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Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS: Info Collection - Dojo, Mega Man and Trailer! 2014!


I really hope Sakurai doesn't shy away from clones in this game.

I do.

Fuck clones. It was acceptable when it was due to limited hardware or time constraints. But there's no excuse for it now.


I should also note, that I don't consider the Star Fox characters, Mario Bros., The Links, Capt.F and Ganondorf, and Lucas and Ness clones in Brawl. I felt Brawl did a good job of making samey characters different enough. Melee however, yuck.
I do wish Wolf and maybe even Falco had one or two different specials from Fox that isn't a variation of laser/fire boost thing/illusion/reflector.
The only characters I consider true clones in Brawl are Toon Link and Ganondorf. Falco and Lucas need to be more 'luigi-fied', but their movesets are fairly different and the similarities they do have I feel are justified.

I'm cool with clones near the end of the game's development or DLC to pad out the roster if they're not something like Ganondorf where it just gets infuriating that this character people really wanted instead has a completely unrelated character's moveset.


Yea, well, I agree with the post a few post above. I'd accept more template swaps if it meant more characters.

Not move for move clones like Melee, but characters that share the same template.


I was disappointed to hear there will be no cut scenes because I liked them in brawl for the most part, but then I remembered something. none of the characters had any dialogue and just talked through grunts and physical gestures.God Nintendo needs to stop living in the past and start getting voice actors to bring life to their characters.


I'm sorry but I find extremely hard to believe that Sakurai hasn't considered Ridley because he has been featured in all the games, being in Brawl as 2 different bosses.

Sakurai acknowledges Ridley's importance, otherwise there wouldn't be 2 Ridleys in Brawl. I'm pretty sure Sakurai has considered many times and he is still yet to be added. Maybe there are actual reasons why they couldn't add him.

Not sure if it has been asked but do we know if Wolf and Ridley were planned for Melee? (since they appeared in the intro)

You may be right, its just when I read that interview I get a sense that he had never even considered him before despite being featured in each Smash.

Wolf and Ridley were not planned for Melee. But get this, Wolf was planned for the original Smash along with Dedede, Mewtwo and Bowser.

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I was disappointed to hear there will be no cut scenes because I liked them in brawl for the most part, but then I remembered something. none of the characters had any dialogue and just talked through grunts and physical gestures.God Nintendo needs to stop living in the past and start getting voice actors to bring life to their characters.

I don't think I want Mario to speak actual dialog. And characters like Link, Ness and Pokemon Trainer are suppose to be silent protags. I guess that's one of the big reasons why they didn't go with voice acting. Would be weird to have half of the cast mute.
Wolf and Ridley were not planned for Melee. But get this, Wolf was planned for the original Smash along with Dedede, Mewtwo and Bowser.

According to the same source (old Famitsu articles that someone dug up), Wolf was considered (but not necessarily planned) for Melee. Apparently Sakurai briefly thought about using him as Fox's clone but went with the more visually-distinct Falco instead.


The Zelda series is, I think, the only Nintendo franchise which probably should have VA at this point and still doesn't. Of course, not including Link, that would be incredibly weird.

I liked the VA in Uprising. :(

I do too :p

I only said that to illustrate Nintendo does use voice acting now when it makes sense. The exception being Zelda...
I liked the VA in Uprising. :(
I think he was using it as an example of good VA work in a recent Nintendo game, not an example as to why Nintendo should avoid VA work.

Other M does work for the latter point though :V

According to the same source (old Famitsu articles that someone dug up), Wolf was considered (but not necessarily planned) for Melee. Apparently Sakurai briefly thought about using him as Fox's clone but went with the more visually-distinct Falco instead.
Yeah, I think this is what i was thinking about on the previous page in regards to Wolf being considered for Melee. Falco having the same moves as his comrade/best friend makes way more sense than Wolf having the same exact moves as his arch-nemesis/rival.


You apparently haven't played Kid Icarus Uprising

In a game like that or Star Fox you can't get away with text due to the nature of the player focusing on the combat rather than reading lines which may have led to the decision for voice acting. Of course the voice acting being really good is a bonus.

But yeah I don't see why the Zelda fanbase is so against the idea of voice acting, yeah it could end up like Other M but at the same time it could completely improve Zelda for the better, and of course Link will stay silent even though some like to joke about that happening. Honestly there's nothing to lose, it just seems like Nintendo is making dumb excuses, I wouldn't be surprised if they are against it just because that would mean that players could no longer pick Link's name.


I do too :p

I only said that to illustrate Nintendo does use voice acting now when it makes sense. The exception being Zelda...

Ah, good, good.

A lot of their characters don't reallt need full dialogue so I didn't miss it much in Brawl. I will be disappointed if there isn't some Pit/Palutena chatter in 4 though.


I don't think I want Mario to speak actual dialog. And characters like Link, Ness and Pokemon Trainer are suppose to be silent protags. I guess that's one of the big reasons why they didn't go with voice acting. Would be weird to have half of the cast mute.
I could do without Mario speaking since his voice actor has always sounded weird when talking when i've seen him talk at e3. But I would actually love to hear everyone else mentioned speak
Ah, good, good.

A lot of their characters don't reallt need full dialogue so I didn't miss it much in Brawl. I will be disappointed if there isn't some Pit/Palutena chatter in 4 though.
I'd be super surprised if there's no Fox/Snake style secret messages between Pit/Palutena/Medussa/Viridi/Hades in the Kid Icarus stages.

I don't think I want Mario to speak actual dialog. And characters like Link, Ness and Pokemon Trainer are suppose to be silent protags. I guess that's one of the big reasons why they didn't go with voice acting. Would be weird to have half of the cast mute.
Mario can still shout out short phrases/words without it being annoying or awkward that he's talking less than more talkative characters, Pokemon Trainer talks a lot during battle anyway and seemed partially based on Ash from the cartoon show. Ness I'll give you, though Mother 3 seemed to establish that the character you're playing as never talks, yet once you switch point of views they'll talk. Flint's silent in the 1st chapter yet Duster/Lucas are super talkative, yet when you run into Flint as Duster in Chapter 2 he talks and obviously Lucas is silent during the bulk of the game. I think it's just a weird Itoi style thing.
their smash VA's are kind of annoying though, so might be just as well they're mostly silent

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I do wish Wolf and maybe even Falco had one or two different specials from Fox that isn't a variation of laser/fire boost thing/illusion/reflector.

Wolf's B move is different from the lasers enough to be considered unique. Same with his Side B (I'd say it's more different vs. Fox/Falco's than the variations of "side tackle" employed by Pikachu and Luigi).

His only move similar to Fox and Falco is the Up and Down B. His Up B should definitely be changed because it's terrible, but his Down B is amazing enough.

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Mario can still shout out short phrases/words without it being annoying or awkward that he's talking less than more talkative characters, Pokemon Trainer talks a lot during battle anyway and seemed partially based on Ash from the cartoon show. Ness I'll give you, though Mother 3 seemed to establish that the character you're playing as never talks, yet once you switch point of views they'll talk. Flint's silent in the 1st chapter yet Duster/Lucas are super talkative, yet when you run into Flint as Duster in Chapter 2 he talks and obviously Lucas is silent during the bulk of the game. I think it's just a weird Itoi style thing.
their smash VA's are kind of annoying though, so might be just as well they're mostly silent

Erm, it's the other way around actually. lol Ash is based on Red. (I'm just being a bit nitpicky though)

And yeah, I knew that about Mother 3, I left out Lucas for that reason.

I guess it could work but I feel more comfortable with characters being silent. Maybe I'm just too used to it but it's just hard to imagine characters like Link speaking without looking weird...


I disagree. I want Mario to talk.

Great topics such as how hungry he is for spaghetti, pizza, and lasagna. More cool catch phrases like "Holy ravioli!".
Erm, it's the other way around actually. lol Ash is based on Red. (I'm just being a bit nitpicky though)
Oh I get that, I just mean more how they had the same VA as the show for him and all came across as them also benefiting off people's familiarity/nostalgia over the cartoon, so to me PT came across as a hybrid between those two different interpretations of Pokemon's avatar character.
I think Link talking would be too weird after watching Highschool of The Dead. Hirano!

Edit: Nevermind. Find out he was only Adult Link, OoT; Fierce Deity Link. XP


Maturity, bitches.
I feel your posts go unappreciated
There's a reason I started using Akari as my avatar.*

I disagree. I want Mario to talk.

Great topics such as how hungry he is for spaghetti, pizza, and lasagna. More cool catch phrases like "Holy ravioli!".
Go play the Mario Advance ports and lets see if you continue to think that.

*I realise this point makes no sense for those who have never seen YuruYuri.


I'd love for each of the characters in the single player to have their own rival and boss.

They would face the rival half way through the game, and the boss battle just before Master Hand.

Sonic's rival would be Mario, his boss battle would be Eggman in one of his contraptions.

Mario's rival would be Donkey Kong, his boss battle would be a giant Bowser or Giga Bowser.

Kirby's rival would be Meta Knight while his boss battle would be a race against King Dedede.

I'm not sure how some villians would work regarding boss battles, but it is an idea that I have.
I'd love for each of the characters in the single player to have their own rival and boss.

They would face the rival half way through the game, and the boss battle just before Master Hand.

Sonic's rival would be Mario, his boss battle would be Eggman in one of his contraptions.

Mario's rival would be Donkey Kong, his boss battle would be a giant Bowser or Giga Bowser.

Kirby's rival would be Meta Knight while his boss battle would be a race against King Dedede.

I'm not sure how some villians would work regarding boss battles, but it is an idea that I have.

Yeah and Samus' boss could be Ridley. And he could be big.


Yeah and Samus' boss could be Ridley. And he could be big.
Maybe for Samus, her rival would either be Dark Samus or Ridley and the boss battle would be Mother Brain from Super Metroid. Holy crap that would be awesome!

If they were to do the rival thing, I'd think they'd have to do something similar to Playstation All-Stars, since not all the characters will have their rivals playable in this game.

So who would Ridley's boss be then?
Maybe Ridley would fight...Giga Ridley ;-p...or one of the bosses from the games like ....Other M spoilers
like Queen Metroid

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The only talkative characters in the cast are furries, metrosexual swordsmen, a muscular driver, and a blue pudding. And I guess that red twerp. If you count third parties there's an old man with a furry name and a blue Chespin.


Go play the Mario Advance ports and lets see if you continue to think that.

*I realise this point makes no sense for those who have never seen YuruYuri.

I don't get the reference, but speaking of Mario Advance, the first one is the best version of Mario 2/Doki Doki Panic. It controls so smoothly compared to the NES and SNES versions.


Maturity, bitches.
I don't get the reference, but speaking of Mario Advance, the first one is the best version of Mario 2/Doki Doki Panic. It controls so smoothly compared to the NES and SNES versions.
Did you play it on mute?

The Mario Advance games are infamous for making Mario and co talk too much.


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I actually didn't mind Mario's voice too much on the GBA ports. Although it felt a bit too tacked-on but it might be just the fact I'm more used to the SNES versions. I still had tons of fun with the GBA ports anyways, especially the SMB3 port.

SMB3 + e-reader cards such as SMB2 vegetables = funnnnnnnn


Maturity, bitches.
Since Brawl didn't have such a level I hope Smash U has a Mushroom Kingdom 3.

I also hope it makes a reference to the e-reader levels that can be removed for the PAL version.


Since Brawl didn't have such a level I hope Smash U has a Mushroom Kingdom 3.

I also hope it makes a reference to the e-reader levels that can be removed for the PAL version.

It had mushoomy kingdom and that was like two levels. Unless you want that weird not actually 2d but 2d textures thing going on.


Maturity, bitches.
It had mushoomy kingdom and that was like two levels. Unless you want that weird not actually 2d but 2d textures thing going on.
I meant a retro styled level based on SMB3 much like Mushroom Kingdom I was based on SMB and Mushroom Kingdom II was based on SMB2.

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By the way, am I the only one who likes the N64 version of Mushroom Kingdom the most? I loved warping through pipes and hitting POW blocks lol
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