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Swine Flu pandemic approaches

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Not an asshole.

Both of the states I've lived in have pretty much no swine flu presence!




CDC update






Some swine flu fear mongering 1976 style. :lol



hmmm, has this been posted yet? sorry if it has, I didnt want to read through hundreds(thousands) of posts to see....

After death, this virus is able to restart the heart of it’s victim for up to two hours after the initial demise of the person where the individual behaves in extremely violent ways from what is believe to be a combination of brain damage and a chemical released into blood during “resurrection.”

jimmbow said:
hmmm, has this been posted yet? sorry if it has, I didnt want to read through hundreds(thousands) of posts to see....


The Netherlands confirms its first case of zombie swine flu, in a three-year-old boy recently returned from Mexico. After passing away early this morning, he rose from the dead and lunged at his mother.


oh wait is fake apparently http://uk.techcrunch.com/2009/05/01...t-tweetmeme-lets-hoax-bbc-story-go-unchecked/



Flesh Into Gear said:
I dont know if I should feel relieved or horribly dissapointed to be honest
I'm just ashamed for not even noticing the domain name of the link that obviously shows it's not a real story.


Still only 1 death in the U.S.?

I see CNN and MSNBC aren't as gaga over this thing anymore since it's not proving to be as exciting as once thought.


Hail to the KING baby
where did all the chicken littles go? i want to rub this in their faces.

probably chasing down the next thing.
One of my friends who I havent talked to in ages just texted me saying that one of HER friend's may have it so she's worried she might have gotten it from him. I texted back "what makes you think that he has it?" she replies why "IDK, becuz he's mexican". I thought she was joking but she's dead serious.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

So the swine flu is in my state now. Time to lock my doors and keep a loaded pistol under my pillow.

Everyone is a potential carrier....EVERYOONE.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
AstroLad said:
where did all the chicken littles go? i want to rub this in their faces.

probably chasing down the next thing.

You mean the media? Here you go:


"Next wave LOOMS as flu fears ease"

Naturally, they see the flu dying down so they're already trying to hype up the next "wave" as a killer. Nowhere in that article do they address that the flu could just as easily fizzle out or mutate into something less harmful.

I know that it could come back in the fall and be even worse (like 1918), but all this article does is create more panic. It's ridiculous.


aka iby.h
gnarkill bill said:
One of my friends who I havent talked to in ages just texted me saying that one of HER friend's may have it so she's worried she might have gotten it from him. I texted back "what makes you think that he has it?" she replies why "IDK, becuz he's mexican". I thought she was joking but she's dead serious.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


I can see this becoming the a new stereotype.


So I havent been following this in the slightest, just heard theres some flu and media is blowing it out of proportion...

But I have a sore throat, very slight cough, and semi stuffed nose...

so, im in IL

Swine flu? Or result of binge drinking 3 days in a row because it was my last weekend ever at college?

Should I even see a doc? Or just hope this blows over and ignore it like I usually do when I have these symptoms.
yodandy said:
So I havent been following this in the slightest, just heard theres some flu and media is blowing it out of proportion...

But I have a sore throat, very slight cough, and semi stuffed nose...

so, im in IL

Swine flu? Or result of binge drinking 3 days in a row because it was my last weekend ever at college?

Should I even see a doc? Or just hope this blows over and ignore it like I usually do when I have these symptoms.

Might as well kill yourself now because you suffer.


its gonan be an exponetial graph. Think of the e-curve.

Btw, how come no statistic for DC?

how the hell did Illinois get 80 so fast?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Tideas said:
its gonan be an exponetial graph. Think of the e-curve.

Btw, how come no statistic for DC?

how the hell did Illinois get 80 so fast?

Backlog of tests. Finally, many are getting completed.


Could this bullshit possibly come at a worse time?

I just turned 23, am graduating college, and now no longer have my parents medical insurance. I won't be going back to school until next year, meaning I won't have med. coverage until then. Any shit goes down, and I'm fucked unless I pay for insurance out of pocket. Isn't that crazy expensive?

I can't even get my allergy medication anymore. Why does America treat its people like shit?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
krispyclean said:
First confirmed swine flu case in Oklahoma. 100 miles south of me lol.

You're "lol"ing at somebody dying? Classy move, douchebag.

Anyways, it is being reported that the woman had "chronic underlying health conditions" like the boy in Texas.

Here's a change of pace from the MSNBC story I posted last night (about how the "next wave" is looming and could kill millions...with no mention of how, most of the time, nothing happens):

"I don't think people should be any more worried [about the flu] than they were last year," Esper said. "Part of living in this world is living with viruses and bacteria that can cause disease. Just like living in this world means living with sharks and polar bears that can take big chunks of skin out of you.

"Science is kind of mutating along with the flu virus, learning how to react to viruses and change how they react to viruses as new ones come along," he continued. "And as we react to the challenges, we'll continue to come up with new methods and therapies to fight these viruses."

Source: Fox News


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Docpan said:
Could this bullshit possibly come at a worse time?

I just turned 23, am graduating college, and now no longer have my parents medical insurance. I won't be going back to school until next year, meaning I won't have med. coverage until then. Any shit goes down, and I'm fucked unless I pay for insurance out of pocket. Isn't that crazy expensive?

I can't even get my allergy medication anymore. Why does America treat its people like shit?

If you're an independent and you have low income, you can usually write to the hospital and get them to write off any large medical bills. When I was an independent college student, I got appendicitis. The hospital wrote off about $12,000 in medical bills.


Hail to the KING baby
Officials tell schools not to close for swine flu

Federal officials now recommend that schools stop closing when a case of swine flu is confirmed at a school, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday.

Kathleen Sebelius and Dr. Richard Besser tour part of the CDC on Tuesday in Atlanta, Georgia.

1 of 3 Scientists believe the H1N1 virus epidemic is no more dangerous than seasonal flu, and schools should act accordingly, Sebelius said.

"This virus does not seem to be as severe as we once thought it would be," she said at a news conference at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia.

Sick students should be kept home for seven days, she said, "but the schools should feel comfortable about opening."

Wasn't there a school in Texas that closed down for like three weeks? Was Yixian the principal?


Let's get some PANIC in here!

US Resident dies from swine flu

A woman from Texas has become the first US resident believed to have died from swine flu.

The woman - from Cameron County, close to the US border with Mexico - died earlier this week, the Texas Department of State Health Services said.

But in a statement it added that she had been suffering "chronic underlying health conditions".
Oh, nevermind! Back to not closing down schools!


Wario64 said:
Fuckin swine flu is crampin my style. Seems like everyone here is using hand sanitizers, even my local Target ran out of them. Now it looks like I'm using my hand sanitizer in fear of the flu when I've always been using it, pft.

I fake coughed near a soon to be crowded elevator on purpose and everyone stared at me immediately, some even opting to wait for the next elevator to avoid me. lol

...I'm going to try this at the MARTA station. I can simulate a nice raspy cough on command.


My university posted that there's one student with a probable case of swine flu. It's finals week here and if I read it right the student isn't on campus currently. But damn, hopefully it doesn't spread, I've got summer school.


GriffD17 said:
My university posted that there's one student with a probable case of swine flu. It's finals week here and if I read it right the student isn't on campus currently. But damn, hopefully it doesn't spread, I've got summer school.

Where do you live, bro?
Hah, I just heard on the news that China is gathering Mexicans and deporting them out of the country because of Swine Flu.

Talk about a big GTFO!


A student from my university here in california had swine flu. She's staying home until she recovers, so that's good. I try to avoid touching the hand rails and escalator bars.
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