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The 2nd Democratic National Primary Debate

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The only reason the GOP was obstructionist was because Obama is black.

Also why does bernie have no chance against them but some how Hillary sails through? The amount of logical hoops Hillary supporters jump through is astonishing. It was the same way back in 07/08

And stop saying SCOTUS nominations. There is no evidence whatsoever that any of them are stepping down in the next 4 years.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an 82 year old cancer survivor. The odds of her having to leave the court in the next 4-8 years are certainly nonzero. She's said that she doesn't plan to retire anytime soon, but she might not be able to hang on through a Republican president if her health fails.
Yeah, voting republican instead of hilary would reeeeally teach DEMOCRATS a lesson. Definitely wouldn't negatively impact the lives of the middle class and minorities especially Hispanics.

To be honest ALL but one of these candidates are god awful and that's Bernie Sanders. He's not in anyone's pocket and doesn't take shit from anyone. We're long overdue for a President that talks the talk and walks the walk. If you want to reclaim REAL democracy, feel the bern because he's going to get money out of politics and overule the law that corporations are people.

If you want to reclaim real democracy, it takes more than just winning the presidency. Do you show the same passion for your state, local and Congressional elections?


Bernie so good. Hope Hillary steps her game up regarding the war on marijuana. She left me disappointed on that subject during the first debate.


Yeah, voting republican instead of hilary would reeeeally teach DEMOCRATS a lesson. Definitely wouldn't negatively impact the lives of the middle class and minorities especially Hispanics.

To be honest ALL but one of these candidates are god awful and that's Bernie Sanders. He's not in anyone's pocket and doesn't take shit from anyone. We're long overdue for a President that talks the talk and walks the walk. If you want to reclaim REAL democracy, feel the bern because he's going to get money out of politics and overule the law that corporations are people.

How exactly do you expect Bernie to actually do that? He will only be the President of the United States if he gets elected. He will have no control over the legislature besides being the leader of his party. He will not be a god or even an autocrat, so I am confused why you think that electing Bernie will change that.

I also think you are confused about the structure of our government. How the hell do you expect Bernie to do anything about Citizens United and Corporate Personhood? Are you itching to destroy our government, and establish a totalitarian dictatorship with Bernie at the head or something? Because the only way that is getting changed is through the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court court appointments need to be approved by the Senate. As a consequence, Bernie's nominations are probably going to be as left and liberal as Hilary's nominations out of sheer necessity.


If you want to reclaim real democracy, it takes more than just winning the presidency. Do you show the same passion for your state, local and Congressional elections?
Most people seem to think that the President can just snap his (or her) fingers and things are done. It's mind boggling to me considering how long they drilled in the system of checks and balances throughout elementary and middle school, even halfway into high school.
Most people seem to think that the President can just snap his (or her) fingers and things are done. It's mind boggling to me considering how long they drilled in the system of checks and balances throughout elementary and middle school, even halfway into high school.

Well to be fair, Bush's use of executive orders kind of altered the perception of presidential power in recent years.


If you want to reclaim real democracy, it takes more than just winning the presidency. Do you show the same passion for your state, local and Congressional elections?

Absolutely. This year my state passed a law to get money out of politics. I'm fully aware that it isn't just about the general.
I would think that congressional and supreme court actions over those same years clearly demonstrate the power there. To a much more powerful extent.

True, but let's face it. Thousands of books - entire libraries and hundreds of scholars - have tackled the question of balance in presidential power/courts/government. It will be debated forever. We can't hope to resolve it here.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Bernie gets shit done. Holler at your Bernie.


Really crappy, biased OP. I'm one of the few here, probably, who doesn't really support Bernie. I do like the guy, but I still don't believe he can win. Hillary won me over more, after the last debate. I liked her composure and confidence, not to say Bernie didn't have that. I'm going to be watching tonight, and I'm expecting more substance than any of the Republican debates combined.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
Really crappy, biased OP. I'm one of the few here, probably, who doesn't really support Bernie. I do like the guy, but I still don't believe he can win. Hillary won me over more, after the last debate. I liked her composure and confidence, not to say Bernie didn't have that. I'm going to be watching tonight, and I'm expecting more substance than any of the Republican debates combined.
There's a lot of Bernie support here, but you're not one of the few. Bernie supporters are just making the most noise, especially since the Hillary supporters don't feel they need to during the primaries.
Really crappy, biased OP. I'm one of the few here, probably, who doesn't really support Bernie. I do like the guy, but I still don't believe he can win. Hillary won me over more, after the last debate. I liked her composure and confidence, not to say Bernie didn't have that. I'm going to be watching tonight, and I'm expecting more substance than any of the Republican debates combined.

We'll actually have realistic discussions about tax proposals.


There's a lot of Bernie support here, but you're not one of the few. Bernie supporters are just making the most noise, especially since the Hillary supporters don't feel they need to during the primaries.
It really depends on the thread. As a Bernie supporter, ive definitely been in the minority here at times. Some of the Clinton supporters have made plenty of noise and some really make it their personal mission to shit up threads with their "Bernie cant win" crap. Its tiring honestly.
All so rough on the OP, man. Between current events and the fact that, on the spectrum of political spectacle this ranks as about a 0.5 out of 10, can you blame them that much? It's like complaining that the soap you buy comes in a boring container. It's like asking for a flashy OT for the app store's latest match-3 game. That debates for the Democrats are largely procedural at this point (to many voters) doesn't exactly raise a lot of hype, either.


listen to the mad man
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an 82 year old cancer survivor. The odds of her having to leave the court in the next 4-8 years are certainly nonzero. She's said that she doesn't plan to retire anytime soon, but she might not be able to hang on through a Republican president if her health fails.

Actuarial table for an 82 year old woman over the next 8+1 years (ignores that she's wealthier than average, and thus healthier, but I figure that washes out from past health problems):

Chance she'll die in the Obama presidency: ~6%
Chance she'll die by the end of the next president's first term: ~31%
Chance she'll die by the end of the next president's second term: ~57%
Edit: adjusted figures to fix a math error

The odds are better than chance that she will die and her replacement will be appointed by the end of the next presidency.

Other justices of interest:
Scalia: Obama 6% / Next Term 30% / End of Second Term 56%
Kennedy: Obama 6% / Next Term 30% / End of Second Term 56%
Breyer: Obama 5% / Next Term 25% / End of Second Term 48%

Let's instead do joint survival:
Odds that all four justices will survive the end of Obama's term: 78%
Odds that all four justices will survive the end of the next president's first term: 25%
Odds that all four justices will survive the end of the next president's second term: 4%


Damn, forgot this was tonight. Won't be able to watch it live because of a family thing. Brilliant scheduling by the DNC as usual.
Daniel B·;185494043 said:
Hillary Clinton Vs Bernie Sanders On Wall Street, courtesy of Kyle from Secular Talk. So, Adam, do you still think that wasn't a major snafu, or did you just, in fact, witness Bernie blow Hillary out of the water?

A Vlog/YouTube channel that I'd never heard of before today, versus ample evidence showing Hillary maintaining and expanding her lead in the polls, ranking up new endorsements (including union and environmental groups), winning every news cycle since then....

Ya, no, it wasn't a major snafu.
It is bizarre that they are changing up the debate based on whatever just happened in the news.
Well, a president's job depends on responding to crises in effective, quick ways. It's what the entire audience will be thinking about going into the debate anyways.


Sarcasm, right? Please tell me it's sarcasm.

Nope, not sarcasm.

The attacks yesterday ultimately make little difference to the importance of foreign policy over the course of the next president's term. And if the candidates have any sense at all then this event should make little difference to their foreign policy. A debate should focus on every issue that a president will experience over their 4 years, not just what happens to be in the news that month.


Nope, not sarcasm.

The attacks yesterday ultimately make little difference to the importance of foreign policy over the course of the next president's term. A debate should focus on every issue that a president will experience over their 4 years, not just what happens to be in the news that month.

The largest terror attack on a developed western nation for a decade? Yep, not important at all.
Nope, not sarcasm.

The attacks yesterday ultimately make little difference to the importance of foreign policy over the course of the next president's term. A debate should focus on every issue that a president will experience over their 4 years, not just what happens to be in the news that month.

Right, and dealing with a crisis is an essential trait every President must posses. There's another story circulating that Sanders' campaign is upset that it'll be about foreign policy. It's his weakest area, so he clearly doesn't want to talk about it.

He has to be able to respond to issues when they occur, not when it can be conveniently scheduled.
A Vlog/YouTube channel that I'd never heard of before today, versus ample evidence showing Hillary maintaining and expanding her lead in the polls, ranking up new endorsements (including union and environmental groups), winning every news cycle since then....

Ya, no, it wasn't a major snafu.
Nice try ;). I'm sure some other GAFers will be happy to weigh in, but I'm off to the debate party :).


listen to the mad man
Nope, not sarcasm.

The attacks yesterday ultimately make little difference to the importance of foreign policy over the course of the next president's term. And if the candidates have any sense at all then this event should make little difference to their foreign policy. A debate should focus on every issue that a president will experience over their 4 years, not just what happens to be in the news that month.

It'd be pretty bizarre if an event like the Paris attacks didn't cause belief updating about relative threat levels (either because you didn't think it was big or because you thought an attack of that magnitude and coordinate was so inevitable that you had already priced it into your threat model)

Given an update in the relative threat, unless your foreign policy is threat invariant (i.e. no one should ever engage in military action ever or alternatively, we should always bomb every bad guy ever) you would expect there to be an update to your policy.


oh man, OT had me bustin up.. I like O'Malley alright but that sandwich shit got me bad. long live the king. stoked for the debate, wish it wasn't at such a weird time :\

edit: holy shit just saw THAT post, is this real life?
Nope, not sarcasm.

The attacks yesterday ultimately make little difference to the importance of foreign policy over the course of the next president's term. And if the candidates have any sense at all then this event should make little difference to their foreign policy. A debate should focus on every issue that a president will experience over their 4 years, not just what happens to be in the news that month.

You are incredibly wrong.

User 406

Actuarial table for an 82 year old woman over the next 8+1 years (ignores that she's wealthier than average, and thus healthier, but I figure that washes out from past health problems):

Chance she'll die in the Obama presidency: ~6%
Chance she'll die by the end of the next president's first term: ~31%
Chance she'll die by the end of the next president's second term: ~57%
Edit: adjusted figures to fix a math error

The odds are better than chance that she will die and her replacement will be appointed by the end of the next presidency.

Other justices of interest:
Scalia: Obama 6% / Next Term 30% / End of Second Term 56%
Kennedy: Obama 6% / Next Term 30% / End of Second Term 56%
Breyer: Obama 5% / Next Term 25% / End of Second Term 48%

Let's instead do joint survival:
Odds that all four justices will survive the end of Obama's term: 78%
Odds that all four justices will survive the end of the next president's first term: 25%
Odds that all four justices will survive the end of the next president's second term: 4%

But the Supreme Court thing just doesn't matter because we're so tiiiired of hearing it.


The largest terror attack on a developed western nation for a decade? Yep, not important at all.

Fortunately in the western world we experience far fewer deaths from terrorism than you'd expect if you looked at the news.

It'd be pretty bizarre if an event like the Paris attacks didn't cause belief updating about relative threat levels (either because you didn't think it was big or because you thought an attack of that magnitude and coordinate was so inevitable that you had already priced it into your threat model)

Given an update in the relative threat, unless your foreign policy is threat invariant (i.e. no one should ever engage in military action ever or alternatively, we should always bomb every bad guy ever) you would expect there to be an update to your policy.

Sure, I suppose I'm coming at this from the view that these kinds of attacks are inevitable, expected, and though horrifying and scary, ultimately have little impact on the wider public's safety. Terrorist attacks are supposed to scare us into changing domestic and foreign policy. Time and time again it has worked and I wish our politicians would take a step back and consider the impact of their reaction in the long term.
Fortunately in the western world we experience far fewer deaths from terrorism than you'd expect if you looked at the news.

Sure, I suppose I'm coming at this from the view that these kinds of attacks are inevitable, expected, and though horrifying and scary, ultimately have little impact on the wider public's safety. Terrorist attacks are supposed to scare us into changing domestic and foreign policy. Time and time again it has worked and I wish our politicians would take a step back and consider the impact of their reaction in the long term.

You don't think it's important for people to see how a potential President would respond to a foreign policy issue?


All these pages and nobody talks about how John "The Baller" Dickerson is moderating?

C'mon, Gaf. Get on that Dickerson train. He's the best.


listen to the mad man
Sure, I suppose I'm coming at this from the view that these kinds of attacks are inevitable, expected, and though horrifying and scary, ultimately have little impact on the wider public's safety. Terrorist attacks are supposed to scare us into changing domestic and foreign policy. Time and time again it has worked and I wish our politicians would take a step back and consider the impact of their reaction in the long term.

Sure, I think we can all agree that a) reactionary bombing shit randomly is a bad idea and b) politicians are often reactionary.

Setting that aside, Paris didn't update your thoughts about ISIS' planning and execution capability? The Russian plane, the stuff in Lebanon today, and Paris collectively made me feel like their operational capability is better than I thought.

My prior on ISIS in western countries was basically self-radicalized randoms with a couple guns, like in Charlie Hebdo 2015, like in Ottawa/Quebec end of 2014. Blowing up an airplane and doing multiple coordinated attacks with suicide belts in a western capital was a surprise for me. The same way I think everyone knew al-Qaeda was able to blow stuff up, but 9/11 would have updated one's belief about their capacity to execute larger-scale coordinated stuff.

I'm not proscribing a particular response, it's not clear to me what that response would be, but the input into my foreign policy clearly changed.
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