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Swine Flu pandemic approaches

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Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
idahoblue said:
Who told them they can't come back?

Hmm, I think it's an agreement between the school board, county and one of the health organizations. I'll have to ask.

Dead Man

kozmo7 said:
Hmm, I think it's an agreement between the school board, county and one of the health organizations. I'll have to ask.
Yeah, just curious, it seem really draconian, especially for kids. I can see not letting them back to school, maybe. But to not let them back in the state?


Is H2N3 possibly causing Mexican deaths rather than H1N1?

Everyone is blaming H1N1, but could a different strain of Influenza be the cause of Mexican deaths? Clinica - a news source for the medical technology industry - wonders what implications that would have for Mexico and the rest of the world.

Clinica is investigating the details and significance of Mexican health ministry statements that the H2N3 influenza virus was responsible for the majority of cases tested in an influenza outbreak in early April, three weeks before H1N1 came on the scene.

The existence of an additional strain of the disease would raise fundamental questions concerning the management of the swine flu epidemic internationally.

Comments made by Mexican health minister José Angel Córdova Villalobos during an April 27 press conference refer to the investigation of an outbreak reported in Perote, Veracruz, on April 2. The response on that day is said to have triggered a local alert and that in looking for the influenza virus, the majority of cases tested were H2N3.

Clinica said they have not been able to ascertain from the health ministry the details behind these assertions, and that they await a response from the World Health Organization (WHO) to a request for feedback related to the presence or otherwise of H2N3 in Mexico, and the potential implications.

In terms of national pandemic control policies, the UK's Health Protection Agency said that its current screening of suspected cases is being targeted at detecting H1N1 and that, in not monitoring H2N3, the presence of this virus would not be revealed automatically.

What would be the implications of undiscovered H2N3 infection, such as in cleared suspected cases of H1N1? Would the co-presence of H2N3 fill in the ongoing gaps in understanding of H1N1's higher mortality rates in Mexico?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That would explain a few things, but still...
wow, very confusing


I know. Once again.

OnLive - Check
H1N1 Is The Wrong Strain - Check
5 Games Being Ported or Developed for Larrabee - Waiting
Selling My TTWO Shares at $25.75 When EA Offered $25, Before They Followed With A $25.75 Offer - Check
Xbox 360 "Special Camera" - Waiting



Pigs on a Canadian farm have been infected with the new swine flu virus — apparently by a farm worker back from Mexico — and are under quarantine, officials said Saturday. It is the first known case of pigs having the virus.
But officials quickly urged caution. Swine flu regularly causes outbreaks in pigs, and the pigs do not pose a food safety risk, Dr. Brian Evans, executive vice president with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, told a news conference.

The officials said the pigs in the province of Alberta were thought to be infected by a Canadian farm worker who recently visited Mexico and got sick after returning to Canada.

The traveler has recovered, and the estimated 200 sickened pigs are recovering as well, officials said. No pigs have died, and officials said they don't think the flu has spread beyond the farm.

Normally, detecting influenza in pigs would not generate a response from food safety officials, but the current circumstances are different with the international flu outbreak, Evans said.

We are surrounded! Everyone into the Atlantic and/or Pacific!


Bane was better.

I was at the grocery store and randomly started sneezing today. It hasn't stopped since! My nose has been leaking and sneezing for almost 12 hours now.



Thai said:

I was at the grocery store and randomly started sneezing today. It hasn't stopped since! My nose has been leaking and sneezing for almost 12 hours now.


SapientWolf said:
One upside to all this is that pork is pretty cheap these days.
Enjoy your bacon while you still can:

Farmer may have given swine flu to pigs, Canada says


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova said there were 11 cases of people suspected to have died in Mexico from the virus in the previous 24 hours. The alarming news came after the epidemic's toll in Mexico appeared to have been leveling off.

This news just seems odd. All of a sudden 11 more people are suspected of dying in one day--after there are only 19 deaths confirmed so far? Something just doesn't sound right about this.


Manager said:
A Swede who visited USA now got it and brought it to Sweden, thanks America!
Hey, don't blame me. I was for banning all you Swedish bitches from the US, but it fell on deaf ears.


Seems like the branding failed too, the same sites/newspapers who called it "the new flu" that day is now calling it "Flu A" (= a flu that isn't normal, like all the HxNx flus).


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
So this isn't the end of the world??

what should ido with all the canned food and bottled water I bought


People with HIV are at high risk from the new flu strain that the World Health Organisation said is on the verge of a pandemic, the WHO said on Saturday.

The United Nations agency said people with immunodeficiency diseases -- including the AIDS virus -- will most likely be vulnerable to health complications from the H1N1 strain, as they are from regular seasonal flu, which kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people a year.

HIV and the new flu strain could also mix together in a dangerous way, as has occurred with HIV and tuberculosis, the WHO said in guidance for health workers on its website.

Thats it, I am going in mah bunker for the rest of the month.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
So me, wife and baby are all sick. Flu like symptoms. We call the doc Saturday am, she says, "I'll be there in a half hour." (This is in the US, so you can imagine how surprised we were.)

She pulls up, puts on bootees, hazmat suit, gloves and mask before even coming in. She makes her assistant wait outside. Tests all of us for type A and B flu. Takes strep culture. Tests are a matter of minutes, we're all negative for A and B flu, so statistically, almost impossible that we have swine flu.

It looked like the scene from ET when the governement shows up. Ridculous. Still no idea what we have, but probably some nasty daycare virus, which is where the world's deadliest strains are developed, as far as I can tell.

Just then Crate and Barrel shows up to deliver a couch. The look of terror in those men's eyes when they saw the scene inside was hilarious. I walk downstairs to tell the assistant to move the car so they can get the couch in through the garage. She rolls the window down, like a crack, then quickly scoots it back up again.

OOh and they are constantly calling the CDC for advice, the whole time she was there.

Also, nasal flu swab is no joke, she was poking my brain.

ALaz502 said:
Odd, I wonder why on May 3rd there are three times more cases than all the previous days averaged out.

Samples being checked in batches.


dgenx said:
So this isn't the end of the world??

what should ido with all the canned food and bottled water I bought
Save it for flu wave 2, geophysical changes and complete economic collapse :p
OuterWorldVoice said:
So me, wife and baby are all sick. Flu like symptoms. We call the doc Saturday am, she says, "I'll be there in a half hour." (This is in the US, so you can imagine how surprised we were.)

She pulls up, puts on bootees, hazmat suit, gloves and mask before even coming in. She makes her assistant wait outside. Tests all of us for type A and B flu. Takes strep culture. Tests are a matter of minutes, we're all negative for A and B flu, so statistically, almost impossible that we have swine flu.

It looked like the scene from ET when the governement shows up. Ridculous. Still no idea what we have, but probably some nasty daycare virus, which is where the world's deadliest strains are developed, as far as I can tell.
You're joking, right? My sarcasm detector is in the shop.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
hockeypuck said:
You're joking, right? My sarcasm detector is in the shop.

100% serious. I should add they escalated when they found out I was in Houston last week and on a flight which was on its second leg from Mexico City. And I ate Cochinita Pibil at Hugo's in Houston. Oink nom nom.


People with HIV are at high risk from the new flu strain that the World Health Organisation said is on the verge of a pandemic, the WHO said on Saturday.

The United Nations agency said people with immunodeficiency diseases -- including the AIDS virus -- will most likely be vulnerable to health complications from the H1N1 strain, as they are from regular seasonal flu, which kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people a year.

HIV and the new flu strain could also mix together in a dangerous way, as has occurred with HIV and tuberculosis, the WHO said in guidance for health workers on its website.
Ripclawe said:
Thats it, I am going in mah bunker for the rest of the month.
They just mean that it would be bad if a patient has HIV and swine flu at the same time. It doesn't mean that the virus could mutate into a new virus that is a mixture of HIV and swine flu.

Here is the entire article:


ALaz502 said:
Odd, I wonder why on May 3rd there are three times more cases than all the previous days averaged out.
They probably ramped up the tests. The limiting factor here is the number of tests they can do in one day. They still have a huge backlog.
OuterWorldVoice said:
100% serious. I should add they escalated when they found out I was in Houston last week and on a flight which was on its second leg from Mexico City. And I ate Cochinita Pibil at Hugo's in Houston. Oink nom nom.
I find it amazing that any doc other than a lab medicine physician has a true hazmat suit lying around her office (unless it was actually those disposable blue or yellow personal protection equipment types), plus making home call visits. Very dedicated, if slightly overkill.

FYI, the rapid flu tests only have a sensitivity of 50-70%. Start building that bunker.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Both CDC and Mexican health officials are stating that the "epidemic is in its decline."

Good news.


I would be offended if I was Belgian. Its like the virus just thinks 'Fuck it, the bloke is Belgian - I can't be bothered to infect him.'


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Swine flu shmine shmoo.

The 2012 avian flu outbreak is where it's at. Come on homosapien culling!



The head of the World Health Organisation hit back at critics who have accused it of over-reaction to the swine flu crisis, warning it may return “with a vengeance” in the months ahead.

In her first extensive media interview since alerting the world to a potential flu pandemic nine days ago, Margaret Chan, the agency’s director-general, told the Financial Times that the end of the flu season in the northern hemisphere meant an initial outbreak could be milder but then a second wave more lethal, as happened in 1918.

Now I think there is a hidden agenda with W.H.O like wanting to ask for more money or power over countries with outbreaks because this is getting ridiculous


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ripclawe said:

Now I think there is a hidden agenda with W.H.O like wanting to ask for more money or power over countries with outbreaks because this is getting ridiculous

Well, I guess I can see both sides of the story. Realistically, we have no idea whether or not this thing comes back in a mutated form in the fall. Could it? Yes. Will it? Most likely, no. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared.


never left the stone age
Manager said:
A Swede who visited USA now got it and brought it to Sweden, thanks America!
Fuuck, it's here too now? Dammit all, first sign of anyone even sneezing in school and I'll go home and stay in my room forever.


OuterWorldVoice said:
100% serious. I should add they escalated when they found out I was in Houston last week and on a flight which was on its second leg from Mexico City. And I ate Cochinita Pibil at Hugo's in Houston. Oink nom nom.


:lol seems everything is dying down anyway. News broadcasts seem to have forgotten the flu, or at least aren't talking about it as much as they were last week.
This whole Swine Flu deal has really gotten ridiculous. I know it's the media's fault and all but people are just too fucking stupid to realize that this is basically just a flu with a technical/scary name (H1N1 influenza A!!!)

The reason I bring this up is today was my first day back to work since the outbreak, been off a few days, we were sold out of hand sanitizers and face mask. We only carry the fask masks that painters use. But I was asked a half a dozen times why we are out of this stuff, I was told we should of stock piled on this shit, we are the reason the flu keeps spreading, you arent protecting your shoppers, one woman even started crying she was so freaked out. This day reminded me of that Popeye's chicken fiasco a few days back. "No sanitizer? Or they just out a sanitzer?"

I don't know. This Swine Flu "pandemic" is dumb, people need to chill the fuck out and stop going to the hospital if you sneezed or your belly hurts for christ sake. People get scared and start believing they are getting the symptoms, you're fine if you do start feeling sick just do what you do when you get a normal flu...ugh...and this why I am proud to be an American.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Fuckin swine flu is crampin my style. Seems like everyone here is using hand sanitizers, even my local Target ran out of them. Now it looks like I'm using my hand sanitizer in fear of the flu when I've always been using it, pft.

I fake coughed near a soon to be crowded elevator on purpose and everyone stared at me immediately, some even opting to wait for the next elevator to avoid me. lol


force push the doodoo rock
Wario64 said:
Fuckin swine flu is crampin my style. Seems like everyone here is using hand sanitizers, even my local Target ran out of them. Now it looks like I'm using my hand sanitizer in fear of the flu when I've always been using it, pft.

I fake coughed near a soon to be crowded elevator on purpose and everyone stared at me immediately, some even opting to wait for the next elevator to avoid me. lol

Mmmm sounds like a good way to get a seat on the train.
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