on 1 isn't really that tough because most of the time the 3 people teaming up will bash each other into oblivion trying to get to the solo guy giving the solo guy ample opportunity to quickly kill them all and win with more than enough points.

Beyond that though, yeah, Brawl online when it's working was made for trolling. I wouldn't have so much of a problem with randoms if it wasn't goddamn time matches. I really hope they greatly expand the next SSB online stuff.

qq more

I hope they improve the Stage Builder by a ton this time. It was lame you can only choose 3 generic looking tilesets and be very limited by the stuff you can implement. Hopefully the tiles we can choose this time are Nintendo themed. Why did they go with generic/realistic environments?
Maybe they didn't want to play franchise favourites with the few stage settings they had time to implement.

But yeah I hope it returns with vast improvements.


I hope they improve the Stage Builder by a ton this time. It was lame you can only choose 3 generic looking tilesets and be very limited by the stuff you can implement. Hopefully the tiles we can choose this time are Nintendo themed. Why did they go with generic/realistic environments?

What I truly consider a waste is how there's all sort of unique backgrounds for SSE, and they remain exclusive for that mode, since they can't be used in the Stage Builder nor can do they appear anywhere else in the game. Just like there are divisions for Brawl Stages, Melee Stages and Custom Stages, there should have been a section for SSE Stages, where the stages unique to it become available for multiplayer as you beat the levels.


What I truly consider a waste is how there's all sort of unique backgrounds for SSE, and they remain exclusive for that mode, since they can't be used in the Stage Builder nor can do they appear anywhere else in the game. Just like there are divisions for Brawl Stages, Melee Stages and Custom Stages, there should have been a section for SSE Stages, where the stages unique to it become available for multiplayer as you beat the levels.

And once more hacks to the rescue. Love tabuu's stage, That stair case to the great maze, and those dark clone stages in regular single player.


In terms of VA, the reason Nintendo refuses to do so is probably a combination of budget, and the fact that they don't want to force Link's name to be Link because for some dumb reason that would stop the players from "being" him.

Budget, really? Come in, you don't believe that. Link not talking is irrelevant to whether or not there is voice acting or not. I mean, there isn't voice acting and yet Link still doesn't talk. It's a design decision and in my experience it adds to the immersion. You're not supposed to be Link, but Link is your link to the world. Having a link you can't relate to would lower the immersion.

I personally am for voice acting, but that can equal to having the text as we receive it all these years, except voiced. Nothing has to change about the vibe Link has to give as the player character and hero.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Well they were in a love triangle with Pauline...


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Mario jumpmans from one love triangle to another. Dude is kinky.


Budget, really? Come in, you don't believe that. Link not talking is irrelevant to whether or not there is voice acting or not. I mean, there isn't voice acting and yet Link still doesn't talk. It's a design decision and in my experience it adds to the immersion. You're not supposed to be Link, but Link is your link to the world. Having a link you can't relate to would lower the immersion.

I personally am for voice acting, but that can equal to having the text as we receive it all these years, except voiced. Nothing has to change about the vibe Link has to give as the player character and hero.

It's not that Nintendo doesn't have the money to do it, it just seems like they are unwilling and would rather put that time and money elsewhere in the game given their gameplay first mentality.

Also completely disagree about Link not talking adding to the immersion, honestly it pulls me out of it when the main character of the story never reacts to anything other than a facial expression or grunt. Link is not the player, and I think a lot of people feel this way about him. The only reason people would be against Zelda voice acting is due to the notion that it could end up terribly like Other M or ruin the characters for some.


I remember laughing so hard when I saw that Berenstein Bears pic for the first time.

I was just playing some advance wars and now I really want Andy in smash bros.

I tried playing the first GBA one and I couldn't get into it.FE is the only SRPG that clicked with me. saying that I would love to see an AW character. I think a AW character would bring something uniqueto the table.


They do.

But Link should never, ever speak. Ever. Under any circumstance. Literally everything bad that can happen to a video game franchise, SHOULD happen before Link speaks.
I shudder the day he will ever mutter something equivalent to, "Well, excuse me, Princess!"... ugh...


They do.

But Link should never, ever speak. Ever. Under any circumstance. Literally everything bad that can happen to a video game franchise, SHOULD happen before Link speaks.

I don't think they need voice acting, but I wouldn't mind it as long as Link didn't speak.
Really good voice acting can add a ton to a game. Compare the unvoiced Japanese version of Dragon Quest VIII and the voiced English version. The difference is absolutely night and day in terms of character.

Though I am adamant that Link should never be a fully voiced character.


glad to see most people have got their heads screwed on correctly concerning both aspects of the LoZ VA debate (yes, but NPCs only)


I'd be okay if they hired the entire team behind the voice acting for Kid Icarus Uprising for a new Zelda game.

I don't think it'll happen any time soon. Nintendo is so fucking safe right now, possibly the safest they've ever been. they'll probably call the new Wii U Zelda Skyward Sword 2, give it the same art style, and give Link two partner characters.
I'd be okay if they hired the entire team behind the voice acting for Kid Icarus Uprising for a new Zelda game.

I don't think it'll happen any time soon. Nintendo is so fucking safe right now, possibly the safest they've ever been. they'll probably call the new Wii U Zelda Skyward Sword 2, give it the same art style, and give Link two partner characters.
How would making a direct sequel to the worst selling and received mainline Zelda game be remotely safe?

Twilight Princess was the 'safe' one.

I really like this picture in terms of the models, but is it just me or does something seem off about DK's fur?

Yeah, it's absolutely dreadful. Just look at these screens:



The fur has some kind of weird "motion blur" applied to it for absolutely no reason. If you focus on Donkey Kong and not the background behind him, it almost looks like he's accelerating towards the camera at high speeds.


Compare with the elegance that is the above. Maybe Retro wasn't kidding and having decent fur (which Rare seemed to do effortlessly as far back as 2002 with Star Fox Adventures) does cost Nintendo a lot of money, but even the lips of Smash 4 DK look awful so I dunno what excuse they could pull out of their hat for that.

(I blame Namco.)


Yeah, it's absolutely dreadful. Just look at these screens:



The fur has some kind of weird "motion blur" applied to it for absolutely no reason. If you focus on Donkey Kong and not the background behind him, it almost looks like he's accelerating towards the camera at high speeds.


Compare with the elegance that is the above. Maybe Retro wasn't kidding and having decent fur (which Rare seemed to do effortlessly as far back as 2002 with Star Fox Adventures) does cost Nintendo a lot of money, but even the lips of Smash 4 DK look awful so I dunno what excuse they could pull out of their hat for that.

(I blame Namco.)

I laughed so much at the accelerating thing. :Lol

But yeah, the fur looks terrible, Retro nailed it.


I can definitely see Lord Ghirahim playable in this. He was a kickass character in Skyward Sword and has a few moves which would make him unique. I don't see how he can be cloned off of another character, but they did with Ganondorf so I don't know...
It was too repetitive for me and I felt as if I was forcing myself to play.
Definitely agree on the repetitive part; the first few dungeons were cool the first time around, but the latter ones besides (arguably) the ship felt like absolute retreads and just repeated the same motifs the beginner dungeons had. Didn't help the final one is just all the previous dungeons remixed into one sliding-puzzle style thing.

Bizarre they emphasized Skyworld and the flying so much when it was ultimately really pretty insignificant. Absolutely didn't have the same presence sailing and the Great Ocean or even Epona and Hyrule Field had in previous games.


Really good voice acting can add a ton to a game. Compare the unvoiced Japanese version of Dragon Quest VIII and the voiced English version. The difference is absolutely night and day in terms of character.

Though I am adamant that Link should never be a fully voiced character.

I have never heard a good reason besides " its the way he has always been" so if you can provide one I will listen.
You probably would not be able to name link another name if there was some good voice acting in Zelda.*

*This is not a reason this is just me thinking of stuff if it did happen.
I have never heard a good reason besides " its the way he has always been" so if you can provide one I will listen.
If you don't consider it a good enough reason then I don't particularly care what you think about the subject. I consider his silence a definable part of the character, like his green tunic, floppy hat, pointed ears, and sword and shield. Make him start talking (beyond a very rare two word phrase) and I would argue he's not Link.

It's a part of what makes Link who he is, in the same way the mustache makes Mario who he is, or a comically over-sized sword makes Cloud Strife who he is.
Yeah, it's absolutely dreadful. Just look at these screens:



The fur has some kind of weird "motion blur" applied to it for absolutely no reason. If you focus on Donkey Kong and not the background behind him, it almost looks like he's accelerating towards the camera at high speeds.


Compare with the elegance that is the above. Maybe Retro wasn't kidding and having decent fur (which Rare seemed to do effortlessly as far back as 2002 with Star Fox Adventures) does cost Nintendo a lot of money, but even the lips of Smash 4 DK look awful so I dunno what excuse they could pull out of their hat for that.

(I blame Namco.)

DK's fur is indeed on the weird side, though I find it quite nice overall. Tropical Freeze fur is objectively superior, but it's made through shaders,while in Smash it's all polygon and textures.

For some reason (stylistic I suppose) Sakurai still refuses the use of shaders in the new Smash. If you look, apart from some light blooming, rendering is almost totally plain, like if it's intended to preserve the non-totally-realistic / typical-videogame look.

On a side note, DK design in TF is totally amazing, Retro finally nailed it and is now maybe on par with the supreme Jungle Beat rendition (still have to judge animations).
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