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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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irfan said:
Coach was swaying towards voting Russell out. That is before Jerri 'committed' their votes in front of Russell. This commitment didnt come out of the blue, it included blindsiding Tyson by risking Russell's own ass. In the end, you could attribute it all to one thing but it wont be correct. Like wise I cant attribute everything to Russell's gameplay either - like I said he's gameplay isnt perfect and he's made mistakes in the this and also the last season.
I agree that it can't all be attributed to one thing, but I still don't understand Coach's reasoning. Did he really think that his feeble attempt at tribal council to get everyone to switch to Courtney was going to work? He's reasoning for his actions are constantly changing and I think Russell was lucky that Coach's "honor" happen to switch the odds to his favor.

irfan said:
True. But you can never know which way the jury is going to sway until and unless you are at the interrogation part. And by that most (maybe) of them have already made their minds up. So keeping this in mind, I'd say Hatch was lucky that the jury put their pettiness behind them, Russell was not. Maybe this is why he's giving two s**ts about what Coach thinks on his way out ..
I wonder about that signed vote. From what we were shown, there was no mention of the jury starting until after the vote, so either Russell was actually using foresight (which would be an improvement) or they were told off camera.

But I don't think it's going to make much of a difference. He burned his bridges with Coach pretty badly, as evident by the exit interviews.

Wow, I haven't talked this much about Survivor is a long time. My room mates' eyes just glaze over when I try to discuss it with them.


Gunloc said:
I agree that it can't all be attributed to one thing, but I still don't understand Coach's reasoning. Did he really think that his feeble attempt at tribal council to get everyone to switch to Courtney was going to work? He's reasoning for his actions are constantly changing and I think Russell was lucky that Coach's "honor" happen to switch the odds to his favor.

I wonder about that signed vote. From what we were shown, there was no mention of the jury starting until after the vote, so either Russell was actually using foresight (which would be an improvement) or they were told off camera.

But I don't think it's going to make much of a difference. He burned his bridges with Coach pretty badly, as evident by the exit interviews.

Wow, I haven't talked this much about Survivor is a long time. My room mates' eyes just glaze over when I try to discuss it with them.
Haha, same here. Thanks for the discussion. :)
irfan said:
Haha, same here. Thanks for the discussion. :)
No problem.

Hopefully next week's "epic mistake" won't be so cut and dry as JT forking over the idol. I'd rather it be something far more interesting than that.
Well, there goes the only person I wanted to win. :(

Uh JT, why?

Russell: I love my super tight alliance that DOES NOT INCLUDE JERRI. :lol
Jerri: >_>

How far does he think he can push her? And why does she put up with it?
Y2Kev said:
I missed it I missed it someone recap
-Villians won reward. (Steak dinner)
-Parvati gets a clue to another hidden immunity idol and finds it with Danielle. (They keep it a secret from Russ.)
-Heroes won immunity.
-JT still thinks it's an all girl alliance at the villians camp so he passes Russ the idol after the IC with a note saying to vote out Parvati and flip to the heroes side. >_<
-Villians vote off Courtney. :(
Oh man, I wonder if the Heroes are going to realize he still has the immunity idol after the merge or if they won't believe Sandra and assume Russell is telling the truth. I think Jerri may switch at some point since she keeps getting forgotten about when talking about Russell's alliance.
Russell's smirk to the camera after the conversation with Colby was epic. Fucking epic.

And Colby doing his best impersonation of the (Bale) Batman voice during the conversation was hilarious. :lol
I cant believe none of the 5 heroes (aside from a half hearted attempt by Amanda) stood up and said "Are you freaking crazy?". There is a serious lack of common sense on the heroes tribe. They should have kept Tom around just to do the thinking for them. Russell and Parvati are seriously going to run this game now.
yellowjacket25 said:
I cant believe none of the 5 heroes (aside from a half hearted attempt by Amanda) stood up and said "Are you freaking crazy?". There is a serious lack of common sense on the heroes tribe. They should have kept Tom around just to do the thinking for them. Russell and Parvati are seriously going to run this game now.

Well I can partly understand in that they really wanted to get the idol out of JT's hands.


How can anyone like Courtney save for a serious underdog mentality? I find it offensive she's even in this game because she's such a horrible player... on all levels (physical, emotional, and social). The fact that she'll make the jury is a fucking travesty.

If Russ makes it to the end again, he's almost guaranteed not to win mainly because of the players left that will likely make up the jury. Coach, Courtney, and Sandra are all the type of players that would rather vote against you because you orchestrated their demise rather than giving you a vote in the end for playing the best game of Survivor (which Russ is proceeding to do two seasons in a row). That's already a bad start.

Mikey Jr.

Stupid mistake on Heroes part, I agree. But they'll be fine.

Sandra is gonna join Heroes. Then they vote a player who won't play immunity during the vote, ie. Jerri.

Next episode its 3 v 6. Split the vote between 2 of the players, so you are guaranteed a tie and you strip one of them of the immunity. It all then hinges on the vote tie. The hero would have to win, then its all golden from there.

Bonus question: How long can they hold onto these immunities? Right until the end of the game?


Mikey Jr. said:
Bonus question: How long can they hold onto these immunities? Right until the end of the game?
Until the Tribal Council before the Final Immunity Challenge... and since it's most likely going to be a Final
, that means the Final Immunity Challenge includes
players therefore when there's a Tribal Council of only
players, that is the very last moment someone can play a hidden immunity idol.


FitzOfRage said:
Well I can partly understand in that they really wanted to get the idol out of JT's hands.

That makes no sense because after tonight it's down to 10, which means a merge is imminent, and JT is on their side far more than any of the Villains.
FitzOfRage said:
Well I can partly understand in that they really wanted to get the idol out of JT's hands.

The Heroes all thought it would work and were even celebrating after they pulled it off.

Colby clearly thought it was a good move and described the whole ordeal as a lucky break for ther Heroes.

The only reason why Amanda was against it at all was that she was sure it would work too. Amanda had been planning on joining up with Parvati and Courtney after the merge because she knew she couldn't compete with JT.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The Crimson Blur said:
JT...wow so dumb. Merge will be crazy.

JT isn't the only one. Amanda seemed to be the only one to question the decision.

The villains really should have gotten rid of Sandra. Didn't they see her season?

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Brian Fellows said:
JT isn't the only one. Amanda seemed to be the only one to question the decision.

The villains really should have gotten rid of Sandra. Didn't they see her season?

She isn't going to be a huge factor, all Russell has to do is talk about the "women alliance" and say that Sandra is trying to stir the pot because the alliance wants him gone.

JT and the rest of the Heroes will believe this and then Russell/Pavarti will work their magic in the merge. They still have control and don't seem to be loosing it anytime soon. :D

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
TheFury said:
I love JT, but damn that was terrible. Sandra better sort out the Heroes.

I really don't think anyone can help them now, they are in such a poor spot and have made nothing but bad decisions up until this point.


JT's stupidity will go down in history:lol And Parvati is so annoying, will somebody please vote her out? I know its not going to happen


Not a Jellyfish said:
I really don't think anyone can help them now, they are in such a poor spot and have made nothing but bad decisions up until this point.
Yeah, they've made some horrible decisions, especially with tribal council. They had a turning point when they were on a winning streak, but it seems they've lost it again. Now the Villains have two immunity idols. Not to mention the Heroes want Parvati out and if she plays her idol it'll be all over for one of them. It'll be down hill from there. If they pull that off nothing is stopping Russell from giving her the idol at the next tribal if the Heroes make a play for Parvati again.


Tim the Wiz said:
Russell's smirk to the camera after the conversation with Colby was epic. Fucking epic.

And Colby doing his best impersonation of the (Bale) Batman voice during the conversation was hilarious. :lol
I re-watched the Colby scene, so funny. :lol

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
It just seems to me that the fact that Parvati is still around would be a pretty tip-off that they got played and would lend weight to what Sandra tells the heroes. But even then unless they find out Parvati has a HII too it won't matter.


Brian Fellows said:
It just seems to me that the fact that Parvati is still around would be a pretty tip-off that they got played and would lend weight to what Sandra tells the heroes. But even then unless they find out Parvati has a HII too it won't matter.

I thought about that. They could say that the women split their vote 3-2 just in case Russell had an idol, he played it, so Courtney got voted out. 3 votes Russell, 2 votes Courtney, 1 vote Parvati.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
xbhaskarx said:
I thought about that. They could say that the women split their vote 3-2 just in case Russell had an idol, he played it, so Courtney got voted out. 3 votes Russell, 2 votes Courtney, 1 vote Parvati.

Well ok then. Heroes is fucked. :D

Then again lets face it they haven't exactly played logically up to this point so they may believe Sandra over Russell for no good reason at all. :lol

i just hope something happens to make it interesting.


I can't believe what I just witnessed.

I was literally just saying out loud to myself whilst watching, all alone, "I can't believe this, I can't believe this, I can't believe this."
Last night's episode was awesome. The Heroes tribe is retarded. Of course, if they were right about the female alliance, then it might have actually been a good move.

But right now, it seems like Parvati is running this game. Not Russell. He needs to get her out of there.


Mikey Jr. said:
Ohh yeah, and whys that?

The boot list has been on the Internet since before episode 1 aired. It's been 100% accurate up to this point so I see no reason to dispute it. I don't know how, but obviously there's a leak from someone that works on the show who gave away the entire order of people. I know it right down to the final 3, only thing that's unknown is the winner since they "presumably" count that the final night. Although I also have a spoiler on the winner, but I can't be 100% on that.


Mikey Jr. said:
Stupid mistake on Heroes part, I agree. But they'll be fine.

Sandra is gonna join Heroes. Then they vote a player who won't play immunity during the vote, ie. Jerri.

Next episode its 3 v 6. Split the vote between 2 of the players, so you are guaranteed a tie and you strip one of them of the immunity. It all then hinges on the vote tie. The hero would have to win, then its all golden from there.

Bonus question: How long can they hold onto these immunities? Right until the end of the game?

I don't think so for multiple reasons.

1. Russell knows how to use the idols to maximum effect. Remember last season when he took out his idol and wore it just to intimidate the rest of his tribe? He knows how to use idols for psychological purposes without actually using them to save anyone.

2. The producers (in the preview of last night's episode at the end of last week) said this will go down as one of the dumbest moves in Survivor history. For that to be true, the idol has to have a large part in taking down the heroes.


Speaking now without spoilers, I have to say that Russell continues to have a huge advantage over everyone in the game. The remaining villains know he's running the show, but the heroes have no clue and stupidly gave away their idol. Had they actually SEEN his season before they filmed this one, they would have known his character and known that he's not a pawn that gets pushed around. JT would have never given him the idol had he seen Russell's season before entering this show.
I'm not even going to read your post because if you know spoilers your theories are going to be changed. Keep spoilers out of this thread. No one wants to here them. Plus we can kind of assume what it's about based on you're quotes.

Obviously no one here wants to know.


The Crimson Blur said:
Russell has such a huge advantage from the fact that none of the survivors saw his season yet. Huuuuge advantage.

You're not looking at it from other angles.

It can also be a disadvantage depending on how his tribemates wanted to play it. They all could have said on day 1 that he needs to be first to go because we don't know anything about him and don't know how he plays this game. That very well could have easily happened, but it didn't. If I were on the Villains tribe, I would have at least thrown that out there as a possibility before the 1st tribal council.

The part that's a big advantage for Russell is that in both seasons, he seems to get stronger the longer the game goes on, while everyone around him gets weaker. Not in terms of physical challenges, but his alliances get stronger, he gets his claws deeper into the leadership role of the trible, and he's able to make the vote go exactly the way that he wants it to go, and he can run this strategy right to the end of the game. He's one of those guys that if you don't get him out early, before hidden immunity idols start popping up, and if you give him time to sink his teeth into the people he wants in his core alliance, then you are done.. finished.. he'll run right to the end. I don't think he's capable of playing any other way. After the merge happens, if someone doesn't pick up on his style of play early, then he might make it all the way again.
Manics said:
Speaking now without spoilers, I have to say that Russell continues to have a huge advantage over everyone in the game. The remaining villains know he's running the show, but the heroes have no clue and stupidly gave away their idol. Had they actually SEEN his season before they filmed this one, they would have known his character and known that he's not a pawn that gets pushed around. JT would have never given him the idol had he seen Russell's season before entering this show.
All of the contestants knew that he was selected as one of the top 5 male villains of all time on the show. What they did with that information was up to them.
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