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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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I liked the finale. Heh. Looking forward to season 2.

Me three.

Did Supes just remove his jacket which then by some law of physics removed the whole outfit?
So I guess the top choices for what's in the ship are who?

Power Girl
Jeremiah Danvers
Krypto? (lol)
I don't know...Superboy? (Can they even use him?)

Kinda feels like it's going to end up being nothing though.

Honestly, doing Conner Kent would be amazing. It would be another character that makes sense, and could have his whole "living up to the Superman name/ideal" parallel Kara's own journey, while also being a de-powered enough character to fit the show's budget.

Oh, and it would be an excuse to have a square-jawed, S-wearing guy on the show to confuse casual viewers during commercials. ;-)
I liked the finale. Heh. Looking forward to season 2.

Me three.


The weird part I always begrudgingly admit... Brandon Routh still strikes me a genius casting.... a decade too soon.

Seeing him on Legends of Tomorrow makes me realize that with a better script, and a few more years, he would have been perfect at mixing a sort of "golly gee" charm, but also the ability to instill hope and convey goodness, for goodness-sake.


Honestly, doing Conner Kent would be amazing. It would be another character that makes sense, and could have his whole "living up to the Superman name/ideal" parallel Kara's own journey, while also being a de-powered enough character to fit the show's budget.

Oh, and it would be an excuse to have a square-jawed, S-wearing guy on the show to confuse casual viewers during commercials. ;-)

I would rather have M'gann before Conner. Not that she makes sense in that ship.

All of the shows struggle having more than one hero in the cast without serious jobbing, they need to make the Martian competent first.
I was having come crackers luckily I tuned in because Supergirl was serving cheese. Extra cheesy

For some reason I'm getting a smallville vibe.

Cat needs to keep calling her Ker-rah.


Wonky start, but good finale.
And funny how Superman was out. I actually expected them to use him to take on the remaining Kryptonians in some blurred out shots.
Wonky start, but good finale.
And funny how Superman was out. I actually expected them to use him to take on the remaining Kryptonians in some blurred out shots.

Where -are- the remaining Kryptonians, anyway? They've been shown to have a small army of them, yet Non is the only other Kryptonian we've seen since Astra's funeral.

Only explanation I can think of is that real big bad that we haven't seen since episode 2 took them off somewhere but Non stayed behind to enact his revenge.

Gonna go mad the more I poke at all the plot holes


Bitches love smiley faces
Where -are- the remaining Kryptonians, anyway? They've been shown to have a small army of them, yet Non is the only other Kryptonian we've seen since Astra's funeral.

Only explanation I can think of is that real big bad that we haven't seen since episode 2 took them off somewhere but Non stayed behind to enact his revenge.

Gonna go mad the more I poke at all the plot holes
Non mentions they were all in stasis on Fort Rozz.
Average finale and probably second half of the season. I had high expectations for this show, I wanted something as good as Flash, but I guess I was a fool. Perfect casting for Supergirl and The Martian Manhunter though.
Average finale and probably second half of the season. I had high expectations for this show, I wanted something as good as Flash, but I guess I was a fool. Perfect casting for Supergirl and The Martian Manhunter though.

I don't think I can really agree. The Red K episode was part of the back half and remains my favorite of the series so far. They just need to bring the rest of the series up to that level.


This show needs to deal with the Superman problem. Have him attend some important meeting in space or something. Or maybe they could kill him?
This show needs to deal with the Superman problem. Have him attend some important meeting in space or something. Or maybe they could kill him?

Opening of season 2:

Braniac is in National City. He's pulling his old school MO of shrinking and bottling cities. He's already taken Gotham. Kara, Clark and J'onn fight him back and force him off the planet to save National City, but Superman follows him into space to save Gotham.


Finale was all over the place. Very tear jerky throughout.. But also cringed every time I saw "Superman's" red cowboy boot or when they said he was still knocked out lol..

Even the moment where the world was about to lose every human, high frequency pitch and people agonizing in pain.. and he's just knocked out. Then,... When Kara saves the day, and EVERYONE is at HQ (or whatever the fuck it's called) celebrating, except Superman lol.. No one even mentions he's still knocked out or how his vitals look or anything. I know he would overshadow Kara in her own show if they actually needed him (due to popularity, she's obviously stronger than him in this universe) but why even include him if you're not going to show or use him? Instead, the writers make up a weak excuse to have him incapacitated.

But whatever, I hope it gets renewed on CW (if it doesn't on cbs) and they use Tom Welling. Maybe the cinematic universe can't stop that from happening.

I literally don't understand why these comic companies think we are stupid enough to confuse the separate universes (if that's even the case). It's not like we're going to be like "I already watch a live action avengers show on tv, I'm not going to watch avengers movies" or the other way around. Toy companies could sell more merchandise because they'd have multiple versions and kids (and some adults lol) will want to buy all variations.

But whatever, let's just have "Clark" fucking text or AOL message Kara for saving the entire planet, after literally going on a suicide mission in order to do it. lol
Pretty horrible finale for a show that's already very mediocre. It had some moments, but it was also incredibly cheesy. Way more, than it should've been. I cringed at the hope speech, but at the same time it left like a Supermangirl thing to do, so it wasn't really an issue. But the farewell scenes, the weak end fight and wasted villains bogged the episode really down for me. But the absolute kicker was Alex saving Kara in space (since when does a kryptonian need saving in space?). I think I let a Joker-like laugh out of me, it was that bad. Then it's all wrapped up, only to end it on a shitty, shitty cliffhanger. How fucking cheap, man.

I like the show and I'm looking forward to the next season, but they need to work hard on the writing and choreography/compositions of the fights. I don't mind romance, wine and cheese, with great character moments, but the rest of the show deserves just as much attention.


This show needs to deal with the Superman problem. Have him attend some important meeting in space or something. Or maybe they could kill him?

The really stupid thing is that in the episode before this one, they actually went out of their way to say that Superman was doing something away from Earth.

And then they bring him back just to have him do nothing.


The really stupid thing is that in the episode before this one, they actually went out of their way to say that Superman was doing something away from Earth.

And then they bring him back just to have him do nothing.

god that was so fucking stupid.

whoever thinks this shit is charming or not intensely idiotic needs to stop.
Yeah, it was absolutely awful how they handled that. I usually don't mind the Superman stuff, because I can ignore it just fine. I didn't even have an issue with "lol was knocked out, so this is what a headache feels like" or whatever. It's stupid, but I can ignore it.

But bringing up a legitimately good excuse to write him out of TV town, only to bring him back moments later, just so they can establish that Kara is stronger, holy fuck. It's been 19 episodes at that point and as a character, I don't think Kara would still need to prove herself over Clark.


It there an actual reason that I don't comprehend for why Kara can't be in space? I was seriously confused by the whole thing...


It there an actual reason that I don't comprehend for why Kara can't be in space? I was seriously confused by the whole thing...

Yeah I didn't get that either. In the last episode Superman just came back from an off world mission yet Kara can't handle being in space? Seems odd to me.
They seemed to establish that this universe's Kryptonians need to breathe air and rely on being in an atmosphere for flight. She could withstand physically being in space, but she was unable to fly back or breathe. It's not too dissimilar to the DCAU where you'd often see Superman wearing a spacesuit (though being in space didn't hinder his flight IIRC).

It's also an effective way of writing out the Kryptonians that were in stasis within Fort Roz, since it means they are unable to return to Earth on their own power either.

They didn't say, but presumably Superman being "off world" was by way of a spacecraft of some sort.
Yeah I didn't get that either. In the last episode Superman just came back from an off world mission yet Kara can't handle being in space? Seems odd to me.

If he's been on an intergalactic mission, it's likely that he used some sort of spaceship. However, I really don't remember him having issues in space before, so the criticism still stands.


maybe I'm imagining things but while watching the finale beyond just thinking about Superman being away from the planet, I could have sworn there was a scene in a previous episode with Astra and Non or some Kryptonians floating around in space or something. Maybe I am mis-remembering their location though


maybe I'm imagining things but while watching the finale beyond just thinking about Superman being away from the planet, I could have sworn there was a scene in a previous episode with Astra and Non or some Kryptonians floating around in space or something. Maybe I am mis-remembering their location though

For Astra's funeral? I think they were just floating high in the sky.
You can't compare a different universe's rules to this one.

If it's my only other reference, then I have to. Alex just mentioning it right before it happens does not suddenly establish that Kara will need a little tiny spaceship to save her up there. Unless they already established it in a previous episode. Then I apologize for missing or forgetting it.

But if she really needs to breath, it would also mean that Kara won't be able to do anything underwater and that CO could kill her just as easily.
If it's my only other reference, then I have to. Alex just mentioning it right before it happens does not suddenly establish that Kara will need a little tiny spaceship to save her up there. Unless they already established it in a previous episode. Then I apologize for missing or forgetting it.

But if she really needs to breath, it would also mean that Kara won't be able to do anything underwater and that CO could kill her just as easily.

I'm not seeing why plain evidence in front of you isn't enough to set precedent. This episode made the rules pretty clear.

I'm pretty sure we've had episodes where Kara was in danger of being suffocated too.

EDIT: Reviewed an episode guide and I think I'm remembering Kara being briefly choked during the first Livewire fight, which wasn't long enough in itself to prove one way or another whether she has to breathe. But nevertheless, in the finale she definitely lost consciousness after leaving the breathable atmosphere.


I'm not seeing why plain evidence in front of you isn't enough to set precedent. This episode made the rules pretty clear.

I'm pretty sure we've had episodes where Kara was in danger of being suffocated too.

EDIT: Reviewed an episode guide and I think I'm remembering Kara being briefly choked during the first Livewire fight, which wasn't long enough in itself to prove one way or another whether she has to breathe. But nevertheless, in the finale she definitely lost consciousness after leaving the breathable atmosphere.

There was also the quicksand thing in the Toyman confrontation.
I'm not seeing why plain evidence in front of you isn't enough to set precedent. This episode made the rules pretty clear.

I'm pretty sure we've had episodes where Kara was in danger of being suffocated too.

EDIT: Reviewed an episode guide and I think I'm remembering Kara being briefly choked during the first Livewire fight, which wasn't long enough in itself to prove one way or another whether she has to breathe. But nevertheless, in the finale she definitely lost consciousness after leaving the breathable atmosphere.

They could also reveal in the first episode of the next season that James has been a kryptonian space pirate the whole time. It would be just as baffling.
Actually, it would be awesome for the character. But you get the point.

Power sets and limitations should be established right at the beginning ("Flying is haaaard!", "here, take this cape. It should help with aerodynamics") or at least in the first couple of episodes ("oh no, kryptonite! outchi outch!")

But putting something like that right at the end of the finale seems like an ass-pull. You can't expect more than a "huh, okay?" From your audience, when it's never been a thing before. E: Especially when it's been portrayed differently before.
There was also the quicksand thing in the Toyman confrontation.

Ah, that must have been what I was thinking of. Thanks!

They could also reveal in the first episode of the next season that James has been a kryptonian space pirate the whole time. It would be just as baffling.
Actually, it would be awesome for the character. But you get the point.

Power sets and limitations should be established right at the beginning ("Flying is haaaard!", "here, take this cape. It should help with aerodynamics") or at least in the first couple of episodes ("oh no, kryptonite! outchi outch!")

But putting something like that right at the end of the finale seems like an ass-pull. You can't expect more than a "huh, okay?" From your audience, when it's never been a thing before.

The aerodynamics thing sort of acts as evidence of needing to be on-planet for flying to function though.

I really had no problem with the rules being clearly defined as things progressed. Besides, what mattered more was that Kara believed she wouldn't survive the trip. That it turned out to be true is a little moot now that I think about it some more.


Too bad Henry Cavill is not game,it would of been hilarious after seeing the feet to see him sit up straight and lie back down lol...

Why are they waiting to announce season 2(unless I missed it)...from the last 5 minutes its obvious they weren't sure,so we saw what could of been a decent series finale I guess but that last sequence was added because I am sure it's coming.
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