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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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Not sure if awesome or unnecessary.



It's totally gonna be Streaky in the pod. About halfway through the season they said they were trying to figure out out to bring her in to the show and that even something as goofy as a super pet can work with the right story idea.
They had a poll about which character people were interested in most as DLC for Injustice: Batgirl, Power Girl, and Supergirl.

Power Girl came in first, Supergirl in second, and Batgirl in third (with like ~10% of the votes). Batgirl made it in the game, and neither Kara did.

They did cameo in the mobile game, though...


They had a poll about which character people were interested in most as DLC for Injustice: Batgirl, Power Girl, and Supergirl.

Power Girl came in first, Supergirl in second, and Batgirl in third (with like ~10% of the votes). Batgirl made it in the game, and neither Kara did.

They did cameo in the mobile game, though...
Are you thinking of a different poll? Because the last one they did came out like this:


It there an actual reason that I don't comprehend for why Kara can't be in space? I was seriously confused by the whole thing...

They seemed to establish that this universe's Kryptonians need to breathe air and rely on being in an atmosphere for flight. She could withstand physically being in space, but she was unable to fly back or breathe.

She should have been a bit smarter though, she would be able to push herself off against Fort Rozz which might launch her back to Earth.

Finale was all over the place. Very tear jerky throughout.. But also cringed every time I saw "Superman's" red cowboy boot or when they said he was still knocked out lol..

Even the moment where the world was about to lose every human, high frequency pitch and people agonizing in pain.. and he's just knocked out. Then,... When Kara saves the day, and EVERYONE is at HQ (or whatever the fuck it's called) celebrating, except Superman lol.. No one even mentions he's still knocked out or how his vitals look or anything. I know he would overshadow Kara in her own show if they actually needed him (due to popularity, she's obviously stronger than him in this universe) but why even include him if you're not going to show or use him? Instead, the writers make up a weak excuse to have him incapacitated.

But whatever, I hope it gets renewed on CW (if it doesn't on cbs) and they use Tom Welling. Maybe the cinematic universe can't stop that from happening.

I literally don't understand why these comic companies think we are stupid enough to confuse the separate universes (if that's even the case). It's not like we're going to be like "I already watch a live action avengers show on tv, I'm not going to watch avengers movies" or the other way around. Toy companies could sell more merchandise because they'd have multiple versions and kids (and some adults lol) will want to buy all variations.

But whatever, let's just have "Clark" fucking text or AOL message Kara for saving the entire planet, after literally going on a suicide mission in order to do it. lol

Superman in the end is quite important to Supergirl, but they can't really show him. It is a problem that they can't solve now. Should have either killed him before the show or set it on Earth-1 where there is no Superman. As for Tom Welling, DC can easily stop that. Supergirl just doesn't have the rights to Superman. Same reason why Batman will never show up on Gotham or why we are still 'waiting' for those Ted Kord references on Arrow to pay off. The worst thing is: DC even changes the rules in the middle of the game, see Deadshot. Maybe The Flash being a success on both movie and TV might change their minds, but the movie version is in the Zack Snyder universe so who knows how that will do.

Power sets and limitations should be established right at the beginning ("Flying is haaaard!", "here, take this cape. It should help with aerodynamics") or at least in the first couple of episodes ("oh no, kryptonite! outchi outch!")

But putting something like that right at the end of the finale seems like an ass-pull. You can't expect more than a "huh, okay?" From your audience, when it's never been a thing before. E: Especially when it's been portrayed differently before.

They had already established she needs to breathe and they never showed she would be able to live in space. There was no reason to think she could survive in space. If you thought otherwise, that is on you, not the show.


They had already established she needs to breathe and they never showed she would be able to live in space. There was no reason to think she could survive in space. If you thought otherwise, that is on you, not the show.

Kryptonians being able to survive in space is incredibly common. It's very odd she can't in historical context. Especially because they implied Superman does intergalactic travel in the past episode.


Kryptonians being able to survive in space is incredibly common. It's very odd she can't in historical context. Especially because they implied Superman does intergalactic travel in the past episode.
Those iterations also showed that Superman didn't need to breathe, while this iteration showed Supergirl does. She can't be suffocated otherwise.


They had a poll about which character people were interested in most as DLC for Injustice: Batgirl, Power Girl, and Supergirl.

Power Girl came in first, Supergirl in second, and Batgirl in third (with like ~10% of the votes). Batgirl made it in the game, and neither Kara did.

That made a lot of sense.


Superman in the end is quite important to Supergirl, but they can't really show him. It is a problem that they can't solve now. Should have either killed him before the show or set it on Earth-1 where there is no Superman.

I've read some blogpost (can't remember where) that had this great idea that at the beginning of Supergirl there would be a universe-destroying threat, which would cause all the big heroes and most of villains to unite to go fight against it off-planet for couple years. Leaving people like Kara forced to pick up the mantle. As well as new villains raising up to fill the power vacum left by the others.

Really liked that idea. You could even do the text massages with Clark through some primitive hyperspace communication that only allows few kilobytes of data to be transfered.


I've read some blogpost (can't remember where) that had this great idea that at the beginning of Supergirl there would be a universe-destroying threat, which would cause all the big heroes and most of villains to unite to go fight against it off-planet for couple years. Leaving people like Kara forced to pick up the mantle. As well as new villains raising up to fill the power vacum left by the others.

Really liked that idea. You could even do the text massages with Clark through some primitive hyperspace communication that only allows few kilobytes of data to be transfered.

Superman sending James to National also makes a lot more sense in this scenario.
Those iterations also showed that Superman didn't need to breathe, while this iteration showed Supergirl does. She can't be suffocated otherwise.

Wait, why are people still discussing this. They just dropped the ball in the writing from the episode previous: Superman was stated to be "off-world" by Kelex in the penultimate episode.

Nothing suggests he was using a spaceship to go off world.

Considering she has the lung capacity to knock things over/freeze them, she has the lung capacity to hold her breath for a considerable amount of time, which should/could allow her to travel into outer-space just fine. The idea that she can only fly if there's something to push off from is also weird, as that doesn't really track considering how maneuverable she is in mid air, and her ability to shift speeds while also in mid-air. The fact she can go faster in mid-air while pushing off nothing means the show has already demonstrated she can propel herself forward without needing to leap off of/push against something.

So the show has established previously she can generate her own thrust, and the episode prior established Kryptonians can survive in the outer atmosphere.

It was just a fuckup, is all. Unless they're suggesting the Superman who flew back in from outer space and immediately became a zombie, and then an unconscious pair of boots, wasn't actually Superman (even though he was texting her on the way there?), but some impostor that fooled everyone at the DEO and had Clark's phone, and the REAL Superman is who is in the pod.

Which I guess they could do? But you'd have a pretty hard time getting into any of that without actually casting Superman for season 2.

The easiest solution is that they fucked it up, not that there's some weird convoluted new set of super-rules for Kara and Kara alone that they simply forgot to explain consistently but really it all makes sense if you sit down and diagram it out.

They just botched a detail/fudged it purposefully for the sake of fitting a dramatic sister rescue for the final moments.


Wait, why are people still discussing this. They just dropped the ball in the writing from the episode previous: Superman was stated to be "off-world" by Kelex in the penultimate episode. Nothing suggests he was using a spaceship to go off world.
There was no proof in either direction of how he left the world.

Considering she has the lung capacity to knock things over/freeze them, she has the lung capacity to hold her breath for a considerable amount of time, which should/could allow her to travel into outer-space just fine.
It would be weird considering the examples where she could be choked. Why can that happen if she could live without breating in space.

The idea that she can only fly if there's something to push off from is also weird, as that doesn't really track considering how maneuverable she is in mid air, and her ability to shift speeds while also in mid-air. The fact she can go faster in mid-air while pushing off nothing means the show has already demonstrated she can propel herself forward without needing to leap off of/push against something.
Air and space are different.

So the show has established previously she can generate her own thrust, and the episode prior established Kryptonians can survive in the outer atmosphere.
It didn't.

It was just a fuckup, is all. Unless they're suggesting the Superman who flew back in from outer space and immediately became a zombie.
They didn't.
It would be weird considering the examples where she could be choked.

If Superman didn't take a spaceship, then he flew out there on his own. If he came straight from outer-space to help Kara as soon as he could, why didn't the spaceship come straight to Kara? The implication is pretty straightforward: Superman flew into outerspace to handle some shit, and he flew right back - straight into a zombie march. Now if season 2 begins by showing us the pod was Superman's, and Superman is in it, and the pair of cowboy boots on the slab all episode long was an impostor of some sort, then they're in the clear. But they'd have to cast a Superman in order to get around that, and they're not gonna, so the simplest, easiest, most reasonable explanation is that Superman simply flew his ass off the planet under his own power and flew back. There was absolutely no reason to believe otherwise until Alex said otherwise.

So far as the "how could she breathe in space if she gets choked?" If I know I'm going to have to pause my breathing, I can hold a lot of breath in my lungs in preparation for it. When I'm BEING CHOKED it's a surprise to me, and chances are I will likely not get the opportunity to draw in enough air. If a super strong alien (and a lot of them on this show appear to be super strong) can, by surprise, apply pressure to my own super-strong windpipe to the point where my ability to inhale is severely impacted, I'll probably choke. You're basically suggesting people can't be swimmers since you can put them in a headlock until they pass out.

Also just kinda handwaving away her ability to generate thrust internally by saying "air and space are different" makes pretty much no sense. Hell, this whole thing is pretty fucking stupid, because we're talking about fictional aliens whose powersets literally make no physiological sense anyway, and have no real pseudo-scientific basis in anything at all.

Their decision to write in, minutes before it happened, the idea that she couldn't survive in outer-space for a short period of time, for the sake of getting to an (intended to be) emotionally resonant rescue sequence, was a potentially decent idea, implemented poorly, and didn't make sense within the rules of their fictional universe, which probably added to the fact the rescue didn't play very well, either, and the emotional payoff was muted.

(plus, if she had enough strength to shove that thing off the ground and into outer-space in under 3 minutes, she probably could have just thrown the goddamn thing into orbit once she hit the upper atmosphere and never even had to enter outer space at all)

It was just a fuckup, is all. It happens in lots of good shows/movies. They had a thing they wanted to nail, and they shortcutted their way to it. It didn't land as a result.
I love this show most of the time, but that finale was horrible. What happened to all the kryptonians? Why use eye lasers again? And the cheese was at an all time high the past few episodes..

Started out strong, ended weak in my opinion. I'm still in for future seasons though, so hopefully it sticks around.
It there an actual reason that I don't comprehend for why Kara can't be in space? I was seriously confused by the whole thing...

Shitty writing.

Also gotta love how they're on a countdown to mass death, saving the day with only minutes to spare, but she still takes time to dress as Kara, go to work and say goodbyes. Great priorities.


If Superman didn't take a spaceship, then he flew out there on his own. If he came straight from outer-space to help Kara as soon as he could, why didn't the spaceship come straight to Kara? The implication is pretty straightforward: Superman flew into outerspace to handle some shit, and he flew right back - straight into a zombie march.
It is simply conjecture if he went into space on his own powers. He in any case couldn't have come straight from outer space to help Kara, he read her text and replied. He would need to have amazing cell phone coverage. He landed back on Earth somewhere, either with a spaceship or not, saw the text, replied and flew to National City.

So far as the "how could she breathe in space if she gets choked?" If I know I'm going to have to pause my breathing, I can hold a lot of breath in my lungs in preparation for it. When I'm BEING CHOKED it's a surprise to me, and chances are I will likely not get the opportunity to draw in enough air. If a super strong alien (and a lot of them on this show appear to be super strong) can, by surprise, apply pressure to my own super-strong windpipe to the point where my ability to inhale is severely impacted, I'll probably choke. You're basically suggesting people can't be swimmers since you can put them in a headlock until they pass out.
You need to breathe sometimes. She might be able to hold her breath, but she wouldn't be able to breathe up there. It would be the difference between passing out immediately and passing out after a few seconds. If they can fly through space, they would need a lot more air in their lungs.

Also just kinda handwaving away her ability to generate thrust internally by saying "air and space are different" makes pretty much no sense. Hell, this whole thing is pretty fucking stupid, because we're talking about fictional aliens whose powersets literally make no physiological sense anyway, and have no real pseudo-scientific basis in anything at all.
I'm not going to explaibn the difference between air and space in detail, but basically, air has friction and space has a lot less of it. The issue isn't being able to turn in air, the issue is basically that you need somewhere to apply power if you want to turn in space. Like in the movie Gravity.

Their decision to write in, minutes before it happened, the idea that she couldn't survive in outer-space for a short period of time, for the sake of getting to an (intended to be) emotionally resonant rescue sequence, was a potentially decent idea, implemented poorly, and didn't make sense within the rules of their fictional universe, which probably added to the fact the rescue didn't play very well, either, and the emotional payoff was muted.
Rules which you conclude based on one sentence without detail in the episode before, without any detail to the fact that she does need to breathe.


So, I need a consensus. This show worth checking out?

It has bad and good moments. It is awesome when focussing on Supergirl's emotional moments, as Melissa Benoist delivers on those. Great when it comes to diverse enemies. Fights are a mixed bag. Superman mentions get annoying at the beginning and the end. James should not be there but Winn is great. It is worth a shot.


It has bad and good moments. It is awesome when focussing on Supergirl's emotional moments, as Melissa Benoist delivers on those. Great when it comes to diverse enemies. Fights are a mixed bag. Superman mentions get annoying at the beginning and the end. James should not be there but Winn is great. It is worth a shot.

That scene when she breaks down after the black kryptonite.

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