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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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dumb heroes. they should have voted out cirie. she is useless. all she does is ally with boring people and ruin whatever season she is on that way.

she ruined fans vs favorites.

now it looks like she may ruin this season.

steph voted off way too early :(

and f*ck james. douche.


ccbfan said:
Wow Russell really got in shape from Somoa. He looked completely different from that.

Anyone else routing for the vilians instead?

He did get in good shape, he played Survivor Somoa a month before this game.

James seems to be digging his own grave. I feel like the first time he played he was the strong, silent guy and in Fans vs Favorites he started to get a little more aggressive. Now he's gone over the top. He might be OK for right now because of his alliance, but he won't go far acting like that.

Is it just me, or is the heroes tribe already in post-merge, every man for himself mode? It's getting crazy over there and I love it.
yellowjacket25 said:
Vote off Tom or Colby and leave Candace, Amanda, and Cirie there? They are digging there own grave right now.

Seriously. It's like they don't realize the villains tribe is just around the corner. :lol


Both sides during tribal were cringe worthy...James' beating his point into the ground, as well as the white knighting that followed.


I like James but he better be careful, and I'm glad Stephanie is gone, she seemed like a major bitch, can't remember if I watched her season or not. The Heroes tribe seems to be lacking in brain power, they've had the lead in both challenges and blown it on the brain power part both times. The villains tribe has some very smart players, Boston Rob, Russell, and Coach to name a few, even if coach is a little whacko the villains team just has so much more intelligence in terms of the game on it's side.

It looks like James might blow up next week, should be interesting to see what happens. Loving this season so far.
OmniGamer said:
Both sides during tribal were cringe worthy...James' beating his point into the ground, as well as the white knighting that followed.

Pretty much. I totally agree with him, but it was just overreaction after overreaction with him during and after that loss.

suaveric said:
James seems to be digging his own grave. I feel like the first time he played he was the strong, silent guy and in Fans vs Favorites he started to get a little more aggressive. Now he's gone over the top. He might be OK for right now because of his alliance, but he won't go far acting like that.

Yeah, I've noticed that progression. I hate to even think it, but could 'roids be in the mix? It's hard to tell, because he's always looked ripped.


That was a really bad episode all around.

-We got no sense of how incompetent the villains shelter-building was because they barely showed it, yet we get 10 minutes of people bitching about how frustrated they are.
-The Boston Rob medical emergency was pretty much him needing some water.
-What was the Rupert-Stephanie coconut thing all about? The way they edited it, that didn't really make much sense either.
-Only one challenge, for both immunity and reward, and not a very interesting one, especially after last week.
-Either they really edited out everything Stephanie said back to Rupert/James, or James has completely lost his mind, because we got 20 minutes of James yelling at Stephanie.
-As someone said above, both sides were cringe-worthy at tribal council.
-It never seemed like Cirie was going to consider voting with the Stephanie side so the ending was not at all surprising.
Indeed this season has been great. Tom and Colby aren't getting by easy this time which is awesome to see. James blowing up on Steph was classic. If Amanda had gone I would have found Steph and cursed her out James' style :lol Okay, maybe not but I think Amanda and Sugar are the two hottest babes this season and I couldn't stand to watch both be eliminated after just 6 days.

It looks likes
James fucks some people up next week in that challenge where they push people off the floating island thingy, with bags
...that challenge is classic survivor nice to see it back.

And the Rob/Russell showdown is going to be amazing.


suaveric said:
James seems to be digging his own grave. I feel like the first time he played he was the strong, silent guy and in Fans vs Favorites he started to get a little more aggressive. Now he's gone over the top. He might be OK for right now because of his alliance, but he won't go far acting like that.

Is it just me, or is the heroes tribe already in post-merge, every man for himself mode? It's getting crazy over there and I love it.

Agreed on both points, Heroes already feel like they're in the post-merge phase and it really feels like anything can happen.

James was also definitely a lot less vocal in his first season. I think his reasoning was because he's a gravedigger and he was always the silent type. He had trouble fitting in the first season, but from then he's gradually become more open. I don't want to see him self destruct, but it looks like it's imminent at this rate.


xbhaskarx said:
I can't tell if that was intentional or not. :lol

Not intentional, I completely forgot that he was a grave digger :D

Is anyone else worried that the Survivor finale might be up against the Lost finale? I can only hope that the higher ups at CBS don't want go up against that on the 23rd of May.


Damn. My favorite gone after two episodes. :'(

Was annoying because from the looks of it, Steph's "opinion" in the challenge seemed to be the correct one, but they kept doubting her and it was actually James who kept dismantling progress by trying to get J.T.'s vision going. James' reasoning that she had to go had nothing to do with the challenge -- it was just because she was a supposed "curse" (from Palau), however, she was always the strongest player in her team's challenges so it's ironic that she was attributed with her team's failure.

But never mind, Stephenie's time has been and gone... she came back after Palau to be a finalist in Guatemala so she can be proud of that.

Now I don't know for whom to root! I think I kinda want Colby to win after giving up assured victory in The Australian Outback to settle for second... but they're kind of portraying him as a clumsy douche so far :lol
Oh man, James laying the truth down on Stephanie. I love him sooo much....shame he has almost no chance of winning it with the way he has been edited so far. He's trying to be more of a "talker" as he said he needed to be, but maybe he went too far. Either way, its a good thing he is trying to be more vocal in the early-game, where he is nigh-invincible because he is the best physical contestant in Survivor history (by far), so that he can gain power early.

I have to say I am very impressed by the overall level of play so far. Everyone knows what they are doing; no one seems to be a follower. Even Stephanie managed to almost save herself despite having a couple people who wanted her out before the season even began. My appreciation for Cirie's early game grew too; she puts herself to be an early swing vote every season. By doing this, she assures she is in the winning alliance until merge (rather than taking the risk of forming the losing alliance like Tom/Steph did) and gets rep from her alliance for giving them power. Her strategy lets her handpick her allies by comparing the relative strengths of the members of each alliance and determining who she wants to go to the end with, rather than having to run around begging for people to join her. The trouble with this strategy is that you often end on the outs of the alliance but she prevents that by choosing another person to be the swing vote with her, thus establishing her strongest ally early. Just fantastic play; she really is one of Survivor's great masterminds.

I wish the editing wasn't so haphazard, but this is shaping up to be a great season.


Anybody else be happy if this show was given 2-hour episodes every week? Frankly, it seems like a no-brainer programming decision for CBS considering how relatively cheap the show is, and especially this season. But maybe I'm wrong and 2-hour episodes would bog the freshness of the show down for a portion of the audience.

It's great stuff though. Whatever you wanna say about the editing... or the classification of this as "just a reality show"... this is real drama.


BowieZ said:
Anybody else be happy if this show was given 2-hour episodes every week? Frankly, it seems like a no-brainer programming decision for CBS considering how relatively cheap the show is, and especially this season. But maybe I'm wrong and 2-hour episodes would bog the freshness of the show down for a portion of the audience.

It's great stuff though. Whatever you wanna say about the editing... or the classification of this as "just a reality show"... this is real drama.

I wouldn't mind 2 hr episodes.

But really, most people don't have the attention span for it. They need to cram the hr with as much drama as possible.
BowieZ said:
Anybody else be happy if this show was given 2-hour episodes every week? Frankly, it seems like a no-brainer programming decision for CBS considering how relatively cheap the show is, and especially this season. But maybe I'm wrong and 2-hour episodes would bog the freshness of the show down for a portion of the audience.

It's great stuff though. Whatever you wanna say about the editing... or the classification of this as "just a reality show"... this is real drama.

I'm kinda mixed as to the direction the show has been going lately. It has become so much less about survival lately. Just watch what Season 2 went through and what these guys are complaining about and its night and day. The strategy has intensified, and players are much smarter now than before, but a lot of aspects of the game have been completely removed. Randy's comments in ep1 (something like "no one is going to get voted off because they couldn't started a fire) really highlights that.

But I guess that comes with removing reward challenges, something I am very happy about. Leaves more room for strategy, and less shots of starving people gourging themselves and laughing about it. I just wish there was more suffering out there; camp life needs to be a part of the game.

As far as your original question goes though, of course I'd like more Survivor. That'd be awesome. Perhaps the editing wouldn't be so confusing that way.


The point about editing in the survival aspect is a fair one, although I wonder if heading into its 20th season whether it's no longer as compelling as it once was 9 years ago.

Either way, I'm actually gonna have to disagree, because I think there's been a decent degree of surviving-the-elements shown so far. Catching chickens, fishing, Rob getting sick, the struggles of building shelter and starting fire... yes, a lot of this is now shown through the prism of strategy and characterization -- such as Cirie mocking Rupert's ego when failing firebuilding, or the Villains bitching about the way to build the best shelter and about prioritizing daily chores -- but isn't that a good thing? The show is about people surviving the elements and each other, and I think the first two episodes of this season has done a remarkable job of bringing it back to the basics: people surviving... considering the theme of the season and the potential for exaggeration, I wasn't expecting it.

EDIT: Even RUSSELL was humbled by the real-life danger of survival when he said he was genuinely worried about Rob.

BowieZ said:
The point about editing in the survival aspect is a fair one, although I wonder if heading into its 20th season whether it's no longer as compelling as it once was 9 years ago.

Either way, I'm actually gonna have to disagree, because I think there's been a decent degree of surviving-the-elements shown so far. Catching chickens, fishing, Rob getting sick, the struggles of building shelter and starting fire... yes, a lot of this is now shown through the prism of strategy and characterization -- such as Cirie mocking Rupert's ego when failing firebuilding, or the Villains bitching about the way to build the best shelter and about prioritizing daily chores -- but isn't that a good thing? The show is about people surviving the elements and each other, and I think the first two episodes of this season has done a remarkable job of bringing it back to the basics: people surviving... considering the theme of the season and the potential for exaggeration, I wasn't expecting it.

EDIT: Even RUSSELL was humbled by the real-life danger of survival when he said he was genuinely worried about Rob.


Yes, there are instances where survival is an element of the show. I am not saying it is completely gone from the show. But, I am telling you, rewatch the early seasons and watch these last 2 episodes. Survival was the key aspect of the game in the early seasons, now it is just a supplementary one. You had multiple episodes devoted entirely to survival with no strategy until Tribal (not saying thats good, but thats how it was edited back then). Part of it is that there is more strategy now and players aren't as simple with their thinking as they used to be, but a lot of it is because the conditions are easier.


G***n S**n*bi
Loving this season so far. I've only seen Samoa, but I can tell Boston Rob would have been a clear cut favorite of mine had I watched his season.

If Russell, James, Rob and Coach don't make it to the final 4 I am going to be very disappoint. Especially Russell. Because he is a man-god.


The Crimson Blur said:
Part of it is that there is more strategy now and players aren't as simple with their thinking as they used to be, but a lot of it is because the conditions are easier.
Really? Apparently Samoa was one of the toughest -- if not the toughest -- location ever, and that includes both Australia and Africa... at least that was the case for Season 19, with the cold non-stop rain of the monsoon season, but I'm sure this season is about the same, considering it was shot almost immediately afterwards on the neighboring island. So aren't you admittedly being fooled by the edit then? :p

Don't forget that the contestants have been given basically NOTHING by the producers this time, whereas they got rice and tools and a whole bunch of stuff in Australia, Africa and other seasons.

But yes, I agree that the conditions aren't as huge a factor as they once were, but I'm surprised at how much of a factor it's been, since Seasons 12-17 were all incredibly lite on the survival aspect, and it's another All-Stars season to boot.

Anyway, my point is simply that I think there's a nice balance in the most recent seasons, especially this season so far, of survival, challenges, strategy and tribal drama. :)

The Crimson Blur said:
I'm still pissed Kenny from Gabon wasn't picked over Sugar. Ugh.
I agree. It's unfortunate but it's just a question of them having more than enough memorable males to fill 5 male hero spots. Should have probably replaced James, but the producers have a hard-on for him... well, they may not any more lol.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
James was a total piece of shit tonight. Hope he gets eaten by a shark.

EDIT: I'm really happy Kenny didn't get picked.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Forceatowulf said:
James was in the right. Steph should have kept her mouth shut while the adults were talking.

No James acted like a 4 year old. Then the more he spoke at TC the more he revealed his lack intelligence by contradicting himself about 20 times in the span of 2 minutes.


Brian Fellows said:
No James acted like a 4 year old. Then the more he spoke at TC the more he revealed his lack intelligence by contradicting himself about 20 times in the span of 2 minutes.
:lol that was so funny.

"It's not ABOUT you, Steph. It's about YOU."
BowieZ said:
Really? Apparently Samoa was one of the toughest -- if not the toughest -- location ever, and that includes both Australia and Africa... at least that was the case for Season 19, with the cold non-stop rain of the monsoon season, but I'm sure this season is about the same, considering it was shot almost immediately afterwards on the neighboring island. So aren't you admittedly being fooled by the edit then? :p

Don't forget that the contestants have been given basically NOTHING by the producers this time, whereas they got rice and tools and a whole bunch of stuff in Australia, Africa and other seasons.

But yes, I agree that the conditions aren't as huge a factor as they once were, but I'm surprised at how much of a factor it's been, since Seasons 12-17 were all incredibly lite on the survival aspect, and it's another All-Stars season to boot.

Anyway, my point is simply that I think there's a nice balance in the most recent seasons, especially this season so far, of survival, challenges, strategy and tribal drama. :)

In Somoa? It rained I guess...But I mean, you are talking about Africa where they were scared to death of getting killed by Lions at night, where they had to get their water from a mudhole. Australia where their entire camp flooded and they had to move, where they ran out of food and the producers removed their shelter as a result, where they crossed a surging river to get their rice so they could eat for the night away from their shelter. Nothing like that happens now.

Sure, they haven't been given much so far, but the rewards are so much bigger. Just look at the auction. Back then, they sold 5 fries and ketchup for nearly all the money; and the biggest thing was a 1/2 pound cheeseburger. Rewards now are a stay at a hotel, a massage, 5 course meal, and a waterfall minimum. Not only that, but sure they were given more, but they also had to go on a large trek to carry all those supplies in the beginning rather than just landing in their camp.

But yeah, I am kinda including 12-17 in my definition of "recent" which maybe I shouldn't. Either way, nothing I have seen in 18-20 has convinced me that their emphasis on survival is that much different than the complete lack of it in 12-17.

BowieZ said:
I agree. It's unfortunate but it's just a question of them having more than enough memorable males to fill 5 male hero spots. Should have probably replaced James, but the producers have a hard-on for him... well, they may not any more lol.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I know it hasn't translated to immunity wins but JT, Colby, James, Rupert, and Tom is a really good male talent pool. Add in the likes of Stephen (Tocantins) and Ozzie and you get a male Hero pool that is really crowded. Either way, I think they could have fit him in somehow (even abolish the Hero v. Villain theme and take off someone like Randy or Tyson) and its a shame they didn't.

Brian Fellows said:
EDIT: I'm really happy Kenny didn't get picked.

Well I am sure you are happy with Sugar getting booted with no resistance because she is and always was a terrible player.

I want to see the guy who controlled his entire season give it another go. They almost always allow that (ex: Russell, Colby), so I don't know why they didn't with Kenny.

Brian Fellows said:
No James acted like a 4 year old. Then the more he spoke at TC the more he revealed his lack intelligence by contradicting himself about 20 times in the span of 2 minutes.

Oh please. Steph has like a 2-16 record in challenges (seriously, look it up, its ridiculous. Her tribes always lose) and James wins at just about everything he competes in. I'm gonna take the big strong guy on this one and tell the little girl to shut up while he tries to win her immunity. There was plenty of substance to his points too; both of those challenges were lost because there wasn't one voice leading the tribe. It was painfully obvious. Part of that was because Steph undermined everyone who tried to speak up.

His "ya'll" point was correct; he was talking to everyone after the immunity, not Steph directly, and she chimed in. Yes, later, during TC, he called her out, but not initially, (immediately after the immunity) which was what he was trying to get at. Colby and Tom tried to confuse this and looked like the asses in the end. Everything he said in that TC was true.


Interesting viewpoint on Steph V James.

The only thing I didn't like was the VERY END. She had already lost, been voted out, had her fire snuffed and just wanted to point out that "y'all" doesn't mean just her, and he still quite rudely bitched her out.

That was completely unnecessary after he already got his victory. Definitely too far.


Having said that, I don't really understand why he's even on the show. He was terrible on his original season - everybody knows the biggest bonehead move - and in the second he still wasn't that good, getting swindled by the all-girl powerplay.

In fact, why is he even aligned with Amanda this time? She screwed him over...

I agree that Cirie is playing a good game, she is a crafty player and just needs to win the final immunity challenge and she'll have a million!

And it was definitely too obvious that Rob wouldn't be taken out of the game based on the preview.

So, my totally random prediction of a villains loss didn't pan out this episode but I still think at some point they'll start losing and come merge time there'll be quite even numbers (definitely not Palau-style).


Finally, immunity idols. Is it well-known that they're definitely not coming back this season? Or is it just something that hasn't been mentioned and might still make an appearance?

They have already not done Exile Island, they have not done the "send one member of your tribe to the other tribe for a day", they have not done any clues for anything. It seems very "pure" Survivor....

I mention it because Russell certainly utilised his many idols to perfection in Samoa, and I wonder how awesome he can be without any idols to give him the self-confidence to play his mastermind games...


The Crimson Blur said:
In Somoa? It rained I guess...But I mean, you are talking about Africa where they were scared to death of getting killed by Lions at night, where they had to get their water from a mudhole. Australia where their entire camp flooded and they had to move, where they ran out of food and the producers removed their shelter as a result, where they crossed a surging river to get their rice so they could eat for the night away from their shelter. Nothing like that happens now.
I'm just going by what Jeff, the producers, and the contestants have said. Jeff has said Samoa was "perhaps the toughest location ever".

The Crimson Blur said:
I want to see the guy who controlled his entire season give it another go. They almost always allow that (ex: Russell, Colby), so I don't know why they didn't with Kenny.
I'm not sure but he might have said 'no'. Goes for any of the other favorites from past seasons. Some have come out and said they weren't asked and were disappointed, but Kenny and many others haven't been heard from so far.


BowieZ said:
:lol that was so funny.

"It's not ABOUT you, Steph. It's about YOU."


James is, has always been, and always will be, an idiot. But that's what keeps it fair, if he was even semi-intelligent, he would be way too powerful.


I doubt we'll see James after this, but he did win the prize for favorite survivor on both the seasons he was on so it's no surprise he was chosen.

I completely forgot about Ken and would have liked to see him back for sure. I was rooting for him/Krystal the whole way through just out of pure hatred for the entire opposing tribe. He would of been much more interesting a choice than Randy, I'm guessing he said no as well.

Oh and I always was surprised that more Survivors didn't make a smart remark or blow up right after being voted out. You see that in stuff like Big Brother all the time, but rarely in Survivor. I was wondering if there was maybe a rule against it.


Galang said:
Oh and I always was surprised that more Survivors didn't make a smart remark or blow up right after being voted out. You see that in stuff like Big Brother all the time, but rarely in Survivor. I was wondering if there was maybe a rule against it.
Nah just a lack of confidence.

Speaking of Crystal, did ya'll hear she got busted for being doped up during her gold-medal winning performance at Athens? :lol


BowieZ said:
Nah just a lack of confidence.

I think there is a rule against it. Right before reading the votes at the first tribal council every season, Probst tells everyone that once they are voted out, "the person must leave the tribal council area immediately."


xbhaskarx said:
I think there is a rule against it. Right before reading the votes at the first tribal council every season, Probst tells everyone that once they are voted out, "the person must leave the tribal council area immediately."
Hmm... I'm pretty sure you're allowed to speak and give a brief send-off as Steph did (many contestants have done this before); it's just to remind people that you're supposed to do the walk of shame straight away, with the epic orchestral music, rather than go chat to other people or run around naked :p
xbhaskarx said:
I think there is a rule against it. Right before reading the votes at the first tribal council every season, Probst tells everyone that once they are voted out, "the person must leave the tribal council area immediately."

Yeah, you aren't supposed to talk but there is no penalty so I guess people don't care.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The Crimson Blur said:
Well I am sure you are happy with Sugar getting booted with no resistance because she is and always was a terrible player.

I want to see the guy who controlled his entire season give it another go. They almost always allow that (ex: Russell, Colby), so I don't know why they didn't with Kenny.

What does Sugar have to do with Kenny not making it?

I'd much rather see Todd back than Kenny. He controlled the game and didn't get beat by Sugar.

He was also funny and far less annoying than Kenny obnoxious little video game geek.


I really like James, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed and acted like a complete douchebag last night at tribal council. I was yelling at him through my TV to just shut the fuck up. Continuously harping on the same thing is just going to get you in trouble, especially this early in the game. I bet he's gone by the next 3-4 episodes. They'll need to keep him around for a while because of his strength, but at some point, his D-baginess will wear thin and the rest of the tribe just won't give a fuck about his physicality any more.


Plus if she was voted off, we'd be losing arguably the hottest survivor in history. She needs to stay on the show till the end (you can kick cirie off though) and keep eating, so she doesn't turn into a bag of bones. Oh yeah, and keep the glasses on. Yes, I'm this shallow.


BowieZ said:
Nah just a lack of confidence.

Speaking of Crystal, did ya'll hear she got busted for being doped up during her gold-medal winning performance at Athens? :lol

Wow never heard that at all! Definitely explains a lot! Makes sense considering how much she people were wondering how she could be a gold medalist and yet suck at so many challenges...:lol


xbhaskarx said:
That was a really bad episode all around.

-We got no sense of how incompetent the villains shelter-building was because they barely showed it, yet we get 10 minutes of people bitching about how frustrated they are.
-The Boston Rob medical emergency was pretty much him needing some water.
-What was the Rupert-Stephanie coconut thing all about? The way they edited it, that didn't really make much sense either.
-Only one challenge, for both immunity and reward, and not a very interesting one, especially after last week.
-Either they really edited out everything Stephanie said back to Rupert/James, or James has completely lost his mind, because we got 20 minutes of James yelling at Stephanie.
-As someone said above, both sides were cringe-worthy at tribal council.
-It never seemed like Cirie was going to consider voting with the Stephanie side so the ending was not at all surprising.
Yeah, the first episode Cirie was pushing WAY TOO HARD to vote off Steph, why the heck would she not take this chance .. I saw the result of this TC miles away, predicted last week that either Tom/Steph would go without even knowing Steph's fallout with James/Rupert.

What the fuck is wrong with Rupert? Seems like the biggest douche on the Heroes tribe.

Respect +2 for Boston Rob. I hated this guy to no end the two times earlier he was on the show. However he looks like a much different player now .. we'll see. He's single-handedly won 2 challenges so far.
Anyone see the commercial for this week's ep? Looks totally great. Lots of rifts in the villains tribe if there weren't enough already in the Heroes. This is gonna be the greatest season.
irfan said:
Respect +2 for Boston Rob. I hated this guy to no end the two times earlier he was on the show. However he looks like a much different player now .. we'll see. He's single-handedly won 2 challenges so far.

He did that kinda stuff on All-Stars, too. He really is underrated as a challenge-demon - most likely because of his nefarious strategic reputation.


Tim the Wiz said:
He did that kinda stuff on All-Stars, too. He really is underrated as a challenge-demon - most likely because of his nefarious strategic reputation.
I know, he's growing on me.

ErasureAcer said:
Anyone see the commercial for this week's ep? Looks totally great. Lots of rifts in the villains tribe if there weren't enough already in the Heroes. This is gonna be the greatest season.
You mean the Heroes tribe, right? All I saw in the preview was
Physical challenge where members of each tribe go 1 on 1 and push the other one into water with a sack :lol and James looked like he pushed some one into the orbit as Tom was later lecturing him to be "gentler"


I just got around to watching this. I didn't watch Steph's season so I don't really care that she left. Everyone who is playing up this whole division thing on the Heroes tribe is obnoxious. James, Tom, Steph, and Colby really got on my nerves and I found myself rooting for Candice and Cirie to come out on top of that tribe even though I didn't like either of them on previous seasons.

I think something big is gonna have to happen before Russell or Rob step up to take each other on. Rob probably doesn't even know Russell exists at this point. Russell pulls his weight around camp (as much as the other guys anyway, Rob excluded) and does incredibly well in challenges. They'll definitely start voting out whoever loses them challenges or some of the weaker girls first. The lines will need to be drawn a little more clearly before Russell can make his move as it seems everyone wants to have Rob's kids at the moment.

On the topic of Ken, I don't know why you guys are putting him as a potential hero, he was very clearly a villain to me, and I really liked him. I think he should have Randy's spot honestly since he doesn't seem to be of any entertainment value yet. Of which, Tyson needs to open his mouth more.


can someone explain to me why Rupert is popular?

The guy is a boring douche. He is also useless. He should have been voted off.

I don't get it.


pel1300 said:
can someone explain to me why Rupert is popular?

The guy is a boring douche. He is also useless. He should have been voted off.

I don't get it.
He was less boring in Season 7 and 8, if you go back and watch them. (He was energetic, had a moving personal story to unfold, and was a breath of fresh air.)

Maybe the editors don't want him to win Sprint Player of the Season AGAAIN so are making a point of showing all his down-in-the-dumps skewing-negative footage.

Keep in mind, though, we're only two episodes in, and ANYTHING can happen. :D


BowieZ said:
He was less boring in Season 7 and 8, if you go back and watch them. (He was energetic, had a moving personal story to unfold, and was a breath of fresh air.)

Right, Rupert was super his first season (didn't he, like Tom, kill a shark?), merely good his second season, and so far has been close to unbearable.
If he hasn't changed and they're just editing it like that, it probably means he'll be gone soon.
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