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Swine Flu pandemic approaches

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iby.h said:
2 cases confirmed in Florida today.

Yeah one of them is at my buddy's ex high school. It's like 10 minutes from where I work. We've been looking for tickets to Cancun. They're pretty cheap.
Well, we've had some twists and turns in this thread but its all coming to an end...for now.

Until the next mass killing (insert name) flu, I say goodbye.

*waits for someone to say "WAAAAAAAAAIT!!! ITZ NOT OFFICIALY OVERZZZZZ!!!!"
Artadius said:
Interesting article on the backlog the CDC is facing to confirm cases: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090430/D97T2ALO1.html

The following quote kind of puts it in perspective:


:lol :lol :lol


gnarkill bill said:
Well, we've had some twists and turns in this thread but its all coming to an end...for now.


Second UK flu transfer case found
A second person in the UK catches swine flu without having visited Mexico, tests have confirmed.

The news follows the case of Graeme Pacitti from Falkirk, who was infected after contact with the first Britons to develop the flu, Iain and Dawn Askham.

The UK's second "onward transmission" case is thought to be a 42-year-old man from South Gloucestershire.

Meanwhile, a new case of swine flu has been announced in South-East England, bringing the UK total to 13.

Mr Pacitti himself told the BBC he was really "disappointed" to find out he had contracted the illness.

He plays in the same six-a-side football team as the UK's first swine flu patient Iain Askham.

He said he had been given the anti-viral drug Tamiflu as a precaution after meeting him in a pub.

Now confined to home, Mr Pacitti said by telephone: "Today I started to feel better than I have done all week. I'm quite gutted."



There are a couple of things that I will never understand why they're deemed newsworthy. Cases of people who haven't been to mexico getting it is high on the list. It's clear the virus is human-human transmissible, and has been for a long time. Is there supposed to be a bubble around mexicans and people who visited mexico or something?


maharg said:
There are a couple of things that I will never understand why they're deemed newsworthy. Cases of people who haven't been to mexico getting it is high on the list. It's clear the virus is human-human transmissible, and has been for a long time. Is there supposed to be a bubble around mexicans and people who visited mexico or something?


Fear is always newsworthy, it sells.
I've been coming down with a moderately bleh cold the past few days...I went to meet the inspector for the house my wife and I are buying and the realtor looked at me as though I were the grim specter of Death himself. :lol Every time I sniffled a little I think she went a shade paler.


Whoever mentioned the book The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plauge in History - thanks; it's an excellent book!

Obviously the circumstances here are much different than in 1918, but I can see why the WHO is concerned.

Viruses are fascinating yet horrifying at the same time.


Unconfirmed Member
smurfx said:
i'm glad i get my flu news from this thread. looks like the media is over blowing this to get ratings.
I'm trying to imagine what is scarier - that someone didn't realize the media overblows everything, or that someone is coming to GAF for their news. :lol


y'all should be ashamed
We're having an engagement party for my sister tomorrow, and this will be in the backyard:


We already had the pig and found some painters masks we had lying about. :D


Monroeski said:
I'm trying to imagine what is scarier - that someone didn't realize the media overblows everything, or that someone is coming to GAF for their news. :lol

Why is that scary? This thread being a good example, I prefer seeing news on GAF first before American media channels/sites. Not only do I get the main story with no BS excluding poster opinions, but with news sites/channels it takes at least a day or two before they report the same story, and then they put some sort of spin on it. Especially when it comes to internet stories.

And let's not even talk about video game news.

Dead Man

chubigans said:
We're having an engagement party for my sister tomorrow, and this will be in the backyard:


We already had the pig and found some painters masks we had lying about. :D[/QUOTE]
Nice. These were in my towns shopping district a few days ago:

So (and this has probably been mentioned) AFAIK, this is nothing to worry about for the moment.

The danger is a late summer/fall "2nd wave" that lives up to the hype.


The media ringing the doomsday alarm so carelessly might dampen the public's reaction when there really is a threat of a second Spanish flu.


Trurl said:
The media ringing the doomsday alarm so carelessly might dampen the public's reaction when there really is a threat of a second Spanish flu.

They should start telling the people that we're dealing with an unknown virus. Either it will mutate into something even milder, or it will become mortal during the next season. It's a matter of chance (or maybe not?).

I have a question for all those who know about virus/virology:

Wouldn't it be better if we all got purposedly exposed to this new virus now that it has a very mild behaviour so that our immune systems start recognizing it?

I mean, that's usual for Varicella. Parents expose their children to kids who have the disease since you basically develop the immunity as soon as you get exposed once. That way you exponentially decrease the chances for it to develop during adulthood when it is very likely for it to be lethal.


Trurl said:
The media ringing the doomsday alarm so carelessly might dampen the public's reaction when there really is a threat of a second Spanish flu.

There's a fine line between prevention and panic. You do not want people becoming complacent. For instance, knowing that there is swine flu on my campus, I will be much more aware of my body and surroundings.

The problem is, people are never rational with stuff like this. The media certainly needs to chill out with the doomsday predictions, but the information really needs to be out there.


deadbeef said:
Most people didn't. Do you mean you were never vaccinated against it?

Pretty sure I wasn't vaccinated against it either.
I feel like adding fuel to this fire.

Whenever I see news photos of lay people with masks, they're wearing basic stuff like this:

Masks like these are actually optimized to prevent spread (i.e., those already infected).

If you want to survive the impending zombie apocalypse, then you need one of these bad boys:

The Type N95 respirator. Even has a cool name. Looks like a basic painter's mask, but this one is more heavy-duty. Whenever health staff visit patients with tuberculosis in their negative-pressure isolation chambers, they wear these things, which are relatively more air-tight on the sides. Good enough for TB, good enough for flu and cheaper than a gas mask.



hockeypuck said:
I feel like adding fuel to this fire.

Whenever I see news photos of lay people with masks, they're wearing basic stuff like this:

Masks like these are actually optimized to prevent spread (i.e., those already infected).

If you want to survive the impending zombie apocalypse, then you need one of these bad boys:

The Type N95 respirator. Even has a cool name. Looks like a basic painter's mask, but this one is more heavy-duty. Whenever health staff visit patients with tuberculosis in their negative-pressure isolation chambers, they wear these things, which are relatively more air-tight on the sides. Good enough for TB, good enough for flu and cheaper than a gas mask.

fuck that!
This is what I will be using
Does anyone else here listen to NPR? I'm really disappointed in how their news programs have latched onto this swine flu nonsense. They mention it every time I turn on the radio.


hockeypuck said:
If you want to survive the impending zombie apocalypse, then you need one of these bad boys:

The Type N95 respirator. Even has a cool name. Looks like a basic painter's mask, but this one is more heavy-duty. Whenever health staff visit patients with tuberculosis in their negative-pressure isolation chambers, they wear these things, which are relatively more air-tight on the sides. Good enough for TB, good enough for flu and cheaper than a gas mask.

Good luck finding some N95 masks. I got a hold of one that I keep sealed just in case. The government has bought them all up and even hospitals are having a hard time increasing stock. Cipro, tamiflu, and N95 masks would definitely be in my zombie kit. That and shotguns and shells.
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