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The Alt-Right Has Its Own Comedy TV Show On A Time Warner Network

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It was a question. Since when are questions sweeping generalizations or conclusions?

So you just ask random people this question? When you go to the bank, do you ask the teller "Any more barriers or hoops you want me to jump through before I have a right to criticize the left for their own issues?"

Please, do not be disingenuous. You very clearly have a chip on your shoulder, because this is not a normal question that you ask people, because unless you can find a post where I imply that you should not be able to criticize the left, it's no more relevant to me than it is your bank teller.


Well, like you - I don't have confirmational evidence that the multitude of bigoted things Sam has said are sincere reflections of his ideas. I really hope you're right, because there are aspects to his comedy that I really like, but I can't reconcile that with those opinions.

That is how I was beginning to feel with his standup that seemed really overtly MRA/anti-feminist, and some of them still bother me.. I am just happy World Peace is clear of it so far. In my perfect world he still would have nothing to do with the alt-right as the internet is already saturated enough with the shite; they don't need some of the internet's most genius comedians partaking, too.


It means that "SJW" is the only throwaway term in that entire discussion. Dismissing those who preach acceptance with a term that... to be honest, isn't really much of an insult. And it isn't even accurate. Asking for someone to not be a dicklord doesn't make him/her a warrior for social justice.

Alt-right, on the other hand, is right on the goddamn money for the actions, opinions, and sentiments the folks who fall under that umbrella hold.


If people will continue to use it willy nilly like in this thread, it won't be long before it's a throwaway term too. Not everybody who makes fun of the left is alt-right.
I don't know how they could approve a show when the third episode has someone in blackface at the beginning. Amazing.

Also, SP is more VSP than alt-right, given its engaging in centrist strawmen (including the backlash against PC culture, which is also a centrist thing, as can be seen with the Atlantic's constant running of articles about it). That said, the show's matriculation during the rise of the internet, and its edgy nature, more-or-less made those who grew up on 4chan's worst parts attracted to it, hence why it can be seen as "alt-right" to some, even if they take the piss out of white nationalists, xenophobes, homophobes, anti-Semites, etc.

And the alt-right can seem like a catch-all because it generally is: it refers to any right-wing movement that is outside the GOP/Tory norm of the present, and are largely affiliated with younger adherents to the right. Neoreactionaries, the Trump campaign, fascists, neo-Nazis, and redpillers are some of the more well-known parts of this widely varying movement. It's considered an term of import because, despite its broad nature, the alt-right is looking increasingly like it may replace conservatism as the main manifestation of right-wingedness in Western states if it continues to grow and gain advocates.
They struck gold with Morel Orel, and did well for themselves with ATHF,Squidbillies, and China IL to an extent. The rest of their shows have been, from what I have seen, poor "Stoner" productions.

Eric Andre is ok in bursts. Metalopcolypse had a nice idea but was very poorly done. Boondocks was anti black garbage. Children Hospital was horrid. The clip posted in this thread I have seen of this Hyde show looks like shit too.

Really the only reason to watch is Squidbillies at this point, and even then the quality is sinking.

Do you really think The Boondocks is anti-black?
It's used to label online communities of neo Nazis, homophobes, and sexists that are willing to to attack anyone that isn't on their side.

What are you really trying to say?
I'm just saying that while I see the use for a catch all term for all the chambers, MRAs, gators, redpillers, neonazis and bigot culture warrior shitheads of all stripes, its eventual overuse will lead to two things :

- it makes them appear as somehow disconnected from decades of conservative discourse that's been feeding on exactly this. I don't mind that Clinton uses the term as it serves her message, mind you.

- as a catchall term, it's bound to promote laziness. I'm not saying it was in this case, I'm just observing the thread and its South Park tangent. Typically, I don't think SP is alt right per se, I just think it's okay to good comedy that leans too heavily on facile and stupid equivalencies. It would be benign if some people weren't dumb enough to build their political worldview on it.


I find MDE pretty funny, but their stuff can be hit or miss. They have a lot of edgy material, but it's hard to take any of it seriously enough to be offended. I mean, most of their sketches are just completely ridiculous and absurd.

I have to laugh at the idea of someone watching How to Make Tap Water then complaining to Adult Swim about World Peace's radical far right content.

Crazy how much Sam Hyde blew up. I loved his TedX talk.

Hard to believe he got a TV show when his entire comedy troupe he only has ~60,000 subscribers on youtube.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Yeah Sam Hyde is a huge piece of shit that doesnt deserve a show. Even most of 4chan despises him, outside of /pol/.
This topic reminds me of the time I was called a Liberal and a "Right winger" by two different people just seconds apart in response to a reply I wrote on a Facebook comment.
I tried watching it just now to see what all the hubbub was about and I couldn't focus for the life of me. Such a weird show. Felt like I was high the whole time.
At a 2013 comedy event in Brooklyn, he performed a shocking set, a recording of which became a minor viral hit titled “Privileged White Male Triggers Oppressed Victims, Ban This Video Now and Block Him.” Hyde began by mocking the “hipster faggot” audience — at which point a few onlookers immediately left — then removed a piece of paper from his back pocket and proceeded to read 15 minutes of anti-gay pseudo science (“homosexuality is the manifestation of intense perversion and antisocial attitudes”) and outright hate speech (“next time you see a crazy gay person maybe it’s not because they were bullied, maybe it’s not because of homophobia … maybe it’s just because of their faggot brain that’s all fucked up”). He concluded by blaming positive portrayals of gay people on television on the “ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) media machine destroying the family.” At the end of the set, he went outside to argue with some of the people who had left.

Yeah AS shouldn't be working with this guy.


South Park isn't alt-right. It's politically apathetic; if anything it's the cartoon satire version of "both sides are equally bad."
Yeah AS shouldn't be working with this guy.

An old friend of mine does this kind of shock performance art anti-comedy, but his is about the projection of his own self-loathing on to the audience. Now, to be clear, his bipolar disorder and self-hatred are genuine; his performance is a form of catharsis. He effectively tricks people into paying to be abused and insulted, as a kind of punishment for their relative stability, which he feels is a way of restoring some modicum of control and power to the life he feels is worthless.

How does this relate to Hyde and co? I guess I'm just saying that the extremity of his trolling does not necessarily prove that he isn't genuinely a bigot, he too may be lashing out at the people he feels are most deserving.


Have you ever watched a single minute of this guy's schtick? Do you understand how provocative comedy acts work? At all?

Do you understand the difference between "provocative comedy" and "lazily playing up slurs and stereotypes for cheap laughs"?

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Have you ever watched a single minute of this guy's schtick? Do you understand how provocative comedy acts work? At all?

This reminds of this time when someone tried to convince me that Milo is just a troll and a provocateur.

I guess blatant bigotry is one way to be provocative.
Asking Mesousa about the Boondocks is like asking Sony their opinions on Microsoft. He has been complaining about the Boondocks since the first Boondocks OT (he finally was right about the show being bad in the season 4 OT).

Ah, so he's pretty much a lost cause.
An old friend of mine does this kind of shock performance art anti-comedy, but his is about the projection of his own self-loathing on to the audience. Now, to be clear, his bipolar disorder and self-hatred are genuine; his performance is a form of catharsis. He effectively tricks people into paying to be abused and insulted, as a kind of punishment for their relative stability, which he feels is a way of restoring some modicum of control and power to the life he feels is worthless.

How does this relate to Hyde and co? I guess I'm just saying that the extremity of his trolling does not necessarily prove that he isn't genuinely a bigot, he too may be lashing out at the people he feels are most deserving.

The performance ends when you follow people outside to argue with them. I'm not buying the 'troll' defense of Hyde.
The performance ends when you follow people outside to argue with them. I'm not buying the 'troll' defense of Hyde.

I don't think it's a defense, he is literally a huge troll. The question is more about whether he is sincere in his bigotry, and I would say the answer is likely yes for a number of reasons. Your point about following upset audience members to further insult them is an example, but I'd even just point to who it is he aims to provoke.

You don't wake up one day and think "gays are cool people, but how funny and edgy would it be for me to stand in front of an audience which will probably have some GLBT members and rant about how they have a mental illness?" It's like going to a conservative backwater and doing a bit about how you hate rednecks because they're all inbred hicks, you're trolling them for a reaction but you also chose that target for a reason.
Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)
Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)
/tv/ pls

You gotta be subtle.


Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)

*waves goodbye*
Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)

You forgot to say "cuck"



Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)
Well that's us told


Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)

I wonder who on this site this really is lol


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Waaaahh waaaahh, he likes Donald Trump! Waaaahh get off tv, I hate all Republicans waaaaahhh. Das racist!
You people are horrible, unfunny, and any woman would get tired of your collective shit in a single day.
Find the nearest cliff, neofags.

P.S. being Transgender is a disorder in the same vain as schizophrenia and its people have a high suicide rate. Prove me wrong before banning me. (You can't)

One post and its this? At least the real trolls put some work in when trying to rile people up. This is too obvious.
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