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Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS: Info Collection - Dojo, Mega Man and Trailer! 2014!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
By the way, am I the only one who likes the N64 version of Mushroom Kingdom the most? I loved warping through pipes and hitting POW blocks lol

The only bad part of it is the "walk away" KO zone. Prefer it more over Mushroom Kingdom 2 and the Mushroom Kingdom World stage.
I disagree. I want Mario to talk.

Great topics such as how hungry he is for spaghetti, pizza, and lasagna. More cool catch phrases like "Holy ravioli!".
Let him fall asleep in SM64 and he totally does start murmuring about Ravioli.
Though what you described is basically the Super Mario Bros Super Show.

Did you play it on mute?

The Mario Advance games are infamous for making Mario and co talk too much.

This is the best thing about SMA, because of Toad and the various bosses of course.

By the way, am I the only one who likes the N64 version of Mushroom Kingdom the most? I loved warping through pipes and hitting POW blocks lol
Nope, it beats the hell out of the Melee version if you ask me.
This reminds me, why the hell is the SMB2 stage called Mushroom Kingdom 2? man that bugs me.


The Zelda series is, I think, the only Nintendo franchise which probably should have VA at this point and still doesn't. Of course, not including Link, that would be incredibly weird.

Wouldn't that be EVEN MORE awkward? Everyone talking and Link being silent, how would he interact with people? It would be 100x more absurd, with people asking things and then answering on their own, pedantic monologues to cover Link's part of the dialogue as well, and so on...

Zelda really, really doesn't need VAs, especially if then we'd get an horrible or cringeworthy dub: that would ruin the game's mood altogether.
Wouldn't that be EVEN MORE awkward? Everyone talking and Link being silent, how would he interact with people? It would be 100x more absurd, with people asking things and then answering on their own, pedantic monologues to cover Link's part of the dialogue as well, and so on...

Zelda really, really doesn't need VAs, especially if then we'd get an horrible or cringeworthy dub: that would ruin the game's mood altogether.

PLENTY of modern non-Nintendo games work with a silent protagonist and still have full voice acting - it works just fine. The Legend of Zelda not having VAs at this point is absolutely inexcusable. It's supposed to be Nintendo's AAA, super-high production value game series - it's about time Nintendo started treating it that way.

When even your average indie story-based game has full voice acting, it's so utterly, blatantly lazy for Nintendo to continue to exclude it from its own games.
Wouldn't that be EVEN MORE awkward? Everyone talking and Link being silent, how would he interact with people? It would be 100x more absurd, with people asking things and then answering on their own, pedantic monologues to cover Link's part of the dialogue as well, and so on...

Zelda really, really doesn't need VAs, especially if then we'd get an horrible or cringeworthy dub: that would ruin the game's mood altogether.

It works well in most smt games


Wouldn't that be EVEN MORE awkward? Everyone talking and Link being silent, how would he interact with people? It would be 100x more absurd, with people asking things and then answering on their own, pedantic monologues to cover Link's part of the dialogue as well, and so on...

Zelda really, really doesn't need VAs, especially if then we'd get an horrible or cringeworthy dub: that would ruin the game's mood altogether.

Link should talk actually. Linked stopped being you for a long as while now and became his own character. Not saying he should go on long soliloquy's on how war in hyrule has changed. However a " what" or an " ok" or an " oh no" wouldn't hurt ya know.

It works well in most smt games

I hate it there too, there to actually. I think they should voice act more parts of the protagonists, epically in persona games.


I would prefer Zelda games to continue being text only. And if they did implement VAs, definitely keep Link silent.

I agree it would stick out even more if everyone were fully voiced and Link just sat there.
so did King K Rool get announced yet? :p

My hope is when donkey kong tropical freeze comes out we get either Dixie kong/diddy kong tag team character or King K Rool revealed

"Looks like King K Rool wanted to fight in our game instead of the new DK game"

Do it Sakurai


Wouldn't that be EVEN MORE awkward? Everyone talking and Link being silent, how would he interact with people? It would be 100x more absurd, with people asking things and then answering on their own, pedantic monologues to cover Link's part of the dialogue as well, and so on...

Zelda really, really doesn't need VAs, especially if then we'd get an horrible or cringeworthy dub: that would ruin the game's mood altogether.

Nah, this is a pretty common trope in video games nowadays. I think it'd take an hour or two to grow accustomed to it, then it won't even be an issue. As long as it's executed well, of course, but I think that goes without saying.
I don't think I want Mario to speak actual dialog. And characters like Link, Ness and Pokemon Trainer are suppose to be silent protags. I guess that's one of the big reasons why they didn't go with voice acting. Would be weird to have half of the cast mute.

I really like Mario's faux-Italian in the Mario&Luigi games. Might be a little offensive, but it's fun. I'd like to see Mario speak like that with subtitles.

Example at 0:32 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0S109h7Gjcw&feature=fvwrel


Wario should speak in full.

Did you all hear that crowdfarter thing, it was gold.

Also bowser had no issue with that crap in sunshine, actually preferred it


The notion that Link is the player is dumb, I don't think I've ever talked to anyone that thought of Link as a reflection of themselves compared to say other games where you are the main character. It's become more absurd in games like Wind Waker and Skyward Sword where they gave him his own individual personality and yet he still can't talk.

In terms of VA, the reason Nintendo refuses to do so is probably a combination of budget, and the fact that they don't want to force Link's name to be Link because for some dumb reason that would stop the players from "being" him.

I mean if Link is the player, why can't he be a girl, or why can't I choose what he wears, what he says, etc.? The Pokemon Trainer feels like a much truer reflection of the player in that aspect because you choose what kind of trainer you are in those games, not to mention the customization options coming in X and Y.
I mean if Link is the player, why can't he be a girl, or why can't I choose what he wears, what he says, etc.? The Pokemon Trainer feels like a much truer reflection of the player in that aspect because you choose what kind of trainer you are in those games, not to mention the customization options coming in X and Y.

You get to choose responses to peoples questions in skyward sword, and link doesn't get to choose what he wears either (including hilarious moment where wind waker link really doesn't like the tunic...). Those seem like bad examples really.


The notion that Link is the player is dumb, I don't think I've ever talked to anyone that thought of Link as a reflection of themselves compared to say other games where you are the main character. It's become more absurd in games like Wind Waker and Skyward Sword where they gave him his own individual personality and yet he still can't talk.

In terms of VA, the reason Nintendo refuses to do so is probably a combination of budget, and the fact that they don't want to force Link's name to be Link because for some dumb reason that would stop the players from "being" him.

I mean if Link is the player, why can't he be a girl, or why can't I choose what he wears, what he says, etc.? The Pokemon Trainer feels like a much truer reflection of the player in that aspect because you choose what kind of trainer you are in those games, not to mention the customization options coming in X and Y.

Is budget really an issue in a LOZ game its LOZ its probably going do pretty well. And As far as his name goes, they could just use pronouns. Or " the hero of whatever" in some cases. And its some type of " tradition" forget all that mess, break the mold try something new with link.

And that is a good point about pokemon now, I can be a black anime dude in pokemans in the new one. Link is always going to be a blond hyrule guy, he is own character and its silly to think other wise.

Another example Villager, his name is Villager because he is suppouse to be vauge, Link has a bloody name and in many cases a personality.

Make the guy his own guy, its fine. People are going to still buy legend of zelda.


As a quick game

If adult link and young/toon link had to get English voices. Who would voice them.


Is budget really an issue in a LOZ game its LOZ its probably going do pretty well. And As far as his name goes, they could just use pronouns. Or " the hero of whatever" in some cases. And its some type of " tradition" forget all that mess, break the mold try something new with link.

And that is a good point about pokemon now, I can be a black anime dude in pokemans in the new one. Link is always going to be a blond hyrule guy, he is own character and its silly to think other wise.

Another example Villager, his name is Villager because he is suppouse to be vauge, Link has a bloody name and in many cases a personality.

Make the guy his own guy, its fine. People are going to still buy legend of zelda.


As a quick game

If adult link and young and toon link had to get English voices. Who would voice them.

Well when I meant budget I was thinking that Nintendo's line of thought would be why put so much time and money on story when it can go to other parts of the game. But yeah it seems like they are doing it just because they are too afraid of breaking the mold.

Villager is also another great example of what I was getting at, in Animal Crossing the player is the villager, and in Pokemon the player is the trainer, but in Zelda I never felt like I was Link and I never will.


Link spoke in Wind Waker. It wasn't intrusive, and you could easily miss it. Before being shot into the Forbidden Fortress he says "Come on". I think he should have short phrases like that but everyone else should speak Hylian/Twili/Picori with English subtitles like Midna. That way we can have VA, but in an unobtrusive manor.


Link spoke in Wind Waker. It wasn't intrusive, and you could easily miss it. Before being shot into the Forbidden Fortress he says "Come on". I think he should have short phrases like that but everyone else should speak Hylian/Twili/Picori with English subtitles like Midna. That way we can have VA, but in an unobtrusive manor.

I think he should speak in some sentences actually. Just place it well and get a good voice actor, I do think people should speak in full as well, if you do not like it just skip it.

I find the notion that voice acting is instructive is just silly.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
The notion that Link is the player is dumb, I don't think I've ever talked to anyone that thought of Link as a reflection of themselves compared to say other games where you are the main character. It's become more absurd in games like Wind Waker and Skyward Sword where they gave him his own individual personality and yet he still can't talk.

In terms of VA, the reason Nintendo refuses to do so is probably a combination of budget, and the fact that they don't want to force Link's name to be Link because for some dumb reason that would stop the players from "being" him.

I mean if Link is the player, why can't he be a girl, or why can't I choose what he wears, what he says, etc.? The Pokemon Trainer feels like a much truer reflection of the player in that aspect because you choose what kind of trainer you are in those games, not to mention the customization options coming in X and Y.
Do you ignore that you can name link whatever you want, he is setup so he can be you, and generally a lot of people can put themselvees in his shoes

PK Gaming

Link isn't supposed to represent the player, at least not to the degree that other silent RPG protagonists are supposed to represent the player. Regardless of your actions, Link will always be the heroic type who saves the day. You have 0 influence on his overall actions, and up until Skyward Sword you had no say in any of his responses either (though most his responses are different flavored "yes's"

Having him talk wouldn't be the end of the world, but at the same time he's got nothing to say either. He's kind of like Mario, but instead of saying phrases like "it's a me Mario" Link just yells a whole bunch.


Do you ignore that you can name link whatever you want, he is setup so he can be you, and generally a lot of people can put themselvees in his shoes
The new pokemon trainer is me, the villager is me.

Link and yu narukami will never be me, they have a look, they have personality all link is missing is a voice. And yes, people can put himself in his shoes, because I can put myself in your shoes if i get to know you long enough. But that doesn't make me you, you are still you, and that is what needs to be recognized people can relate to link if had a voice.

What you describe is tradition for the sake of it, sounds dumb to me.


Do you ignore that you can name link whatever you want, he is setup so he can be you, and generally a lot of people can put themselvees in his shoes

I can name Tidus whatever the hell I want, but I'll never be him. The entire cast of FFIV was nameable but that didn't make them any more easy to identify as.

Link might not be much of a character, but having a weak development arc doesn't make him a player insert anymore than Mario does.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So...did everyone already know about the news that there will be "multiple air-dodges" in this one?


Sakurai considered Sukapon for Melee believe it or not. He deemed him too obscure if I remember correctly. I hope Sakupon is exempt from this fighting game line of thinking.

Man how disappointing. I would love to see Sukapon. I hope he's included this time around.

Does this mean that Xenu is to blame for Snake's presence in Brawl?


This is beautiful


This the Fire Emblem stage? Looks different from all the other ones shown.


What are the odds of getting the animations work for Mega Man, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer done for older characters? It'd be cool to see interactions between the characters like in the Mega Man trailer.


What are the odds of getting the animations work for Mega Man, Villager and Wii Fit Trainer done for older characters? It'd be cool to see interactions between the characters like in the Mega Man trailer.

It's very high actually. Sakurai hinted as such, with videos like those being unlockable from the start. So as far as I'm concerned its win win, a cool random scene with my favorite characters without worrying about lame story mode. I imagine it will be something like the short vids found in F Zero GX.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
The new pokemon trainer is me, the villager is me.

Link and yu narukami will never be me, they have a look, they have personality all link is missing is a voice. And yes, people can put himself in his shoes, because I can put myself in your shoes if i get to know you long enough. But that doesn't make me you, you are still you, and that is what needs to be recognized people can relate to link if had a voice.

What you describe is tradition for the sake of it, sounds dumb to me.

I can name Tidus whatever the hell I want, but I'll never be him. The entire cast of FFIV was nameable but that didn't make them any more easy to identify as.

Link might not be much of a character, but having a weak development arc doesn't make him a player insert anymore than Mario does.
Link has still been entirely the character your suppose to be, tidus isn't a sound comparison because he is the farthest away from a player character, that is just bad design by square, link doesn't talk, most times when given a decision you have to decide for him, his default name is link because he is suppose to be a "link" between the player and the character


Link has still been entirely the character your suppose to be, tidus isn't a sound comparison because he is the farthest away from a player character, that is just bad design by square, link doesn't talk, most times when given a decision you have to decide for him, his default name is link because he is suppose to be a "link" between the player and the character

From Miyamoto in Hyrule Historia:
We named the protagonist Link because he connects
people together. He was supposed to spread the scattered
energy of the world through the ages.

Link is a character. He has his own development, he has his own connections to the world, he has his own story arc (even if it's resolved quickly in the game). If you relate to him because the hero's journey is vague enough to mean something to you, great. But the character remains just that, a character. His motivations are his own. He's not "meant" to act as a stand-in for the player any more than any other developed character does.


It's very high actually. Sakurai hinted as such, with videos like those being unlockable from the start. So as far as I'm concerned its win win, a cool random scene with my favorite characters without worrying about lame story mode. I imagine it will be something like the short vids found in F Zero GX.
Having certain characters interacting in particular scenes will please me. Having a scene with Mario and Sonic would be all sorts of incredible. No need for a story mode with these scenes. The Mega Man trailer, as mentioned before, is incredible with how he uses his powers against the iconic Nintendo characters.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery

I really like this picture in terms of the models, but is it just me or does something seem off about DK's fur? For some reason it looks worse than say, the fur on the queen bee in SMG:


Wii-U weaker than Wii confirmed?



I really like this picture in terms of the models, but is it just me or does something seem off about DK's fur? For some reason it looks worse than say, the fur on the queen bee in SMG:


Wii-U weaker than Wii confirmed?

DK is going to be rendered much smaller than that in gameplay. The Queen Bee style would probably not show up well anyway in zoom-out. Try it yourself by zooming out with your browser with the two images on the screen.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
From Miyamoto in Hyrule Historia:

Link is a character. He has his own development, he has his own connections to the world, he has his own story arc (even if it's resolved quickly in the game). If you relate to him because the hero's journey is vague enough to mean something to you, great. But the character remains just that, a character. His motivations are his own. He's not "meant" to act as a stand-in for the player any more than any other developed character does.
I guess I concede

I really like this picture in terms of the models, but is it just me or does something seem off about DK's fur? For some reason it looks worse than say, the fur on the queen bee in SMG:


Wii-U weaker than Wii confirmed?

I think that Queen Bee's fur looks worse, tbh.


oh geez.lol my brother's friend is playing online right now and they're all ganging up on him and will not fight each other. 2 of them even had a sudden death and they both just jumped off the stage lmao never seen that one. with a solid netcode I feel like smash 4 won't suffer the same fate.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
oh geez.lol my brother's friend is playing online right now and they're all ganging up on him and will not fight each other. 2 of them even had a sudden death and they both just jumped off the stage lmao never seen that one. with a solid netcode I feel like smash 4 won't suffer the same fate.
Those are called taunt parties

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Oh man, what if Queen Bee is a playable character?

She was in Mario Kart 7, so she's definitely got potential as someone Nintendo wants to promote.
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