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The Americans - S3 of the KGB spy drama - Keri Russell & Matthew Rhys - Wed on FX

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Great episode. Paige asking a lot of questions as expected. She harsh on them, good to see they don't make her soft. Henry is truly the best comic relief. And well yeah, Taffet is on to Martha. Only two episodes left, shit will go down.


It was actually a job application that she threatened to put Clarke's name on, but Elizabeth came over as Clarke's sister and seemed to defuse the situation. Unless you're thinking of something else?

She at least got a call about adoption that she turned down a bit before she confronted Philip about his identity. I don't think she registered to be a single parent either. I don't remember how she has her marriage documented either.

But I think Dan is right, Taffet saw how Martha reacted differently and less coached to questions where she didn't need lie. The baby stuff might have been just to further emphasize how sick Phil feels seducing a child instead of setup for later.

The way she flipped her relationship with Amador was weird though.


Seems weird that the show makes such a big deal when Elizabeth sleeps with someone, but when Phillip does it it's no big deal (except when dealing with a minor :p). They're both badass soviet spies, aren't they.

Maybe you have missed the part where Phillips had to endure a lot of sexual training with females and males in all their variety in order to fullfill such mission. In fact, his mental state in the last few episode was wrecked because of him sleeping with so many women over the years.

Also, if you remember the first few episode of the first season, you can see how much easier Elizabeth was sleeping with men for a mission but, since then, she grew much fonder of Phillips, and that is why is so much harder to enjoy any sexual encounters for her.

Them being badass spies does not mean that they are less humane.
- Seat42F: Alison Wright (Martha) Interview
What do you most admire about Martha?
ALISON: I admire her ability to see the good in people and her positive loving nature. She is quite fun. She’s up for having fun and a laugh and trying to do the right thing. She’s the everyday woman in a lot of ways. I think she has a certain innocence that perhaps no one else on the show has — not even Paige (Holly Taylor) anymore at this point. I think Martha is a good woman.

For you, what has been the most fun portraying Martha?
ALISON: Right now where we are getting to and where we have been in the past few episodes. It’s been really interesting to me to start investigating women in different states of denial and how that happens. I’ve been concentrating a lot on the wives of serial killers and the wives of men that were doing these shady things for years, how they behaved and what they thought they knew or what were possible alarm bells or how they justified that. So that and thinking about unconscious fears and subconscious behavior — that has been super exciting for me to delve into as research. As an actress, that’s the stuff that I like.

Then what is the hardest part of portraying Martha?
ALISON: [Laughs] Sometimes looking in the mirror when I’m in make up and costume is very hard. But there’s really nothing hard about it. It’s all been amazing, just fantastic.


Dammit, live stream quit and came back (Comcast dammit), what happened after Phil picked up the phone and before they just left Henry at the house?
Dammit, live stream quit and came back (Comcast dammit), what happened after Phil picked up the phone and before they just left Henry at the house?

They found a note from Paige that she is staying at the Pastor's house so Philip and Elizabeth decided to head over together. Meanwhile Henry is too busy playing vidoegames to notice anything out of the ordinary (as usual)


I shot people I like more for less.
Dammit, live stream quit and came back (Comcast dammit), what happened after Phil picked up the phone and before they just left Henry at the house?

He just left a message, and then they decided to go get Paige because they said they didn't know what they were dealing with.


Thanks. I might need to bow out if these stream issues don't resolve themselves. It's about 280p right now despite my 50mb download.
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