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The Alt-Right Has Its Own Comedy TV Show On A Time Warner Network

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First piece of comedy I found of Sam Hyde when I googled him was a comedy routine of "You might be Mike Brown if:" and proceeded to list things like "grabbing a cop's gun for street cred.

Yeahhhh, lost some respect for Adult Swim, and I usually really like their stuff.


They already have several other shows like this without being overtly racist and run by a jackass.

This is why I think the South Park comparisons are off-base. IRL Stone and Parker can be problematic but they're also articulate and intelligent and like to call out bullshit rather than just slamming people they disagree with directly. This Hyde guy seems to enjoy being be a vocal hater as much as calling out bullshit. (Not that i agree with what he considers bullshit.)


This is some pretty interesting comedy that is certainly on the bleeding edge of the bleeding edge. I don't know if you guys remember, but Hyde is associated with another comedy-performance artist that gained infamy for threatening Brianna Wu in character. This comedian's channel wasn't the alt-right persona that Sam Hyde has cultivated, but more of a 9/11 truther who thought his fans were trying to make him gay by flashing their dicks to him on skype. He also allegedly sent a friend to Jerusalem to look for fucking 2pac. He maintained his character 24/7 on his youtube and social media for several years without breaking character, until he had to come clean after the Brianna Wu controversy.

Sam Hyde was his mentor, and has taken the same approach with the development of his own comedic persona. The comedy extends beyond the show, into social media, public appearances, and etc. These are the facts. Now whether or not you think this level of immersion into performance art is responsible or not is up to you.

Personally, I'm really enjoying just how experimental this show is and the musical artists that they are collaborating with. They're clearly working on some high concept-stuff here beyond just being random and offensive, and I'm looking forward to how it turns out.

This is interesting.

So if he is lampooning these opinions so accurately that they seem real, and worse, that viewers start believing/agreeing with them - is this a problem in its own right?


This is interesting.

So if he is lampooning these opinions so accurately that they seem real, and worse, that viewers start believing/agreeing with them - is this a problem in its own right?

I dunno. I don't think a comedian should stop doing a bit that some people find entertaining just because other people 'don't get it.'

For example, this is one of Sam Hyde's more hilarious bits, pretending to be an anime fan:


where he does a speech without warning at a local anime convention, without any warning, to basically do one long extended bit satirizing Japanese culture fetishism and bringing up Unit 731 among other things. Some of this shit is comedy gold.


It's used to label online communities of neo Nazis, homophobes, and sexists that are willing to to attack anyone that isn't on their side.

What are you really trying to say?
I believe the point is that people are beginning to use the term beyond that. Like how the university of Chicago is now apparently "run by alt rights" because they don't use trigger warnings.


South Park is a almost literally what happens when two Libertarians grow up playing video games and watching Monty Python. It hasn't been particularly funny for about 8 years, but it's not alt-right.

As far as Boondocks being anti-black... this whole thread is confusing the hell out of me.

Video games & Monty Python is alt-right?

Oh my god.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I believe the point is that people are beginning to use the term beyond that. Like how the university of Chicago is now apparently "run by alt rights" because they don't use trigger warnings.

I'm sure this is just fringe, like youtube comments. No one in real life does this.


Latest episode is about a male PUA who has a boyfriend and ends up threatening to kill girls if they don't have sex with him. Total satire of the alpha pick up artist.


However much MDE sometimes comes off with red-pilled themes, they rail against it too.


Video games & Monty Python is alt-right?

Oh my god.

No one is saying that either of these are alt-right on their own. For a label that supposedly doesn't matter, you people are being really defensive about anyone calling anything "alt-right".


No one is saying that either of these are alt-right on their own. For a label that supposedly doesn't matter, you people are being really defensive about anyone calling anything "alt-right".

That post was largely in jest, but see my last post. I deciphered his wording wrong when I originally read it.


Only my tastes matter.

So, what people can have content made for them and who gets to decide what that is? I need to know this so I can adjust my personal beliefs to be inline with societies predefined norms. The bible used to decide these things so its gotten kind of confusing. Is there a PC divine being?

The alt left sounds more and more like the religious right every day.

"Ban thing that doesn't follow the PC narrative" is pretty close to "Ban thing that doesn't follow Religious narrative".

To clarify I don't think this show is in good taste but if it makes money then more power to them. I will just ignore the filth like a normal person.

Let the market and population decide what is acceptable through ratings and viewership.

I agree with everything you said, and I've been thinking the bolded for a while.

I've seen so many posts like "No me and my family are liberal, we don't allow such conversations." Or "I had a good friend but he said something racist now I can't associate with him."

It's fucking frightening when a group of people believe 110% that everything they believe is correct, no questions asked.

Also this. They are all parts of the same group with the same ideals. Giving them classifications beyond that feels unnecessary.

I'm sorry but, in your head, conservatism=racism is the same thing?

Please tell me you don't actually believe that. Please.


South Park is alt-right?

Yeah, that's enough internet for today. And it's only 11.25 am.

South Park seriously offends people politically. So if you take offense, South park is whichever extreme side you are against.

I am very very liberal. And yet, I never get pissed at South Park. For me it's a show that does a good job of making fun of both sides of the argument. It's funny to laugh at yourself sometimes too. In the end though I notice that usually the shows ends with a view point of reason I can agree with, well especially lately. Of course the alt-right likes South Park. They are so simple minded they miss that they are getting mocked too.

Gun Animal

--Combat Liberalism, Mao Zedong

(I mean, they're meaning it more in the sense of Locke/Smith liberalism than "opposite of conservative" liberalism. E.g. as the thing that replaced absolutism and was eventually challenged by fascism and communism; basically every American political party, and most European ones, are some flavor of liberalism under this definition).

ya I am aware of that definition, also please understand that to anyone who isn't a communist lunatic with a steven universe avatar this usage of 'liberal' still comes off as meaning 'lefists/socialists/progressives who aren't leftist enough' and that in practice that's how it's mostly used.


"test tube gub gub snail man"
I'm sorry but, in your head, conservatism=racism is the same thing?

Please tell me you don't actually believe that. Please.

Look who they fucking nominated for president. Look at all those conservatives who say BLM is a hate group. Look at the recent comments made by Governor Lepage.

Its not at all a stretch to conflate modern conservative thought with racism.
No one is saying that either of these are alt-right on their own. For a label that supposedly doesn't matter, you people are being really defensive about anyone calling anything "alt-right".

It's Sanjuro. Disregard anything that he says that isn't sports related tbh.


Latest episode is about a male PUA who has a boyfriend and ends up threatening to kill girls if they don't have sex with him. Total satire of the alpha pick up artist.


However much MDE sometimes comes off with red-pilled themes, they rail against it too.

yea the one episode i watched was them making fun of women who had "hit the wall" so they go both ways on this

i think they are just trying to be provocative for provocation's sake, no set political agenda
This is interesting.

So if he is lampooning these opinions so accurately that they seem real, and worse, that viewers start believing/agreeing with them - is this a problem in its own right?
I guess that's really up to individuals to judge the situation.

There was a time where Andy Kaufman challenged women to wrestle him and goaded them into doing it by making fun of womens lib and claiming they belonged in the kitchen.

Obviously, like everything else with Kaufman this was a ruse and a form of performance art. He got a lot of hate mail and people thought he was serious, but he never actually held any of those opinions and almost 40 years later it's seen as a classic bit.

Maybe he convinced some people to keep on thinking misogynistic things with the bit. But I've always been of the opinion that comedy, and art in general shouldn't have its hands tied by the lowest common denominator. A good joke doesn't lose its value or become less funny because there is a small percentage of idiots out there who don't understand that it's a joke in the first place. If we do that all kinds of subjects can't be touched upon in comedy because there are always going to be people who don't understand things like irony, sarcasm, and satire.


Look who they fucking nominated for president. Look at all those conservatives who say BLM is a hate group. Look at the recent comments made by Governor Lepage.

Its not at all a stretch to conflate modern conservative thought with racism.

If you get all your insight from what's reported on in the media, sure.

Then there's the whole going out and talking to real people thing.

Gun Animal

yea the one episode i watched was them making fun of women who had "hit the wall" so they go both ways on this

i think they are just trying to be provocative for provocation's sake, no set political agenda
"The fastest way to the truth is a joke."


Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)

How did I missed this ?

Too bad the person is banned ... I wanted to thank those dudes for all the views on my youtube video ! xD


I watched a couple episodes of this. I didn't hate it, or better put have any strong reaction to it. Felt like a store brand knockoff of a stoner show Adult Swim has done prior. I didn't really retain anything, although that may be the point.

I guess these guys are based from around here too. Never heard of them.
Have you visited 4chan recently? Because 99% of the user-base there is strongly affiliated with specific political positions. The alt-right was pretty much born on /pol/.

It has a presence there but 4chan is nebulous.

Sam is riding the alt right wave to promote his form of depraved humor. Playing in the filth of the alt right is just a way to be disturbing and provocative.

I watched an episode of eric andre for the first time too and there was some politically subversive stuff in there. Sam and Erics shows are both cut from the same absurdist punk comedy movement.


In my opinion MLP could use a little more fascism. Glitter Hitler would be the cutest failed artist turned dictator Pony

Well, if you think about it, Equestria is ruled by a "master race" that is above all other races (Alicorns, or how the show calls them "princesses"), every single aspect of pony life is strictly controlled by the ponies themselves (downright to nature itself, the idea of nature happening on its own is disgusting to them) and they are literally branded with specific roles into the pony machine that they're expected to fulfill for the rest of their life and those who don't find a place are more or less outcasts and often mocked. They also frequently have mental meltdowns if their one talent and position in society is questioned (ie, each character in the main cast has gone mental when the one thing they're good at was put in question).

With all the whimsy it can be pretty fucked up.


Follow-up on this:

Noted neo-nazi Andrew "weev" Auernheimer promoted World Peace through the webzine he broadcasts by hacking open printers.

As I said earlier in this thread, the show is shit regardless of who watches it or how Sam Hyde promotes himself, but it is somewhat noteworthy to look at who champions World Peace with the most ardor. It's, to me, indicative of who MDE aims to resonate with. Which is where it gets fucked up, and why it's still worth discussing.

Last month, printers at the University of California, Santa Cruz and elsewhere spontaneously disgorged a single sheet of paper bearing swastikas and rows of black and white text. Titled Samiz.dat, the printouts told the story of a man named Tyler, who in a near-future New York commits a mass murder in a synagogue. Fueled by a “pure hatred of niggers,” Tyler begins by killing “a single black in the temple” — whose presence is the result of a “kike slut” who believes in “race mixing propaganda” — then begins to shoot the rest of the “filthy Jew.”

“…a teenaged Jewess that was quivering in fear. Tyler grabbed a nearby tefillin and began furiously beating her with the straps. After rejoicing in her cries of pain, he used the hot flash hider of his Saiga to penetrate her virgin cunt and sear her insides before he began to rape her. Tyler’s last moments were spent raping all three orifices of the virgin Jewess before killing her and himself. “I love Jews! Jews rock!” were Tyler’s last words. This atrocity happened as a result of MILLION DOLLAR EXTREME PRESENTS WORLD PEACE, Friday nights on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim.”

How the hell is this show on the air. These people are disgusting

Within four hours, Weev wrote to another alt-right account that he had “already finished the postscript” — a printer language — “and i’m waiting for the scan to finish.” Then he posted a copy of the text of Samiz.dat to Pastebin.com. The UC Santa Cruz Police Department reported flyers had been sent to networked campus printers the following day.


There is something wrong when the creator of the show is directly associating with these people and these fans are the ones promoting the show.

Gun Animal



 ☮ ☮ ☮
the n word
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RSITY  TONIGHT AT 12:15 AM ET ON [adult swim]




I'm not sure if I'd call his show funny, but it sure is... intriguing. It's certainly a great follow-up to Eric's show, in terms of what-the-fuckery.

Lmao at people here throwing a hissy fit over him and his show though.
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