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Supreme Court Nominee - Neil M. Gorsuch |OT|

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since we have thrown tradition out the window I wouldn't be surprised to see one side or the other expand the court to pack it. The number of justices is only set by statute

I'd totally support the next democrat adding a seat and using the Garland debacle as a rationale.


I don't really know the history of this man but will reserve judgement until later.

So far he sounds kinda meh or just OK


this isn't worth the battle to fight, use it for the next SC Justice

This is what we'll hear for battle, after battle, after battle. It's not just the SC nominee either. "They'll be other battles to fight. Don't let the conservatives paint us as obstructionists, etc." This is why the Dems lose EVERY F'ING time.


He is anti gay. That is enough for me to say no. Not now, nor ever.
He is? I thought I saw someone say that he doesn't go after LGBT issues that much. Huge bummer for me. I think any of his picks are going to be anti-gay though, considering Pence probably came up with half the list. Our lives are a constant struggle...



And this is why I spent election night vomiting on the floor and sobbing.

I'm actually quite serious about that


this isn't worth the battle to fight, use it for the next SC Justice
This really isn't an option anymore. The longer Democrats wait to "fight" the more political capital they lose.

Congress and the Senate, as others have mentioned, is results driven right now. If a filibuster will get results, the Congress or Senate (or both) need to filibuster.


He is? I thought I saw someone say that he doesn't go after LGBT issues that much. Huge bummer for me. I think any of his picks are going to be anti-gay though, considering Pence probably came up with half the list. Our lives are a constant struggle...

Religious freedom, that is all you need to know about that. And if they wanted they now can overturn gay marriage since they have more conservatives on the court?


since we have thrown tradition out the window I wouldn't be surprised to see one side or the other expand the court to pack it. The number of justices is only set by statute

Yup, packing will be the only way to fix the Trump court if he gets more picks than this.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Not sure if it was posted already, but the vox article on Gorsuch goes into great neutral detail on him and his judicial history:


a few highlights:

"Gorsuch is a widely acclaimed jurist, a favorite of conservatives and libertarians but also very respected by liberal colleagues."

"Like Scalia, he has shown a willingness to occasionally side with defendants on criminal law matters"

"Gorsuch argues for the position that "human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable, and that the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong." He insists this is a secular principle that one need not be religious to embrace. It's not hard to infer what this implies for Gorsuch's attitudes on abortion, despite his never stating clearly his views on Roe v. Wade and the like in the book."

"Gorsuch takes a very broad view of religious freedom, and in two separate cases (one of which was the famous Hobby Lobby case) backed religious challenges to the Affordable Care Act. "

"In a trio of cases, Gorsuch has argued for the constitutionality of religious expression in public spaces, including in cases where only one religious tradition is represented "

"Like Scalia, he has shown a willingness to occasionally side with defendants on criminal law matters."

"The biggest difference between Gorsuch and Scalia is on matters of administrative law. Gorsuch has suggested that he thinks Chevron v. NRDC, a foundational decision that gives regulatory agencies broad deference in determining rules, was wrongly decided. That could give plaintiffs — whether they’re businesses wanting laxer rules or advocacy groups wanting tougher ones — more say in the rulemaking process."

"But more than his individual decisions, what sets Gorsuch apart from other Supreme Court hopefuls is the high intellectual esteem in which he’s held by fellow judges and legal academics. That raises hopes among conservatives that whatever his jurisprudential overlap with Scalia, he would bring the same literary flair and intellectual firepower to the Court that Scalia’s admirers believe he did."


This really isn't an option anymore. The longer Democrats wait to "fight" the more political capital they lose.

Congress and the Senate, as others has mentioned, is results driven right now. If a filibuster will get results, the Congress or Senate (or both) need to filibuster.

I love how people think that this is some calculated maneuver... What?

If they don't nuke the filibuster now, they'll do it later. Make them put their cards on the table. Show a goddamn spine.
He is? I thought I saw someone say that he doesn't go after LGBT issues that much. Huge bummer for me. I think any of his picks are going to be anti-gay though, considering Pence probably came up with half the list. Our lives are a constant struggle...

He's not. Don't believe everything RPGCrazied says.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Please. The average American doesn't follow this... They'll have no idea.

I feel like the implications wouldn't be lost in the areas that are already protesting. Definitely not expecting Tulsa, Oklahoma to have riots but allowing Trump to get enough judges to get Roe vs Wade overturned? That would make me think we haven't seen anything yet in terms of civil unrest.
Not true. Establishment conservatives are thrilled with this choice. This is what would've happened had Kasich/Rubio/etc. won instead of Trump.

It is true if President Bannon desperately needed to ensure the GOP didn't impeach his "imperfect vessel" before the long term plan was unstoppable. Bwahaha.
This really isn't an option anymore. The longer Democrats wait to "fight" the more political capital they lose.

Congress and the Senate, as others has mentioned, is results driven right now. If a filibuster will get results, the Congress or Senate (or both) need to filibuster.

I sincerely don't believe that political capital exists anymore. I want to hear your theory on this, because I hope that you're right.

Let me say this again: a filibuster won't get results. Gorsuch will be confirmed, and he's not terrible. The only thing it might do is show that the Democratic party treats this like an existential fight worth fighting. Republicans have been in team sports mode for longer now.

I'm not happy right now. I won't be happy until (hopefully) 2020. But I'm not as nauseated as I could be. Trump could have, just as easily, appointed a literal fucking horse (or a far-right zealot) to the Supreme Court and had it confirmed.

As far as the Senate goes, the only check on Trump's picks is Trump himself.

Or, otherwise stated, the only check on Bannon is Donald Trump.


People are suggesting we play nice with the same GOP that was promising to stop Clinton from filling that seat if she won.


Religious freedom, that is all you need to know about that. And if they wanted they now can overturn gay marriage since they have more conservatives on the court?

No. Obergefell was passed w/ scalia on the bench. If Trump gets another SC pick, then possibly.


I feel like the implications wouldn't be lost in the areas that are already protesting. Definitely not expecting Tulsa, Oklahoma to have riots but allowing Trump to get enough judges to get Roe vs Wade overturned? That would make me think we haven't seen anything yet in terms of civil unrest.

Respectfully disagree.

People will be up in arms after such a ruling is made... Not merely because Conservative justices were chosen.
I feel like the implications wouldn't be lost in the areas that are already protesting. Definitely not expecting Tulsa, Oklahoma to have riots but allowing Trump to get enough judges to get Roe vs Wade overturned? That would make me think we haven't seen anything yet in terms of civil unrest.

The GOP losing the Roe v. Wade feather in their cap would depress turnout of religious voters. That's the silver lining.


Do tell...

Great credentials, love of the law outside of his docket, someone who can potentially fill Scalia's shoes as a legend in jurisprudence. I look forward to reading his opinions.

As far as a win for Trump, I'm just going off of the cable news spin, that this is one of the rare early moments where Trump actually looks Presidential, and this is what his base elected him to do. Delivering on promises like this in a presidential way is huge for his optics for a party that doesn't really like him all that much.


He is? I thought I saw someone say that he doesn't go after LGBT issues that much. Huge bummer for me. I think any of his picks are going to be anti-gay though, considering Pence probably came up with half the list. Our lives are a constant struggle...

I heard something like this on TV earlier, and the issue comes from how courts and lawsuits work, as someone said "The issues and cases come to you, you don't choose what issues you work on." I don't remember exactly what it was, but I think it was something like we just don't have rulings from him as it applies to LGBT issues.


If the Democrats don't filibuster this, I'm done with the party. There's is not to be a resistance worth respecting. It has been less than a month and they've proven themselves impotent where it matters.
Fucking joke that republicans stole a SC spot and nothing happened.

Sets a scary precedent now, doesn't it?

Yep and people that aren't following politics and the news basically don't give a shit. I tried to impress how crazy it was to some family that is liberal leaning but generally stay out of politics. They just don't really think it's important. When someone doesn't know how an important civics institution or precedent works, they basically just dismiss it as being important because well they didn't know about it before and it doesn't affect them in a direct way so they shrug.
Time to start a new religion that believes republicans should serve as slaves to minorities for all eternity. You can violate human rights if your religion believes it to be legitimate after all.
As that page notes 'The law provided an exception if two conditions are both met. First, the burden must be necessary for the "furtherance of a compelling government interest."[5] Under strict scrutiny, a government interest is compelling when it is more than routine and does more than simply improve government efficiency.'

Needless to say, there is no federal court that would find that enforcing the 13th and 14th amendments which abolish slavery isn't a compelling interest. Your religion would get no more protection under RFRA than Osama bin Laden's brand of Islam did.

For what it's worth I agree with Scalia that RFRA is a pretty questionable idea. It throws too much discretion into the hands of federal judges to decide what should get an exemption or not, the same problem that the SCOTUS free exercise clause jurisprudence pre-Scalia had. Nevertheless, right now it's the law of the land (except for the parts applying to state laws which the SCOTUS struck down as a power grab against states' rights).


Great credentials, love of the law outside of his docket, someone who can potentially fill Scalia's shoes as a legend in jurisprudence. I look forward to reading his opinions.

As far as a win for Trump, I'm just going off of the cable news spin, that this is one of the rare early moments where Trump actually looks Presidential, and this is what his base elected him to do. Delivering on promises like this in a presidential way is huge for his optics for a party that doesn't really like him all that much.

Meh, Scalia was a scumbag the kind which makes me wish I bought into the heaven and hell thing.


I feel like the implications wouldn't be lost in the areas that are already protesting. Definitely not expecting Tulsa, Oklahoma to have riots but allowing Trump to get enough judges to get Roe vs Wade overturned? That would make me think we haven't seen anything yet in terms of civil unrest.

I think people constantly forget what country this is

We voted trump. We voted down ballot republican. Half of us like these trump executive orders.

There would be the same unrest you see now. No more. No less. Most people won't even know anything happened until they are told they have to travel to California to have an abortion


I sincerely don't believe that political capital exists anymore. I want to hear your theory on this, because I hope that you're right.

Let me say this again: a filibuster won't get results. Gorsuch will be confirmed, and he's not terrible. The only thing it might do is show that the Democratic party treats this like an existential fight worth fighting. Republicans have been in team sports mode for longer now.

I'm not happy right now. I won't be happy until (hopefully) 2020. But I'm not as nauseated as I could be. Trump could have, just as easily, appointed a literal fucking horse (or a far-right zealot) to the Supreme Court and had it confirmed.

As far as the Senate goes, the only check on Trump's picks is Trump himself.

Or, otherwise stated, the only check on Bannon is Donald Trump.
If you want to define it as an existential fight, then that's fine as a matter of discourse. Regardless of definition, they need to have a fight and the more they roll over the less likely they are to be able to bring people to bat when they need them.

I disagree that political capital is gone because the systems of influence that build up political capital, including those who are heinous, is still very much in place and it is the reason the USA is currently living through an ideological crisis. In essence, it is political capital that is defining both of these groups (Democrats/Republicans), why they are so insular and why they are also so incapable of change outside of what they can force.

Fox Mulder

If the dems do try to filibuster this, and McConnell listens to Trump and gets rid of the filibuster, then we're officially on a 2 year "old ass justices please don't die" watch.

Because if one of them dies, we'll get an absolutely insane person next when Trump knows there can be no opposition.

Not sure it's worth the risk.

Let them kill the fillibuster. Dems need to fight and get people fucking pissed to go vote in 2018.

Rolling over in hopes it will get goodwill or some shit from the GOP for next time will never work.
If you want to define it as an existential fight, then that's fine as a matter of discourse. Regardless of definition, they need to have a fight and the more they roll over the less likely they are to be able to bring people to bat when they need them.

I disagree that political capital is gone because the systems of influence that build up political capital, including those who are heinous, is still very much in place and it is the reason the USA is currently living through an ideological crisis.

I agree that rolling over depresses the base.

And I hope you're right re: political capital. The most dangerous thing about Trump isn't the conservative ideology, it's the lack of respect for institutional norms and the rule of law. I have no doubt that the likes of Ted Cruz would follow an order from a federal judge: he'd simply publicly disagree and work to stack the deck following standard processes.

I don't have the same confidence with Trump, at all.

I suppose the real question is: "How can Democrats (or maybe one or two sane Republicans on an issue-by-issue basis) achieve victory without eroding the rule of law entirely?" Trump, and some Republicans, are perfectly willing to thrash against long-settled norms as long as it means victory.


If you want to define it as an existential fight, then that's fine as a matter of discourse. Regardless of definition, they need to have a fight and the more they roll over the less likely they are to be able to bring people to bat when they need them.

I disagree that political capital is gone because the systems of influence that build up political capital, including those who are heinous, is still very much in place and it is the reason the USA is currently living through an ideological crisis.

Not sure how you can say that- Political capital has meant nothing even for Trump. He has done whatever he wants his own party be damned.

And the Democrats? They have gotten *nothing* from them. Give them the same.
I know people are saying he's crazy right and more right than Scalia, can anyone cite some court judgements or statements he's made that point to this? I can't really find much and I'm wondering what the basis of these claims are


I still can't believe that nobody paid any political cost for that horseshit. Garland would have been an outstanding justice. We basically have Scalia 2.0, but I guess it could have been worse.

The democrats seem to have somehow still not learned how to use every tool at their disposal in the hope that the opposition returns the courtesy. Republicans don't give a shit about playing honest.

Because republicans in office care only about stripping people of their wealth, health, and education and transferring the "savings" to corporate America, and in doing so the handing it to the super wealthy. Then they tell everybody it's about tax cuts and efficiency. Bullshit.

The whole religious horseshit is just a strategy, they know most of those people who vote based on their religion are rubes. But they can't rally enough dumbfucks if they ran just on the first part. Combine the 2 pillars of the greedy, foolish, and or degenerate, and bam you've got the modern republican party.

If you're smart or informed enough to understand what their policies lead to then you have a moral defect.
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