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Superior Devil May Cry 4 Official Thread (new VIDEO 4/24)

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Pureauthor said:
The combat system for DMC3 is one of the best systems in any action game, ever.

What DMC3 really needed was a mode where Hells would spawn endlessly, and you could beat them up to your heart's delight. Closest we got was the Crystal Skull room in Mission 7.

so true :'( blood palace doesnt do it for me.


Will drop pants for Sony.
jarosh said:
k... plus all in one post



I hope that we can download this demo when the ps3 is released. not to do otherwise will cause me to go insane.


C- Warrior said:
No, I agree. Most DMC fans usually bust out a big fat "o_O" when somebody says DMC1 was better than DMC3 (or SE, depending on your preference of game difficulty). But I never considered (at least in the eyes of the original creators Kobayashi/Kamiya/Mikami) that DMC was to be a balls to wall action franchise. It was more meant to be a Resident Evil meets Castlevania meets super reponsive controls. DMC3 became Street Fighter meets Virtua Fighter meets Powerstone.

The best DMC game IMO, is one to capture the thematic atmosphere of DMC1/Resident Evil with the action of DMC3.

However, that's way too much design. No action series can do all that. DMC3 (without including SE sales in Europe) has sold 1.67 million, Ninja Gaiden is a ways less then that but it's over a million regardless. But regardless neither game has sold enough as to where you can expect a good story, kickass cutscense, great level design, superb tech, awesome combat, great art design all rolled in one. A Final Fantasy esque budget could pull such a thing off, but the dipshits at Square Enix can't make a good action game if their lives depended on it. And then you'll get a studio that does have the budget to do all that (God of War) but they'll pussy out and make the game over-ly easy in fear that they will lose maximum penatration if they make the game too hard or complex.

The action genre is damned if you, damned if you don't IMO. Take the best we have and support the best we have.

PS: So far, DMC4 is on the right track. It's art design so far seems to be (as 1up put it) a Devil May Cry meets Resident Evil 4. You have the castle influence (DMC) and the cavarn, dock, industrial influence (RE4) which makes sense considering the team composition. The only downfall is that because the game doesn't use a shit load of blur and HDR lighting, the game is getting horrible negative rep from screenshots. My god, maybe Capcom should join the rest of the world and release PR bullshit screens.

DMC4 does use HDR lighting.


DMC4 uses a shit load of motion blur as well. I analyzed the trailer for a while, there is some heavy but accurate use of motion blur during Hightime and Stinger (well it's called "Streak" for Nero). It's used for other moves as well and it looks quite nice in motion.

And yea Mielke is a NG fanboy... I thought that was common sense before. DMC3 a 7.0? GTFO! :lol


The physical form of blasphemy
C- Warrior said:
PS: So far, DMC4 is on the right track. It's art design so far seems to be (as 1up put it) a Devil May Cry meets Resident Evil 4. You have the castle influence (DMC) and the cavarn, dock, industrial influence (RE4) which makes sense considering the team composition. The only downfall is that because the game doesn't use a shit load of blur and HDR lighting, the game is getting horrible negative rep from screenshots. My god, maybe Capcom should join the rest of the world and release PR bullshit screens.

It uses blur and HDR though. Capcom is making the game look as good, and better than most next gen attempts without all the bullshit other use to dress it up though. All of next gen is getting a horrible rep from screenshots, with the exception of a few games. Even in the screenshots, it didn't look bad to begin with. One of the reasons I wish companies would start releasing gifs online, instead of screens.

Capcom doesn't really do the PR bullshit, and I don't see a reason to start now.
Oldschoolgamer said:
It uses blur and HDR though. Capcom is making the game look as good, and better than most next gen attempts without all the bullshit other use to dress it up though. All of next gen is getting a horrible rep from screenshots, with the exception of a few games. Even in the screenshots, it didn't look bad to begin with. One of the reasons I wish companies would start releasing gifs online, instead of screens.

Capcom doesn't really do the PR bullshit, and I don't see a reason to start now.

No, but it's like -- for game that gets quotes from IGN hands on like these: "DMC4 is probably the best looking playable demo on the show floor." and "the fire boss in DMC4 is one of the best things we've seen in a video game." (referring to the play test Kobayashi did-stage event).

And then you get people on forums saying DMC4 looks like DMC3...har har har judging on screens. It's obvious hating on the PS3 'is the cool thing to do now' but you have to remember Sony made those ridicuously 1080p, 4D, 500 fps promises, not Capcom.

I really think Capcom should just join the rest of the pack and release bullshots with overdosage of HDR lighting and so much motion blur you can't see shit. That's how you sell a game based off screenshots correct? As well as ridicuously close camera angles that are unpractical for gameplay yet make screens look good (*coughninjagaidensigmancough*).

Goddammit Capcom put a DMC4 demo packaged with each and every PS3. The PS3 is going to have a 'download a demo' -esque system right?
C- Warrior said:
Goddammit Capcom put a DMC4 demo packaged with each and every PS3. The PS3 is going to have a 'download a demo' -esque system right?

Yep although I don't know if they'd put it on the PS3's harddrive from the start. But it could be on the download center right when you buy a PS3.


I hope Capcom upgrades the DMC4 demo for the home trial version. The one at TGS was VERY bare bones. One type of enemy, 1 weapon set, 8 moves max, 10 minute long demo and no boss fight? Much less in terms of quantity to the DMC3 demo and not even that many cutscenes to boot (minus the trailer). I want a Lost Planet type trailer that is really long and shows a better indicator of the game play potential of DMC4. I at least want to know what happens when you beat a boss in DMC4... do you get a weapon out of it or not?


Heh I just noticed the HUD is completely different from the "official direct-feed" pics. Guess the TGS demo is from an even newer build.


I just watched the vid. This game looks better than MGS4(at least the environments). It looks fanfcukingtastic.

I'm uploading the vid to rapidshare.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm more than a bit surprised at relative indifference to DMC4 from Gamespot and 1up crews. From that trailer, and the other footage I've seen, the game looks really quite amazing. Everything from the architecture design to texturing and animation and character interaction is great. Lighting especially looks really great, very naturally soft and cleverly used, and particle effects are simply amazing, especially in the fire boss scene (too bad about the slowdown there). This trailer, and DMC4 footage in general has been one of the most interesting things to come from TGS so far. And all that crazy looking goodness at 60FPS, which is something amazing in itself nowadays.


Marconelly said:
I'm more than a bit surprised at relative indifference to DMC4 from Gamespot and 1up crews. From that trailer, and the other footage I've seen, the game looks really quite amazing. Everything from the architecture design to texturing and animation and character interaction is great. Lighting especially looks really great, very naturally soft and cleverly used, and particle effects are simply amazing, especially in the fire boss scene (too bad about the slowdown there). This trailer, and DMC4 footage in general has been one of the most interesting things to come from TGS so far.

I'm suprised no one has mentioned how impressive the texturing is. It is unbelievable.
Kal, how long will that link you hosted up will hold? Is it limited? Or can you download it from there indefinantly.

I'm asking this so I don't post this link to the gameplay to other forums or what have you -- to then see it get '****ed up' a few dozen downloads later.


C- Warrior said:
Kal, how long will that link you hosted up will hold? Is it limited? Or can you download it from there indefinantly.

I'm asking this so I don't post this link to the gameplay to other forums or what have you -- to then see it get '****ed up' a few dozen downloads later.

I think it has unlimited dowloads. :)


Marconelly said:
I'm more than a bit surprised at relative indifference to DMC4 from Gamespot and 1up crews.

Honestly, I think it's because they suck at the game and have no idea how to play it correctly. If you watch gamevideo's(i.e. 1up's) walkthrough vid of the demo, you'll see. In the final area they pretty walk away from the pack of enemies and resort to shooting them nonstop.

Oh yeah, they also die in the demo when by all accounts it seems to be set to disturbingly easy mode. lollerz.


jett said:
Honestly, I think it's because they suck at the game and have no idea how to play it correctly. If you watch gamevideo's(i.e. 1up's) walkthrough vid of the demo, you'll see. In the final area they pretty walk away from the pack of enemies and resort to shooting them nonstop.

Oh yeah, they also die in the demo when by all accounts it seems to be set to disturbingly easy mode. lollerz.



I hope DMC4 has sparse and quick loading. DMC3 was annoying as hell with all the frequent and long loading because if you want to ss rank the missions, it requires that you contantly replay the level over again and the loading really blows. The other thing is the environments, DMC and DMC3 both recycle the same environments over and over again. From mission 1 to like I think 13 or 14 is all new stuff but then after that, all the rest of missions just reuse the same environments. They should make it like RE4 where you start off in one place and you keep progressing and moving on to different places.


Mugen said:
I hope DMC4 has sparse and quick loading. DMC3 was annoying as hell with all the frequent and long loading because if you want to ss rank the missions, it requires that you contantly replay the level over again and the loading really blows. The other thing is the environments, DMC and DMC3 both recycle the same environments over and over again. From mission 1 to like I think 13 or 14 is all new stuff but then after that, all the rest of missions just reuse the same environments. They should make it like RE4 where you start off in one place and you keep progressing and moving on to different places.

There's like 2-3 second loading times between areas, and that's on an early demo of a game that still a ways off from release. Loading times never bothered me in DMC3 though, it was all fairly quick I thought.


jett said:
Honestly, I think it's because they suck at the game and have no idea how to play it correctly. If you watch gamevideo's(i.e. 1up's) walkthrough vid of the demo, you'll see. In the final area they pretty walk away from the pack of enemies and resort to shooting them nonstop.

Oh yeah, they also die in the demo when by all accounts it seems to be set to disturbingly easy mode. lollerz.
Gamespot said that you can't Roll in DMC4 anymore, since the Right Analog stick moves the camera now... :lol

No I am not making this up.



I guess this is cool, they are basically telling us to completely ignore their review of DMC4.
Dahbomb said:
Gamespot said that you can't Roll in DMC4 anymore, since the Right Analog stick moves the camera now... :lol

No I am not making this up.



I guess this is cool, they are basically telling us to completely ignore their review of DMC4.

It's starting to remind me of VF previews before VF4 came around. People previewing it who just can't play the game whatsoever and give really head scratching previews of it. Although GamePro will never be topped with their "Ignore VF3 it's just a buttom masher and wait for MK4".


C- Warrior said:
remember Sony made those ridicuously 1080p, 4D, 500 fps promises, not Capcom.

Sony never said the PS3 will run games at 120 fps and 1080p games are a reality. Now the 4D was stupid, but what does that have to do with anything?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Kal said:
I'm suprised no one has mentioned how impressive the texturing is. It is unbelievable.
They don't have paralax mapping on textures and other such trickery, but the art design of textures is really awesome and gives the scene great atmosphere and believability. Lighting also plays a big role there though, I think it's perhaps the single best thing about game's graphics. I really liked that part of the trailer where Nero's head is lit from behind and the light diffuses through his hair, then after that the girls head which is lit none less impressive, and also his cape when he falls down the ceiling. They must have spent a lot of time perfecting lighting on this.
mckmas8808 said:
Sony never said the PS3 will run games at 120 fps and 1080p games are a reality. Now the 4D was stupid, but what does that have to do with anything?

The 4D thing was just meant to be a new level of immersion (not an actual new dimension). They could've expressed it a better way though.


Dahbomb said:
Gamespot said that you can't Roll in DMC4 anymore, since the Right Analog stick moves the camera now... :lol
I guess this is cool, they are basically telling us to completely ignore their review of DMC4.

What's so funny about that?


SolidSnakex said:
I think they must've edited the preview because the analog dodge isn't in it anymore. The replies to that preview are hilarious.

The difficulty of the fighting here wasn't overwhelming, despite the inability to dodge

That's still in there though. *prntscrn*
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