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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Hmm, so going by the last page the beta isn't out yet? It's funny the chat room is full and last couple of days when I'd go in there'd be 0 people in it. :lol

"No, I have to agree with Akia. I doubt anyone is that dedicated to post here while playing. I know I won't be."

I would dual monitors ftw! I do that all the time since I bought my second monitor :p


fallout said:
He's uh ... got a separate account, two computers, two extra arms and some cybernetic multitasking brain!

... GET HIM!


As soon as i log into TF2 I would get a TRILLION steam messages and my computer would just crash.


Bitches love smiley faces
Valve really should lay off of naming dates in the future. This is almost like the Half-Life 2 Sept. 30 deadline. :p


Teknopathetic said:
You can all start grabbing pitchforks now.

You can all point your pitchforks at him not me. For crying out loud he's a mod! He should start banning all the Valve guys who post here secretly.

We'll have an execution.


11:59.59 PST release confirmed?

At least that puts me in good stead, that's about 5pm local time, right when I knock off work.




Teknopathetic said:
You can all start grabbing pitchforks now.


EDIT: Actually, I'm posting this from my buddy's place out of town. I can't even play tonight and while I'll be home tomorrow night, fuck knows how intoxicated I'll be! So, Wednesday or bust.


The only excuse I can come up with for Valve is that their probably trying to avoid releasing the game and then having Steam explode on everyone. Which would cause people to have flashbacks from the HL2 launch and it would start everything off on a bad foot. It would undo all the positive steps Steam has made in the past year. They'd never hear the end of it.

Then again this is just a soft launch to their hardcore fans. But if Steam buckles in today then they know they're screwed come Oct. 9th.


isn't that part of the point of having people preload the game? so that everyone isnt massively downloading the full game at the same time


Akia said:
How bad will the fallout be if they don't update at midnight PST?
I would think it would be pretty fucking bad, considering that it was a selling point on the Steam store for the pre-purchase. If they come out with it early Tuesday, they maybe cut out some of the windfall, but really, what the fuck is holding them back? I can't think of anything that would be the case. It can't be anything to do with the coding or late game bugs mainly because 1) It's a Beta so it wouldn't matter anyway and 2) the shits available to be pre-loaded.


Puts the M in Member
phez said:
If so - False Advertising ftl. I mean, not even any kind of communication from them is just epic fail.

There might be communication, but the Steam forums are getting hammered, can't even get in to check.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Damn, valve needs to get their shit together. Don't promise if you can't deliver. Happened with Bioshock now it's happening again.
I don't know I'm dissapointed but I can be lenient. But it better not take too long considering the reason i got it off of steam was for the beta :/ O well hopefully it'll get sorted out soon enough. Good thing I picked up world in conflict today :D
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