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Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Thursdays at 8:00pm ET/PT (beginning Feb. 4th)!

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Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
BowieZ said:
He was less boring in Season 7 and 8, if you go back and watch them. (He was energetic, had a moving personal story to unfold, and was a breath of fresh air.)

He was pathetic cry baby in season 7 and an overbearing fuck up in season 8.
Just like last season, they aren't really focusing on the tribe that wins the challenges and giving most of the airtime to the losing tribe that has to go to council. I bet Russell has been making tons of plays around camp, but they aren't showing any of it this season really besides the dumb girl alliance part 2:lol He really hasn't had to scheme though, since the villains keep winning. Once they lose a challenge Russell will unleash the beast:D Hopefully he isn't too worn out from last season though. I think there were only 8 days between seasons, so the guy hasn't gotten a chance to recover. Also, they have haven't shown him look for immunity idols, which you know he has been unless they told contestants there weren't any this year.


I think a lot of you guys are looking too far into the whole editing thing. No doubt that it has an effect, but there have been some damn near unbearable people making it to the finish and some really likable guys gone early . Maybe Rupert was awesome his first season and really does suck this season and they're reflecting that rather than cutting up bits and pieces to make him look awesome then and a douche now.


I used to laugh at how full of shit that dude was (I won't even say his name, because it's not his name. Colby isn't calling himself "Captain") but now I'm just so sick of his schtick. Jamez needs to release his anger on that guy's face. If they cut to him doing ridiculous poses on the beach, I'm going to change the channel and never come back.


A bit late, but wow the Heroes absolutely owned that challenge. Every single member scored. :lol Hope Russell and Parvati are safe.
Preview thoughts
Rob is a little late with saying its over for Russell when it looks like they've released an immunity idol in each camp.

Honestly though I'm liking Coach more this season. He's who I'm rooting for on the Villains tribe...although I didn't get his editing whatsoever this episode. Quoting MLK Jr. :lol

What was up with the Rupert vs Coach slow mo zoom-ins on their eyes? Possible final 2?
ErasureAcer said:
Honestly though I'm liking Coach more this season. He's who I'm rooting for on the Villains tribe...although I didn't get his editing whatsoever this episode. Quoting MLK Jr. :lol

Don't forget the way the 'inspirational' music was swelling in the background during his speech. Utterly hilarious.


ErasureAcer said:
Preview thoughts
Rob is a little late with saying its over for Russell when it looks like they've released an immunity idol in each camp.

Honestly though I'm liking Coach more this season. He's who I'm rooting for on the Villains tribe...although I didn't get his editing whatsoever this episode. Quoting MLK Jr. :lol

What was up with the Rupert vs Coach slow mo zoom-ins on their eyes? Possible final 2?

that's just the show making fun of Coach.

They like to play over the top epic music with slow mo when Coach is up to a physical task.


That's one person I dislike gone!

The Coach quotes were hilarious. :lol I hated him on the season he was on, despite the entertainment value. I've really warmed up to him this season a lot though.

And let the idol hunt begin, I'm surprised Russell never bothered to search for them already. Or maybe they didn't show it, I have faith he'll find it in the next episode. Hope he gets his chance to be victorious over Rob in the long run.
Danielle was looking fine this episode.

Little sad to see Randy go. Not sure who I would have chosen but eh.

And I wish we could have had some Heroes time at the end. They can't do a half-reward challenge and then not see them enjoying it. And did James bring an old hidden immunity idol as his belonging? :lol

Final thought, wish we could have seen more stuff on the machete and I wish Russel did take the hat for a day or two. :lol
VGChampion said:
Danielle was looking fine this episode.

And did James bring an old hidden immunity idol as his belonging? :lol
She needs way more screen time. Didnt watch her season and she doesnt get on camera much so far but i hope she hangs around for a bit

ha i missed that but if he did and he can use it thats kinda smart of him. James is my alltime favorite player but he is rubbing everyone the wrong way

Also im not sure if they started doing it this season because i havent been watching the past few but i like having the challenge and immunity being the same thing. It helps with the shows pacing.
Loved the title for this episode - "That Girl is Like a Virus".

The way they're editing this Coach guy is hilarious. The poses and singing on the beach with the rising sun, the close-up shot of his eyes in the heat of battle, quoting a speech given by MLK Jr. as uplifting music fills the background (and him not even following through). Completely ridiculous and helplessly entertaining.

Russell has probably been looking for the hidden immunity idol since day one, but it'll be interesting to see if the seemingly-inevitable will occur: Will he get it, without any clues, again?


Tim the Wiz said:
Loved the title for this episode - "That Girl is Like a Virus".

The way they're editing this Coach guy is hilarious. The poses and singing on the beach with the rising sun, the close-up shot of his eyes in the heat of battle, quoting a speech given by MLK Jr. as uplifting music fills the background (and him not even following through). Completely ridiculous and helplessly entertaining.

Russell has probably been looking for the hidden immunity idol since day one, but it'll be interesting to see if the seemingly-inevitable will occur: Will he get it, without any clues, again?
You didn't see the coach, JT and Tyson season?

That sucks for you, coach was so awesome that season. This mlk speech just barely taps into his awesomeness


My theory is that James is sick of winning the 100k fan vote, he's being a total dick. I like it though, fuck Randy, get yer ass outta the fucking mud.


What a great episode! Had everything! And yes, I agree that merging the reward challenge with the immunity challenge improves the pacing of the show and allows greater time to be devoted to camp life struggles and interpersonal conflict.

While the first 25 minutes or so was fairly slow (a good thing imho), it ramped up for the last half and there were so many hilarious moments. I definitely laughed out loud more than once.

- The fight between Rob/Russell/Coach over who's the "daddy" of the Villains tribe ("Nobody knows who they messin' with out here... it's Russell Hantz! Give me a break!")
- Russell stealing the machete and dissin' on the Red Sox
- Coach's gregorian chant staring into the sun :lol
- Nobody wanting Randy to be the provider
- Colby going MENTAL at the challenge and Jerri getting freaked out by his testosterone
- Dragon Slayer v. Pirate (parts 1 and 2 lol) :D :D
- Tyson hugging and kissing J.T. after a sensual mud wrestle haha
- Danielle looking SOO FUG lol with the dirt all over her face and in her teeth ("this sucks")
- Colby finally proving some semblance of manhood by beating Rob
- James: "Get yo ass up!" ... "Grab that bag, don't talk now" ... "Oh get yo [bleep] ass outta the [mud]"
- Courtney pointing out that James is on the wrong team
- James bringing one of his infamous Chinese immunity idols as a luxury idol
- Parvati vs. Jerri (holy shit how evil did Parvati look!)
- Jerri wanting to bottle up Parvati's powerful charms :lol
- Coach: "There's nobody out here that's honorable any more... except for me" and the MLK quote :lol :D
- Various bitchfights at Tribal (Courtney: "I'd argue I was also one of those contenders [who had the worst shelter]")
- Russell respecting the game and Coach respecting that he respects it
- Randy burning his buff! Classic.


dammit......really wanted Parvati to go, it will be even more difficult to get rid of her now that Randy is gone. Coach and Jerri are absolutely right about her, she is a virus and nobody seems to notice it

reward/immunity challenge was hilarious.....slow motion coach & rupert :lol, James taking out Randy :lol :lol

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I was hoping Parvati would go too. She just makes me want to vomit. Not that she isn't good looking but there is just something about her that makes my skin crawl.

And I'm liking Jerri a lot more than in previous seasons. The line about bottling Parvati's charm was good.


I'll just say that after three episodes of ZERO MENTION, I was kinda hoping there'd be no immunity idol all season.

That preview, I guess, doesn't bode well...
ShyGuy said:
I'll just say that after three episodes of ZERO MENTION, I was kinda hoping there'd be no immunity idol all season.

That preview, I guess, doesn't bode well...

Why would you think so? It's become a huge part of the game for the latter half of the show's seasons.


ShyGuy said:
I'll just say that after three episodes of ZERO MENTION, I was kinda hoping there'd be no immunity idol all season.

That preview, I guess, doesn't bode well...
You never know, they may tease the contestants by having hints to a secret stash of food or something... would be hilarious watching them frenzy over nothing.


Funny episode last night. The coach shtick is so over the top ridiculous I can't believe he can even take himself seriously. The zoned out celebration when he thought he won the challenge and Probst yelling "coach, no, coach, doesn't count" was :lol

Preview for next week looks good too, Coach crying because he realizes everyone thinks of him as a joke. Hint coach, you are.


Tim the Wiz said:
Loved the title for this episode - "That Girl is Like a Virus".

I loved this title as well. I would personally say Parvati is one of the biggest threats to ever play the game socially and I they'll regret it if they don't get her out soon. Especially teaming up with Russell, they can do a lot of damage together. She allures people so easily and they fall for it over and over again. Even I'm smitten by her and I'm not even interested in girls. :lol

I would also think once a merge happened, Amanda and Cirie wouldn't be stupid enough to bring her to the end again. I highly doubt James would fall for her again if he gets far, but he's not exactly the brightest anyway.

I didn't notice that James actually brought the immunity idol as a belonging either. :lol I hope that will serve him as a good reminder as to his mistakes the first time. Wasn't it also initially Amanda's decision to gamble on voting him out with the first two idols the first time? He really should work on building better alliances this time.


Man, that preview looks like it was cut straight from last season.

I think three different episodes last season had people scrambling through the jungle looking for an idol followed by: "Russell's going home this week".

I hope he stays alive, I'd really like to see him bury/burn more things. Everyone backing Rob really has to be messing with his game, he can't make a move until Rob slips or the merge comes. He had it smooth with Betsy and Marisa, lets see how he handles taking out people who have a backing. I'm pulling for Russell to come out on top just because I don't find Rob entertaining this season.
What an entertaining episode. This season is amazing. The strategy is fantastic, there is great drama, and the challenges are very entertaining. This is shaping up to be the best Survivor season yet. So awesome.

And I love how everyone says "we won't let Parvati's charm swoo us!" and then they bow down to her she-god powers. Her line about how voting Randy off would make the Heroes have to sit one of their guys next challenge shows how high level this game is being played at. People aren't falling for simple tactics either (ex: Coach trying to peel Russ off his strongest ally so that he can be the bottom of a totem pole).

Freaking awesome.


It's weird that they didn't show that, because that seems like exactly the kind of thing Russell was hoping to create when he buried it. I hope he walks back on with it next episode


Shalashaska said:
I'm loving this season. However, I'm pretty choked that some idiot spoiled the top 3 for me.

Me too.

As for last nights episode - not at all surprised to see Randy go. He's never been a good player so I'm not sure how he made it into an All-Star type of game. If memory serves, he was the moron that fell for a fake immunity idol, tried to play it, then got laughed at by everyone including Probst. I don't think Randy even seriously tried to make any alliances out there this time. He's a loner. He's got no family, other than his dog who died right before he started playing his season, and he's also bitter about life and pretty much anyone he has to interact with. He's always had that kind of attitude like he's above having to play the social part of Survivor. If you think Russell Hantz doesn't have a clue how to play the social game, then Randy wrote the damn book.

Oh.. and I've also always hated Boston Rob with a passion. But he is growing on me this season and his little speech about watching where people sleep at night to predict who they are aligned with seems rather obvious, but something I had honestly never thought of before.
Randy was brought back solely for entertainment value. Is his last season, he was a giant and intentional dick who seemed to enjoy being an asshole to everyone. This season, he was just a loner and didn't say or do much.
Codeblue said:
It's weird that they didn't show that, because that seems like exactly the kind of thing Russell was hoping to create when he buried it. I hope he walks back on with it next episode

They didn't show it, because it would have messed with the (false) narrative tension of the episode, which was Parvati being on the chopping block right next to Randy. And yes, Russell achieved exactly what he wanted by hiding the machete. It significantly lowered the odds of his alliance with Parvati being broken up - most of the tribe wanted to vote Randy out already, the machete just presented them with the excuse.


I'm glad Randy made it back regardless, he's always been interesting to watch. He's not going to react like a typical person, he doesn't play the social game at all, and is very forward about things. That said, he was totally right about Parvati, he made a convincing argument but just didn't have the delivery and persistence to back it. He had a good game plan and idea of the game but no one would listen. If Parvati makes it to the merge she will likely raise hell.

At this point, I can't tell if Parvati is playing Russell or the other way around. He would have been way better off with Danielle alone, it seemed fairly obvious that a past winner was going to have a massive target on her back.

Good point Tim, I really wish they would air a real version online or something. I wouldn't mind sitting through two hours if we could get a more raw version of what was happening.


Coolio McAwesome said:
Apparently the tribe pinned the missing machete on Randy. The prevailing theory was that he threw it into the ocean because he was bitter. When he was confronted about it, Randy refused to dignify the accusations with a response and essentially sealed his own fate.


I completely forgot about the machete incident, they didn't mention it was missing until tribal. Wish they had shown more, but interesting for them to accuse Randy.


G***n S**n*bi
Parvity is so delicious. I hope she sticks around a lot longer, not only for her deliciousness but also because of her alliance with King Russel. That alliance is unquestionably the most dangerous on the island.

Fucking love it.
Codeblue said:
At this point, I can't tell if Parvati is playing Russell or the other way around. He would have been way better off with Danielle alone, it seemed fairly obvious that a past winner was going to have a massive target on her back.

I think they're both playing each other, but the question is which one will be more successful. A big part of that will probably be determined by how things shape up on the Heroes tribe, and if Parvati has any friends to flip with at the merge.


Codeblue said:
At this point, I can't tell if Parvati is playing Russell or the other way around.

He would have been way better off with Danielle alone, it seemed fairly obvious that a past winner was going to have a massive target on her back.

1. Things can change at any time but at this point Russell is clearly playing Parvati.
-Russell has another alliance with Danielle, that Parvati doesn't know about, whereas Parvati doesn't seem to have an alliance with anyone else.
-When they first made the alliance Parvati said she would be his ally but she didn't really trust him, this week after Russell told her she was a target Parvati said she doesn't trust anyone on the tribe but Russell.

2. Allying with a past winner could work in someone's favor. Let's say those two people are dominant members of a majority alliance, after picking off other players eventually they may turn on each other, and it would be easier for the Russell type to convince others to side with him over a past winner.
But I don't think it will get that far in this case because Parvati has two strikes against her, even worse than being a past winner is having played with four people from the opposing tribe who are all still in the game.

Coolio McAwesome said:
Apparently the tribe pinned the missing machete on Randy. The prevailing theory was that he threw it into the ocean because he was bitter. When he was confronted about it, Randy refused to dignify the accusations with a response and essentially sealed his own fate.


God, I hate when they don't include footage that is both awesome and completely relevant...
I'm thinking Russell may not go very far, otherwise they would have played this up more, as clever Russell getting the rest of the tribe to turn against Randy, protecting his ally.


xbhaskarx said:
2. Allying with a past winner could work in someone's favor. Let's say those two people are dominant members of a majority alliance, after picking off other players eventually they may turn on each other, and it would be easier for the Russell type to convince others to side with him over a past winner.
I'm not sure about this. Aren't these two points contradictory? Why would it be beneficial to side with a past winner? Isn't it because a jury would be less likely to award them the money a second time? (This is arguable, of course.) Then wouldn't the same apply to a Final 4 or Final 5 situation? Aren't players likely to keep Parvati over Russell if the choice came down to it?

But again, therein lies the question. Will the jury refuse to give another $1M to a past winner, or will they be more inclined to hail them as "yes, you are the greatest player ever, you deserve to win twice"?


I think it was posted before but I can't remember for sure.

This season was filmed directly after the last one, so no one knows anything about Russel, right?
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