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The Americans - S3 of the KGB spy drama - Keri Russell & Matthew Rhys - Wed on FX

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I shot people I like more for less.
That "you can go" kind of seemed like a "you can leave, I've gotten exactly the answers I was looking for." Wonder if he saw through her lies.

Kind of like how Cornballer was saying, I kind of felt like he was doing that just to gauge her reaction and then was going to ask a follow-up. But I guess not.
You guys can use this image to practice your spy-lying:



Philip did not have the look of a man enjoying a blowjob.

Boy, Paige got real obnoxious, real fast.

Dat preview.
Gabriel/Claudia showdown.


Episode was ok. Pretty much all setup.

Elizabeth made an impression of the room key, right? I was confused at first as to why she put it back but I think that's what she did?


I shot people I like more for less.
Episode was ok. Pretty much all setup.

Elizabeth made an impression of the room key, right? I was confused at first as to why she put it back but I think that's what she did?

I think there was bound to be a bit of a come down after last week's. I think that's what she did.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Paige remembered to knock this time.

I have a suspicion that Taffet knows something is up with Martha based on her very different reactions to questions about the bug versus questions about Agent Amador. She was visibly perplexed by that line of questioning while playing it very simple and innocent with the other questions. He can tell she was coached or reciting answers when it comes to the bug in Gaad's office.
Lol, Henry's clownish Eddie Murphy's standup ticking everyone off. Side not, it's interesting to watch that SNL bit on Yahoo.

I'm willing to be that a 3rd of the episodes in the shows run have ended in the Jennings's bedroom. And it has nothing to do with sexual relations and everything to do with the psychological union those two have. I wish they could devote even more time to just having them deal with Paige and her processing of the entire situation. I really like what their doing.

The old lady patrolling Anton's work area makes me laugh. She's always got that I'm eavesdropping sideye down pat.

I'm about to go on IMDB and check the actor who plays Yusef. He suddenly looks familiar from somerhing else I've seen.

And this seems to be a new technical issue with TV shows. The reflection of set lights and the green camera(?) light are easily visible in a characters glasses. Orphan Black has this issue too. Maybe it's just more noticeable with HD...


Nina, you're an awful spy. Ms. Gossip.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I'm not so sure why people think Nina's blown it and is doing an awful job. He already suspected she was there with ulterior motives regarding him. Instead of fighting that perception, she confirms it and gambles that he'll believe her sincerity and later confide other useful information. It's giving him enough to buy in and further secure the relationship. He's a sucker for his son, and Nina's playing that angle hard.
I'm not so sure why people think Nina's blown it and is doing an awful job. He already suspected she was there with ulterior motives regarding him. Instead of fighting that perception, she confirms it and gambles that he'll believe her sincerity and later confide other useful information. It's giving him enough to buy in and further secure the relationship. He's a sucker for his son, and Nina's playing that angle hard.

You know what, you're right about this. That seems to be the angle they're going.


Hunky Nostradamus
I honestly felt like the spy stuff could've taken a back seat this week to make room for more of the fallout from last week. I'm really enjoying all the Jennings family scenes, the ones with Paige (and the jokes with/about Henry) in particular are really great. Ditto Martha.

Always leave 'em wanting more, I guess!

BTW, I just saw this picture of Annet Mahendru


and was impressed by how she's subtly disguised herself as one of the penguins in the background.
Of all the things Martha said during the interview with Taffet, I think the thing they (and myself) hung on the most was the reversal of Amador and Martha's relationship. She says they were involved, which was true, but she also said that she was more enamored with him than he was with her. The truth was that Amador was still chasing Martha and straight up stalking her when she was seeing Philip/Clarke. Maybe I misunderstood or am over-analyzing the scene, but that seems like the only thread that could unravel Martha's lies.

Also, it's curious how Elizabeth and Philip both have someone go down on them this episode, yet only one of them enjoys it. Heh.

I think I need to watch the episode again anyway, I wasn't paying as much attention as I usually do and I think I may have missed a couple of things (most notable the conversation between Oleg and that other Russian lady).
Paige remembered to knock this time.

I have a suspicion that Taffet knows something is up with Martha based on her very different reactions to questions about the bug versus questions about Agent Amador. She was visibly perplexed by that line of questioning while playing it very simple and innocent with the other questions. He can tell she was coached or reciting answers when it comes to the bug in Gaad's office.

Yeah, I am confident he knows something is up.


I'm not so sure why people think Nina's blown it and is doing an awful job. He already suspected she was there with ulterior motives regarding him. Instead of fighting that perception, she confirms it and gambles that he'll believe her sincerity and later confide other useful information. It's giving him enough to buy in and further secure the relationship. He's a sucker for his son, and Nina's playing that angle hard.

Yeah, this is how I took it as well. She's certainly doing a more convincing job than she did when she was in prison. It remains odd to me that we're still following Nina but I trust the show to better ingrate her back in to the main story at some point.


Seems weird that the show makes such a big deal when Elizabeth sleeps with someone, but when Phillip does it it's no big deal (except when dealing with a minor :p). They're both badass soviet spies, aren't they.


Seems weird that the show makes such a big deal when Elizabeth sleeps with someone, but when Phillip does it it's no big deal (except when dealing with a minor :p). They're both badass soviet spies, aren't they.

I don't know that I agree with that, especially since perhaps the shows most overt "big deal" about the characters sleeping with others came from Phillip's side, with the flashback to the Russian sex training he endured, and the dialog about faking it with others and with Elizabeth. I'd also say Elizabeth sleeping with men is usually not as focused on and affecting to her as it was in this particular episode, since now Elizabeth is seeing her actions through the eyes of Paige and it is affecting her far more than just being part of the "job" as it usually is.

Anyone else get a big "All the President's Men" vibe from the scene with Phillip and Yousef? Lighting reminded me a great deal of the parking garage scene from that movie.


I feel that Taffet is definitely onto Martha. Didn't she send in an adoption application with her and Clarks name on it? That would definitely go against what she told Taffet about not being in a relationship.


I feel that Taffet is definitely onto Martha. Didn't she send in an adoption application with her and Clarks name on it? That would definitely go against what she told Taffet about not being in a relationship.

It was actually a job application that she threatened to put Clarke's name on, but Elizabeth came over as Clarke's sister and seemed to defuse the situation. Unless you're thinking of something else?
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