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The *Definitive* PSP RPGs for Vita Thread


Unconfirmed Member
Ended up buying Tails in the sky due to this thread to relieve my jrpg itch. I'm liking it thus far. Characters seem to be developing similar to the original Grandia which is good. Music kinda bothers me as most of it is over the top happy. Music to me is what defines an rpg so we'll see how that goes. Bout 10 hours, past the prologue and on chapter 1(?) Game seems to be picking up.

In regards to my next rpg...looking for something memorable, gameplay and music wise. Any suggestions? Something like the old final fantasies or grandia is what I'm looking for.

Trails only had a few good songs, as a whole the music was pretty forgettable. That was probably my biggest disappointment, soundtracks usually leave the biggest impression on me, like you said. But the rest of the game made up for it, IMO.

Apparently the rest of the series picks up in that regard. It is Falcom after all.


So tempted to try out FFI, but somehow I have feeling that it feels slow. Looks really great (sprites) though!
asked ghostlight if there a possibility of a P3P/TitS bundle for euro psn....

@krackchap We need to negotiate it separately for each bundle but I'll pass on your suggestion to my boss.

lets hope they do it.
How's Phantasy Star Portable 2 as a single player game? I don't have any experience with the series and would like to know if it's playable and if the story's good.


asked ghostlight if there a possibility of a P3P/TitS bundle for euro psn....

lets hope they do it.
Damn, I bought the P3/2 bundle, I would've waited for P3P/TitS if it was a possibility.
How's Phantasy Star Portable 2 as a single player game? I don't have any experience with the series and would like to know if it's playable and if the story's good.
With 100 hours put into PS:p2 single player alone, I would think it's your money's worth, lol.

FYI, online is only good with friends or if you have a group of people to play with, it's pretty bare and you never know if someone is a cheater which can mess up your save.
With 100 hours put into PS:p2 single player alone, I would think it's your money's worth, lol.

FYI, online is only good with friends or if you have a group of people to play with, it's pretty bare and you never know if someone is a cheater which can mess up your save.

Yeah, that's why I asked about SP. And the story's good? I'm mainly interested if it has a good story, setting and characters.

I'm not much of a grind fan, love P3P for the setting, the characters and the story, and only go to Tartarus once to reach the end of a block and when I have to save someone, otherwise I just avoid it.


With 100 hours put into PS:p2 single player alone, I would think it's your money's worth, lol.

I didn't really like previous PSO/PSU games but I bought it for 5 €. Didn't start it yet, though lol. I hope I'll like it this time. Reviews said that this game is basically the best of the PSU/PSP series.


Yeah, that's why I asked about SP. And the story's good? I'm mainly interested if it has a good story, setting and characters.

I'm not much of a grind fan, love P3P for the setting, the characters and the story, and only go to Tartarus once to reach the end of a block and when I have to save someone, otherwise I just avoid it.
Story kept me interested, there are some good moments, also there are three endings depending on the choices you make and the score you get on each stage/chapter.

But if you don't like grinding, this game might not be for you. Apart from the story based missions, it's all generally the same.
I didn't really like previous PSO/PSU games but I bought it for 5 €. Didn't start it yet, though lol. I hope I'll like it this time. Reviews said that this game is basically the best of the PSU/PSP series.
Yeah, the game is definitely the best out of PSU/PS:p1 but if you didn't like PSO or PSU, I doubt you'll like this game much.


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
How is Half Minute Hero?

Got to be honest im not a huge JRPG fan but that looks pretty unique and interesting.

Just buy it, that's how good it is! I loved everything about it.
Check some vids on YT if you're unsure.


Yeah, Half Minute Hero isn't really a JRPG, but it's great fun. And it's one of the games that benefits most from Vita IMHO.


Trails in the sky is absolutely amazing. Feels like a forgootten snes/PSX gem :)

Since I've never seen it anywhere since I bought it in the vtia psn store, I'll just think of it as an awesome launch title.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I took the plunge and got Laat Ranker from the Japanese store, other than needing to go back and forth to a FAQ, I'm really glad I did. The battle system feels really unique and engaging, the leveling system kind of encourages OCD too, since everyone you can fight has their rank floating above their heads, ha. Really slick and beautiful game, should have been translated.


Yeah, Half Minute Hero isn't really a JRPG, but it's great fun. And it's one of the games that benefits most from Vita IMHO.

Almost bought this last night because I've always been interested. Why do you say it benefits from the Vita so much?
Looking to buy a new PSP game. Trails in the Sky vs. Ys: Oath in Felghana.


Both are great. Knowing if you're in the mood for turn based or an action RPG would make the decision easier for you.

Personally, I would give Trails in the Sky the edge, but you can't go wrong with either.
I can't really call Felghana a "JRPG"in the traditional view at all... sure it's an rpg(action rpg at that) that comes out of Japan but that's where it ends...

that said it was an awesome action romp for me and i loved it to the very end


When will I get more party members in TitS? I'm enjoying the game as it is with two members, but adding one or two more should make battles a lot more fun.


When will I get more party members in TitS? I'm enjoying the game as it is with two members, but adding one or two more should make battles a lot more fun.
Not sure where you are, but there will be plenty guest characters after the prologue. They kind of come and go during the game, though. Estelle & Joshua will stay as your main characters throughout the game, but you'll get plenty of time with all of the guest characters and apart from the beginnings of chapters, you'll rarely have them alone. At least IIRC


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Looking to buy a new PSP game. Trails in the Sky vs. Ys: Oath in Felghana.


Oath in Felghana. I don't know why everyone is saying Trails over Oath. They're all crazy.

I can't really call Felghana a "JRPG"in the traditional view at all... sure it's an rpg(action rpg at that) that comes out of Japan but that's where it ends...

That's where all JRPGs end.
Amazing thread, this thread coupled with the PSP appreciation thread made me realize how many hidden gems I've missed. I've got a question though, I want to keep using my western PSP-account on my Taiwan (HK-version) bought Vita, but I also want to buy my PSP games from the Japanese PSN store since I want to play them in Japanese. Is this possible or does the Vita now allow this since it only allows one PSN-account on the console?
asked ghostlight if there a possibility of a P3P/TitS bundle for euro psn....

lets hope they do it.

Not really too related to that but I just asked Ghostlight on their blog yesterday if it were possible that they could release any of the games XSEED/NIS never bothered releasing on the Aus/NZ PSN themselves (specifically Corpse Party, the Ys games, both Cladun's and ZHP, though Prinny 2, Badman 2, Phantom Brave and Wizardry PS3 are missing as well). The response was that they'd look into it, so I'm hopeful it'll happen. I'd by far prefer to buy those games on my own account than be forced to switch accounts any time I wanted to play them.

Maybe if some other Aus/NZ posters/lurkers around here sent them similar messages on their blog/twitter/facebook we'd have a better chance of it happening. I certainly doubt it would hurt.


Almost bought this last night because I've always been interested. Why do you say it benefits from the Vita so much?
Because the colorful art style looks fantastic on the screen, and because the gameplay benefits a lot from the great d-pad. (Note that I played on PSP1000 before which has a very mushy d-pad)


hide your water-based mammals
Oath in Felghana. I don't know why everyone is saying Trails over Oath. They're all crazy.

That's where all JRPGs end.

Trails in the Sky is good on story and setting. Not that Oath isn't but I think 7 has a little more to it. Doesn't mean it's better than Oath. All these games are worth owning.


Unconfirmed Member
you had to remind me man
0% chance of translation :(

It's pretty import friendly and there is a wiki with item translations. Remember that it has spoilers for SC, but if you don't know the language it's just two characters.

Also keep in mind it's not really a RPG. It's basically Falcom Smash Bros using the Ys Seven engine. The gameplay is nothing but arena battles against other characters, and during the story there are some talking character portraits. If the dialogue is more or less the same for each character's story mode, I wouldn't write it off it's localization since it should be pretty easy to get out.
Bought TitS, boy it is hard to get into. Especially after playing recent JPRG. The combat system looks awesome but everything is so slow...plus the camera control is really bad imho.


Gold Member
Bought TitS, boy it is hard to get into. Especially after playing recent JPRG. The combat system looks awesome but everything is so slow...plus the camera control is really bad imho.

everyone says 'it's a great game, stick with it'. i did. for many hours. until i no longer could. maybe it was because i'd just played radiant historia? the slow, mind-numbing tone & pace of this game over the first dozen hours was just too much for me...


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Bought TitS, boy it is hard to get into. Especially after playing recent JPRG. The combat system looks awesome but everything is so slow...plus the camera control is really bad.

Its a bit annoying, agreed. Having the Information orb greatly helps with that though, since you can rely on the Mini map for enemy encounters and dont need to rotate the camera at all times.

everyone says 'it's a great game, stick with it'. i did. for many hours. until i no longer could. maybe it was because i'd just played radiant historia? the slow, mind-numbing tone & pace of this game over the first dozen hours was just too much for me...

How far did you play it? I got to the next city and it opened up a bit in regard to available areas. I think I even managed to steal myself a higher level weapon from an area I probably shouldnt have been to at this point. That was my most rewarding experience so far.

I wont give up playing this game, but the first ~10 hours werent all that special so far, which is quite much as an entry barrier. I tend to play an hour before going to bed and its fine for that use.

From what I played so far this game and its game systems have a lot of potential. I just hope that it will live up to its potential within this game, and not in one of the sequels, which are supposedly better and which we'll never get.


Gah, wrong thread!

But I agree with the general opinion, Trails in the Sky needs to be played by everyone.


Unconfirmed Member
The game really doesn't pick up until about halfway through, which is disappointing if only because it turns so many people away. And it's not like the earlier events aren't important, the game does a good job pulling everything together. Trails is definitely a prologue for what's to come though.

And I used that info orb for the entire game :lol


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
The game really doesn't pick up until about halfway through, which is disappointing if only because it turns so many people away. And it's not like the earlier events aren't important, the game does a good job pulling everything together. Trails is definitely a prologue for what's to come though.

And I used that info orb for the entire game :lol

"halfway through" in a 50 hours game is quite a big entry barrier indeed. Anyway, as mentioned before I am not too concerned and I'll play it regardless, but I understand why that is a dealbreaker for many.

And I dont have any intention of not using that orb either. Way too helpful.


I actually stopped playing TitS just after the half way point, just because it was opening up so much, and I knew this game alone wouldn't be able to answer all the questions. Hopefully the next one gets announced so I can finally finish it without the worry of never finding out what happens.


Unconfirmed Member
I actually stopped playing TitS just after the half way point, just because it was opening up so much, and I knew this game alone wouldn't be able to answer all the questions. Hopefully the next one gets announced so I can finally finish it without the worry of never finding out what happens.

It's already as announced as it's going to get for a while, they're working on it and still have every intention of releasing it. The amount of text in the game is just ridiculous so that's why it's going to be so long before it gets released. The next time XSEED officially comments on it probably won't be until next year, and it will probably be an announcement for the platform (probably PC) and a release date.

And the main story in Trails does wrap up, so it's not like you'd get to the end and feel like you've only played half a game. It's more like you'd played a complete game that was just the first episode in a series. I'm not even sure if SC actually provides closure, though it's probably at least a bit better than the first game in that regard.

Oath in Felghana. I don't know why everyone is saying Trails over Oath. They're all crazy.

That's where all JRPGs end.
I meant to comment on this last night too. Trails is really good and I enjoyed it a lot, but Oath in Felghana is just in another league. The two games are so different I can't really offer an opinion on which to get versus the other because they are like the total opposite ends of the RPG spectrum.


Valhalla Knigts is on sale (and the sequel too). Any thought on these games? Can't find any proper gameplay video.


You really can't compare Oath and Trails. It's all up to your mood as to which you'll prefer. Want a greap RPG/action/platformer mashup? Get Oath. Want a charming, well written traditional JRPG, get Trails.
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