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Supergirl |OT| Adventure Runs in the Family - Mondays 8/7c on CBS

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It was only dangerous to people that grew up on Earth from a young child (because lol science), which is why it also had no effect on Kara.
I was going to point out J'onn having trouble with it, but both times he was shown to be shielding others from it.

Which just opens up the hole that Mrs. Danvers should have been taken by Myriad as soon as he stopped shielding her.

The pod was equipped with plot armor.
And clearly somehow fits a grown woman inside despite child Kara barely fitting inside before.


Lol, completely lost me at her lifting up the fucking prison on her own.

Edit - promoted to an office with no windows.

In the pod is the real Clark Kent.


Bitches love smiley faces
I thought Clark would help her out at the end, but I guess that would undermine Kara on her own show.

They should've just had him go rescue the first manned space flight to Mars or something, for the last few episodes.
In the end, it was a very flawed, yet fun and enjoyable season.
The lack of a main driving storyline or villain through it all hurt it in the end, and the nagging issues of Superman's absence didn't help either. It was a safe and enjoyable introduction to the character, and there is definitely room for improvement.

But, it was nice to actually have another super hero that actually enjoys being a super hero and serves as a beacon of hope and goodness in live action. God knows we aren't getting that from the DC film side.


um wtf at what looked like Superman lying on the table behind Kara and J'onn?! AND NO ONE ADDRESSING IT

Weak finale. Both these last two episodes mostly sucked. Loved the season overall though


I'd probably give this season a C overall. It's not a bad show, but it's not a great show either.

There were a lot of filler episodes, it lacked a compelling season-long villain, and the last two or three episodes (especially the finale) were disappointing. They've also done a weird job of handling the existence of Clark / Superman.

Also, Supergirl is one of CBS's most expensive shows, but I wasn't too impressed with the visual effects. Especially when compared to shows like The Flash or Gotham.

On a positive note, they made a great choice casting Melissa Benoist as Supergirl. She's wonderful in the role. And I really enjoy the chemistry between all of the actors.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeeeeeesh, that finale... was not good. I get what they were trying to do, but I swear to god if I have to endure one more "that's not who you are" speech that snaps a person out of mind control, I'm gonna rage. That shit is sooooo over done and lame. I can not believe that's how Alex was snapped out of the Myriad device. I was kinda hoping Kara would just beat her down enough to knock her out and bring her back to the DEO. Use your heat vision to bust up the suit or something and have it explode in her face.

Don't mind the appearance of Superboots. As said above, they couldn't have him awake and help her or it undermines the entire season and her arc. Would've been nice if Kara actually acknowledged him as she left though. That was weird. J'onn just ripping Indigo apart was baller as fuck. He was just like, "Ok, I've had enough of your poor man Mystique bullshit".

The ending just seemed a bit too rushed, what happened to Non? Where did they put him? How come Superman didn't get Fort Raz out of the desert 12 years ago? Supergirl lifting that thing into space in under a minute was kinda BS too. No way she's that strong (yet). Also, WTF was up with her not being able to withstand space? She can hold her breath just like Kal can and the temperature doesn't affect her. Don't get me started on Alex taking that ship up to rescue her. How did Alex get her in the ship??? Kara should've just pushed off back towards Earth at the last minute when she passed out and then just fell to Earth and have J'onn catch her. That whole Alex save was totally unnecessary.
Yeah, these last two episodes undid all the goodwill they'd earned with me in the first few episodes re: the handling Clark's existence.

Now he's the big fat glaring annoying stupid contrivance I thought he'd be, and I'm back to wishing they'd simply written this show to occur in a universe where there was never a Kal-El.

It's one of the two major issues with this show.

The other is a solid villain.


♪ Superman got nothin' on me. ♫

That finale was a mess. It started off corny as hell with hope and love saving the day, then it fell off the deep end with that terrible pod rescue scene. I thought it was a fitting ending to a pretty flat season.


I feel like the season peaked with the red kryptonite episode. Not really much to complain about with that episode and it had some great dramatic scenes and a good action scene towards the end.


Before I ask anything else about a potential Season 2, what have you heard about a renewal?
We heard very positive things, unofficially, from Les Moonves. [CBS Entertainment President] Glenn Geller and [executive vice president of current programs] Bridget Wiley — they’ve all been very, very supportive. We’re definitely talking about what Season 2 looks like.


There's a few other things, nothing really worth noting. S2 will be delving into Cadmus and Jeremiah as I'm sure we all expected.


All I want to see is Martian Manhinter cook in his normal Martian form. The biggest shocker in this episode for me was that he was just there cooking in the back like it was nothing.

Edit: damn did everyone show up for this finale? Lol
The ending just seemed a bit too rushed, what happened to Non?

Eye laser lobotomy.

Turned him into this guy:



It's one of the two major issues with this show.

The other is a solid villain.
Lord is probably the most interesting but yeah, finding good villains might be hard. Eventually you have to either make Maxwell Lord go full Lex Luthor or just throw more surprise Kryptonians at the problem.

Superman feels like it's like a CBS mandate; like who knows who Supergirl is without Superman? Which kinda sucks. Because if you're gonna have Supergirl (who is effectively Superman in all but name) how do you raise the stakes without invoking "but where's Superman?" and then having to write around him or write him out of it so rightfully Supergirl in a show about Supergirl can do all the superheroing.


Superman feels like it's like a CBS mandate; like who knows who Supergirl is without Superman? Which kinda sucks. Because if you're gonna have Supergirl (who is effectively Superman in all but name) how do you raise the stakes without invoking "but where's Superman?" and then having to write around him or write him out of it so rightfully Supergirl in a show about Supergirl can do all the superheroing.

Nah Superman originally came from the idea of "we can do it like Veep!". Of course they didn't quite realize it's easier for audiences to ignore things like that when they're laughing and not expected to buy world ending stakes.


Jeremiah is obviously going to be cyborg superman so that should hopefully lead to something interesting.

They absolutely need to bring back Livewire and Silver Banshee
I'm gonna love it when the internet loses there collectively shit over Power Girl not having a boob window.

I can already hear the cries of "puritanical America".

I love the page where they actually try to explain the boob window in the most condescending and MRA way possible. "I just don't know what to PUT there!"


I'm gonna love it when the internet loses there collectively shit over Power Girl not having a boob window.

I can already hear the cries of "puritanical America".

I love the page where they actually try to explain the boob window in the most condescending and MRA way possible. "I just don't know what to PUT there!"

looooool, so awful

it was cool the show confirmed that the sphere thing is the omegahaderon from the Supergirl movie.


So I guess the top choices for what's in the ship are who?

Power Girl
Jeremiah Danvers
Krypto? (lol)
I don't know...Superboy? (Can they even use him?)

Kinda feels like it's going to end up being nothing though.


There were minor hints that Power Girl would be on Earth-1 not Supergirl's let's say Earth-3.

I hope it's Krypto. That'd be campy fun.
I work on the subtitles for the show and I didn't even know it was the season finale until I opened this thread. Wow, that's a terrible, terrible ending. I guess it makes sense in retrospect, but I just didn't even imagine the first season would end on something so weak so it didn't cross my mind. I thought there would be 22+ episodes. It reminds me of the thread we had recently about bad cliffhangers. It fits perfectly.


Im not saying the last few episodes havent been weak but. . .

If Power Girl is not in that capsule next season im throwing tables


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Kara making National City great again with that Hope speech. Bless.


Superman should have stayed offworld until they sorted out whatever licensing issue is preventing them from casting anyone in the role. Supergirl has her own comic and superman doesn't bail her out of every problem but he sure as hell helps when things get crazy.

I hope they explain why she couldn't be in space, maybe just her panicking or something.


Okay finale, wish there was a little bit more action but it's no big deal. The best part was MM ripping Indigo, like it was nothing and her scream. The cliffhanger is making cry, at least 6 months to go -.-
I don't really mind the Superman thing, they can't really do much with it. First half was sort of boring.


I'm glad J'onn finally got to fight properly this week. Even if it did have him going from 0 to 100 by jobbing to ripping Indigo in half. Not too family friendly, I was surprised.

AV Club Review


So that wasn't that great, was it?

Overall the show has had a handful of good episodes, but I feel like this finale kind of summed up the series' strengths and weaknesses rather well: it has heart, it really captures the right tone of a Super-person story, and it has some genuinely nice character moments (I think Kara's goodbye to J'onn was a really good scene and my favorite part of the whole finale).

But that's all kind of buried under a very thick of cheese and lame writing decisions, weak villains, and plot devices that, even by a superhero show's standards, are really contrived. Alex saving Kara was especially bad. How does she know how to fly the pod? How did she get it out of the base and up to where Kara was in literally seconds? How did she even retrieve her? She wasn't wearing a suit -- did she just use the ship to nudge Kara back down to Earth (and through the atmosphere)? Plus that cliffhanger, come on.

On a brighter note, while J'onn is my favorite of the cast, I've grown to really like Cat and Max Lord too.

Not terrible, but an unsatisfyingly mediocre note to end on. The show has had some good episodes but these last two were not among them.


Jeez. That was so full of cheese. Like buckets. It wasn't really all that good of an episode and yet I somehow still enjoyed it. Mostly because I like Kara.

Also...Martian...fuck yeah. Ripping enemies in half :D
Tell that to Indigo's snapped in half body! :D
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