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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
That is the nature of software development, sometimes you dont discover a bug to the last minute.


Looking back on those months, would Newell change anything about how he handled the situation? He says yes. "If I learned anything, it's just that we should be more open with the community--to tell them what we know and don't know," he admits. Indeed, no one asked Valve to promise the game on a specific date. That was Newell's choice. And it's a choice he now regrets. "Yeah," he says with a chuckle. "In retrospect I probably should have just said, 'When it's done.'"




bbyybb said:
That is the nature of software development, sometimes you dont discover a bug to the last minute.
This is absolutely and would have held alot of weight from me if it wasen't the fact that this a BETA. Then again, if this is a dedicated server issue, then I can understand, as dedicated servers are pretty much necessary to get a good game going. Still, this is pretty demoralizing. I really want to play this game :(


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Well it is 8:30 at the valve HQ, so there is still some time left before the end of the day.
I do not get Valve and Gabe newell at all. They have consistently done this from day one with Half-life. They have not had one game yet that has not slipped multiple times or multiple delays. I remember waiting on pins and needles for the original Half-life and reading how they basically at one point scrapped the whole game and re-started from scratch. Jesus valve, either you have the worst luck ever or you guys should just shut the heck up until the very last second on your games from now on until you are set to go.


Hail to the KING baby
If it's a server issue, I wish they would just let us pay extra for Platinum Access or something and let us play while they get the game ready for a heavier load of people.


Well, I'm out to bed guys. I usually got to bed at 12:15, but I want to wake up extra early before I head into work. If the game is out, that would soooooooooooo make my mourning!


Gamespot article about HL2 delay said:
And finally there is one other game on the horizon: Team Fortress 2, which Newell says is far from a dead project. So what's the release date? "I'm sure we will screw that up again," he says with a sly grin. "I can connect the dots and look at history at this point."

Or perhaps not? I still have faith in 11:59!
Dr.Acula said:
Yo Gabe, that's what PATCHES are for.

If the post is true (understandably a big if), a server issue would be a major problem for a multiplayer only game. A little communication would be nice, but since this is Valve, I wasn't expecting to play it tonight anyway. I do like this conspiracy theory from a link taken from that halflife2.net thread, saying that the delay is to get people to become addicted to the free peggle and buy it. This sadly happened to me earlier this week.

The Peggle Conspiracy


Going to bed.

I am unbelievably pissed. I thought it didn't get any worse than a 9 year wait. I was wrong. These last 24 hours broke my heart. :(


AstroLad said:
If it's a server issue, I wish they would just let us pay extra for Platinum Access or something and let us play while they get the game ready for a heavier load of people.
The thing is that Valve doesn't need to be the one's who own the servers, as other people would be allowed to host their own dedicated servers. Thats why there's so many CS games being run without Valve having to foot the bill for the server uptimes. If it is a server issue, it's probably on the software side. As I said, if thats the case, I could see why there would be some hold up. My beef is that if it wasn't noticeable till now, they should have still released this, as this is a BETA and bugs are expected.


ggnoobIGN said:
Going to bed.

I am unbelievably pissed. I thought it didn't get any worse than a 9 year wait. I was wrong. These last 24 hours broke my heart. :(

its posts like these that touch my heart.
ggnoobIGN said:
I am unbelievably pissed. I thought it didn't get any worse than a 9 year wait. I was wrong. These last 24 hours broke my heart. :(

DRAMA QUEEN! Listen to yourself, for cryin out loud. It's only a beta! And it's only a computer game.


perryfarrell said:
DRAMA QUEEN! Listen to yourself, for cryin out loud. It's only a beta! And it's only a computer game.

Yes, I jokingly went to far.

But I am pretty pissed. As I'm still an avid tfc player, I did wait around my computer today waiting for the minute it released. Wasted time, I'm afraid.

I am cry.
They're an independent gaming company that wants their ducks in a row. I think it's worth the wait instead of getting buggy crap from a company bound to a strict release schedule. See you guys in the morning! :D
perryfarrell said:
DRAMA QUEEN! Listen to yourself, for cryin out loud. It's only a beta! And it's only a computer game.

A lot of people wasted hours today over half-assed promises and broken communication.
ThaiGrocer said:
They're an independent gaming company that wants their ducks in a row. I think it's worth the wait instead of getting buggy crap from a company bound to a strict release schedule. See you guys in the morning! :D

Then they shouldn't have made any promises they cant keep.
Well it's not gonna be the 17th any longer on the east coast probably by the time I finish writing this post.

How predictable Valve would fuck this up, and they still had the gall to announce a date. The lack of communication is also disgusting.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
Red Blaster said:
The lack of communication is also disgusting.

That's the only thing bugging me, they've been promoting this date and obviously know people are waiting on Steam. How hard is it to send an announcement? Weak.
RedDwarf said:
That's the only thing bugging me, they've been promoting this date and obviously know people are waiting on Steam. How hard is it to send an announcement? Weak.

And it was just fucking rude on Valve's part. I imagine quite a few people changed their plans so they could play it tonight only to be left with nothing.
I'm just pissed I payed full price for the thing already. If they were doing a beta for free, then they owe us nothing and I wouldn't be so angry. The fact that I actually payed full price for it right away because of a promotion they had, makes me mad.

Plus it is the fucking age of the internet. The least they could do is show a little respect and make a small news post that it is not coming out today instead of leaving everyone hanging. That is rude. I would rather just get the bad news then no news at all.


Illuminati said:
I'm just pissed I payed full price for the thing already. If they were doing a beta for free, then they owe us nothing and I wouldn't be so angry. The fact that I actually payed full price for it right away because of a promotion they had, makes me mad.

Plus it is the fucking age of the internet. The least they could do is show a little repect and make a small news post that it is not coming out today instead of leaving everyone hanging. That is rude. I would rather just get the bad news then no news at all.

Illuminati for President.


Illuminati said:
I'm just pissed I payed full price for the thing already. If they were doing a beta for free, then they owe us nothing and I wouldn't be so angry. The fact that I actually payed full price for it right away because of a promotion they had, makes me mad.

Plus it is the fucking age of the internet. The least they could do is show a little repect and make a small news post that it is not coming out today instead of leaving everyone hanging. That is rude. I would rather just get the bad news then no news at all.

I wouldn't even feel so bad if I pre-ordered just TF2+Portal+Ep.2, but I re-bought two games I already owned in order to play this beta. Okay, I can let it slide a day or two, but after a point, paying the premium on the Orange Box over the supposed Black Box is going to leave me with a bitter taste in my mouth.

They should just release the Windows server version, and release the Linux server in a patch.
Dr.Acula said:
I wouldn't even feel so bad if I pre-ordered just TF2+Portal+Ep.2, but I re-bought two games I already owned in order to play this beta.
I'm not joking, but I think I've payed for HL2 three times now. I bought it retail originally, got with a video card, then just bought it again for TF2.


Illuminati said:
I'm not joking, but I think I've payed for HL2 three times now. I bought it retail originally, got with a video card, then just bought it again for TF2.

Well then, technically you've paid for it twice. Besides, when Orange Box releases you can gift HL2 to a friend so it's not a complete waste.


I wouldn't even feel so bad if I pre-ordered just TF2+Portal+Ep.2, but I re-bought two games I already owned in order to play this beta.

While I'm pretty pissed about this unannounced delay, this reasoning doesn't work with me. To me 45 dollars is more than reasonable for Portal, TF2 and Episode 2. Having HL2 + Episode 1 thrown in for those who haven't played htme is just a bonus, especially when they let you transfer (my bro hasn't played Episode 1 yet, so it works for us)

Anyway, fuck Valve's lack of information
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