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The colors of this photo will appear different to everyone. I think?

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Was out to dinner with some family, and my mom/stepdad/cousin/aunt/uncle all see white and gold. Me, and both of my grandparents see blue and black. My grandparents and I are clearly superior beings.
That's what the colors literally are, but the question isn't what colors are in the image, it's what color the dress is (in real life).

Your brain is trying to interpret the photo based on the context (lighting, etc.) but since it's so zoomed in there's little to work with. So certain times it'll interpret the dress to be blue with yellow lighting (making the black reflect a golden color), and other times it'll interpret it to be white with a blueish shadow on it.

ahhh, okay.


It still didn't help me at all. :/

It should help, the three squares showing it gradually changing show it pretty well I think.

The far left is what I was seeing when it was white/gold, the right end shows what it looks like when its blue/black.


No matter how much I try to conceptualise that it's really a blue and black dress being shone by a yellow in-store light, I still cannot see anything but a white and gold dress being sold outside at the markets but there is a shadow cast across the foreground.

I've tried everything. :(


It still didn't help me at all. :/

If you can't see white/gold, stare at the left side where it's white/gold bars. Then move your eyes towards the middle until you're comfortable interpreting that area as white/gold with a shadow on it.

Then look at the dress photo above it. You should see the dress as white/gold.

Do the reverse if you want to see it in black/blue. Stare at the black/blue bars on the right, then move your eyes to the left to the shadow area until you're comfortable seeing those bars as black/blue with a yellow light on it. Then look at the dress and you should see it as a blue dress.

Doing this you can see both sides of the argument.



All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
When I've got just the top half of the dress in frame it's white and gold, with just the bottom in frame it's blue and black. I have no idea what is going on.


I was so bummed I saw white and gold and was like :( my eyes suck. Then i scroll down, see the blue/black dress, scroll back up and BAM, blue/black.

So whatever, yay maybe?


I think I may of figured it out. There are two general images going around. For arguments sake let's say photo's overexposed. There are two photos of the dress generally going around now: The photo as it was taken vs the photo that was corrected for over exposure in photoshop. Whatever we see first our brain views as "True", unless we go into the experiment with the idea that the photo is overexposed and see that first. Our brains will always go back and try to correct to the first choice it made thinking it's the correct one.


I simply cannot see it as white and gold. Ive tried every method, and I fully understand why it could be a white color but my brain simply refuses to allow me to see it as shadowed because its too dark blue.
I simply cannot see it as white and gold. Ive tried every method, and I fully understand why it could be a white color but my brain simply refuses to allow me to see it as shadowed because its too dark blue.

I'm thinking the eye retinas or whatever thing must be true.

From my point of view you're insane because there is nothing dark about that blue. I can't understand how anyone can see the gold as black because it's not like it's even a dark gold.


I'm thinking the eye retinas or whatever thing must be true.

From my point of view you're insane because there is nothing dark about that blue. I can't understand how anyone can see the gold as black because it's not like it's even a dark gold.

If not the cones and rods stuff, an alternative explanation that's been suggested is that people handle colour constancy differently, and that people who see blue and black may handle it a bit better, as if the oddness in lighting, colour and exposure captured in the original image isn't enough to trick their brains, so the optical illusion in this case doesn't work on them.
Others can break the illusion after seeing the modified images or seeing how the dress is supposed to look (given a new reference point to compare the original image to), and another group seems to be unable to break the illusion's white and gold effect at all.

These all happen regardless of the actual RGB values of the original image because it comes down to how you process and perceive the image personally.
So if youre on a laptop and tilt the screen up and down, you can't see a difference in color? I have a hard time believing that the color wouldn't change depending on the angle. Tilt the monitor back so it's at like a 120 degree or so angle and put your head down so your eyes are almost parallel with your keyboard. It's like trying to view a TV from the side. now adjust the monitor up down until you see different colors. That's when I see the dress as blue/black.

Even a normal picture of a person turns all photo negative/rainbow like when doing this.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So if youre on a laptop and tilt the screen up and down, you can't see a difference in color? I have a hard time believing that the color wouldn't change depending on the angle. Tilt the monitor back so it's at like a 120 degree or so angle and put your head down so your eyes are almost parallel with your keyboard. It's like trying to view a TV from the side. That's when I see the dress as blue/black.

Even a normal picture of a person turns all negative/rainbow like when doing this.

Depends on the display, some of them show very little difference from angle changes. Older/cheaper displays are not as good.


You lost me here. What are you trying to say?

This whole dress thing on the Internet hasn't actually been about "What colours are the pixels in this digital image?", it's "What colour would you say this dress is?".
The OP was worded wrong from the beginning and we've had people talking at cross purposes in this thread ever since.


I'm thinking the eye retinas or whatever thing must be true.

From my point of view you're insane because there is nothing dark about that blue. I can't understand how anyone can see the gold as black because it's not like it's even a dark gold.

The black part is pretty easy. I live in a state that is almost always bright and sunny and Im used to seeing anything black drowned out by sunlight until it looks gold or green.
it could be that my eyes see that as black, assume a sunlight scenario, and then apply the lighting to the dress so it looks dark blue to me.
then again that doesnt explain why some others here see it as white. But I definitely register the color as black washed by bright sunlight.


semen stains the mountaintops
I either see white and gold or blue and a brown-ish color. I've not been able to see black and blue yet.


This is odd, earlier today it was white and gold, now its blue and brown/black. My 5 yo said it was blue and brown earlier and tonight said it was white "brown".

Fuck this dress, burn it.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Was just at an internship interview a few hours back, and I shit you not, this was actually one of the questions during it.

Was a joke question of course, but still...


Alright in the past 2 days I've seen it only white and gold and now I see it blue and black. It cant be possible since i stay in the same room with the same lifestyle and same light condition. I know about optical illusions and all that stuff but I still can't believe this to be the case lol


I've transcended this debate. After seeing both at different times of the day, I now see what I perceive to be a middle point between the two. I understand the dress, and the dress understands me. And we understand the world. It's a beautiful state of enlightenment.


If you can't see white/gold, stare at the left side where it's white/gold bars. Then move your eyes towards the middle until you're comfortable interpreting that area as white/gold with a shadow on it.

Then look at the dress photo above it. You should see the dress as white/gold.

Do the reverse if you want to see it in black/blue. Stare at the black/blue bars on the right, then move your eyes to the left to the shadow area until you're comfortable seeing those bars as black/blue with a yellow light on it. Then look at the dress and you should see it as a blue dress.

Doing this you can see both sides of the argument.

I've tried suspending what I see in every way possible, but there's just no way for me to see the blue as white. The inverted photo is perfectly white, but the original looks light to dark blue from even the lightest parts of the dress.

It looks like an overexposed picture of a black and blue dress from every angle, light source, and time of day for me.


I don't really think this is about color acuity. It's about understanding the lighting and the oddities of digital sensors.
And now I went from 6 on the hue test to perfect in a shorter time and I am able to see both variations of the dress when I want.

Self-improvement, yay!


I asked 3 other people and everyone I asked about the photo in my monitor since the photo appeared to me as blue/gold says blue/gold.


Unconfirmed Member
I have yet to be able to see anything other than white and gold in the original photo. Looking at the edit comparison picture at the top of the wired article, even in the darkest corrected one I still don't see any black except for maybe the bottom trim piece. The thin gold bands still look pretty gold to me. Even the blue areas don't read as blue, but rather white tinted blue because it's in shadow.

No matter what I do, my brain just can't reconcile that the dress in the OP is supposed to be dark blue with black trim. It's just not even close in my perception. :/
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