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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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Manics said:
Speaking now without spoilers, I have to say that Russell continues to have a huge advantage over everyone in the game. The remaining villains know he's running the show, but the heroes have no clue and stupidly gave away their idol. Had they actually SEEN his season before they filmed this one, they would have known his character and known that he's not a pawn that gets pushed around. JT would have never given him the idol had he seen Russell's season before entering this show.

I'm not so sure. JT would still think there is a girl alliance on the villains and he doesn't trust most of the females in his own tribe, so he probably could have sent out an olive branch to Russell regardless.

You have to remember that the paranoia is rampant in the Heroes tribe about the merge where all the past cast members are going to form an alliance. JT's been tainted by that thinking and sees himself already on "the outside".


What would have been different was the early game of the Villains. There is no way Russell would have made it past the first few rounds. He would have been targeted right away early on and not survived.
bill0527 said:
If I were on the Villains tribe, I would have at least thrown that out there as a possibility before the 1st tribal council.
The problem is that the Villains won the first couple immunities and Russell had time to form alliances. If they had lost the first challenge, then he might have gone first.


ToxicAdam said:
I'm not so sure. JT would still think there is a girl alliance on the villains and he doesn't trust most of the females in his own tribe, so he probably could have sent out an olive branch to Russell regardless.

You have to remember that the paranoia is rampant in the Heroes tribe about the merge where all the past cast members are going to form an alliance. JT's been tainted by that thinking and sees himself already on "the outside".


What would have been different was the early game of the Villains. There is no way Russell would have made it past the first few rounds. He would have been targeted right away early on and not survived.

Regardless, Russell wouldn't be the force he currently is. So many bumbling mistakes by other players is handing Russell the game.

Tyson listening to Russell and not listening to Rob
Coach not voting for Russell when he could have
JT giving the immunity idol to Russell

Like you said, Russell would have been targeted early on in the villains tribe had they known more about him, but it's just sickening that he gets this huge advantage and continues to perpetuate his "greatest player of all time" moniker.


Everyone should do themselves a favor and regularly read Jeff Probst's blog he updates the morning after each showing. Here's his latest:


Re: Russel coming in without anyone knowing his game:

Jeff Probst said:

There’s been a lot of debate about whether Russell had an advantage or a disadvantage since nobody knew anything about him coming into this season. My take is that he had neither. We told everybody at the start of the show that they should read a lot into the fact that while they hadn’t seen Russell play, Russell was selected as one of the 5 most notorious male villains of all time. These are seasoned players, they knew this meant that Russell was a bad dude. On the flip side, when we asked Russell to join the H v V cast, we told him there is a very good chance you’ll be voted out early because nobody knows you, nobody has played with you and therefore nobody can trust you. Russell knew that was a risk going in. So both sides had fair warning. They were just as likely to vote him out in episode one for fear of the unknown as they were to keep him. Once Russell survived a couple of votes and showed what kind of player he is – intimidating, calculating, cunning – all bets were off.

Be sure and check out the deleted scene at the bottom of the blog. Russel 'finds' the machete :lol :lol

Mikey Jr.

Manics said:
The boot list has been on the Internet since before episode 1 aired. It's been 100% accurate up to this point so I see no reason to dispute it. I don't know how, but obviously there's a leak from someone that works on the show who gave away the entire order of people. I know it right down to the final 3, only thing that's unknown is the winner since they "presumably" count that the final night. Although I also have a spoiler on the winner, but I can't be 100% on that.

Why the fuck would you even put that in this thread? The fuck is wrong with you?


Mikey Jr. said:
Why the fuck would you even put that in this thread? The fuck is wrong with you?

Huh? Did I put the list up? I put ONE spoiler in the thread *with spoiler tags*. Nobody has to read it if they don't want to.


Manics said:
Huh? Did I put the list up? I put ONE spoiler in the thread *with spoiler tags*. Nobody has to read it if they don't want to.
How about not post fucking spoilers in this thread? Is that really too much to ask? Unfortunately since we are not completely retarded we can basically figure out what that says, so thanks for shitting up the thread but now can you please go back and delete it for all the people who haven't seen it yet?
Brian Fellows said:
JT isn't the only one. Amanda seemed to be the only one to question the decision.

The only reason why Amanda questioned the idea because she was afraid that it would work and was worried that it would ruin her future plans to betray the Heroes. Everyone on the Heroes tribe thought the plan would work. How can five people be so stupid?

I can't believe how afraid everyone is of Parvati. Everyone on the Villains side has been worried about her since day one, and Tyson fucked up his entire alliance and went against a fool-proof plan just because he wanted to get rid of her! The Heroes side is so afraid of her that they were willing to give an Immunity Idol away to the enemy just to get rid of her! Is Parvati really that threatening? Russell is getting a lot of attention this season, but most of the major plays that have been made this season were engineered to get Parvati voted off. Parvati is easily the most powerful female Survivor player of all time, and I think she has a very good chance of winning again.


Manics said:
Removed the spoiler, but dude that quoted me still has it,can't edit that.

I PMed the other person to remove the spoiler so hopefully they do that.

As for you, please go post elsewhere (like wherever you read the spoilers) if you already know what's going to happen, don't ruin it for the rest of us.


Coolio McAwesome said:
The only reason why Amanda questioned the idea because she was afraid that it would work and was worried that it would ruin her future plans to betray the Heroes. Everyone on the Heroes tribe thought the plan would work. How can five people be so stupid?

I can't believe how afraid everyone is of Parvati. Everyone on the Villains side has been worried about her since day one, and Tyson fucked up his entire alliance and went against a fool-proof plan just because he wanted to get rid of her! The Heroes side is so afraid of her that they were willing to give an Immunity Idol away to the enemy just to get rid of her! Is Parvati really that threatening? Russell is getting a lot of attention this season, but most of the major plays that have been made this season were engineered to get Parvati voted off. Parvati is easily the most powerful female Survivor player of all time, and I think she has a very good chance of winning again.

Parvati is very, very good at this game. So yes, there's a definite reason to be afraid of her. I think Boston Rob's the best male player in Survivor history, but Parvati is definitely the strongest female.


Coolio McAwesome said:
I can't believe how afraid everyone is of Parvati. Everyone on the Villains side has been worried about her since day one, and Tyson fucked up his entire alliance and went against a fool-proof plan just because he wanted to get rid of her! The Heroes side is so afraid of her that they were willing to give an Immunity Idol away to the enemy just to get rid of her! Is Parvati really that threatening? Russell is getting a lot of attention this season, but most of the major plays that have been made this season were engineered to get Parvati voted off. Parvati is easily the most powerful female Survivor player of all time, and I think she has a very good chance of winning again.

Agreed. Parvati to me, is the best female to ever play the game. I would call her the queen as she says, even if she meant it differently. :lol And it's funny how she's still there, and now with an idol on top of it. Russell must of seen her game-play though, I'd be surprised if he really thinks she won't backstab him as the wheels are already turning in that direction.

Next week will be very interesting.. want to see what Parvati/Amanda decide to do and if they'll really decide to trust Russell. The note reading was hilarious, and it looks like Russell will have some explaining to do why Parvati is still there. I think it would of been smarter to get rid of Sandra than Courtney, since Sandra is very good at stirring things up. I really love that the tribes are even going into the merge, perfect season for this as well.

And congrats to Amanda for making day 100! It would be amazing if she reached 120, I wouldn't mind if she got a pity sum of money like Denise did, just for that accomplishment. Although I assume the money they gain for each day on the show must of added up for her anyway. I would really like to see who the second and third most appeared players are though.
Galang said:
Agreed. Parvati to me, is the best female to ever play the game. I would call her the queen as she says, even if she meant it differently. :lol And it's funny how she's still there, and now with an idol on top of it. Russell must of seen her game-play though, I'd be surprised if he really thinks she won't backstab him as the wheels are already turning in that direction.

Next week will be very interesting.. want to see what Parvati/Amanda decide to do and if they'll really decide to trust Russell. The note reading was hilarious, and it looks like Russell will have some explaining to do why Parvati is still there. I think it would of been smarter to get rid of Sandra than Courtney, since Sandra is very good at stirring things up. I really love that the tribes are even going into the merge, perfect season for this as well.

And congrats to Amanda for making day 100! It would be amazing if she reached 120, I wouldn't mind if she got a pity sum of money like Denise did, just for that accomplishment. Although I assume the money they gain for each day on the show must of added up for her anyway. I would really like to see who the second and third most appeared players are though.

Jeff said Parvati reaches 100 days "tomorrow" during Tribal Council........


Just watched this. OMFG at Parvati's dramatic reading :lol

"Your BFF forever, xoxo, JT" :lol

Holy shit at Colby playing deepthroat, Russell's "did that fucking happen" smirk at the camera and the Heroes patting themselves on the back for making history!
:lol :lol
JT's true strategic "powers" are exposed, a big leap from his first season when people were so brainwashed that the jury thought it was their privilege to give someone so "amazing" the million bucks.

Parv is the real one running the show as usual.

:lol @ Russell's expression. Was he trying to make Jerri think this was all him with that wink?
It really seems like they are building a long term arch for Sandra. (Or setting her up for a fall, but I'd rather she stick around.)
That was kind of foolish of Parvati. Russell is not going to like this. I think she's gone next week. And then Russell the following week. And then Sandra. I think the Heroes might take this after all thanks to Sandra.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I *really* dislike Parvati but that was really smart of her to figure the way the vote was going and cover her bases. She's an amazing player.
I don't know. It made for dramatic tv but I think giving the idols away was a dumb move on her part.

Ideally the Parvati and Russell crew wants to pick off the heroes one by one and have the final 5 all be villians. But in that final 5 Jeri and Sandra would be the next ones to go and they know it. So Sandra and Jeri represent swing votes AND they don't have much to lose (damned if they stay with the vilians).

Parvati had two idols, one of them largely secret, and she gave them away to two people who could easily be swayed the coming days.

Anyway, just my two cents.
Yes, but other than Sanda's talk of wanting to get rid of Russell, what does she gain by flipping? She goes from fifth to......fifth. And Jerri goes from fourth to a worse position. The heroes better start wheelin and dealin to romance these ladies with a BETTER deal, like final 3 type thing or they won't flip (well, depending on how much Sandra hates Russell :p)
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Yes, but other than Sanda's talk of wanting to get rid of Russell, what does she gain by flipping? She goes from fifth to......fifth. And Jerri goes from fourth to a worse position. The heroes better start wheelin and dealin to romance these ladies with a BETTER deal, like final 3 type thing or they won't flip (well, depending on how much Sandra hates Russell :p)
She needs to flip to start a new alliance. Sandra, Jerri, and Rupert for example. If she doesn't flip she can't make a big move, which would be needed for her to win the game.
Sandra, Jerri and Rupert is a great idea......but they don't need to move now for that. As long as they know the targets are Amanda, Candace, or Colby, they can let it happen.....if Rupert, who is useless at challenges, is kept around, such a move could be made to gain control when he and whoever the other hero left is at final 7. Now THAT would be a good move. That's why I don't think flipping is smart for the ladies right now. If they wait, they have more power to make the remaining heroes do whatever they want.
I hope Russell doesn't want to take out Parvati because of tonight. I want those two to go to the final two with Russell winning. Would be the best way to end this season, even if I don't think he should get the million.


VGChampion said:
I hope Russell doesn't want to take out Parvati because of tonight. I want those two to go to the final two with Russell winning. Would be the best way to end this season, even if I don't think he should get the million.

I hope he sees how independent of him she is and that she is a threat and decides to take her out. I can't stand Parvati, she made a good move tonight, but she got more lucky than anything, if Amanda wasn't such a tard and bad liar that thing could have blown up in Parvati's face badly had the hero's still voted for her. She would have played two idols wasting them both on other people while getting voted out. Obviously it didn't play that way, but the remaining players would be smart to vote her off next week.


Junior Member
That was amazing. The Heroes did the smartest thing they could possibly do and then still got screwed by Parvati. I do see at some point a couple of villains breaking off to join the last 3 or 4 heroes. I just wonder whether it will be Russell, Sandra or Parvati that makes the move happen. It looks like Russel's pride is going to destroy his alliance with Parvati, it is just a question of when they start gunning for each other.


Sailor Stevenson
The Heroes were hosed as soon as immunity went to the Villains, Parvarti and Russell are too smart. And without the ability to split their vote, the best they could do was head-fake Parvarti. Knowing they wanted Russell on their side, and Danielle had immunity, they HAD to vote for Jerri or Sandra, and with two idols, you can cover that and gain the 5 to 4 advantage.

The only way they could've played it better is this:

Russel convinces Heroes that Parvarti didn't play an idol, rather, the females saw the idol get slipped to him, and so they split their vote 3 Russel, 2 Courtney, and his vote was 1 Russell.

But tonight, Parvarti should've trusted him, and told him the plan. Then he could've still voted for her, and kept his trust up with the Heroes, ready to backstab them yet again and keep JT's vote (though then again, I guess they would've realized the betrayal as soon as Parvarti handed out two idols)

And this is like the third preview to insinuiate trouble for Russell. General rule of thumb for Survivor, if the preview says the fan favorite is in trouble: he isn't.

My guess is Rupert or Colby is gone next.
Judging by Survivor seasons past, the preview is just a psych out and the Russell-Parvati alliance holds strong next ep.

Parv's move tonight was one of utter brilliance. Easily the most deft play of the immunity idols to date. It was risky, sure... but Amanda's pretty transparent, Parv has not only played with her before but WON a jury vote against her and knows exactly how to read her. She knew what was going on and employed the only maneuver that made sense to cover all her bases and give the villains the numbers not knowing whether the votes were going to be thrown to Jerri or Sandra.

Amanda is a terrible player, she screwed her team's chances despite Sandra's well-intentioned tipoff and should be targeted next unless the villains catch themselves looking ahead to the end game where they can bring her to the jury and beat her ass for a 3rd time.

The main obstacle standing in the way of a Rupert-Sandra-Jerri alliance is Jerri. She deplores Rupert's egotism, feuded with him when they were part of Saboga in Survivor All-Stars, openly mocked him as he built the worst shelter in Survivor history and will probably feel more indebted to Parvati now that her idol play tonight saved her ass.

I like Sandra a bunch but all of her exit strategies from the Russell alliance rely on the gaming prowess of lunkheads that are clearly outclassed. The ever-present friction between Colby & Jerri further limits her options. The only person I could feasibly see her ally with that has any game sense whatsoever is Candice (although Rupert is at least easily influenced so long as he's around).

Until then I think Sandra's best move is to work a "keep your enemies close" gambit and continue to push Russell's buttons to see if she can pull a repeat of the Coach ouster by fuelling tension between him & the Parv-Danielle faction.
Parvati is the real brains of the alliance, as this episode proves. That's twice now she's gone over Russell's head.

I could easily see Russell feeling threatened by his allusion of complete power being usurped by Parvati. I don't know if his ego can take it.


I love how JT was downplaying Rupert's paranoia even though Rupert was right the whole time. :lol

Parvati playing both ideals was so damn awesome, and not even using one for herself on top of it. Risky move, and did make for a great tribal. I think it's the first time Russell has looked genuinely shocked, that should of gave him a clue of what he was dealing with. I thought she was going to avoid using an idol altogether, but I guess they want to keep the villains tribe intact.

Keeping Sandra over Courtney was really dumb, Sandra is a much bigger threat overall. That will hurt them later if they don't get rid of Sandra really soon. Parvati should of told Russell about the idols because that's probably going to bite her next week. Although the previews always make things seem worse than it is... I think Amanda should flip now in order to save herself and then team up with Candice down the line to get rid of Parvati if they want any shot of winning. And anyone notice how well Candice does in the challenges? I'm surprised she even dropped down, she was holding on really strongly.


Another great show in a killer season. I feel bad for people that gave up on Survivor a long time ago, they are missing out.
Man, Parvati is so good at Survivor. Best female Survivor ever, hands down.

She played this tribal perfectly. Literally nothing she could have done better.

This season is fucking fantastic. It might go down as my favorite season ever.
The Crimson Blur said:
She played this tribal perfectly. Literally nothing she could have done better.

Well, there is one thing. She could have not given an idol to Sandra. :lol But it did make for an amazing Tribal Council and basically rid her of any chance of falling down with James-syndrome (which only occurs when holding two idols).

I have to agree though...Parvati is that good, and the fact that she and Russell (who I think is the best male player) are the brains of an alliance is pretty unbelievable.
Crazymoogle said:
Well, there is one thing. She could have not given an idol to Sandra. :lol But it did make for an amazing Tribal Council and basically rid her of any chance of falling down with James-syndrome (which only occurs when holding two idols).

I have to agree though...Parvati is that good, and the fact that she and Russell (who I think is the best male player) are the brains of an alliance is pretty unbelievable.

I dunno if Russell is the best male player ever, but yeah, they make a scary duo.

The game has shown time and time again that the quality of your allies matters more than anything. Have a smart, loyal ally and you will go far, no matter how big of a numbers hole you are in.


Junior Member
The Crimson Blur said:
I dunno if Russell is the best male player ever, but yeah, they make a scary duo.

The game has shown time and time again that the quality of your allies matters more than anything. Have a smart, loyal ally and you will go far, no matter how big of a numbers hole you are in.

Yeah, but while Pavarti would love to take Russell to the final two, she knows that he knows better then to go that far with her, at some point before the final four those two are going to turn on each other.
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