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Superman is coming to Supergirl in Season 2

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Some pics of Welling from last week at the gym. Maybe he is training for..........




LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Damn told you Welling was in shape. o_O Hell he's even bigger than he was a month ago when I saw pics of him.

wonder if he knew something or is trying to throw his hat in the ring lol

Then again maybe he's just into being fit again.

edit- his damn arm looks bigger than my leg lol


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Some pics of Welling from last week at the gym. Maybe he is training for..........


Okay, Welling. I see you. Still don't want you as Superman. But if the bar ain't bending, you're just pretending. Good for him.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
They did that in 2006.

Again, the Superman they've shown in Supergirl isn't some jacked specimen of modern masculinity, at least not according to his silhouette and the fleeting looks at his shape from the neck down.

True, but I would think they wouldn't let that get in the way of who they decide to cast now or have for all we know.

They have done a great job of casting for the most part so I have faith in them. They knocked it so out of the park with Grant Gustin.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I really want Lois from Smallville if they feel like adding her in the show.

My favorite Lois. She might have been the strongest part of Smallville near the end of the shows run.
Matt Bomer is all good imo after I saw nice guys. I don't think he'd be up for it if he were offered though. No to welling either. Just get somebody new.
True, but I would think they wouldn't let that get in the way

Why wouldn't they? They were casting specifically for body-type when they got the double they got for the show in the first place. He was never going to actually act, they cast the guy for how he fills out the suit. And they cast a comparatively slim looking Superman.

Dunno why they'd switch that up to go for a bodybuilder type now.
Please just have Dana Delany play Lois Lane via a phone-call without having to actually show her face. She's my Lois Lane even if just a voice. Also today I learned she's 60. What the actual fuck.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Why wouldn't they? They were casting specifically for body-type when they got the double they got for the show in the first place. He was never going to actually act, they cast the guy for how he fills out the suit. And they cast a comparatively slim looking Superman.

Dunno why they'd switch that up to go for a bodybuilder type now.

I want them to cast based on the best fit for the role "acting wise". Maybe that's just me. I don't think they should limit actors based on how the double's body looked & that was barely shown in 20 something episodes of a show that's been moved to a different network.

If they go the lean Superman look, i have no issues with that. They better just get the casting right and not limit themselves cause of that.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
How would it work though? His Supergirl counterpart already played (or still playing?) a villain on the current show.

Could ignoring the shows' differences really work?

Multiverse lol they can use that shit with everything now.
I would love to see Whelling back in the role. No joke whatsoever.

Do I think it'll happen? Probably not. Can't hurt to wish for it though.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Hmmm I'm sure he's f-ing with Tom Welling fans by retweeting and liking this tweet, but


"Jules Masters ‏@Alleswelling 22m22 minutes ago
Hmmmmm... Casting Superman for the Supergirl series and Tom Welling working out with @ErictheTrainer. Coincidence? Well @supergirlcbs?"

Geoff Johns follows this trainer too


And they see the potential and they greenlit a Superman show.

...with Welling? It would be amazing if they somehow, SOMEHOW, connected Smallville into Arrowverse. Nothing major, just say that this Supes is from that universe but got lost in the multiverse somehow who cares.

And wait, Kara from Smallville was on Supergirl? Man she was fiiiiine

Grant gustin being an exception though

Lets not get crazy here.

And please nobody say Cavanagh


god no to Welling.

Having him be Clark in this universe just ties it to Smallville in too many weird, ugly ways. he's also apparently an enormous asshole so


Confirmed that the pod of the season finale is superman from earth 2 and he is a baby, SUPERMAN APPEARS!

We did see his red boots last season and then he fucked right off once he woke up.

Crisis on infinite Vancouvers needs to be a reality so he can vanish instead of the Flash, because if hes allowed in the arrowverse, he will wreak shit, this is superman we are talking about here, and I mean in the sense he would fix all their baby problems once it left their respective cities.


Super Member
Welling Superman should get in a fight with Cain Superman because the former confused him for the Not Vandal Savage character the latter played on Smallville


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
God dammit.
Hey, I'm not going to say that you're lying when you say you don't like Cavanagh. I have more faith in people than that.

Maybe you have a genetic disorder that makes you process his acting as poor, much like people who are predisposed to taste cilantro incorrectly.

Does that sound fair? That you're a genetic anomaly?

Would you be willing to donate your body to science so we can study this disorder and possibly find a cure for future generations?


Tom welling or bust. I don't care if he's not a great actor, many people on CW shows aren't. I need the fan service.
Same goes for Gotham. Just do a Batman TV series.
Because a Batman show done right would eliminate the need for a Batman movie, thus hurting the BO of any they do and WB won't risk it.

Arrow S1&2 kinda proved it could work. Everything but effects work better in tv form.
Because a Batman show done right would eliminate the need for a Batman movie, thus hurting the BO of any they do and WB won't risk it.

It takes a TV show capturing the zeitgeist of, say, game of thrones to affect a blockbuster equivalent

None of these comic shows are nearly that big. Just like how only 10s of people actually care that there are 2 flashs right now

Plus I love the way Gotham is going right now. Maybe for its final season it could do a time skip to Batman but right now it should stay as is.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Didn't thought I'd live to see the day of this... again.

Bomer was one of the finalists for the role back when it was a McG production, I believe.

Would he want to do it now, is the question.

Sorta surprised that, given the opportunity to basically close out that entire universe and make Kara the only superbeing in the shared continuity of the CW shows, they've decided to go in the other direction and legitimately make Superman a character. Unless the only reason we're seeing him for a couple episodes this year is specifically so it means more (we have a face attached) if/when Kara is forcibly separated from that universe.
[Flash S2]
Only the first 2 episodes, so I guess at the end of it they get caught up with the consequences of Barry shitting on the timeline. Crisis on Infinite Paradoxes or some shit.

And he still doesn't know who The Flash is.
Well played.

As with all things DCTV, they'll be subbing Arrow characters for Batman's family.
Well... [Flash S2]
In Earth-2, Robert Queen is the Arrow

*Tom Cavanagh
*Jesse Martin
*John Wesley Shipp
Adults don't count :p


Subete no aware
It feels like DC is trying everything to save their shows while Marvel is fine with letting Agents of Shield get by with Z-tier heroes.
It takes a TV show capturing the zeitgeist of, say, game of thrones to affect a blockbuster equivalent

None of these comic shows are nearly that big. Just like how only 10s of people actually care that there are 2 flashs right now

Plus I love the way Gotham is going right now. Maybe for its final season it could do a time skip to Batman but right now it should stay as is.

I mean what could a movie do that people couldn't get weekly from a tv show?
1. Big budget bat-vehicle chase scene
2. OTT versions of villains like Ivy, Clayface, ManBat. Even Gotham did a subtle version of Clayface.

Everything else would be better than movies on tv.
Batman has the time to do detective work.
relationships have time to develop which I never feel Batman movies ever really get to pull off. He just gets thrown with a love interest every movie.

Sidekicks get the time of day. Sidekicks are one of my favorite parts of Batman, its something I really enjoyed about Arrow before it went to shit.

Finally the villains really get the screen time to develop and become way more exciting than they would in a movie.
Penguin and Riddler on tv have been amazing
Jerome "Joker" is like my favorite Joker
Azrael was pretty awesome
Hugo Strange was awesome and even the comics never did that for me
Same for Zsasz.
Court of Owls would never work in a 1 or 2 off movie series.
Deathstroke was nearly perfect before the Arrow writers ruined him with his motivation.
Finally Reverse Flash is probably the best villain DC has had in live action and its 100% due to the tv format.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
It feels like DC is trying everything to save their shows while Marvel is fine with letting Agents of Shield get by with Z-tier heroes.

This is a poor read on the situation. Supergirl and Flash both handily beat Agents of Shield in the ratings.

A better drive-by would be taking a snipe at WB trying to save its movie characters by putting them on popular shows.
You are right. He only has the best superhero theme ever. He is only the most perfect casting of any superhero ever. Definitely the worst.

I am aware I am falling for bait, but sacrilege against Reeve cannot stand.

By donner Superman i don't mean everything about the movie. I like the theme, it's Superman's Characterization that sucks.
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