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Swine Flu pandemic approaches

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2 people at my university (Ohio St.) have Swine Flu.

I had sex with both of them yesterday. Swine Flu sex is so hawt
MIMIC said:
2 people at my university (Ohio St.) have Swine Flu.

I had sex with both of them yesterday. Swine Flu sex is so hawt

Unlike AIDS, swine flu really does go through a condom like a baseball through a hula-hoop. So either way you're fucked


Flying into Narita tomorrow, so hello health inspections. If someone within three rows of me is sick, I could get quarantined for ten days. Which would suck. Ugh.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
cvxfreak said:
Flying into Narita tomorrow, so hello health inspections. If someone within three rows of me is sick, I could get quarantined for ten days. Which would suck. Ugh.

Thank god I passed by there just a few days before this craze started. Hope you make it! :lol


So this thing died off right? What happend, the media oviously went to their next big thing- but what happend to the Swine?
trinest said:
So this thing died off right? What happend, the media oviously went to their next big thing- but what happend to the Swine?
Actually, Canada on Friday reported its first death of a person with a positive H1N1 test. She had an undisclosed underlying disease, so how much of an effect the virus had is unknown. She also happened to be only in her 30s. Keep the shotgun close by.

Dead Man

The WHO numbers look pretty good:

WHO totals 3440 confirmed cases 48 confirmed deaths

Considering the confirmed deaths would be over reported as all suspicious deaths would be tested whereas not all cases of flu would be tested, and the distribution of deaths is overwhelmingly skewed towards Mexico, it looks like a pretty normal flu to an amateur like me!

SpoonyBard said:
The alarmist media reports that the swine flu killed someone in Canada. They forgot to mention that Canadians die all the time.


The really put latest crisis in the link? WTH?


The Amiga Brotherhood
trinest said:
So this thing died off right? What happend, the media oviously went to their next big thing- but what happend to the Swine?

In the UK it's like it all never happened!

An embarassing "I think we jumped the gun a bit" admission by the media/Government. The leaflet drop to every household in the UK seemed even more ridiculous by the time they arrived.

I'm sure they've archived all the apocalyptic CGI ready to wheel out in the Autumn though when someone comes down with the sniffles!


cvxfreak said:
Flying into Narita tomorrow, so hello health inspections. If someone within three rows of me is sick, I could get quarantined for ten days. Which would suck. Ugh.

Thee Japanese who returned from Canada were tested positive, every passenger on a plane from NA is fucked. ;p


Furoba said:
Thee Japanese who returned from Canada were tested positive, every passenger on a plane from NA is fucked. ;p
im flying to japan on tuesday from calgary, canada.. is there actually hardcore health checks at the airports? i obviously still havent been following this much.


Furoba said:
Thee Japanese who returned from Canada were tested positive, every passenger on a plane from NA is fucked. ;p
Supposedly, when i get to japan for work, I have to get my temperature checked every day for the University.
trinest said:
So this thing died off right? What happend, the media oviously went to their next big thing- but what happend to the Swine?

The US now has 2,532 confirmed cases of swine flu, after a jump in figures in recent days, officials say.

The cases - up around 600 since Friday - mean the US has now surpassed Mexico as the most affected nation.

But the total of three confirmed deaths is far lower than in Mexico where 48 people are known to have died.


Mexico, where the swine flu outbreak first came to light, has 1,626 confirmed cases. Globally, the figure stands at more than 4,300 across 30 countries. This includes China which on Monday reported its first case on the Chinese mainland.


Also, fuck the Japanese media. I know a dumb Japanese girl who refuses to eat pork because her mother told her not to or shell die. This is in Boston.


So I guess like all other Internet fads this one has jumped the shark now? I still can't believe how fucking hysterical people were getting over a fucking flu. :lol


Oh great. The Japanese Ministry of Health just left me a voice mail asking me to follow up on my health condition (I cleared last week). The English was absolutely piss poor, too.

Did I mention that on the airplane's questionaire, this was written as such: "THE QUESTIONAIRE OF HEATH STATUS."

I miss Heath Ledger. :(

And today, they sent me two English language letters, again poorly written, telling me to get a health consultation.

Honestly, Japan. Honestly.

Best part is
I get to fly out and into Japan again in a few days.


Swine Flu May Be Human Error; WHO Investigates Claim


May 13 (Bloomberg) -- The World Health Organization is investigating a claim by an Australian researcher that the swine flu virus circling the globe may have been created as a result of human error.

Adrian Gibbs, 75, who collaborated on research that led to the development of Roche Holding AG’s Tamiflu drug, said in an interview that he intends to publish a report suggesting the new strain may have accidentally evolved in eggs scientists use to grow viruses and drugmakers use to make vaccines. Gibbs said he came to his conclusion as part of an effort to trace the virus’s origins by analyzing its genetic blueprint.


At this point, I think it's silly to think that avoiding overseas travel would even be considered preventive measure. If it's already in the country, then we're just as susceptible to getting it domestically. Granted, I wouldn't deliberate choose Mexico or the U.S. as my next travel destination unless there is an urgent business need for it :p

So chill and sit the fuck down Japan, cuz I'll still be eating pork cutlets for lunch.


I live in the south of Mexico, Villahermosa Tabasco in case you want to look it up on google earth, pretty normal situation down here at the moment, couple of people here and there with their mouths covered and that's it, fuck the flu.


Just got this in the e-mail box now.

Influenza H1N1 (swine flu) infection was confirmed late yesterday in a Northwestern University student, Northwestern health service officials said today.

The student is an undergraduate who was living on campus, but she returned home after she began to feel ill. She is recovering from her infection without complications. Following the recently revised CDC guidelines regarding isolation of people who have the flu, the student will be allowed to return to campus 24 hours after she no longer is exhibiting flu-like symptoms or seven days after the onset of the illness, whichever is longer. Students who live in the same residence as the affected student are being notified.

Northwestern does not plan to close. The CDC, as well as state and local public health officials, does not advise universities to close where swine flu cases have been confirmed. Northwestern health service officials and leaders will continue to monitor the situation carefully.

Students, faculty and staff who are feeling ill should stay home and not go to work or classes. If students have flu-like symptoms, they should go to Northwestern Health Services for testing and treatment. Students on the Evanston and Chicago campuses should consult the Health Services web site for their respective campus for information on services, locations and hours. The web sites are:

Faculty and staff should contact their personal physicians for testing and treatment.

The University strongly advises that all students, faculty and staff follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including:
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
• Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
• If you get sick with influenza, CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.

For additional information on H1N1 and tips on how to avoid getting sick, here are several links to the U.S. Center for Disease Control:

What to Do If You Get Flu-Like Symptoms: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/sick.htm
Taking Care of a Sick Person in Your Home: http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/guidance_homecare.htm

Northwestern University Health Services


This message was sent using the NU Bulkmail service to Faculty, Staff, and Students without Qatar with urgent priority.


whitehawk said:
So there is a confirmed case of Swine flu at my High School.


They announced one at my school last week, and now there's 3, but it's not being treated as a big deal at all. Nobody really seems to care.


So apparently I had the swine flu. Caught in around thursday felt like shit on friday and saturady, only felt like crap sunday started getting over it by the time I saw the the doc on monday. What's the big deal?

edit:don't work out much, don't eat healthy and as you can see I'm a smoker, if I can knock it out In one weekend anyone can
livestOne said:
So apparently I had the swine flu. Caught in around thursday felt like shit on friday and saturady, only felt like crap sunday started getting over it by the time I saw the the doc on monday. What's the big deal?

Wait until you start shitting from your mouth.

Oh wait, that is the journalists who blew this out of proportion.
livestOne said:
So apparently I had the swine flu. Caught in around thursday felt like shit on friday and saturady, only felt like crap sunday started getting over it by the time I saw the the doc on monday. What's the big deal?

It's "newer" and unfamiliar to the public, so with the rampant media attention for the big hits, it scares the populace pantless and yet it's reportedly as mild if not milder than the regular blasted flu!


HomerSimpson-Man said:
It's "newer" and unfamiliar to the public, so with the rampant media attention for the big hits, it scares the populace pantless and yet it's reportedly as mild if not milder than the regular blasted flu!
I knew it wasn't really a big deal, but I didn't know it was that blown out of proportion. Damn media.


Kinda anticlimactic. I gonna make a shirt that say's I survived the swine flu and all I got was this t-shirt

edit: That monkey does not look convinced :lol You can take the mask off it's ok!


MIMIC said:
2 people at my university (Ohio St.) have Swine Flu.

I had sex with both of them yesterday. Swine Flu sex is so hawt

I hear at least one of them was a freshman in Stadley. Freshmen are always bad news


Count of Concision
This really died down over the last couple of weeks here in NY, until the last couple of days. Apparently they just closed 3 NYC public schools due to swine flu fears. I forget if there were new confirmed cases, but I think there were.


Unconfirmed Member
Swine flu has hit Kobe. My eikaiwa has black balled all Kobe students until the thing blows over. How crazy is that?


Ratba said:
Swine flu has hit Kobe. My eikaiwa has black balled all Kobe students until the thing blows over. How crazy is that?

God it must suck to be in the Kansai area right now. Watching the news and all these response action is a little bit TOO much, no?

It doesnt help when Japanese people cough and sneeze without covering their mouth. Hopefully they learn their retarded lessons from this pandemic >:/


I'm very, very rarely ever sick. Just a few days ago I came down with some weak ass fever with flu symptoms involved. Would could have possibly been the swine flu.

I swatted this weak ass flu down like a fly and continued to drink and party like it was my job. Whether it was swine or not, I'm pretty awesome.


SpacLock said:
I'm very, very rarely ever sick. Just a few days ago I came down with some weak ass fever with flu symptoms involved. Would could have possibly been the swine flu.

I swatted this weak ass flu down like a fly and continued to drink and party like it was my job. Whether it was swine or not, I'm pretty awesome.

Congratulations, you just spread the swine flu virus to everyone at the party!

Just kidding.
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