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Tekken |OT| of Tag Assaulting the Devil, Ogres, Wild Animals & MILFs (Bitcap Warning)


Oh man please don't give namco any ideas... they'd probably run with that rgg idea but instead of 4 mishima's it'll be ling, Alisa, lili, & asuka romance school girl adventure trying to get Jin laid.

After blood vengeance Ive lost hope for them to do anything badass with the license.

But at the very least we got the awesome mishima battle at the end.

I think this man is mostly to blame.

But Namco heads too for giving it a green light.

About the game, if rgg studio handled it with no interference I would play that shit forever. They put so many things to do in Dead Souls, that the same effort on Tekken game would blow up minds.


Played 2 hours as Armor King on T6 tonight offline. He's a fuck ton of fun, but it's just shitty his customization options are so few. Tanktops, seriously? :p

I was doing Ghost fights too to earn some money, and was undefeated with him lol. I got up to Tekken Gods, Tekken Emperors, etc. Is there anything higher?

He's got some cheap stuff against A.I lol. :D


loves Arcade Sticks
Played 2 hours as Armor King on T6 tonight offline. He's a fuck ton of fun, but it's just shitty his customization options are so few. Tanktops, seriously? :p

I was doing Ghost fights too to earn some money, and was undefeated with him lol. I got up to Tekken Gods, Tekken Emperors, etc. Is there anything higher?

He's got some cheap stuff against A.I lol. :D

I think TEKKEN God is the highest.

TTT2 customization is leaps beyond T6.


i just realized f4,3 connecting after ws2,3 for lee is a godsend for me since i could never land the ff3.

Took me how many months since that trailer came out? 2?


Currently watching the Tekken (2010) movie about Jin Kazama entering the Iron Fist Tournament. So many things are just plain out wrong, but I'm really enjoying the screen-time Christie Monteiro is getting!


Currently watching the Tekken (2010) movie about Jin Kazama entering the Iron Fist Tournament. So many things are just plain out wrong, but I'm really enjoying the screen-time Christie Monteiro is getting!

Yeah my buddy told me to watch it and left the DVD at my crib like 4 months ago.

Still haven't seen it.


Guys, lets say a Tekken RPG was going to be made.
Who would you like to make it and to which their game it would be similar to?

Me, I'd love the Yakuza(Ryu ga gotoku) team made it and I think the gameplay and desing of yakuza would be perfect. You could have 4 main characters like Y4 and Dead Souls.

Never played the Yakuza games but I would enjoy a gameplay system similar to Valkyria Chronicles. It could be a war between G corporation and Mishima Zaibatsu. I can imagine controlling the whole Tekken cast on a field of battle. Of course, it's never going to happen, though.

Edit: I keep doing double posts. :/


Never played the Yakuza games but I would enjoy a gameplay system similar to Valkyria Chronicles. It could be a war between G corporation and Mishima Zaibatsu. I can imagine controlling the whole Tekken cast on a field of battle. Of course, it's never going to happen, though.

Edit: I keep doing double posts. :/

Sega as a tongue in cheek or maybe adoration made one particular
in Yakuza 3 fight like Kazuya, wind god fists, hellsweeps and all. Was so awesome when I saw it. Animation isn't exact 1:1 copy, as characters in Yakuza have specific style but there's no mistake it's Ryu Ga Gotoku Kazuya.

On of my all time favorite series.


Sooo... after about 4 years of staying away from T6's online I'm trying it out again.

Verdict: Not tooooo horrible when I can actually find a match with decent bars.


Pretty even, though A. King is more popular due to bit more range and manliness.

That shoulder check of his is so beafy. Just wish he would have got more cool shit to customize himself with like King as I mentioned above.

Going to spend a few hours tonight on some combos for him, or at least learn the two 10 hit combos down pat they give you, and try to take it online to see if I can even win any games.


That shoulder check of his is so beafy. Just wish he would have got more cool shit to customize himself with like King as I mentioned above.

Going to spend a few hours tonight on some combos for him, or at least learn the two 10 hit combos down pat they give you, and try to take it online to see if I can even win any games.

Don't bother too much with the 10-hit combos. They're not that important.

Sega as a tongue in cheek or maybe adoration made one particular
in Yakuza 3 fight like Kazuya, wind god fists, hellsweeps and all. Was so awesome when I saw it. Animation isn't exact 1:1 copy, as characters in Yakuza have specific style but there's no mistake it's Ryu Ga Gotoku Kazuya.

On of my all time favorite series.

I always wanted to try the series out but never got to it. Does it matter which game I begin with? Yakuza 3 or Yakuza 4?


10 hits are useless unless you are playing against people that dont duck :p

They can help sometimes but people who have played the game enough will know how to predict and punish.
It also varies with characters, I suppose. If you are using Yoshimitsu or Lili, then don't even bother. Everyone tries to use their 10-hit combos because they are much easier to do but they are also very predictable b/c I've seen them being used so many times.

And often times, all it takes is d+1. lol


That shoulder check of his is so beafy. Just wish he would have got more cool shit to customize himself with like King as I mentioned above.

Going to spend a few hours tonight on some combos for him, or at least learn the two 10 hit combos down pat they give you, and try to take it online to see if I can even win any games.

Go here and watch some vids. Check long and close range moves used for pressure.

I always wanted to try the series out but never got to it. Does it matter which game I begin with? Yakuza 3 or Yakuza 4?

Hmm... Yakuza is kinda long gangster flick, imagine every game is like a like 1 movie from Godfather series.

I would recommend starting with the original. Though it's the only one with English voice acting, pretty bizarre one at that, but I have fond memories on it. Imo has the best story, characters and pacing. In sequels the story gets more convoluted and is harder to follow.

Every game has something cool, but If you have to go with ps3 games go with 3 first, every game has the option to re watch the story and events from earlier games, but it's not the same as playing them.

There is no direct connection between sequel stories, but there is connection between characters. If you start with 3 you'll meet dozens of known characters from earlier games, so...

4 is the first one having 4 playable characters, it's story feels more "separate" from others and not having Kiryu in the center of it.


Hmm... Yakuza is kinda long gangster flick, imagine every game is like a like 1 movie from Godfather series.

I would recommend starting with the original. Though it's the only one with English voice acting, pretty bizarre one at that, but I have fond memories on it. Imo has the best story, characters and pacing. In sequels the story gets more convoluted and is harder to follow.

Every game has something cool, but If you have to go with ps3 games go with 3 first, every game has the option to re watch the story and events from earlier games, but it's not the same as playing them.

If you start with 3 you'll meet dozens of characters from earlier games, so...

I don't have a PS2 right now. :(
I was hoping to play a lot of PS2 games I missed through HD collections but it seems like I'm gonna have to buy one anyway. Really badly want to replay Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 right now.

I'll start with Yakuza 1 for the full story once I get a PS2.


I don't have a PS2 right now. :(
I was hoping to play a lot of PS2 games I missed through HD collections but it seems like I'm gonna have to buy one anyway. Really badly want to replay Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 right now.

I'll start with Yakuza 1 for the full story once I get a PS2.

I played everything from 1 on ps3. Launch pal one had dodgy software emulation of ps2, but for Yakuza it worked.

Must replay 2 soon, I kinda went too fast through it and missed some cool stuff. Yakuza is the series that feels best when you take your time with it.


Who is "better" in T6, King or Armor King ?

Armor King of coarse! The man has "Amor" in his name, any argument against him is invalid!

But in reality they're both pretty equal. Depends on your playstyle for who you feel is better. If you play more defensive and turtly, then Armor King is superior. If you play offensive and rushdown, then King is way better. Most top players believe playing like a turtle is the general best way to play a fighting game, then maybe A. King wins. And also, that's the beauty of Tekken, its really HARD to tell who's better (aside from the obvious Lars/Bruce/Nina/Bob/Law) since there's so much freedom in the system and it all depends on how you play.

But A. King is just so awesome and visceral... it's no wonder he's way more popular.


Messed around with King last night, and found I prefer A.King more overall. Got 2 buddies to buy the game as well, so tonight hopefully I'll get some games in against one of them.

Armor King let's gooooooo!


Quantum physics is easier than wavedashing on a 360 pad.

Yeah I feel you on that.

I'm still having issues doing mist steps here in T6 compared to SFxT. I can get it np when my character is on the right side just due to how I move the stick, but I can't recreate that motion and method for myself when I'm on the left. I'm currently practicing different ways to get it on that side, but nothing consistent has worked for me yet in T6. SFxT you can just do a forward into half circle, then just keep doing QCF motions to keep the wave dash going.


Well, backdash cancelling is way more important than wavedashing... and that is significantly easier on pad (dual shock specifically). Also, KD always went for the max damage iSW combo ender after SS+2,1 B! juggle starter, it's also a little easier on pad...

But again, preferences.

Also, obligatory Diety Devil Mishima combo exhibition on the dual shock! Blew my mind... his skin on his thumb must be completely eroded!

Yeah I feel you on that.

I'm still having issues doing CROUCH DASHES here in T6 compared to SFxT. I can get it np when my character is on the right side just due to how I move the stick, but I can't recreate that motion and method for myself when I'm on the left. I'm currently practicing different ways to get it on that side, but nothing consistent has worked for me yet in T6. SFxT you can just do a forward into half circle, then just keep doing QCF motions to keep the wave dash going.


Stupid Namco localizations truly screwed up. The f,n,d,d/f movement in Tekken is called a crouch dash. Mist Step is specifically Lee Chaolan's f,n step. It was always called a crouch dash since Tekken 1 but for some reason in Tekken 5 they decided to call Kazuya's crouch dash a mist step when it was already reserved for Lee!

Also, it's a movement many characters use like Jin, Heihachi, King, AKing, Bob, Hwoarang. And we always use CD+4 (for hwoarang's sky rocket) since CD stands for crouch dash. And unfortunately that mist step translation carried forward onto SFxT unfortunately. You should've known better Oichi!!!!

Anyways, yes SFxT truly pussified the wavedash motion. This is one of the best tutorials out there on how to properly do Kazuya's wavedash by the one and only Main Man:


And yes, it takes 100's of hours of practice. Hence why good Mishima players are quite rare outside Japan/Korea.


It was always called a crouch dash since Tekken 1 but for some reason in Tekken 5 they decided to call Kazuya's crouch dash a mist step when it was already reserved for Lee!

I could've sworn it's been called mist step before that. It refers to his F, N, that little step forward and to the side he takes.


I could've sworn it's been called mist step before that. It refers to his F, N, that little step forward and to the side he takes.

Woah... just checked on TekkenDR... you're right. It doesn't reference to his crouch dash at all... it's the bizarre sidestep. I could have sworn that Tekken 6 refers to his f,n,d,d/f as the mist step... but I'm too lazy to put in my disk :p


Woah... just checked on TekkenDR... you're right. It doesn't reference to his crouch dash at all... it's the bizarre sidestep. I could have sworn that Tekken 6 refers to his f,n,d,d/f as the mist step... but I'm too lazy to put in my disk :p

I don't have DR or T6 where I'm at right now, but if I remember correctly it kind of functions as a crouch dash in that you can perform all the CD moves from it.


Also, Death from TZ took notice of the King vs AKing discussion and wanted to chime in, here's his response:

Death63722 said:
AAK said:
But in reality they're both pretty equal. Depends on your playstyle for who you feel is better. If you play more defensive and turtly, then Armor King is superior. If you play offensive and rushdown, then King is way better. Most top players believe playing like a turtle is the general best way to play a fighting game, then maybe A. King wins.

It's kind of false... King's game is about using safe pokes to setup a launcher, counterhit, or a throw. He can be played aggressive, but it won't be as effective since he doesn't have a fast low to begin with. It's hard for him to break turtles because of it. Also, some of his move, although safe, have a "slow" startup. Take King's ff1 for example. For beginners, they see the move as too slow, because they do the move too up close. But it's actually one of the best tracking moves in the game. It's a mid, 0 on block, tracks, huge range and unparryable. It forces people to stay on their place, and people forget that option along with ff4 when they are on iSW range. He's more of a "turtly" character. Kind of like Steve with better punishment and throws. And that's why people won't play him as much compared to a more rushdown, wavedashing, mishima-like AK...

I main both King and AK... and saying that AK is better sound more to me that you never gave King a chance... They are both equally fun to play in their respect, but they have completely different style. I'm saying this because people miss out playing one of the most fun to control characters in the game.

My rebuttal to this being an AKing player myself I disagree that AKing is a rushdown character. Yes he has a crouch dash but his main tools for pressuring an opponent are pretty unsafe or slow and can be pretty easily sidestepped like d/f+1, WR+3, f,f,n,2; etc. A King is far more effective by being a closet turtle by backdashing and punishing with b+1,2, hopkick, or dark upper followed by wavedash pressure as your opponent wakes up.

King on the other hand in my opinion is played better rushdown because he has f,f,n,1+2 to constantly pressure his opponent with which is safe and give you a free b+3 on counterhit. Also he has b+1+2 irish whip which is brutally difficult to break and he gets free mixups when he lands those properly. His lows are also more suited for rushdown due to their range like d/f+4 or d/b+3 and of coarse his d/f+1,2 and d+1,2 are also great tools for rushing at your opponent. A King doesn't have tools like that so he depends on running away and punishing. And his tools for doing that is better than King's, and I personally believe that's a much more viable tactic compared to rushdown and hence my reason as to why A. King edges out.

Although I'm open to your other suggestions :)


"King's game is about using safe pokes to setup a launcher, counterhit, or a throw"

But thats exactly how i play my shitty AK lol

1 1 1 giant swing

or run in df1~giantswing


I don't think King has better or good lows. d/f+4 does no damage and is minus on hit and d/b+3 is slow and launch punishable.

I do agree that AK is not really a rushdown character.


The last time I used King was Tekken 4. Definitely want to go back to using him. I used to know his command grabs but don't remember anything at all now. :(

Used Armor King briefly in T6 and he's okay but he doesn't fit me too much. I liked King better. From the opponents I played, King seems more based on rush down strategy to me.

I'm saying this because people miss out playing one of the most fun to control characters in the game.

As far as this comment, I would have to say the most fun character I've ever used in T6 has to be Anna. That is, once you learn how to use her properly. Her gameplay mixups and cancels really make her a lot more fun. And the way her commands are setup......movement of my fingers feel a lot more fluid........I guess if that's the right word. It's hard to describe until you use her and play her yourself for some time.


Here's another art of True Ogre:


And of Miguel Rojo:


We aren't allowed to post scans right?
Cause there's a shot of 2D artwork of Leo, Alisa, Anna, Lili, Lars and Armor King.

I'm going all out Tekken, just ordered Christie Monteiro of Kotobukiya!
Oh hey cool Anastacio, been to the new media and info thread at TZ recently? :p

Anyways puzzle time:


I've working on about 4 titles RT@eye_jaws_am Hi Mr. Harada Sama, are You working on TK X SF right now? what's the progress on the title?

1: Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ( both consoles and arcade version I assume?)
2: Tekken X Street Fighter
3: Tekken Wii U
4: ...... ?

Oh and why not.


maybe yes RT@Cpaxmax Senor Harada i know youre busy but plz answer me ..my question is TTT2 Console version going to have a special edition


Yea, lurking TZ sometimes as well but admittedly not that often. Just ordered my Christie Monteiro figure as well. And if I get my job next week, then I got 2 Hori sticks on my way too. Totally Tekken baby!


So I tried to play T6 with a buddy yesterday online who bought it, and we couldn't finish even a round without it dropping him out. :( There was no actual lag in the match, but then it'd just freeze up immediately on syncing, and then d/c him.

Games were 3 bars. WTF? ; ;


So I tried to play T6 with a buddy yesterday online who bought it, and we couldn't finish even a round without it dropping him out. :( There was no actual lag in the match, but then it'd just freeze up immediately on syncing, and then d/c him.

Games were 3 bars. WTF? ; ;

You sure you both have your connections set up properly? I haven't played in a while, but that's definitely not normal.


You sure you both have your connections set up properly? I haven't played in a while, but that's definitely not normal.

Well I know mine is since I don't run into these kinds of issues. He was saying he did a ton of ranked matches before I got online and they were all fine too.

He IS in Alaska on ghetto as fuck internet, which can impede other games we play with some lag, aside from SC5 which is smooth as silk. Not sure if it is his ass net effecting it here though since we can get into matches together fine, it's not laggy, then it just wham drops it all.


So I tried to play T6 with a buddy yesterday online who bought it, and we couldn't finish even a round without it dropping him out. :( There was no actual lag in the match, but then it'd just freeze up immediately on syncing, and then d/c him.

Games were 3 bars. WTF? ; ;

Synching/disconnects do happen but they definitely shouldn't be happening every single match.
Oh hey cool Anastacio, been to the new media and info thread at TZ recently? :p

Anyways puzzle time:


1: Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ( both consoles and arcade version I assume?)
2: Tekken X Street Fighter
3: Tekken Wii U
4: ...... ?

Oh and why not.


Maybe the 4th title is an unannounced PS Vita title. All I know is that Tekken Wii U better end up being more than just Tekken 6 with a stage editor and character graffiti.
Guys, lets say a Tekken RPG was going to be made.
Who would you like to make it and to which their game it would be similar to?

Me, I'd love the Yakuza(Ryu ga gotoku) team made it and I think the gameplay and desing of yakuza would be perfect. You could have 4 main characters like Y4 and Dead Souls.

Make it like Yakuza with Urban Reign game engine... sold.





There's a whole lot more out there (Zafina, Hwoarang, Kuma, Raven, Christie etc.)

Added some more:



I think I'm just gonna stop here, as there's 44 characters and each of them have 3 arts. So this is the last one:



Damn, look at all this art. Is this just serving as an extra unlock in Tag 2 or can we replace character screens with the 2D art?
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