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Superior Devil May Cry 4 Official Thread (new VIDEO 4/24)

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Have I miss something??



Looks like a DMC Anime / Manga will be released next year??


* 原作:カプコン(『デビル メイ クライ』プレイステーション2用ゲームソフト)
* 監督: 板垣伸(『BLACK CAT』『砂ぼうず』他)
* キャラクターデザイン:阿部恒(『ちょびッツ』『ガンスリンガー・ガール』他)
* シリーズ構成:井上敏樹(『DEATH NOTE』『仮面ライダー555』他)
* 脚本:井上敏樹
* 菅正太郎(『攻殻機動隊S.A.C.』『交響詩篇エウレカセブン』他)
* 森橋ビンゴ(『デビル メイ クライ 3&4』(ゲーム))
* 榊一郎 (『スクラップド・プリンセス』(小説)『ストレイト・ジャケット』(小説))
* アニメーション制作:マッドハウス(『DEATH NOTE』『時をかける少女』『NANA』他)
* 製作:Devil May Cry製作委員会
* 放送:2007年春WOWOWにて放送開始予定 全12話

Promo Trailer (just some sketches):


Kakusha said:
Dante's new voice sounds like Vergil's from DMC3...
It's actually the same DMC3 Dante voice, he's just deep throating it.

Nero's voice actor is confirmed to be some veteran in the anime industry. I forgot his name, he did Vash's voice in the dub of Trigun.


Dahbomb said:
It's actually the same DMC3 Dante voice, he's just deep throating it.

Nero's voice actor is confirmed to be some veteran in the anime industry. I forgot his name, he did Vash's voice in the dub of Trigun.

Johnny Yong Bosch? The Black ranger?!?! Isn't that two Power Rangers for DMC now?
karasu said:
Johnny Yong Bosch? The Black ranger?!?! Isn't that two Power Rangers for DMC now?
Que? Who's the other?

DMC4+MGS4+FFXIII+a shit load of other PS3 games I want = Me being broke for the forseeable future. It's great to see MS and Sony step up their respective game.:D


Dahbomb said:


Legendary Dark Knight status confirmed total?
Thats damn hot. Good to see Dante is back in good ol' form.


Systems_id said:
Que? Who's the other?

DMC4+MGS4+FFXIII+a shit load of other PS3 games I want = Me being broke for the forseeable future. It's great to see MS and Sony step up their respective game.:D

I was mistaken. The guy who voiced Dante in DMC3 did stunt work for one of the Power Ranger shows.


Haha, I thought Nero's voice sounded like the dubbed Ichigo from Bleach. is this confirmed?

Also the Devil May Cry anime could be utterly incredible. I hope it is.


Wow. I finally got around to watching all of Blims videos. DMC 4 is by far the best looking ps3 game. All those crazy effects flying around in battle are really impressive.


Noooooo! The trailer stops streaming just before viewing Sparda's statue.

Can anyone confirm that Rueben Langdon is voicing Dante once again? I couldn't tell from the shaky-cam footage...


Ok this is going to sound confusing so bear with me:

Dante's voice actor is the same as the one from DMC3, only more deep throated. Nero has a new voice actor, the English dub of Vash from Trigun. Both of these are more or less confirmed facts about DMC4. Another thing that most fans noticed was that Dan Southworth (Vergil's VA) was distinctly heard at random intervals in the trailer. All 3 voices were used in the trailer....

Yeah, the VA in the trailer is throwing everyone in a loop. Some people thought Nero is being VA'd by Vergil's VA (from DMC3), others thought it was Langdon. Another group thought Dante was being voiced by Vergil's VA and Nero by Dante's... it's crazy! :lol
With or without a PS3, I will buy DMC4. And then, I shall stare longingly at its shiny box, awaiting the day I can afford a PS3 to play it.


karasu said:
Dante is the best game related badass ever! He's gonna put that little bitch in check!

I love the competition between IP's. That b*tch you are talking about does have some moves though.


Spike Spiegel said:
With or without a PS3, I will buy DMC4. And then, I shall stare longingly at its shiny box, awaiting the day I can afford a PS3 to play it.


Same here. ;_;
Great trailer. Not 720p quality but it's at least direct-feed.

I'd imagine this is already posted on every forum to think of thanks to the DMC ninjas headed by Dahbomb :lol

PS: Dahbomb, you should really edit your original post -- all import TGS related information should be on the top of the post (links to footages, trailers etc.) personally, your original post is way too large and it's near impossible to find the links people actually want to find. But you're learning I guess... ;p


Mistaken iRobbery!
Boo! Bring back Devil May Cry 1's Dante voice actor Drew Combs to reprise his role as Dante in Devil May Cry 4. The best voice actor for Dante from all three games IMHO.


Defensor said:
Boo! Bring back Devil May Cry 1's Dante voice actor Drew Combs to reprise his role as Dante in Devil May Cry 4. The best voice actor for Dante from all three games IMHO.

Man, how I would pleasure somebody at Capcom to make that happen (nothing sexual, mind you). Drew IS Dante.


Wow. Badass trailer. Someone make it downloadable. :D

And I agree Y2Kev Dante does not get kicked in the face like that! No way!


Defensor said:
Boo! Bring back Devil May Cry 1's Dante voice actor Drew Combs to reprise his role as Dante in Devil May Cry 4. The best voice actor for Dante from all three games IMHO.

I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIIIGHT LIIIIIGHT LIIIIGHT!


Mistaken iRobbery!
Snaku said:
I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIIIGHT LIIIIIGHT LIIIIGHT!
I don't remember that cutscene in DMC1...

EDIT: youtube the video... holy shit :lol That sounded horrible.

RyuHayate said:
Man, how I would pleasure somebody at Capcom to make that happen (nothing sexual, mind you). Drew IS Dante.

Seriously though, Drew voiced Dante in Viewtiful Joe PS2 version and Viewtiful Joe on PSP. Why not as Dante in Devil May Cry 4? :-/ Don't say because of "LIIIIIIIIGHT LIIIIIGHT LIIIIGHT!" !


Mrbob said:
Wow. Badass trailer. Someone make it downloadable. :D

After using an SWF decompiler, demuxing video and sound using Flash 8 and Winamp then resynching with Virtual Dub I managed to get into an avi but nowhere to host the file (170mb) :D

PM me if anyone has an FTP, in the meantime I've uploaded it here


What tools did you use KurowaSan?


Defensor said:
Boo! Bring back Devil May Cry 1's Dante voice actor Drew Combs to reprise his role as Dante in Devil May Cry 4. The best voice actor for Dante from all three games IMHO.

That guy is terrible.
I apologize if this has already been mentioned/responded to, but....

what was the big surprise relating to DMC that was suppose to be revealed @ TGS?

-PSP game?

-360 version?

-near-launch announcement?

(hopefully not the damned anime -_-)
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