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The colors of this photo will appear different to everyone. I think?

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wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I see white and gold, it's so clear to me. My gf sees black and blue, and she thinks I'm insane.

I'm going to have to break up with her.....


This works for me, I can switch back and forth.

If you see the dress as white/gold, focus at the black dots on the shirt in the background on the bottom. Use the dots as a reference black color, then look at the also black(gold) frills of the dress. Keep in mind that both of those colors are black and stare for a few seconds and the white parts of the dress will eventually turn blue.

If you see the dress as blue/black, focus on the upper-center of the dress where it's brightest, that color is straight up yellow. The rest will turn white.

The dress is also always blue for me at a glance, then when I look for longer periods of time it turns to Yellow. Either way this picture blew my mind and made me realize how easy it is to trick my brain.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
you know its just because every monitor is different right, probs more to do with who has there monitor settings right and who dont


Saw both blue and black and white and gold. When it was blue and black it faded into white and gold. It has something to do with exposure to light.


I dunno, I originally saw white/gold, then later I saw blue/black. Now, sometimes it changes back to white/gold, like when I saw it on FB feeds or some different sites.

Has any blue/black people been able to shift to white/gold? We have seen plenty of people switching from the white/gold.

I can see it pretty consistently loading it on a slow connection. When only a thin strip is visible it appears white and gold. As soon as the full image loads it's blue and black.

I think the main clue that forces blue/black are the shadows from the jacket and some of the hilights and shadows on the horizontal ribbing. Once your brain recognizes that light source you know it is not in deep shade.
It isnt.
People will indeed see a different color depending on how their pupils have adjusted to the ambient light around them. Which is why people are saying the dress color is changing on them(without the gif animation)

It is. Take anyone saying the top image in the thread is white/gold and have them watch the color-changing white balance shifting gif for a few seconds.

Then look back at the original image. Once you've 'tricked' your eyes into properly correcting the white balance, you will see black/blue.


It was white and gold for me and then last night right before bed I looked at it in the other thread again and it was blue and black. I woke up my wife and it was different for her too. Today it's white and gold again. Fatigue must be a factor, at least for me.




It is. Take anyone saying the top image in the thread is white/gold and have them watch the color-changing white balance shifting gif for a few seconds.

Then look back at the original image. Once you've 'tricked' your eyes into properly correcting the white balance, you will see black/blue.
Didnt work for me. Im not talking about something bluer or darker. Im talking about the same deep color as the 'corrected' image.


Tagged as I see fit
My night vision is ridiculously good. Blue and Gold. Again, it has nothing to do with the quality of your vision, it's how your brain is interpreting the image.
Yes, the bottom part of the dress in the picture does look more blueish and black, but overall when you still look at the dress as a whole, for me at least, it's still white and gold.


Im so frustrated with this fucking dress. I've been trying all day to look at it in different rooms, outside, on other people's phones and nope, still white and gold


Team white and gold here, I can see how some people could see the white as blue, but the gold I can not see as black no matter how hard I try.
I would love to know the reasoning behind someone who sees it black and blue versus someone who sees it white and gold. My mother, brother and brother's girlfriend sees it white and gold, while I, see it black and blue.


I would love to know the reasoning behind someone who sees it black and blue versus someone who sees it white and gold. My mother, brother and brother's girlfriend sees it white and gold, while I, see it black and blue.

They see the dress under a shadow. You see the dress under indoor lighting.


As someone who went to art school and has a basic understanding of how the eye interprets colour, fuck, I wish this all would go away. -_-
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