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Swine Flu pandemic approaches

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Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Some friends still attending Handai just told me the University has cancelled all classes for a week. They're using the free time to do some more travelling around Japan :lol


Went to the hospital last week because I had a horrible fever and felt like death.
I was tested for swine flu.
Leave a restaurant with my girlfriend yesterday and get a call from the health department confirming I'm the third known case of swine flu in my city.

Actually they called me about a billion times back to back to insure I was okay and hadn't spread it to anyone.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
jamesinclair said:
Also, fuck the Japanese media. I know a dumb Japanese girl who refuses to eat pork because her mother told her not to or shell die. This is in Boston.
Same with all my Korean friends. Media and parents have them scared shitless. Good god some ppl are naive.

Insertia said:
Went to the hospital last week because I had a horrible fever and felt like death.
I was tested for swine flu.
Leave a restaurant with my girlfriend yesterday and get a call from the health department confirming I'm the third known case of swine flu in my city.

Actually they called me about a billion times back to back to insure I was okay and hadn't spread it to anyone.
Good going.. you just killed your girlfriend.

I'm just being a jerk because I know you'll be fine. Good luck though man!


Not as deep as he thinks
Insertia said:
Went to the hospital last week because I had a horrible fever and felt like death.
I was tested for swine flu.
Leave a restaurant with my girlfriend yesterday and get a call from the health department confirming I'm the third known case of swine flu in my city.

Actually they called me about a billion times back to back to insure I was okay and hadn't spread it to anyone.
:( That's horrible. I hope you're okay, duder!
Gaf posts to infections


US cases now at 5,469 with 6 deaths
Mexico at 3,648 with 72 deaths
Canada 496 with 1 death
Japan at 210


I don't think it's Swine Flu but me and my dad have both been under the weather for the better part of a week. Shit sucks :( I'm practically never sick.


jamesinclair said:
Gaf posts to infections


US cases now at 5,469 with 6 deaths
Mexico at 3,648 with 72 deaths
Canada 496 with 1 death
Japan at 210

OMG, we are losing members to the pig flu!!


Tokyo says hello piggy piggy!

I find it hilarious how they're treating Osaka and Tokyo like they are two different cases...former being a person-to-person epidemic, while latter is just an incident where it originated from a person who took an overseas trip.

Believe me, Tokyo is already infected. The media has been very good at controlling information.
Insertia said:
Went to the hospital last week because I had a horrible fever and felt like death.
I was tested for swine flu.
Leave a restaurant with my girlfriend yesterday and get a call from the health department confirming I'm the third known case of swine flu in my city.

Actually they called me about a billion times back to back to insure I was okay and hadn't spread it to anyone.

Damn, get well soon.

I'm curious though, how much worse is it than the normal flu?
Lol I missed a delivery today that my girlfriend is expecting from her mother.

So I ask her what she sent

"She's sending us masks."

lol japan


Kyuuketsu_Night said:
Masks all around are sold out. All I want is one so I can decorate it! When I see people in their cars driving while wearing masks I lol.
i volunteer at a hospital and we have tons of them in our desk :lol :lol


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ookami-kun said:
According to the World Health Org, the virus is evolving!

They didn't say that at all.

The latest article I read last night said that there was no evidence that it was changing or becoming any more virulent than it is now.


Brian Burke punched my mom
My girlfriend works at the hospital here in northern Manitoba and treated a 34 year old with H1N1, he was flown down to Winnipeg and died. His friend is now in the hospital with the virus...


ugh. Apparently there's been a case reported at the middle-school literally right up the street from the old home front. And the school is across the street from a bustling shopping center... fuuuuuuuuuck! S'only a matter of time. :'(


Trucker Sexologist
Binabik15 said:
I saw footage of the "slaughtering" of pigs in Egypt. Disgusting.
All those tasty pigs going to waste... What a shame.

The best time to catch the swine flu is before it mutates into zombiism. Then you can be one of the survivors that fights for the fate of humanity while tossing out bad one liners.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Mask panic is so fucking ridiculous here in Japan. I swear like half of the people outside are wearing masks right now. It is ridiculous that people here think that a mask is going to prevent them from catching an airborne virus. I guess they think that air only passes through the frong of their mask and it is somehow filtering all of the virus and providing them with clean air!

All of the drug stores near my apartment have big notices that say they are out of masks and don't know when new shipments will come in. My company sent out emails to all of the departments warning everyone to stock up on masks and enough food / water for them to be able to last at least two weeks in preperation for the coming epidemic.

It was good to see the governor of Tokyo actually make a comment that the media is blowing things out of proportion, but I swear most people in this country will pretty much believe anything they are told. It gets really annoying sometimes.


Zefah said:
Mask panic is so fucking ridiculous here in Japan. I swear like half of the people outside are wearing masks right now. It is ridiculous that people here think that a mask is going to prevent them from catching an airborne virus. I guess they think that air only passes through the frong of their mask and it is somehow filtering all of the virus and providing them with clean air!
It still stops the infected from spreading it to the non infected when they cough, sneeze, talk.

But N-100 masks can filter out the influenza virus, I hear.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Wii said:
It still stops the infected from spreading it to the non infected when they cough, sneeze, talk.

But N-100 masks can filter out the influenza virus, I hear.

If you have a cold or the flu then it is definitely a good idea to wear a mask so the mask catches most of your sneeze or cough, but the effects of wearing a mask as a method of prevention are highly suspect.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
MrToughPants said:
My girlfriend works at the hospital here in northern Manitoba and treated a 34 year old with H1N1, he was flown down to Winnipeg and died. His friend is now in the hospital with the virus...

Any underlying health conditions? Seems that most H1N1 deaths have had something else contributing.


Get your face masks on standby


GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization has called an emergency meeting of experts on Thursday to discuss the spreading H1N1 flu outbreak, in a sign the U.N. agency may be poised to declare a pandemic.

WHO Director-General Margaret Chan, who consulted health officials in affected countries on Wednesday, was drawing up her own evaluation ahead of the meeting set to begin at midday (1000 GMT), a spokesman said.

"She is looking for some detailed epidemiological explanation for what is going on," WHO spokesman Dick Thompson told Reuters. "She is making her own assessment based on information gathered today and running it by the Emergency Committee tomorrow."
I was working with a patient at a local hospital that was diagnosed with swine flu a day later. Now the hospital is forcing me and everyone else that worked with him onto a 10-day dosage of Tamiflu. It's free so I guess I'll take it, but man, I hate taking meds. Haven't taken really any at all since I got my wisdom teeth pulled 5 years ago, and even that was only for a day.

Moral: fuck swine flu and having to report my temperature twice a day to my hospital. That's a whole 60 seconds out of my day!


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Zyzyxxz said:
wtf, are we having a resurgence in Swine flu?

No, not at all. It's just finally shown itself to be spreading around the world as opposed to just a few countries.

AGAIN: There is NO jump in severity of this illness. Many scientists are actually stating that a pandemic should have been declared WEEKS ago but wasn't because of pressure from governments to prevent mass panic.


Keyser Soze said:
I think we'll always have swine flu... just depends on how epic the virus decides to get

well I thought the cases were dieing down since weeks ago I heard nothing about new cases except a few isolated.

Funny how here in Southern California we are so close to Mexico where it started but we dont have widespread infection.


not a medical professional
Party's over?


news that "Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis AG said they have successfully produced a swine flu vaccine weeks ahead of their expectations. The vaccine was made in cells, rather than grown in eggs as is usually the case with vaccines." This announcement came just a day after the World Health Organization declared H1N1's spread to be a pandemic. The vaccine has not been tested in humans yet, so the first batch is set to be used in clinical trials and pre-clinical testing. If all goes well, the new production method would allow Novartis to get the drug to market in large quantities by this fall. Other drug companies, such as Baxter International, have confirmed that they're in "full-scale production" of H1N1 vaccines as well.


relies on auto-aim
It's just if it decides to mutate into something deadly then shit will go down.

Problem now is that it exists amongst the population.


I am so over the swine flu crisis. It's hilarious to me that the world body screamed about Armageddon on our doorsteps and took drastic measures to prevent a worldwide outbreak. And failed.

It's a good thing this one turned out to be a dud.
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